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Experts dismiss Ben Carson's belief pyramids used to store grain


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Good point. People on the left should give that statement a little thought when they look at Hillary.

and many do, what's your point? are you trying to say that Carson is just as bad as Hilary and that makes it OK?

this Op is about Carson , but I dont blame you for trying to change the subject

I know, it's almost as ridiculous as insisting Islam is a religion of peace and Iran will stick by an agreement when it has serially breached every previous one. Yes ridiculous, but not damaging.

again unable to defend the undefendable one try's to change the subjectcoffee1.gif

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'Jewish claims'? Come again? BC is a 7th day adventist... NO organized religion has espoused the grain-storage theory.

Carson's grain storage claim is based on biblical accounts ,
And yet no organized religion has EVER claimed the pyramids were built as grain-storage buildings.

or the Op or me, so what's your point?
Yes it was you: 'The Egyptians were compulsive record keepers, our ignorance toward their history was only due to the fact that we could not read their writings... and nowhere there is any mention of these JEWISH CLAIMS.'
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The man is vying to be leader of the free world, his beliefs affect all of us.

Good point. People on the left should give that statement a little thought when they look at Hillary.

Obama is the leader of the free world and he believes that climate is changing/global warming in spite of increasingly inconvenient evidence to the contrary.

Obama believed his best guidance to the House of God was in the pews of a pastor who soundly condemned the judgement of god upon America.

Regan indulged his wife with astrology and many of his decisions are rumored to be based on the stars.

Clinton actually believes it Takes a Village to raise a child.

I believe it takes a Village Idiot to believe the previous.

One president ran over an old woman with his horse, another thought the earth hollow.

Democratic President Johnson believed his dick was named Jumbo.

JFK believed it was okay to eat human flesh and drink blood, following transubstantiation.

The majority of religions of the world, if not all, are founded upon the constellations and the 24,000 year solar cycle in the galaxy. Yep! Near ALL OF THEM.

Many presidents and candidates through history believe that there is a man in the clouds whom we were spontaneously created by. He creates all existence by fiat- creatio/ordo ex nihlo.

69.5% of Americans believe that a super person answers prayers, intercedes by request, has a Santa-like book with columns for Good Steve, Bad Bob, Good Gail, Bad Ahmed, and does not want to, but will send you to a place with fire and pain and suffering forever and ever unless you belief in something supra-sensory, him.

Slightly less surprising than boogeymen and damnation, 77% of Americans believe aliens have visited earth. (Not human aliens; 100% are now sure illegal aliens have).

If one thinks its absurd, a character breaker, or meaningful that someone thinks a bunch of rocks held grain thousands of years ago, you identify yourself among the dolts, the uninformed, the ignorant- it just does not matter. Carson is wrong, but this is not the point. The world is so full of people who believe crap that indicting someone for the crap he/she believes makes the accuser look like a fool, not the indicted. Unless the core tenets of what another believes acts or threatens to act upon others, it is a silly exercise.

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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

I don't know what you are basing his greatness on. I don't know of any great men in modern times, that believe whatever they want to believe even though the FACTS and the SCIENCE clearly show that they are wrong.

The US constitution clearly says that there should be a separation of church and state and this loonie is a classic example of why your fore fathers wrote that into the constitution!!!

The guy is a doctor, a man of science, yet he only sees what he wants to see.

That appears to be something the two of you have in common.

You will be so sad when your GOP loses yet another election because they allow morons like this to represent them.

No way should a buffoon like this be on any stage unless it is a comedy club.

"The US constitution clearly says that there should be a separation of church and state and this loonie is a classic example of why your fore fathers wrote that into the constitution!!!"

I'm forced to call you yet again on this untrue statement of yours. Separation of church and state is nowhere mentioned in the Constitution.

If you can find it, then please post it. If not, please stop making this totally false statement.

Jefferson, Adams, and many of the composers and signers of The Constitution in subsequent writings clearly, and I do mean clearly, state that that is the meaning and the intent of The First Amendment; Jefferson wrote, "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State." Are you trying to say that Thomas Jefferson was mistaken in his writing? Jefferson did not know what he was "talking about"?

Or did President Adams and the entirety of the US Senate not know what they were doing when they ratified Art. 11. (Of The Treaty of Tripoli) "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; "

IMO, sir, you are shown to be the one who 'does not know' what he is talking about. SCOTUS has on a number of occasions also concurred.

This was in response to another person partially or wholly ignorant of the content and MEANING of the First Amendment. As stated, The Supreme Court has historically on every occasion supported the Separation Doctrine, although sometimes more stringently than at others.

Until you are seen to be wearing those robes and writing the majority opinion, perhaps you should not be so ready to trumpet your opinions as facts.

The following statement was made by ALLSEEINGEYE and is the one being disputed:

"The US constitution clearly says that there should be a separation of church and state and this loonie is a classic example of why your fore fathers wrote that into the constitution!!!

The original comment made was the separation of church and state is "clearly" written in the Constitution. Separation of church and state is nowhere to be found in either the Constitutional Articles or the Bill of Rights.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with any subsequent Supreme Court decisions and, most assuredly, has nothing to do with Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli.


The First Amendment to the Constitution says...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,"


Thomas Jefferson penned a letter to Danbury Baptist Association in 1802 in which the first mention of a "separation of church and state" was included. Subsequent Supreme Court decisions have been handed down based on his letter to Danbury Baptist as an interpretation of the intent of Congress in the wording of the First Amendment.

That letter in its entirety follows:

To messers. Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.
The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.
I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem.
Th Jefferson
Jan. 1. 1802.
When you find those magic words, "separation of church and state", contained within either the original articles or the following amendments of the Constitution please inform the world as nobody has been able to locate them since the original ratification by the States in 1788 of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights later.
Those are not my opinions...those are the facts.
I don't need to wear the robes, I just need to be able to read.
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The Pyramids were neither tombs or for grain-storage.

They wouldn't be internally big enough to store much grain relative to the difficulties of construction & no bodies have ever been found inside them.

No one knows what they were for or how they were built.

There is even doubt as to who built them.

We are taught that they were built during the Old Kingdom, but there is no proof of that & no records.

Go figure.

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The man is vying to be leader of the free world, his beliefs affect all of us.

Good point. People on the left should give that statement a little thought when they look at Hillary.

Obama is the leader of the free world and he believes that climate is changing/global warming in spite of increasingly inconvenient evidence to the contrary.

Obama believed his best guidance to the House of God was in the pews of a pastor who soundly condemned the judgement of god upon America.

Regan indulged his wife with astrology and many of his decisions are rumored to be based on the stars.

Clinton actually believes it Takes a Village to raise a child.

I believe it takes a Village Idiot to believe the previous.

One president ran over an old woman with his horse, another thought the earth hollow.

Democratic President Johnson believed his dick was named Jumbo.

JFK believed it was okay to eat human flesh and drink blood, following transubstantiation.

The majority of religions of the world, if not all, are founded upon the constellations and the 24,000 year solar cycle in the galaxy. Yep! Near ALL OF THEM.

Many presidents and candidates through history believe that there is a man in the clouds whom we were spontaneously created by. He creates all existence by fiat- creatio/ordo ex nihlo.

69.5% of Americans believe that a super person answers prayers, intercedes by request, has a Santa-like book with columns for Good Steve, Bad Bob, Good Gail, Bad Ahmed, and does not want to, but will send you to a place with fire and pain and suffering forever and ever unless you belief in something supra-sensory, him.

Slightly less surprising than boogeymen and damnation, 77% of Americans believe aliens have visited earth. (Not human aliens; 100% are now sure illegal aliens have).

If one thinks its absurd, a character breaker, or meaningful that someone thinks a bunch of rocks held grain thousands of years ago, you identify yourself among the dolts, the uninformed, the ignorant- it just does not matter. Carson is wrong, but this is not the point. The world is so full of people who believe crap that indicting someone for the crap he/she believes makes the accuser look like a fool, not the indicted. Unless the core tenets of what another believes acts or threatens to act upon others, it is a silly exercise.

Completely incorrect. There is more and more evidence and more and more agreement in the scientific community man is responsible for global warming.

But who cares, your whole post is just a feeble attempt to change the subject.

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The man is vying to be leader of the free world, his beliefs affect all of us.

Exactly! Look at how the current leader of the free world, has thrown it into a mess.

The current leader of the free world is still trying to mop up the blood from Bush the Butcher's failed banks and war crimes...

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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

Ditto. I could line up every man of honor and find silly things about him/her; our foibles make us human. What makes this indictment against Carson hilarious is that it is both so stupid, and the Egyptologists he is contrasted with are equally asinine. Grain or tombs? There is hardly evidence for either.

This is the more sensational story- the stupidity and intransigence of steadfast scientists to secure a fantasy that has been demonstrably disproved, not the odd hat silliness of a middle aged man with a christian template over his observations.

"Vetted science..." this is rich. If stating the pyramids are tombs is the height of "vetted science" we had better return to miters and scapulars- there is as much science to support a tomb as to support a grain-house. Carson and "vetted science," two drunken (on this issue) fools stumbling in the dark.

Completely untrue. It has been clearly proven they were tombs.

Generally I don't like when people say cite this, reference that. But I have never seen information about this. I am sure we all follow this stuff. Aren't we all novice adventurers about all things Egypt (except Carson, I agree). I was unaware any tomb was ever found. I am unaware any actual tomb ever looked like the insides of the King or Queen's Chamber. I was under the impression that concluding it was for burial was simply the best they could do based on the other contextual data of Egypt, though Giza itself offered no context to support tombs. Perhaps not mentioned is my own jackassery. I think Carson is out to lunch on this but if offered, I might be equally derailed. I do not believe for a moment they were tombs though.

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Good point. People on the left should give that statement a little thought when they look at Hillary.

Obama is the leader of the free world and he believes that climate is changing/global warming in spite of increasingly inconvenient evidence to the contrary.

Obama believed his best guidance to the House of God was in the pews of a pastor who soundly condemned the judgement of god upon America.

Regan indulged his wife with astrology and many of his decisions are rumored to be based on the stars.

Clinton actually believes it Takes a Village to raise a child.

I believe it takes a Village Idiot to believe the previous.

One president ran over an old woman with his horse, another thought the earth hollow.

Democratic President Johnson believed his dick was named Jumbo.

JFK believed it was okay to eat human flesh and drink blood, following transubstantiation.

The majority of religions of the world, if not all, are founded upon the constellations and the 24,000 year solar cycle in the galaxy. Yep! Near ALL OF THEM.

Many presidents and candidates through history believe that there is a man in the clouds whom we were spontaneously created by. He creates all existence by fiat- creatio/ordo ex nihlo.

69.5% of Americans believe that a super person answers prayers, intercedes by request, has a Santa-like book with columns for Good Steve, Bad Bob, Good Gail, Bad Ahmed, and does not want to, but will send you to a place with fire and pain and suffering forever and ever unless you belief in something supra-sensory, him.

Slightly less surprising than boogeymen and damnation, 77% of Americans believe aliens have visited earth. (Not human aliens; 100% are now sure illegal aliens have).

If one thinks its absurd, a character breaker, or meaningful that someone thinks a bunch of rocks held grain thousands of years ago, you identify yourself among the dolts, the uninformed, the ignorant- it just does not matter. Carson is wrong, but this is not the point. The world is so full of people who believe crap that indicting someone for the crap he/she believes makes the accuser look like a fool, not the indicted. Unless the core tenets of what another believes acts or threatens to act upon others, it is a silly exercise.

Completely incorrect. There is more and more evidence and more and more agreement in the scientific community man is responsible for global warming.

But who cares, your whole post is just a feeble attempt to change the subject.

How absurd. Why would I want to change the subject? I am having fun at Carson's expense. I like him but he walked into this. Aaah... the climate drama; the darling of Liberals because their entire vision of tomorrow is predicated upon fear and coercion. I see, indeed, if that was all you took from this above post you sir, project. Climate comment was one of 16 lines. It is you who changed the subject. Go read the Mars OP for today. Its there I chew into leftist politics stalking as climate threat, not here. This is not that post.

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Having been inside 2 of the 3 "Great Pyramids" at Giza I'd have to say that only a complete moron would claim they were built for grain storage. Considering how huge the pyramids are and how small the chambers within them are, it would be like saying the USS Enterprise was built to be a fishing boat. Or the Brooklyn Bridge was built primarily for ants to cross the East River.

The scariest part is how many people will believe him, despite the mountains of evidence proving otherwise. I had a discussion with a "believer" not long ago and when I countered her obviously incorrect statements with facts she claimed that "my problem" was that I relied on truth and evidence when I should be relying on faith !

Oh Lord grant me the faith to not say what I am thinking. Well here goes anyway. I just watched George Carlin (rest in peace George your earthly battle is over) do a skit on religion. If you have an open mind it is worth watching. There is another one about pork chops that is entertaining as well. With George you had an easy time separating comedy from reality again you would need an open mind.

"The Invisible Man in the Sky." The best!

YouTube link ->

Edited by cantplay
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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

More like a great IDIOT...who thinks the earth is 6000 years old and rejects the facts of evolution. If greatness is measured by one's ignorance, then yes...he is a VERY great man indeed. crazy.gif

Edited by Skeptic7
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I don't know what you are basing his greatness on. I don't know of any great men in modern times, that believe whatever they want to believe even though the FACTS and the SCIENCE clearly show that they are wrong.

The US constitution clearly says that there should be a separation of church and state and this loonie is a classic example of why your fore fathers wrote that into the constitution!!!

The guy is a doctor, a man of science, yet he only sees what he wants to see.

That appears to be something the two of you have in common.

You will be so sad when your GOP loses yet another election because they allow morons like this to represent them.

No way should a buffoon like this be on any stage unless it is a comedy club.

"The US constitution clearly says that there should be a separation of church and state and this loonie is a classic example of why your fore fathers wrote that into the constitution!!!"

I'm forced to call you yet again on this untrue statement of yours. Separation of church and state is nowhere mentioned in the Constitution.

If you can find it, then please post it. If not, please stop making this totally false statement.

Jefferson, Adams, and many of the composers and signers of The Constitution in subsequent writings clearly, and I do mean clearly, state that that is the meaning and the intent of The First Amendment; Jefferson wrote, "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State." Are you trying to say that Thomas Jefferson was mistaken in his writing? Jefferson did not know what he was "talking about"?

Or did President Adams and the entirety of the US Senate not know what they were doing when they ratified Art. 11. (Of The Treaty of Tripoli) "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; "

IMO, sir, you are shown to be the one who 'does not know' what he is talking about. SCOTUS has on a number of occasions also concurred.

This was in response to another person partially or wholly ignorant of the content and MEANING of the First Amendment. As stated, The Supreme Court has historically on every occasion supported the Separation Doctrine, although sometimes more stringently than at others.

Until you are seen to be wearing those robes and writing the majority opinion, perhaps you should not be so ready to trumpet your opinions as facts.

The following statement was made by ALLSEEINGEYE and is the one being disputed:

"The US constitution clearly says that there should be a separation of church and state and this loonie is a classic example of why your fore fathers wrote that into the constitution!!!

The original comment made was the separation of church and state is "clearly" written in the Constitution. Separation of church and state is nowhere to be found in either the Constitutional Articles or the Bill of Rights.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with any subsequent Supreme Court decisions and, most assuredly, has nothing to do with Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli.


The First Amendment to the Constitution says...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,"


Thomas Jefferson penned a letter to Danbury Baptist Association in 1802 in which the first mention of a "separation of church and state" was included. Subsequent Supreme Court decisions have been handed down based on his letter to Danbury Baptist as an interpretation of the intent of Congress in the wording of the First Amendment.

That letter in its entirety follows:

To messers. Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.
The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.
I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem.
Th Jefferson
Jan. 1. 1802.
When you find those magic words, "separation of church and state", contained within either the original articles or the following amendments of the Constitution please inform the world as nobody has been able to locate them since the original ratification by the States in 1788 of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights later.
Those are not my opinions...those are the facts.
I don't need to wear the robes, I just need to be able to read.

Jefferson writes that "religion is solely between Man & his God". If one supports this notion, then one also should wonder why people of faith insist on requiring the rest of us to endure their theological theorising and ideological perversions of human events. Most people I imagine would respect Carson's personal views as they would wish their own to be respected. It is when he opens his mouth and blurts out these lunacies that is objectionable and quite rightly, defining of his character, temperament and gravitas.

The more I learn about the key protagonists in the American Revolution and their roots in the Rationalism of the Age, the more I believe that they were primarily deists and consequently would be suspicious of religiously inspired texts.

However, the issue in conflict here is the expression 'separation of church and state'. I wonder what compels you to keep responding to this so frequently. What is the purpose of such pedantry? Getting the facts right or something deeper? Allseeingeye did not say that the phrase was written in the US Constitution. He said that the US Constitution states... For me, this is enough wriggle room to believe that he was talking about the principle, not the exact text.

Do you deny the principle of the separation of church and state as described by Jefferson, SCOTUS and many, many other people is not inherent in or supported by the text in the US Constitution? Congress can't start a religion. Congress can't ban a religion. The state is out of the religion business. Employees of the state, including southern judges who want the 10 Commandments in front of their courthouse, or dumpy soccer moms who want to see Baby Jesus in his crib in City Hall at Christmas time, may not require citizens to endure their ideology in public spaces or through the public purse.

For the purposes of this argument, separation of church and state and the text of the first amendment should be interchangeable. Unless your purpose is to weaken this and promote one brand of religion or ideology over another.

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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

I am interested to know, why do you feel he is a "great man" ? I find him greatly entertaining and if the potus were only a ceremonial position he could be fun. Strange days indeed.

The black factor maybe?

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The man is vying to be leader of the free world, his beliefs affect all of us.

Good point. People on the left should give that statement a little thought when they look at Hillary.

Obama is the leader of the free world and he believes that climate is changing/global warming in spite of increasingly inconvenient evidence to the contrary.

Obama believed his best guidance to the House of God was in the pews of a pastor who soundly condemned the judgement of god upon America.

Regan indulged his wife with astrology and many of his decisions are rumored to be based on the stars.

Clinton actually believes it Takes a Village to raise a child.

I believe it takes a Village Idiot to believe the previous.

One president ran over an old woman with his horse, another thought the earth hollow.

Democratic President Johnson believed his dick was named Jumbo.

JFK believed it was okay to eat human flesh and drink blood, following transubstantiation.

The majority of religions of the world, if not all, are founded upon the constellations and the 24,000 year solar cycle in the galaxy. Yep! Near ALL OF THEM.

Many presidents and candidates through history believe that there is a man in the clouds whom we were spontaneously created by. He creates all existence by fiat- creatio/ordo ex nihlo.

69.5% of Americans believe that a super person answers prayers, intercedes by request, has a Santa-like book with columns for Good Steve, Bad Bob, Good Gail, Bad Ahmed, and does not want to, but will send you to a place with fire and pain and suffering forever and ever unless you belief in something supra-sensory, him.

Slightly less surprising than boogeymen and damnation, 77% of Americans believe aliens have visited earth. (Not human aliens; 100% are now sure illegal aliens have).

If one thinks its absurd, a character breaker, or meaningful that someone thinks a bunch of rocks held grain thousands of years ago, you identify yourself among the dolts, the uninformed, the ignorant- it just does not matter. Carson is wrong, but this is not the point. The world is so full of people who believe crap that indicting someone for the crap he/she believes makes the accuser look like a fool, not the indicted. Unless the core tenets of what another believes acts or threatens to act upon others, it is a silly exercise.

The lunatic fringe is now the Republican base.

Edited by Pinot
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The lunatic fringe is now the Republican base.

Not sure I entirely disagree. I think it is fair, from a leftist perspective, that the Republican party has embraced the result of its progressive policies and right fringe people are now pushed to the center right. It is also entirely accurate that our "father's democratic party" is not the same as the post war era. The democratic party is demonstrably comprised of previous "fringe" leftist ideology. Indeed, only since Clinton 1 has progressivism come out of its long closet existence (since E Roosevelt/Wilson) and seen the light of day. Under Obama progressivism became fruit; thus the name "Progressive"- the long, slow, inexorable, tireless attack on institutions and culture for generations. Fringe? Both sides are increasingly polarized by what previously constituted fringe. There is little room for negotiation any longer and why should there be? Under the inexorable leadership of both left and right America has taken three steps left, one step right for generations. It is now little more than a caricaturist of a representative republic.

When avowed and closet marxist/socialists run the democratic party, the country, and now openly court legitimacy no other can rightfully be called fringe.


While Carson does look like a buffoon for this statement context is everything. Like the mainstream media, it only takes a few lines of dialogue to out the real fringe people, as above. Carson can be rightfully indicted for a silly statement but he is being demonized by the Sal Alinsky playbook of Rules for Radicals, no longer fringe, but mainstream in the democratic party. I've little use for either side but honesty demands a truthful approach.

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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

Nothing like "blind faith" to lead us to the promised landblink.pngbah.giffacepalm.giflaugh.png

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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

More like a great IDIOT...who thinks the earth is 6000 years old and rejects the facts of evolution. If greatness is measured by one's ignorance, then yes...he is a VERY great man indeed. crazy.gif

Didnt you know? gawd planted all those dinosaur bones to test our faith.

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Carson's grain storage claim is based on biblical accounts ,
And yet no organized religion has EVER claimed the pyramids were built as grain-storage buildings.

or the Op or me, so what's your point?
Yes it was you: 'The Egyptians were compulsive record keepers, our ignorance toward their history was only due to the fact that we could not read their writings... and nowhere there is any mention of these JEWISH CLAIMS.'

The "Jewish Claims" are not that the pyramids were made to store grain, the Jewish claims are the claims made in the old testament as it pertains to Jewish exodus from Egypt

Carson's statement concerning the pyramids are based on biblical accounts,biblical accounts that are not supported by any archeological evidence.

Carson's statements concerning the pyramids are based on mythology that has no bases on reality,

"No Egyptian text mentions the Israelites except the famous inscription of Merneptah dated to about 1206 B.C.E. But those Israelites were in Canaan; they are not in Egypt, and nothing is said about them escaping from Egypt."


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The lunatic fringe is now the Republican base.

Not sure I entirely disagree. I think it is fair, from a leftist perspective, that the Republican party has embraced the result of its progressive policies and right fringe people are now pushed to the center right. It is also entirely accurate that our "father's democratic party" is not the same as the post war era. The democratic party is demonstrably comprised of previous "fringe" leftist ideology. Indeed, only since Clinton 1 has progressivism come out of its long closet existence (since E Roosevelt/Wilson) and seen the light of day. Under Obama progressivism became fruit; thus the name "Progressive"- the long, slow, inexorable, tireless attack on institutions and culture for generations. Fringe? Both sides are increasingly polarized by what previously constituted fringe. There is little room for negotiation any longer and why should there be? Under the inexorable leadership of both left and right America has taken three steps left, one step right for generations. It is now little more than a caricaturist of a representative republic.

When avowed and closet marxist/socialists run the democratic party, the country, and now openly court legitimacy no other can rightfully be called fringe.


While Carson does look like a buffoon for this statement context is everything. Like the mainstream media, it only takes a few lines of dialogue to out the real fringe people, as above. Carson can be rightfully indicted for a silly statement but he is being demonized by the Sal Alinsky playbook of Rules for Radicals, no longer fringe, but mainstream in the democratic party. I've little use for either side but honesty demands a truthful approach.

A totally twisted view.

America has taken 3 steps left and 1 right? Au contraire, the US and the rest of the world has moved considerably to the right The US a bit less than other western countries, but was already so far more to the right that there is no cnace at all of being overtaken.

Agree with you, honesty demands a truthful approach, time to look at the rest of Carson's life history.

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The Pyramids were neither tombs or for grain-storage.

Tel Aviv Universitys Dr. Deborah Sweeney: "Burial equipment, such as sarcophagi, jewelry, mummies or mummy parts were found in some of them."

Also, "Osiris beds" (part of the Egyptian burial ritual) have been found in some of the pyramids.

No one knows what they were for or how they were built.

Funerary text inscriptions have been found inside pyramids.

There is even doubt as to who built them.

There is documentary evidence - a wall painting in the tomb of Djehutihotep showing how enormous stones and great statues were transported - and yes by Egyptians.

We also have recent evidence that they weren't built by slaves, but by skilled workers. Well-preserved tombs near the pyramids show that the builders' hard work was rewarded with honorable burials.

We are taught that they were built during the Old Kingdom, but there is no proof of that & no records. Go figure.

No need to "go figure" since (1) we have documentary evidence, and (2) the Egyptians could write.

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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

Got that right. You know the Left is getting real worried now that Ben Carson is pulling ahead of Trump & HRC.

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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

Got that right. You know the Left is getting real worried now that Ben Carson is pulling ahead of Trump & HRC.

I don't see the connection with the pyramids, but who cares. You have to believe something to keep your hopes up.

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I could care less which religious beliefs are closest to the truth. Ben Carson is a great man no matter which God he worships and very few politicians admit to being atheists.

Got that right. You know the Left is getting real worried now that Ben Carson is pulling ahead of Trump & HRC.

Let me be presumptuous, just for a moment and represent everyone on the left (or center for that matter):

No one outside of the great state of Wingnuttia is worried about Ben Carson. cheesy.gif

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Good point. People on the left should give that statement a little thought when they look at Hillary.

Obama is the leader of the free world and he believes that climate is changing/global warming in spite of increasingly inconvenient evidence to the contrary.

Obama believed his best guidance to the House of God was in the pews of a pastor who soundly condemned the judgement of god upon America.

Regan indulged his wife with astrology and many of his decisions are rumored to be based on the stars.

Clinton actually believes it Takes a Village to raise a child.

I believe it takes a Village Idiot to believe the previous.

One president ran over an old woman with his horse, another thought the earth hollow.

Democratic President Johnson believed his dick was named Jumbo.

JFK believed it was okay to eat human flesh and drink blood, following transubstantiation.

The majority of religions of the world, if not all, are founded upon the constellations and the 24,000 year solar cycle in the galaxy. Yep! Near ALL OF THEM.

Many presidents and candidates through history believe that there is a man in the clouds whom we were spontaneously created by. He creates all existence by fiat- creatio/ordo ex nihlo.

69.5% of Americans believe that a super person answers prayers, intercedes by request, has a Santa-like book with columns for Good Steve, Bad Bob, Good Gail, Bad Ahmed, and does not want to, but will send you to a place with fire and pain and suffering forever and ever unless you belief in something supra-sensory, him.

Slightly less surprising than boogeymen and damnation, 77% of Americans believe aliens have visited earth. (Not human aliens; 100% are now sure illegal aliens have).

If one thinks its absurd, a character breaker, or meaningful that someone thinks a bunch of rocks held grain thousands of years ago, you identify yourself among the dolts, the uninformed, the ignorant- it just does not matter. Carson is wrong, but this is not the point. The world is so full of people who believe crap that indicting someone for the crap he/she believes makes the accuser look like a fool, not the indicted. Unless the core tenets of what another believes acts or threatens to act upon others, it is a silly exercise.

Completely incorrect. There is more and more evidence and more and more agreement in the scientific community man is responsible for global warming.

But who cares, your whole post is just a feeble attempt to change the subject.

Goodness, a feeble effort... and you responded.

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