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Carter says Russia, China potentially threaten global order


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Carter says Russia, China potentially threaten global order

SIMI VALLEY, California (AP) — U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Saturday accused Russia of endangering world order, citing its incursions in Ukraine and loose talk about nuclear weapons, and said the U.S. defense establishment is searching for creative ways to deter Russian aggression and protect U.S. allies.

In remarks at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library after eight days of travel in Asia, Carter also expressed concern about China's expanding influence and growing military might. But he reserved his stronger words for Russia.

Carter said Russia is undertaking "challenging activities" at sea, in the air, in space and in cyberspace.

"Most disturbing, Moscow's nuclear saber-rattling raises questions about Russian leaders' commitment to strategic stability, their respect for norms against the use of nuclear weapons, and whether they respect the profound caution nuclear-age leaders showed with regard to the brandishing of nuclear weapons," he said.

His remarks were perhaps the strongest he has expressed about America's former Cold War foe.

"We do not seek a cold, let alone a hot, war with Russia," he said. "We do not seek to make Russia an enemy. But make no mistake; the United States will defend our interests, our allies, the principled international order, and the positive future it affords us all."

The backdrop to Carter's remarks is the reality that after more than two decades of dominating great-power relations, the United States is seeing Russia reassert itself and China expand its military influence beyond its own shores.

Carter cited several pillars of the international order that he argued should be defended and strengthened: peaceful resolution of disputes, freedom from coercion, respect for state sovereignty and freedom of navigation.

"Of course, neither Russia nor China can overturn that order," he said. "But both present different challenges for it."

Russia under President Vladimir Putin is challenging the U.S. in many arenas, including the Arctic, where last year Moscow said it was reopening 10 former Soviet-era military bases along the Arctic seaboard that were closed after the Cold War ended in 1991. Russia also is flying more long-range air patrols off U.S. shores.

Carter left open the possibility that Russia's role in Syria could evolve into one the U.S. can embrace.

"It is possible - we'll see - Russia may play a constructive role in resolving the civil war," he said.

In a question-and-answer session with his audience, Carter said he believes Putin "hasn't thought through very thoroughly" his objectives in Syria. He called the Russian approach there "way off track."

As Russia makes what Carter characterized as threatening statements about its potential use of nuclear weapons, the U.S. is modernizing its entire nuclear arsenal — not only the submarines, bomber aircraft and land-based missiles that are armed with long-range nuclear weapons, but also the weapons themselves.

"We're investing in the technologies that are most relevant to Russia's provocations, such as new unmanned systems, a new long-range bomber, and innovation in technologies like the electromagnetic railgun, lasers and new systems for electronic warfare, space and cyberspace, including a few surprising ones I really can't describe here," he said.

Carter said China is the single most influential player in Asia's future, and he noted that earlier this week he went aboard an American aircraft carrier in the South China Sea to demonstrate U.S. commitment to freedom of navigation. The U.S. objects to China's claims of territorial limits around disputed artificial islands there.

"As a rising power, it's to be expected that China will have growing ambitions and a modernizing military," he said. "But how China behaves will be the true test of its commitment to peace and security."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-08

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What a farce! If the US of A (a slang word for body cavity starts with this letter) invades any country in this world for whatever "reason" they come up with, bombing it back to stone age while saying that they are "bringing freedom and democracy" killing millions of civilians in the process, it is totally ok and it would of course not threaten "global order" (ordered by exactly whom?)... But if Russia and China signal that they are not bending over, not taking feces anymore from the "world police", this is propagated as threatening "global order"... Give me a <deleted!> break! sick.gif

There is just one player who ignites mayhem in countries all over the world frequently and that is nobody else but the firestarter, known as USA.

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Ash Carter has got this totally the wrong way round. The threat to world peace is, and has been since WW2 ended, the US. Perpetual war with a brief hiatus after the unmanning in Viet-Nam which eroded the US public support for never ending war. I think WW2 convinced Americans that war was extremely profitable and so the laughably called 'defense industry', carries on lobbying for more and more wars.

Truman created the CIA, NSA in 1947. And, the rest is History:

1949 Greece
1952 Cuba
1953 Iran British Guyana

1954 Guatemala
1955 South Vietnam
1957 Haiti
1958 Laos

1960 South Korea Laos Ecuador
1963 Dominican Republic South Vietnam Honduras Guatemala Ecuador.

1964 Brazil Bolivia
1965 Zaire
1966 Ghana
1967 Greece

1970 Cambodia Bolivia
1972 El Salvador
1973 Chile
1975 Australia
1979 South Korea
1980 Liberia
1982 Chad
1983 Grenada

1987 Fiji

2002 Venezuela.
2004 Haiti

2009 Honduras

2013 Egypt


Now, smart people, give me the Russian Coup list.

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It's amusing in a sad way to have the US talk about respect for national sovereignty. I guess it's respect for national sovereignty (of countries that support US economic interests).

Talk about national sovereignty, Crimea is being looked at to host nuclear weapons. I'm not sure the US has invaded a sovereign country and held the territory. Yes, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were uncalled for. But they are not part of the US now.


And it's not just the US who's worried:


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Look no further than the US white house for the reason.

Yes but take a step back and investigate his predecessor undoubtedly one of the worst US presidents of all time. All this yellow cake war war machine stuff started during his term and now we see it was all a lie to get back at the guy that insulted his father and of course make money for the war machine companies. Look at the millions of deaths and mutilations of innocent people this guy has caused in the name of terrorism plus the Patriot Act and the harm he has done to the citizens of his own country you know the young soldiers killed injured and maimed in his false war. He should be in the docket at The Hague in chains but now "Just call me Jeb" sorry that is wrong he has rebranded himself into "Jeb can fix it" runs around praising his brother as the savior of democracy. Seriously could this guy be a long shot to win the presidency and if so God help our planet. The rest of the field are no prizes either.

Edited by elgordo38
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It's amusing in a sad way to have the US talk about respect for national sovereignty. I guess it's respect for national sovereignty (of countries that support US economic interests).

If your trapped in a Fox news vortex like I am you hear the term US economic interests at least 10 times a day.

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Ash Carter has got this totally the wrong way round. The threat to world peace is, and has been since WW2 ended, the US. Perpetual war with a brief hiatus after the unmanning in Viet-Nam which eroded the US public support for never ending war. I think WW2 convinced Americans that war was extremely profitable and so the laughably called 'defense industry', carries on lobbying for more and more wars.

Truman created the CIA, NSA in 1947. And, the rest is History:

1949 Greece

1952 Cuba

1953 Iran British Guyana

1954 Guatemala

1955 South Vietnam

1957 Haiti

1958 Laos

1960 South Korea Laos Ecuador

1963 Dominican Republic South Vietnam Honduras Guatemala Ecuador.

1964 Brazil Bolivia

1965 Zaire

1966 Ghana

1967 Greece

1970 Cambodia Bolivia

1972 El Salvador

1973 Chile

1975 Australia

1979 South Korea

1980 Liberia

1982 Chad

1983 Grenada

1987 Fiji

2002 Venezuela.

2004 Haiti

2009 Honduras

2013 Egypt


Now, smart people, give me the Russian Coup list.

Invaded Australia?

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So attempting to take over every country is an American only occupation hahahaha. Give me a break. As soon as someone else pops up and does anything it's disturbing World order. The only order that is being threatened is america losing the number 1 spot (and about time as well). America is very good at talking shit and doing nothing. For years they have infiltrated other nations with bullshit excuses including terrorism, when in reality they simply want control (oil, minerals etc etc). They even supply arms to their so called enemy to keep the conflict going so they have an excuse to stay in a particular region. Right now Russia seems to be doing what America only talks about doing.

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Yes, let China and Russia do whatever they want. I am very certain that the world will be a better place soon.

BTW: Whenever the UN need funding or personnel for a peacekeeping mission they always turn to the US first. I wonder why that is, considering that they are the source of all evil in the world.

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Speaking of a global order that was very suitable to Russia, we have the following from history past and present. Vlad is trying to reestablish a Russian Empire in the style of the tsars and the Soviet Commisars Vlad misses so very dearly.

The Russian Empire


The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia, and the predecessor of the Soviet Union. It was the second largest contiguous empire in world history, surpassed only by the Mongol Empire, and the third largest empire behind the British Empire and the Mongol Empire. At one point in 1866, it stretched from eastern Europe, across Asia, and into North America.

The tanks of the Soviet Russian Army were unwelcome in several of the conquered and devoured nations of the USSR on many occasions, such as in Hungary in 1956 during the quashed uprising, Prague in 1968 and on many other dastartly occasions ordered by the bosses of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Shall we discuss the Middle Kingdom of the Chinese emperors and their dynasties, to include the present very young and nervous dynasty in business suits, the Chinese Communist Party.

Before we might do that however let's take a look at decrepit Russia.

1 Armenian SSR
2 Azerbaijan SSR
3 Byelorussian SSR
4 Estonian SSR
5 Georgian SSR
6 Kazakh SSR
7 Kirghiz SSR
8 Latvian SSR
9 Lithuanian SSR
10 Moldavian SSR
11 Russian SFSR
12 Tajik SSR
13 Turkmen SSR
14 Ukrainian SSR

Edited by Publicus
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Personally, I am far more worried about China, than Russia. Granted Russia possesses nuclear arms and advanced warships. But, China has heinous intentions, and may not rest until their place as the world's leader is re-established. They want to simply get back to where they were many centuries ago, in terms of influence.

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Several dozen countries missed from the list.

Whats about Lybia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Serbia and every single country in middle east and north Africa?

Ash Carter has got this totally the wrong way round. The threat to world peace is, and has been since WW2 ended, the US. Perpetual war with a brief hiatus after the unmanning in Viet-Nam which eroded the US public support for never ending war. I think WW2 convinced Americans that war was extremely profitable and so the laughably called 'defense industry', carries on lobbying for more and more wars.

Truman created the CIA, NSA in 1947. And, the rest is History:

1949 Greece
1952 Cuba
1953 Iran British Guyana

1954 Guatemala
1955 South Vietnam
1957 Haiti
1958 Laos

1960 South Korea Laos Ecuador
1963 Dominican Republic South Vietnam Honduras Guatemala Ecuador.

1964 Brazil Bolivia
1965 Zaire
1966 Ghana
1967 Greece

1970 Cambodia Bolivia
1972 El Salvador
1973 Chile
1975 Australia
1979 South Korea
1980 Liberia
1982 Chad
1983 Grenada

1987 Fiji

2002 Venezuela.
2004 Haiti

2009 Honduras

2013 Egypt


Now, smart people, give me the Russian Coup list.

Edited by heina
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I was going to make a comment but the people here for the most part have done a very good job. Nice to see that some of the people are waking up from their media induced drone like state of slumber. Congrats, very nice to observe. Khazaria delenda est.

Edited by Expat1
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Bidons oil interests in Ukraine with dutch, sheite V sunnai over gas pipe line .

Isis using American arms, US airstrikes inefective. Turkey buying stolen oil which funds ISIS, Uighers run from china via thailand to Turkey then Syria,Usa admits that the people they have trained to fight ISIS have defected to fight for ISIS ect ect ect.wai2.gif

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I was going to make a comment but the people here for the most part have done a very good job. Nice to see that some of the people are waking up from their media induced drone like state of slumber. Congrats, very nice to observe. Khazaria delenda est

Good one!

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Would that be the current global order in which USA is top dog, policemen and self appointed courts and arbiter of Justice?

The revolution in social media means it's harder for the top dog to feed PR propaganda crap down everyone's throats anymore. So it's harder to stay top dog anymore.

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Ash Carter has got this totally the wrong way round. The threat to world peace is, and has been since WW2 ended, the US. Perpetual war with a brief hiatus after the unmanning in Viet-Nam which eroded the US public support for never ending war. I think WW2 convinced Americans that war was extremely profitable and so the laughably called 'defense industry', carries on lobbying for more and more wars.

Truman created the CIA, NSA in 1947. And, the rest is History:

1949 Greece

1952 Cuba

1953 Iran British Guyana

1954 Guatemala

1955 South Vietnam

1957 Haiti

1958 Laos

1960 South Korea Laos Ecuador

1963 Dominican Republic South Vietnam Honduras Guatemala Ecuador.

1964 Brazil Bolivia

1965 Zaire

1966 Ghana

1967 Greece

1970 Cambodia Bolivia

1972 El Salvador

1973 Chile

1975 Australia

1979 South Korea

1980 Liberia

1982 Chad

1983 Grenada

1987 Fiji

2002 Venezuela.

2004 Haiti

2009 Honduras

2013 Egypt


Now, smart people, give me the Russian Coup list.

Invaded Australia?

Think it refers to the removal of an Australian PM, Whitlam, who pulled out of Vietnam and was anti-US.

Since then every Oz govt has learned the lesson and been pro-US, basically lapdogs that ask how high every time Washington says jump.

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Invaded Australia?

Think it refers to the removal of an Australian PM, Whitlam, who pulled out of Vietnam and was anti-US.

Since then every Oz govt has learned the lesson and been pro-US, basically lapdogs that ask how high every time Washington says jump.

Queen of England is head of state of Australia (Canada&NZ) and HM's governor general in the Commonwealth of Australia removed the Whitlam government in 1975 on the authority of HM the Queen in consultation with the PM of the UK. The US had quit Vietnam by then.

US Government has no vote in the Australian parliament on whether HM's Australian commonwealth government can pass a budget, which the Whitlam government had been unable to do.

After the GG of Australia removed the miserably failed Whitlam government he concluded his proclamation with, "God Save the Queen." GG called a new general election which the opposition party won and it won big time. Whitlam had been a disaster from the get-go.

Hard to find the United States in any of that.

Fact is nobody in this region liked the Whitlam government and eventually the vast majority of Aussies felt the same way as evidenced by the subsequent election. It's probably the only time Buckingham Palace has kicked out one of its commonwealth governments.

Meanwhile back here on planet earth the US earlier this year ended its many years of strategic ambiguity to decide Russia is behind door number one and the CCP Dictators in Beijing are behind door number two. SecDef Ashton Carter is pushing hard against the CCP Boyz in the SCS and East Asia and Carter is trying to sell Putin on a joint US-Russia anti-jihad effort in Syria.

May you live in interesting times.

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Ash Carter has got this totally the wrong way round. The threat to world peace is, and has been since WW2 ended, the US. Perpetual war with a brief hiatus after the unmanning in Viet-Nam which eroded the US public support for never ending war. I think WW2 convinced Americans that war was extremely profitable and so the laughably called 'defense industry', carries on lobbying for more and more wars.

Truman created the CIA, NSA in 1947. And, the rest is History:

1949 Greece

1952 Cuba

1953 Iran British Guyana

1954 Guatemala

1955 South Vietnam

1957 Haiti

1958 Laos

1960 South Korea Laos Ecuador

1963 Dominican Republic South Vietnam Honduras Guatemala Ecuador.

1964 Brazil Bolivia

1965 Zaire

1966 Ghana

1967 Greece

1970 Cambodia Bolivia

1972 El Salvador

1973 Chile

1975 Australia

1979 South Korea

1980 Liberia

1982 Chad

1983 Grenada

1987 Fiji

2002 Venezuela.

2004 Haiti

2009 Honduras

2013 Egypt


Now, smart people, give me the Russian Coup list.

Invaded Australia?

Think it refers to the removal of an Australian PM, Whitlam, who pulled out of Vietnam and was anti-US.

Since then every Oz govt has learned the lesson and been pro-US, basically lapdogs that ask how high every time Washington says jump.

Same as NZ when US says jump John Key say's how high!


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Ash Carter has got this totally the wrong way round. The threat to world peace is, and has been since WW2 ended, the US. Perpetual war with a brief hiatus after the unmanning in Viet-Nam which eroded the US public support for never ending war. I think WW2 convinced Americans that war was extremely profitable and so the laughably called 'defense industry', carries on lobbying for more and more wars.

Truman created the CIA, NSA in 1947. And, the rest is History:

1949 Greece

1952 Cuba

1953 Iran British Guyana

1954 Guatemala

1955 South Vietnam

1957 Haiti

1958 Laos

1960 South Korea Laos Ecuador

1963 Dominican Republic South Vietnam Honduras Guatemala Ecuador.

1964 Brazil Bolivia

1965 Zaire

1966 Ghana

1967 Greece

1970 Cambodia Bolivia

1972 El Salvador

1973 Chile

1975 Australia

1979 South Korea

1980 Liberia

1982 Chad

1983 Grenada

1987 Fiji

2002 Venezuela.

2004 Haiti

2009 Honduras

2013 Egypt


Now, smart people, give me the Russian Coup list.

Invaded Australia?

Think it refers to the removal of an Australian PM, Whitlam, who pulled out of Vietnam and was anti-US.

Since then every Oz govt has learned the lesson and been pro-US, basically lapdogs that ask how high every time Washington says jump.

Same as NZ when US says jump John Key say's how high!


Also the death of Norman Kirk was suspect with some in the advertising industry suspecting good old CIA.

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Ash Carter has got this totally the wrong way round. The threat to world peace is, and has been since WW2 ended, the US. Perpetual war with a brief hiatus after the unmanning in Viet-Nam which eroded the US public support for never ending war. I think WW2 convinced Americans that war was extremely profitable and so the laughably called 'defense industry', carries on lobbying for more and more wars.

Truman created the CIA, NSA in 1947. And, the rest is History:

1949 Greece

1952 Cuba

1953 Iran British Guyana

1954 Guatemala

1955 South Vietnam

1957 Haiti

1958 Laos

1960 South Korea Laos Ecuador

1963 Dominican Republic South Vietnam Honduras Guatemala Ecuador.

1964 Brazil Bolivia

1965 Zaire

1966 Ghana

1967 Greece

1970 Cambodia Bolivia

1972 El Salvador

1973 Chile

1975 Australia

1979 South Korea

1980 Liberia

1982 Chad

1983 Grenada

1987 Fiji

2002 Venezuela.

2004 Haiti

2009 Honduras

2013 Egypt


Now, smart people, give me the Russian Coup list.

The list means nothing without some even brief impartial description of each event. Each event and date was consciously and carefully selected to create the particular list for specific and narrow reasons and purposes.

For instance, the list omits rather conveniently Kuwait in January-February 1991. In another instance, one intervention in Haiti was to restore the elected president who'd been deposed by generals. Ukraine is self-explanatory as Putin is stuck there in his frozen tracks.

The list is biased as it is presented while simultaneously being meaningless for the same reason. Absent any even brief descriptions or accounts, the list is vacuous.

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Invaded Australia?

Think it refers to the removal of an Australian PM, Whitlam, who pulled out of Vietnam and was anti-US.

Since then every Oz govt has learned the lesson and been pro-US, basically lapdogs that ask how high every time Washington says jump.

Same as NZ when US says jump John Key say's how high!


Also the death of Norman Kirk was suspect with some in the advertising industry suspecting good old CIA.

If it was by polonium it almost 99.9% surely wuz not the CIA.

The unfortunate Brit 'businessman' Neil Heywood bought the farm in China a couple of years ago in what was made to appear as alcohol poisoning. At the demand of the UK Government further investigation found however it was indeed poisoning but not by alcohol. That started a chain of bread crumb discoveries that led to a coup plot as confirmed by a high Chongqing CCP official who after skulking in the middle of the night to the US Consulate in Chengdu spilled the beans. A whole bunch of CCP Maoist anti-reform plotters now have a permanent retirement residence in a bighouse full of steel cages and barbed wire located in a rolling hills remote countryside estate.

In case anyone around here missed it, Putin in his own alleged mind is still head of the KGB restoring the old Russian-Soviet Empire.

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