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Court sentences two redshirt guards to life imprisonment for grenade attack on PDRC rally


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VIDEO: Court sentences two redshirt guards to life imprisonment for grenade attack on PDRC rally


BANGKOK: -- The Criminal Court today sentenced two former guards of the redshirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) to life imprisonment after finding them guilty in connection with the M79 grenade attack at the anti government rally in March 2014.

However the life sentence was commuted to 43 years and six months after the two convicts, Narongsak Plai-aram, and Phirapong Sintusontichart, former UDD guards, confessed and gave useful information to authorities during the Interrogation process.

Both were escorted to the court by prison wardens to hear the ruling of the case which they were accused of firing M 79 grenade into the rally organised by the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) on March 7, 2014.

The grenade attack at the rally in front of Shinawatra 3 Tower in Chatuchak area caused no injuries to life as the grenade missed the target and landed at the antennae of the building and a tree, causing 20,000 baht damage to property.

Source/Video: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/video-court-sentences-two-redshirt-guards-to-life-imprisonment-for-grenade-attack-on-pdrc-rally

-- Thai PBS 2015-11-06

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On the plus side, I am happy to see this was the "Criminal Court", rather than a military court, that handed down this verdict and sentencing.

I would hope we can all agree that there is no place for this sort of violent action by any side.

While I don't believe the Junta had sufficient justification for their coup, It is also obvious the near daily violence in Bangkok was intolerable. The previous government failed to stop it, and that is a huge black mark for them.

On the other hand...life sentence, commuted to 43 years...that's pretty extreme. I would hope these guys serve 10 to 20 years.

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So they just woke up one day and decided to grenade some protesters? Funny, as I would have imagined they were carrying out a payed order on behalf of a local mercenary and political player ultimately on behalf of an evil mastermind. My imagination running wild again.

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Two red-shirt guards jailed for involving in firing M79 at PDRC rally

BANGKOK: -- The Criminal Court on Friday sentenced two redshirt guards to 43 years each after convicting them of involvement in the firing of an M79 grenade at a rally of the People's Democratic Reform Committee in 2014.

The court found Narongsak Plaiaram and Pirapong Sinthusonthichart guilty of collaborating in firing an M79 grenade at a PDRC rally in front of the Shinawatra III building on March 7, 2014.

The grenade missed the rally site but hit a pillar and a tree, causing damage worth Bt20,000.

The two were security guards of the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship when they were arrested.

The two defendants confessed during the investigation, the court was told.

Narongsak confessed to picking up the M79 grenade and launcher from Imperial Lat Phrao's car park, the court was told.

The court also heard that Narongsak drove Yongyut Boondee to fire the grenade. Yongyut was arrested last year and is facing trial in another case.

Pirapong confessed to calling Narongsak to pick up the grenade and the launcher.

The court ruled that the statements of state witnesses were convincing enough to substantiate the charges that the two suspects had illegal firearms in their possession.

The court initially sentenced each of the two to 12 years in jail for possessing illegal firearms, three more years for carrying a weapon in public place and to life on a premediated murder attempt.

But the court commuted the sentence by one third because the two confessed so they were given 43 years and four months in jail.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Two-red-shirt-guards-jailed-for-involving-in-firin-30272404.html

-- The Nation 2015-11-06

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On the plus side, I am happy to see this was the "Criminal Court", rather than a military court, that handed down this verdict and sentencing.

I would hope we can all agree that there is no place for this sort of violent action by any side.

While I don't believe the Junta had sufficient justification for their coup, It is also obvious the near daily violence in Bangkok was intolerable. The previous government failed to stop it, and that is a huge black mark for them.

On the other hand...life sentence, commuted to 43 years...that's pretty extreme. I would hope these guys serve 10 to 20 years.

Failed to stop it ?. Are you serious ?.

And you might have been taking a nap, but this sort of violence only comes from one side.

The UDD are very tightly coupled with Pheu-Thai. They would never do this without orders from the top.

It was state sanctioned terrorism. Nothing less.

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Can't see your puppet master in the sandpit helping you now. I'm sure he's crying into his beer about this verdict right now.

Som nam naa

He drinks red wine. And uses caterpillar fungus. What do they do with that stuff? Snort it?

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"...The grenade attack...caused no injuries to life..."

So people who throw grenades and kill no people get life in prison...excuse me 43.5 years, but murderers get off after 10 years or less.

Thailand and their wonderful justice system.

All this justice system teaches you is don't be on the wrong side of the current government in charge...especially if it is a military government firmly in the pocket of the Bangkok rich.

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Lots of you posters/ farang seem to be caught up in Thai politics. Pro one colour or the other. Do you like it when foreigners to your home country start spruiking one political party over the other when it is none of their business. I wear a blue shirt in public and only wear red or yellow shirts when I am inside my house.

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On the plus side, I am happy to see this was the "Criminal Court", rather than a military court, that handed down this verdict and sentencing.

I would hope we can all agree that there is no place for this sort of violent action by any side.

While I don't believe the Junta had sufficient justification for their coup, It is also obvious the near daily violence in Bangkok was intolerable. The previous government failed to stop it, and that is a huge black mark for them.

On the other hand...life sentence, commuted to 43 years...that's pretty extreme. I would hope these guys serve 10 to 20 years.

Failed to stop it ?. Are you serious ?.

And you might have been taking a nap, but this sort of violence only comes from one side.

The UDD are very tightly coupled with Pheu-Thai. They would never do this without orders from the top.

It was state sanctioned terrorism. Nothing less.

Here is one example of how the opposition was also responsible for violence.

Feb 21, 2014 (CNN)

"After police fired tear gas in an attempt to disperse crowds of demonstrators in the streets, people among the protesters began firing guns at police. With the two sides about 200 meters (656 feet) apart, police responded by firing rubber bullets and live ammunition. During the firefight, which lasted about 20 minutes, a grenade exploded near a group of police officers, knocking them to the ground. At least four of them were wounded, said Lt. Gen. Paradon Patthanathabut, the national security chief."

There is little doubt the majority of violent actions in 2014 were committed by "pro government" factions, but your assertion that they were the only ones to commit violence is false.

Further, your assertion that the violence was orchestrated at the top is unsubstantiated, and inflammatory to say the least. Do you (ever) have any news reports or other links to substantiate your opinions?

Seems I was right, the dye hard red denialists are doing their best...

'phoenixdoglover' it is, indeed, 'inflammatory to say the least' to spin it as far away as possible from these two redshirt(!) convicted(!) terrorists'(!) in the way you attempt to do it, can you, f.i. please 'substantiate' your assertion that the violence would NOT have been orchestrated at the top of... the PTP, their 'armed faction' UDD (the 'government' at the time)?

How can you deny such attacks wouldn't have had any possible 'chance' to be perpetrated when they would not have been 'orchestrated' by the, call it top or sub-top, I don't care, of the red movement, the UDD, with at least the participation, or knowledge of by, the PTP idem!

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Now this matter is out of the way perhaps the courts can get back to some of the unresolved cases , eg the 6 year old cases of the Italian, Japanese and scores of innocent Thais during the military action in 2010. Long, long overdue.

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These were some of the minor attacks (damage wise) the attack in Trad was especially bad 2 children died there. The red killed many and like many others I can't believe that the higher echelons had nothing to do with it. Its not like weapons like these are available everywhere. There would have been a network behind it. Maybe the same as the men in black during 2010.

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Paid thugs of any colour and political persuasion belong behind bars as do their benefactors.

The challenge for Thailand is having a legitimately elected bipartisan gov't and judiciary that locks ALL of the power players up (preferably in the same cell). This would be the ultimate act of reconciliation that may afford the Kingdom to move forward one day.

Sadly, these conditions are difficult to attain even in the most robust and vibrant liberal democracies.

So I won't hold my breath as the pendulum of power continues to swing to and fro in the tragic Kingdom.

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Remember the children killed during the previous protests? Their parents do.

Remember the kid killed during the PDRC rallies near Don M airport when a bus was flamed, with him in it? His parents do.

Selective memory breeds ignorance as a shield, and lies as truth.

Both sides have a lot of blood on their hands, but still no prosecutions for people killed way back in the 70's?

Depends on who is in power.

Just like home.



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Look how they are spinning and twisting: phoenixdoglover, Mango Bob, Prbkk, FangFerang, new kid Saambaht, ... Are tbthailand, Eric Loh and consorts having a day off or what?

How can anyone hope to ever reconciliate with people who refuse to recognise the evidence of facts, who are locked up into their 'our way or the highway 'mechanism, how could they then be found ready to compromise for the better of ALL Thais...?

Very sad indeed!

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