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Sinai crash: world powers disagree over whether bomb attack was likely cause


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Sinai crash: world powers disagree over whether bomb attack was likely cause


PARIS: -- World leaders were on Thursday making conflicting statements about suggestions that the Russian passenger jet that crashed in Egypt, killing 224 people, went down due to a bomb on board.

A Sinai-based group affiliated with the Islamic State militant group has claimed responsibility for the crash.

US President Barack Obama said Washington is taking “very seriously” the possibility that the Airbus A321 was blown up by a terrorist bomb.

British Prime Minister David Cameron – who has been hosting Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi on a previously scheduled UK visit – said it was looking “increasing likely” that there was a bomb on board.

But el-Sisi urged Cameron wait for the results of the official investigation before drawing conclusions.

The Russian authorities are in agreement with Egypt that the cause of the crash should not be speculated upon until the investigation has been completed.

Russia has repeatedly dismissed the bomb theory.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-06

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Seems what we are suffering from here is a lack of 'truth' from Russia and Egypt about what really happened. It doesn't take more than a day or so for skilled inspectors to know if the aircraft had an explosive device on board or not. Both the aforementioned countries are in denial for their own obvious reasons.

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They could sniff the residue of explosives in minutes. Appears to be another big coverup by Ras Putin and his Egyptian cronies. As for who did it. ISIL seems the most likely. But let us also consider all of the countries that want revenge because Russia shot down a commercial aircraft, then refused to let access to the site and then vetoed a UN sponsored inquiry. I feel sorry and offer sympathy for the innocent Russians killed. But Russia the state is revolting scum to many nations and extreme organisations. I think we can expect more reprisals against Russia. Shame they cannot attack the state and the military with their grievances and not innocent civilians.

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It's an inconvenient truth for both Egypt and Russia.

Either the plane exploded and broke up in mid air for no reason at all or there was a bomb on board.

Or taken out by a missile. None of the three possibilities are good.

I did see something about the same plane having a damaged tail 14 years ago. ..bit of a stretch to link it to this though.

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Seems what we are suffering from here is a lack of 'truth' from Russia and Egypt about what really happened. It doesn't take more than a day or so for skilled inspectors to know if the aircraft had an explosive device on board or not. Both the aforementioned countries are in denial for their own obvious reasons.

Egypt is not in denial. De Nile is in Egypt. (Well, the northern bit is.)

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Russia's Head of Security has been quoted by Reuters that all Russian flights to Egypt (maybe just Sharm, but not yet clear) are to be suspended.

Perhaps he knows something....??

Of course. Because evidence is pointing strongly to an onboard bomb.

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It's an inconvenient truth for both Egypt and Russia.

Either the plane exploded and broke up in mid air for no reason at all or there was a bomb on board.

Or taken out by a missile. None of the three possibilities are good.

I did see something about the same plane having a damaged tail 14 years ago. ..bit of a stretch to link it to this though.

Not really. There have been two previous aircraft losses blamed on damage from earlier tail strikes.

Edited by Chicog
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It's an inconvenient truth for both Egypt and Russia.

Either the plane exploded and broke up in mid air for no reason at all or there was a bomb on board.

Or taken out by a missile. None of the three possibilities are good.

I did see something about the same plane having a damaged tail 14 years ago. ..bit of a stretch to link it to this though.

I would rule out a missile in this case.

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They found where the plane is, and all investigators are there...If it was an onboard bomb they should know right away , or is it a cover up?

Why should they know right away?


The U.S. satttelites that monitor compliance with the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty can detect explosions in the atmosphere.

That is how the U.S. has been certain all along.....their sattelites saw the explosion.

It just took an authorization for the U.S. intelligence agencies to reveal that fact to the Russians.

The U.S sattelites lookdown onto the earth. They have infrared heat detectors.

They can also be used to see forest fires in the U.S. or "bush fires" in Australia

The Brits and the Aussis probably already knew as they are given such shared intelligence information.

I do not know but I would expect other countries also have such sattelites.

Probably the Chinese and the Russians also.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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It's an inconvenient truth for both Egypt and Russia.

Either the plane exploded and broke up in mid air for no reason at all or there was a bomb on board.

Or taken out by a missile. None of the three possibilities are good.

I did see something about the same plane having a damaged tail 14 years ago. ..bit of a stretch to link it to this though.

Not really. There have been two previous aircraft losses blamed on damage from earlier tail strikes.

I'm fascinated by ukrules's apparent fourth possibility:

"... the plane exploded and broke up in mid air for no reason at all ..."

Does anyone believe the investigators will arrive at a "no reason at all" conclusion?

Edited by MaxYakov
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Looks like they're been trying to destroy a plane for some time with this emerging today.

A British plane evaded a missile which was heading in its direction while it was landing at Sharm El Sheikh just a couple of months ago.

Was this reported ? I don't remember reading about it.


They blamed the Egyptian military who were conducting 'routine exercises' in the area. Now this should sound some alarm bells - who in their right mind tests out their surface to air missiles next to a civillian airport whilst flights are landing ? Nobody.

I smell a cover up...

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I used to be a maintenance person that repaired broken down heavy equipment in the mining pit. Sometimes this may have been a dozer that was working in a recently exploded area or ore. All the explosive does not ignite. Some pellets still remain. After working in this area, I was called to travel to Perth because of death in the family. I went direct, I did not change my clothes. To make it short, I was given a random explosive check which I failed due to explosive residue on my boots. A phone call cleared me. But the first persons of the site of the downed aircraft would have used far more sophisticated equipment to determine that explosives were involved. This has been a huge cover up by Raz Putin and his Egyptian cronies. Now Raz has to ponder who amongst all the people that loath him and his regime would do this. IS is an obvious, but what about all the countries that lost citizens when Russia shot down a civilian aircraft. What about persons from Crimea and Ukraine that were invaded and so on. Expect some more Raz.

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It's an inconvenient truth for both Egypt and Russia.

Either the plane exploded and broke up in mid air for no reason at all or there was a bomb on board.

Or taken out by a missile. None of the three possibilities are good.

I did see something about the same plane having a damaged tail 14 years ago. ..bit of a stretch to link it to this though.

I think the missile option has been ruled out. No launch signature was detected by satellites. And so far, the pics don't show holes like the ones see on the MH flight.

A bomb is looking like the true reason. With foreign intelligence picking up chatter about the bombing on monitored cell phones.

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The Egyptian government are now cancelling flights into and out of Sharm El Sheikh, it looks like they're coming around to the inevitible truth that the airport has been compromised and they're not going to be able to cover it up any longer.

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