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Went to a local branch of the Bangkok Bank and the counter girl was nice and polite- spoke Thai to me I replied that i wanted to deposit 6500 THB into this account displayed on my phone.

When I said 6500 she then said to write it down on the deposit slip- i duly did. Gave her 7000 she gave me 500 back and waiied me and I looked puzzled.

Do you not want to know my name and she pointed to the receipient's name and i said no my name pointing to myself - she then exclaimed "Oh"

Gave me back the receipts asked me to sign my name and then gave me a copy of the receipt

I then said well can you please put my name into your system as the reference - she started talking Thai called a supervisor who looked at the slip looked at me and i repeated request to her

She then said no cannot do

I said how can anyone know who paid the money in cash suppose this was for rent

She said you can tell by the time

I said but my name is not there

" You can fax it to them"

I said i do not want to use the fax

Kasikorn Bank can put my name but you can't

Sorry my Bank cannot


Well surely technology has moved well away from faxes to scanners and phones etc- how come the Bangkok Bank cannot move with the times especially with AEC just a couple of months away.

More to the point i confirmed the Deposit Slip/ Transfer slip is the one to use and looking at it the system typed 6500 which confirms the counter girl could not understand 6500 spoken even though she said please write the amount here.

This is so strange - does this happens with other Banks in Thailand- crazy to look at your statements and not have a reference just Cash.

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Just because they have a different system, doesnt make them wrong, stupid, incompetent or anything else, it just makes them "different", to what you may be used to, nothing more.


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Use an ATM transfer, records both persons names and sends an SMS.

But he has a "smart" phone.....kind of like the girl, who almost killed me on a Phoenix Freeway, because her phone said "turn left!" I've had 10 years of great service from BKK Bank....seen a few people with body odor and a mumble have trouble.

The 12 thb fee to do it online is a fair deal and gives you a nice paper trail.


If you care for modern times, get an internet banking access.

Do a transfer where you can enter reference information and let send an SMS to the receiver for no extra cost.

Thats what I do with Bangkok Bank.

And I don't even lift my ... from the chair for that tongue.png


SCB is too stupid and does not have a reference field wink.png

Kasikorn has all options to notify payeee (SMS, email) and a "note" field.

Thats how we like it:


People walking to a bank, using cash and paper transfer slips are stone age cheesy.gif

In Germany you are penalized for that with a remarkable fee.

Who does not like internet banking, see post #5.


Not sure why you actually went to the bank. Sit home and do it from your BBL Internet Banking webpage - if you don't have, well......

Just click down the transfer menu tab, enter other person"s bank and account number. Enter amount and click send.....

Banks living in the stone age

And yet people successfully make transfers everyday without becoming hysterical. Maybe she thought you were too challenged to use an ATM.


If you care for modern times, get an internet banking access.

Do a transfer where you can enter reference information and let send an SMS to the receiver for no extra cost.

Thats what I do with Bangkok Bank.

And I don't even lift my ... from the chair for that tongue.png


SCB is too stupid and does not have a reference field wink.png

Kasikorn has all options to notify payeee (SMS, email) and a "note" field.

Thats how we like it:


People walking to a bank, using cash and paper transfer slips are stone age cheesy.gif

In Germany you are penalized for that with a remarkable fee.

Who does not like internet banking, see post #5.

Yes all governments want us to move to a cashless society. Its easier to control us and keep track of our money. Besides I love going to the bank and talking to all the beautiful ladies there. But then thats me. I only tolerate IT I do not embrace it


I suppose that if a THAI were to visit whichever country YOU come from and went to a Bank there, the Staff would of course be able to speak Fluent THAI to the customer and do everything exactly the same way, as said customer is used to in Thailand?

Never ceases to amaze me how some FOREIGNERS here, display such unmitigated arrogance!


This is not western banking So don't expect it I have found that different branches have different rules

Very bad but there does not seem to be any uniformity with banking here in Thailand


Always a mistake to have a moan on TV - the virtual gunslingers will be after your hide in no time flat. Go and tease the budgie instead.


Use an ATM transfer, records both persons names and sends an SMS.

Or get internet banking and do the same from your computer (and you can send the recipient an sms too)


Not sure why you actually went to the bank. Sit home and do it from your BBL Internet Banking webpage - if you don't have, well......

Just click down the transfer menu tab, enter other person"s bank and account number. Enter amount and click send.....

Not everyone can use the BBL internet banking.

I went to the branch where my account was opened, and asked them to set up internet banking, and they said they could not do it, because I once opened a bank account with BBL in 2004 without a work permit. I said that the account that I wanted to activate with internet banking was opened after that, at this branch, and I had my work permit by then. I showed him the WP, and he said "sorry, cannot".

I said "thank you very much, please can I close my account". He said sure. I felt that we were both happy at that outcome. I went and opened an account with K-Bank, who are awesome.

Also - don't talk to me about their stupid credit card. WAY more trouble than it was worth. Cancelling that one took me 2 hours, too.


The truth is there are numerous, inconvenient but usually manageable, gaps in service capability, which simply vary from bank to bank. But most thai banks suffer from the syndrome to greater or lesser degree. A single knowledgeable, competent and fluent foreign consultant on staff would go a long long way, but perish the thought of a foreigner on the payroll. Thainess & all that. Short of that, there's usually a workaround. Banging your head against the teak door will get you nowhere.


If you care for modern times, get an internet banking access.

Do a transfer where you can enter reference information and let send an SMS to the receiver for no extra cost.

Thats what I do with Bangkok Bank.

And I don't even lift my ... from the chair for that tongue.png


SCB is too stupid and does not have a reference field wink.png

Kasikorn has all options to notify payeee (SMS, email) and a "note" field.

Thats how we like it:


People walking to a bank, using cash and paper transfer slips are stone age cheesy.gif

In Germany you are penalized for that with a remarkable fee.

Who does not like internet banking, see post #5.

Just want to say get anti stone age system called Internet Banking, but you said it all.

I do everything with my Bangkok Bank accounts.


Internet purchases

Monthly returning payments

You name it BBK has it, except for stone age customers.


If you care for modern times, get an internet banking access.

Do a transfer where you can enter reference information and let send an SMS to the receiver for no extra cost.

Thats what I do with Bangkok Bank.

And I don't even lift my ... from the chair for that tongue.png


SCB is too stupid and does not have a reference field wink.png

Kasikorn has all options to notify payeee (SMS, email) and a "note" field.

Thats how we like it:


People walking to a bank, using cash and paper transfer slips are stone age cheesy.gif

In Germany you are penalized for that with a remarkable fee.

Who does not like internet banking, see post #5.

Just want to say get anti stone age system called Internet Banking, but you said it all.

I do everything with my Bangkok Bank accounts.


Internet purchases

Monthly returning payments

You name it BBK has it, except for stone age customers.

Noooo, apparently they still have one of those in the OP. cheesy.gif


It is true that many Thai banks do not offer the facility of transmitting a message to the beneficiary, which in my view of he banking world can justifiably be called "stone age".

I don't know about Bangkok Bank, but Kasiorn Bank is exemplary in offering this facility, as another poster has mentioned, but the sender must make the effort to select that option when giving the order for the remittance. Because it is not customary to send this message to the recipient via the payment order, few senders do it and the recipient is left to guess from whom a remittance might be.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Sorry to say but they are in the Stone Age! In the last two days I've spent over 4 hours trying to correct problems at the BKK Bank. I was skimmed out of 10,000 baht, now a transfer for 5000 baht when I was on my way to the golf course. I'm the only one who has access to my FDA. They indicated that the call center would notify me, now going on 4 hours without a call! When trying to call them, line busy.

In the past 2 months, I've lost 18,000 baht! Stone Age, that's a compliment. For all doubters, the chip card has been skimmed also, Night Plaza on Wednesday night.

Sorry but true!


There is one part of "Stone Age" banking here I love. Bank Passbook + Passport + signature + face matching that of passport to withdraw cash. Unbeatable security. The scammers go online, and with identity theft and hacked passwords can empty an account. The Bank Passbook system? No way, Jose.


Sorry to say but they are in the Stone Age! In the last two days I've spent over 4 hours trying to correct problems at the BKK Bank. I was skimmed out of 10,000 baht, now a transfer for 5000 baht when I was on my way to the golf course. I'm the only one who has access to my FDA. They indicated that the call center would notify me, now going on 4 hours without a call! When trying to call them, line busy.

In the past 2 months, I've lost 18,000 baht! Stone Age, that's a compliment. For all doubters, the chip card has been skimmed also, Night Plaza on Wednesday night.

Sorry but true!

So the PhD in education isn't all it's cracked up to be?

Doesn't have an equivalent in the way of the world or good old common sense apparently.


I also have a BKK bank account and once tried to pay my rent to my Landlady. They did not want to take it, but told me to go to the Siam Commercial Bank where the Landlady's account was and pay it in. The fact is banks in Thailand don't want to handle business on behalf of other banks. It APPEARS they don't have a universal clearing system like western countries. So everything is ad-hoc depending where you go at any one time and what rules each individual bank operates under. There is no uniformity.


Sorry to say but they are in the Stone Age! In the last two days I've spent over 4 hours trying to correct problems at the BKK Bank. I was skimmed out of 10,000 baht, now a transfer for 5000 baht when I was on my way to the golf course. I'm the only one who has access to my FDA. They indicated that the call center would notify me, now going on 4 hours without a call! When trying to call them, line busy.

In the past 2 months, I've lost 18,000 baht! Stone Age, that's a compliment. For all doubters, the chip card has been skimmed also, Night Plaza on Wednesday night.

Sorry but true!

So the PhD in education isn't all it's cracked up to be?

Doesn't have an equivalent in the way of the world or good old common sense apparently.

One of my friends has described a PhD as "piled higher and deeper"

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