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Another victim bites the dust ! When will they ever learn.


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Lots of regular contributors to this forum met their wives and GFs on dating sites. Maybe your friends were doing something wrong!

If you want to know more about dating sites, why not just ask TV members who've used them.

My misses just met a lady that dated and married online.

She was 25 (and a virgin), he was 62.

They have been married 8 years, her 32 (and 70Kg !!!) she was small but now isn't.

He's 70 and OK with it.



Whadda load of <deleted>.

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Lots of regular contributors to this forum met their wives and GFs on dating sites. Maybe your friends were doing something wrong!

If you want to know more about dating sites, why not just ask TV members who've used them.

My misses just met a lady that dated and married online.

She was 25 (and a virgin), he was 62.

They have been married 8 years, her 32 (and 70Kg !!!) she was small but now isn't.

He's 70 and OK with it.


Are you sure she was a virgin? Are you also sure 70kg is a success?

I met my GF on a dating site. She's a former model with two degrees.

But she wasn't a virgin when I met her, nor does she weigh 70kg.

Model ?

She obviously never learnt any social skills, as in socialising.

But, look for the honeypot on a dating site.

It must be true love !!!!!!

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Lots of regular contributors to this forum met their wives and GFs on dating sites. Maybe your friends were doing something wrong!

If you want to know more about dating sites, why not just ask TV members who've used them.

My misses just met a lady that dated and married online.

She was 25 (and a virgin), he was 62.

They have been married 8 years, her 32 (and 70Kg !!!) she was small but now isn't.

He's 70 and OK with it.


Are you sure she was a virgin? Are you also sure 70kg is a success?

I met my GF on a dating site. She's a former model with two degrees.

But she wasn't a virgin when I met her, nor does she weigh 70kg.

Model ?

She obviously never learnt any social skills, as in socialising.

But, look for the honeypot on a dating site.

It must be true love !!!!!!

How brave of you to insult Thai women on anonymous forums!!

Seriously -- you need to deal with your envy and bitterness.

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Lots of regular contributors to this forum met their wives and GFs on dating sites. Maybe your friends were doing something wrong!

If you want to know more about dating sites, why not just ask TV members who've used them.

My misses just met a lady that dated and married online.

She was 25 (and a virgin), he was 62.

They have been married 8 years, her 32 (and 70Kg !!!) she was small but now isn't.

He's 70 and OK with it.


Are you sure she was a virgin? Are you also sure 70kg is a success?

I met my GF on a dating site. She's a former model with two degrees.

But she wasn't a virgin when I met her, nor does she weigh 70kg.

Hahahahhahaha thank you so much for that.. Very funny. She is a former model. Oh man that's classic tv gold.

She has a double degree in male biology... Does she work at Dr Bj?

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Lots of regular contributors to this forum met their wives and GFs on dating sites. Maybe your friends were doing something wrong!

If you want to know more about dating sites, why not just ask TV members who've used them.

My misses just met a lady that dated and married online.

She was 25 (and a virgin), he was 62.

They have been married 8 years, her 32 (and 70Kg !!!) she was small but now isn't.

He's 70 and OK with it.


Are you sure she was a virgin? Are you also sure 70kg is a success?

I met my GF on a dating site. She's a former model with two degrees.

But she wasn't a virgin when I met her, nor does she weigh 70kg.

The information you posted about your gf is not really relevant (to a successful relationship) and just opens you up for criticism. If you said that you have been together for XX years, have no trust issues, or other meaningful things then maybe your situation would sound more credible.

BTW I am not calling BS on what you posted, as there are tons of amazing Thai ladies available, and I don't know your specific situation.

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I knew a man who lived in Ban Phai who met his beloved on a dating website.

I told him from day one I thought she was bad news. But he, knowing better, ignored any advice I tried to offer and got on with it.

It would be nice if people could ask him what he thinks about dating websites, but unfortunately she had him assassinated the day after he changed his will, leaving everything to her !

Google "Stephen Phillips, Thailand'.

The worst thing is, she got away with it.

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Lots of regular contributors to this forum met their wives and GFs on dating sites. Maybe your friends were doing something wrong!
If you want to know more about dating sites, why not just ask TV members who've used them.
My misses just met a lady that dated and married online.
She was 25 (and a virgin), he was 62.
They have been married 8 years, her 32 (and 70Kg !!!) she was small but now isn't.
He's 70 and OK with it.


Are you sure she was a virgin? Are you also sure 70kg is a success?

I met my GF on a dating site. She's a former model with two degrees.

But she wasn't a virgin when I met her, nor does she weigh 70kg.

Model ?
She obviously never learnt any social skills, as in socialising.
But, look for the honeypot on a dating site.
It must be true love !!!!!!

How brave of you to insult Thai women on anonymous forums!!

Seriously -- you need to deal with your envy and bitterness.

No envy or bitterness at all.
I ran a business for 10 years, and everyday I heard different stories, some good some bad, from people from all walks of life. That is first hand, not from some anonymous forum, as you phrase it.
The vast majority of dating website relationships were more of a business deal, she provides what I want and vice versa. I don't think I have seen one that you could call 'true love' as it used to be known.
If that's the way somebody wants to run their life, who am I to argue ? But it is not for me.
I heard most of the time, the lady talking in Thai to her friends, putting the partner down, but her thoughts were 'he'll do for now'.
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Lots of regular contributors to this forum met their wives and GFs on dating sites. Maybe your friends were doing something wrong!

If you want to know more about dating sites, why not just ask TV members who've used them.

My misses just met a lady that dated and married online.

She was 25 (and a virgin), he was 62.

They have been married 8 years, her 32 (and 70Kg !!!) she was small but now isn't.

He's 70 and OK with it.


Are you sure she was a virgin? Are you also sure 70kg is a success?

I met my GF on a dating site. She's a former model with two degrees.

But she wasn't a virgin when I met her, nor does she weigh 70kg.

The information you posted about your gf is not really relevant (to a successful relationship) and just opens you up for criticism. If you said that you have been together for XX years, have no trust issues, or other meaningful things then maybe your situation would sound more credible.

BTW I am not calling BS on what you posted, as there are tons of amazing Thai ladies available, and I don't know your specific situation.

1. The information you posted about your gf [...] just opens you up for criticism.

I disagree. I think it's more accurate to say that my comments invite envy. But this is quite normal. Thailand attracts lots of bitter, envious, and frankly rather inferior westerners. A large chunk of these men struggle to find attractive women and resent those who enjoy greater success.

2. If you said that you have been together for XX years[...] then maybe your situation would sound more credible.

I'm afraid you're wrong. My GF and I have been living together for just over 4 years, but this doesn't mean too much. You can't say, for example, that the likelihood of a relationship ending is inversely proportional to its duration. My Thai ex and I were together for a decade; my parents divorced after 23 years; I know many couples who separated after 30 years of "rock solid" marriage.

Ultimately it's success rather than "credibility" that matters. I measure success in two ways:

1. Has the relationship produced offspring?

2. Has the relationship offered opportunities for personal growth?

If the answer to either of these questions is yes, the relationship is/was a success.

3. BTW I am not calling BS on what you posted

What I posted means little to me: I wrote it for the benefit of other forum members who may be interested to learn that you can find decent girls on dating sites.

The thing that really interests me about my GF is her foreign surname. Not everyone knows that dotted around southeast Asia (and parts of India, too) are people with surnames dating back to the days of the early Portuguese navigators and British/Dutch East India Company traders. You can sometimes find these people in places which today are surprisingly "nondescript" but hundreds of years ago were major entrepots and important ports of call.

Because of my GF's foreign surname I now know considerably more about the history of Thailand than 4 years ago. This goes back to my point about personal growth.

4. There are tons of amazing Thai ladies available

True, and I hope you've done well for yourself!

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I know two stunning, articulate, and well grounded girls through my wife. Each have wealth bequeathed from inheritance. They truly are quality girls. Many a Thai man is interested and farang from online dating. They each independently acknowledge that they don't meet the man they desire; Thai or farang.

A guy under 40, +/- 6', slim and muscular, alluring eyes, with a cracking smile. I see guys tripping over themselves to get them but none "have it".

I don't doubt many a girl has an ulterior motive but many don't.

How many dudes on TF fit the profile? Not many, several at most.

The OP asks why another victim bites the dust? Most, if not all of these guys never made it with the ladies anytime in their lives and are too naive to see the trap being set.

Too many of the other guys here don't have the looks and personality to get a quality girl.

Some of you will not like what I write but it'll ring true.

Some also will think the two girls have their standards set too high, or are prudes, or shallow. You couldn't be further from the truth.

I know two supremely quality girls. I'd love to match them with two quality guys.

Edited by JoopJoop
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I know two stunning, articulate, and well grounded girls through my wife. Each have wealth bequeathed from inheritance. They truly are quality girls. Many a Thai man is interested and farang from online dating. They each independently acknowledge that they don't meet the man they desire; Thai or farang.

A guy under 40, +/- 6', slim and muscular, alluring eyes, with a cracking smile. I see guys tripping over themselves to get them but none "have it".

I don't doubt many a girl has an ulterior motive but many don't.

How many dudes on TF fit the profile? Not many, several at most.

The OP asks why another victim bites the dust? Most, if not all of these guys never made it with the ladies anytime in their lives and are too naive to see the trap being set.

Too many of the other guys here don't have the looks and personality to get a quality girl.

Some of you will not like what I write but it'll ring true.

Some also will think the two girls have their standards set too high, or are prudes, or shallow. You couldn't be further from the truth.

I know two supremely quality girls. I'd love to match them with two quality guys.

I must have missed this post when you wrote it, but it's good and very true.

I used ThaiFriendly back in 2011 and met several eligible girls. Some of them had bizarre stories to tell.

One girl told me about a German guy she corresponded with. She said he talked a lot about feet. She said he was very interested in her feet and wanted to see photos of them. I checked out the guy's profile page and he was a real perv. He described how he had a foot fetish and idolized women's feet.

Another girl told me about a very good-looking Swiss guy who wrote to her. I checked him out and she was right -- he was extremely good-looking. Oddly, though, he didn't mention his height or show any full length photos. I guess you can work the rest out by yourself. The girl said she was shocked when she met him. He was tiny!


The girls I met on TF were generally pleasant, attractive and educated.

If you're tall, slim and reasonably good-looking you shouldn't have any problems finding a nice girl on a dating site.

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The worst stories I've heard all involved girls away from the bar scene. There was a story on this forum a while back about a young English guy whose wife cleaned him out to the tune of several million.

As long as you only date girls who have their own home and car, you can't go too wrong. Sure, the girl may cheat and the relationship might end, but at least you won't lose your money.

My gf owns her home and has a decent job. I have been living in her home for over 2 years and have been called by many Thai visa members a leech and a scammer.

I wonder if those same members also think of their gf and wives they give a monthly stipend to, build houses and support their families leeches and scammers?

What I learned in my 42 years on this planet is that people are generally stupid when it comes to love. I lived on 3 continents and this is always the case.

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What I REALLY can not understand is why farangs give money to Thai women who just sit at home and do nothing. This kind of situation is more common than you may think. Some of these women can't even cook!

It's like keeping a pet or an expensive hobby.

Some people I know pay loads of money to keep a useless old mongrel alive.

Lots of people keep pets. I've never found a dog that could cook, or a cat for that matter.

Horses and ponys cost even more money to keep.

Let's not even get to muscle cars, yachts and vintage planes.

It's their money, let them waste it how they like.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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What I REALLY can not understand is why farangs give money to Thai women who just sit at home and do nothing. This kind of situation is more common than you may think. Some of these women can't even cook!

It's like keeping a pet or an expensive hobby.

Some people I know pay loads of money to keep a useless old mongrel alive.

Lots of people keep pets. I've never found a dog that could cook, or a cat for that matter.

Horses and ponys cost even more money to keep.

Let's not even get to muscle cars, yachts and vintage planes.

It's their money, let them waste it how they like.

Fair enough, but at least expensive hobbies bring genuine pleasure and interest.

A few years back I knew a bunch of guys who invested small fortunes in radio controlled airplanes and helicopters. These guys loved what they did, and were prepared to pay serious cash to repair their toys as and when they crashed. Some of these guys were Thai (from the Royal Thai Air Force); an equal number were westerners.

I reckon lots of farangs fund their fat, lazy wives because it's an easy way to obtain the non-immigrant O. But I reckon most keep paying because she's the one who owns the assets.

Like you say: "it's their money, let them waste it how they like".

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Dating websites are also a sign of desperation for westerners.

You've really got a problem with dating sites.


Respectfully, though, I won't ask you to show a photo of your wife. I have no desire to see you humiliated.

Edited by Fabricus
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Dating websites are also a sign of desperation for westerners.

You've really got a problem with dating sites.


Respectfully, though, I won't ask you to show a photo of your wife. I have no desire to see you humiliated.

It's in the best possible taste.:unsure:


Edited by roo860
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You've really got a problem with dating sites.


Respectfully, though, I won't ask you to show a photo of your wife. I have no desire to see you humiliated.

I did an experiment with Thai Cupid, i am mid fifties and average looking on a good day. I met approximately 15 women between the ages of 30 and 50. Without exception every single one of them contacted me on their own volition for a second date. Most women on Thai dating sites are not looking for the man of their dreams, i proved it !

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Dating websites are also a sign of desperation for westerners.

You've really got a problem with dating sites.


Respectfully, though, I won't ask you to show a photo of your wife. I have no desire to see you humiliated.

I could post one of my ex, I would never get involved again.

If it is about photos, I take it you bought a 'trophy' wife ?

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You've really got a problem with dating sites.


Respectfully, though, I won't ask you to show a photo of your wife. I have no desire to see you humiliated.

I did an experiment with Thai Cupid, i am mid fifties and average looking on a good day. I met approximately 15 women between the ages of 30 and 50. Without exception every single one of them contacted me on their own volition for a second date. Most women on Thai dating sites are not looking for the man of their dreams, i proved it !

All you proved is that they wanted a second date with you. What's so bad about that. If you represented yourself accurately on your profile and were nice on the dates then this isn't really strange at all.

I'm younger and dated a lot more ladies and I never got refused for a second date either. I did decline for a few of them but mostly I found some really nice girls. It's pretty easy to figure out which ones are the genuine ones. For me it was about dating a lot of different girls and then picking one if things seemed right.

If anyone has a suggestion to find 3 new ladies a week to date without using a dating site, I'm all ears.

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