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Scenes of horror as a Paris night becomes a bloodbath

Jonathan Fairfield

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A certain local French correspondent from the Telegraph named Henry Samuel confirmed that the attackers were French born citizens.

If you doubt, please google his name and pick the language you want.

Many People who survived tweeted the same facts : young, unmasked, French speaking...

Let's stop the crap of the refugees. It starts to be annoying...


Daesh publicly warned in their French language social media announcement in July this year they would carry out a major terrorist attack in Paris.

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a black day for france, we aa scots share your grieve for tha victims of terrorists attacks in paris, france is not the furst kintra being attacked by these bloodsucker terrorists, nor will it be tha lest,, other eu kintras, germany france, turkey, england, scotland included are unner this threat!! lets hope that tha people in power take the matters in hand an do somethin afore its too late

Where are you from..?

Better yet, where is the barstool you wrote that from?

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Even after this latest atrocity the usual apologists still will not condemn the real cause, which is the ideology of Islam itself, a vile ideology of violence, retribution, expansion and revenge. One of the reasons given for the slaughter was 'insults to the prophet' oh boo hoo the war monger and pedophile who has inspired so much slaughter down the centuries insulted, who would have thought it.

Edited by jacky54
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It didn't take 3 hours to reach.. When reaching they tried to negotiate and not getting result gave the assault

They said there is no negotiation possible with ISIS, the guys were kamikaze they had belts with bombs and were to die at the end of the attack.

The police should have known, because ISIS never negotiates and 3 hours means many lives lost.

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The was a historically significant act of war of Islamists against the entirety of western civilization.

Charlie Hebdo could be "explained" and more marginalized as revenge against a provocative satirical magazine and also the usual Jew hatred (muddied by conflating all the Jews in the world as active soldiers of the state of Israel).

So the general public could still feel, well it's only about "them" those others that provoke the Islamists and of course Jews who are widely hated anyway.

They could choose not to provoke the Islamists with cartoons and Jews, who really cares about Jews?

This is different. Bigger. This is a message for ALL of us in the world who are NOT Islamists.

I think this change in tactics was intentional and this message was intentional. It's not only about free speech cartoons, it's not only about Jews ...

they're after ALL of us.

Message received.

What does means the word Islamists in this context?

Any person believes in Islam and follow Islam is considered as an Islamist, right?

These bombing attackers, ISIS members and their similar types are just vagabond dogs, they do not know any thing about Islam, or what Islam saying, many of them who migrated from western countries they were deeply involved in vagabond life style, and suddenly get involved with these misguided vagabonds and get involved in these devil activities,, and the global propaganda takes the initiative to do the rest of the job by marketing their activities as Islamists and promoting the event to be counted on Islam in result, good job...!!!


Stop putting words in my mouth. It's offensive and wrong. Speak for yourself.


WASHINGTON — A new fault line has emerged in Middle Eastern politics, one that will have profound implications for America’s foreign policy in the region. This rift is not defined by those who support or oppose the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), or by conflict between Sunnis and Shiites and the proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. It is characterized by a fundamental division between Islamists and non-Islamists.


Many of these Islamists are at war with one another, but they are also engaged in a bitter struggle with non-Islamists to define the fundamental identity of the region and its states. What the Islamists all have in common is that they subordinate national identities to an Islamic identity.

Edited by Jingthing
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Even after this latest atrocity the usual apologists still will not condemn the real cause, which is the ideology Islam itself, a vile ideology of violence, retribution, expansion and revenge. One of the reasons given for the slaughter was 'insults to the prophet' oh boo hoo the war monger and pedophile who has inspired so much slaughter down the centuries insulted, who would have thought it.

Well done, Jacky.

Yet again you have proven my point for me!

This time the point being that certain people lack the intellectual capacity to realise that their ignorant hate only acts as recruiting propaganda for the terrorists!

When will you start accepting the fact that IS and other Islamic terrorists do not represent Islam and Muslims?

If they do, then why are they condemned by Muslims worldwide?

If they do, why are Muslim soldiers fighting them, and dying, as we sit at our keyboards and pontificate?

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The effect that ISIS wants is to bait the west into fighting them in the Levant. It's working. What choice?

Agree, let isis take over a city then nuke them. It may be the only way.

I posted in the other thread, nuke the whole middle east, muslims, christians, Israel, the lot. Nothing but trouble.

Wonder if I sound radical enough for some posters on here. But I do believe it is the only way, the whole lot, gone.

Not as easy as it sounds. The middle east is too close to Europe, that would suffer the affects of the fall out. This is why Germany wasn`t nuked in the war.

1.) blink.png

2.) facepalm.gif Germany had to give up before the first bomb was ready to be dropped. That is the only reason why Germany got away. Targets were already marked on the map. (off topic, I know, but too wrong to be left unanswered)

Edited by jope
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The effect that ISIS wants is to bait the west into fighting them in the Levant. It's working. What choice?

Well done, one of the very few on this forum who actually understands the Daesh Islamist vision & goal for the Apocalypse.

Indeed, the Apocalypse is near.

This planet will be better off without the (self-destructive) human species.

Darwinisme still need to prove the human species is a regression.

Humans are the worst specimens evolution has engendered, maybe the dinosaurs were also a misfit of nature? (Or should I say God?)

Edited by tartempion
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utter horror utter shock absolutely terrible the gates of hell are open and I think from now on this will continue until the powers that be realise the enemy are now in because the goodies have let them in now it will be a case of bloodbaths all round until these people are sent back to their own country or they are eradicated .

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@Linky - I would hope, and I mean it sincerely, that all refugees are kept track of, investigated, processed. Those that arenot genuinely refugees fleeing isis are sent packing. The remainder treated as humanely as anyone of any religion fleeing isis.

Stop talking about ISIS and refugees. FIrst of all 30% of all refugees in Germany are not Syrians, even if they claim to be Syrians. In a village were I grow up their are 130 Bangladeshi's and Pakistanis. I was their last month. Another 40% according to the German Interior Minister came from Turkey and Lebanon but they don't want to stay their because their are no benefits as they only get food from the UNHCR but no financial incentives. Afghan refugees have a chance to make it to either Pakistan or Iran but they want to go to Europe because their is money to be made.

A male refugee with a wife, two children can make 1100 Euros per month including free accommodations, so who wants to stay in Turkey, Lebanon, Iran or Pakistan.

It was Merkel that invited the problem into Europe because my country Germany very much controls the EU. Her intentions were chai dee but without a plan you can't just say to all those Muslim countries, hey we take you all in.

The German are responsible for the mess and I hope Merkel is going to resign to stop that nightmare. As you are familiar with Indonesia, let Indonesia take in 1 million brothers and sisters but I guess Indonesia gives a damn about them and is on par with all those other Muslim countries that don't want to get them into their country.

The Syrians will end up like the Palestinians but it is not really the problem of the West but the Muslims in general have to change their country from the inside.

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After the Russian plane, the Damascus bombing, and then the suicide attacks on the Lebanon Hezbollah neighborhood I had thought we might have had a triple play message from the Jihadis and their supporters that, “While you are celebrating us getting killed in Syria and Iraq we can still kill you at home any time we want. Our sponsors are quite supportive.”

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@Linky - I would hope, and I mean it sincerely, that all refugees are kept track of, investigated, processed. Those that arenot genuinely refugees fleeing isis are sent packing. The remainder treated as humanely as anyone of any religion fleeing isis.

Stop talking about ISIS and refugees. FIrst of all 30% of all refugees in Germany are not Syrians, even if they claim to be Syrians. In a village were I grow up their are 130 Bangladeshi's and Pakistanis. I was their last month. Another 40% according to the German Interior Minister came from Turkey and Lebanon but they don't want to stay their because their are no benefits as they only get food from the UNHCR but no financial incentives. Afghan refugees have a chance to make it to either Pakistan or Iran but they want to go to Europe because their is money to be made.

A male refugee with a wife, two children can make 1100 Euros per month including free accommodations, so who wants to stay in Turkey, Lebanon, Iran or Pakistan.

It was Merkel that invited the problem into Europe because my country Germany very much controls the EU. Her intentions were chai dee but without a plan you can't just say to all those Muslim countries, hey we take you all in.

The German are responsible for the mess and I hope Merkel is going to resign to stop that nightmare. As you are familiar with Indonesia, let Indonesia take in 1 million brothers and sisters but I guess Indonesia gives a damn about them and is on par with all those other Muslim countries that don't want to get them into their country.

The Syrians will end up like the Palestinians but it is not really the problem of the West but the Muslims in general have to change their country from the inside.

And your point is?

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All the politicians who have voted for mass immigration of muslims should be taken out and shot only then will we be safe.

I do believe it was fench citizens who did this. I can stand corrected tho

Is your point that the politicians who let their parents in are dead?

Agree, let isis take over a city then nuke them. It may be the only way.

Have you thought through the consequences of nuking Raqqa? It would speed up nuclear proliferation. Or is this part of a grand plan including attacks on Iran (our co-belligerents!) and North Korea?

Edited by Richard W
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Obama said 'Those Who Think That They Can Terrorize the People of France or the Values That They Stand for Are Wrong'

Really Mr Obama, is that a serious statement of are you just making jokes again?

I would imagine a lot of people in Paris feel terrorized, especially those who have just lost loved ones or friends!

Its the usual politico speak "we stand together, we shall overcome, do not let them defeat you, etc. I have heard the same canned speech over the decades after every one of these cowardly attacks it is the same old solidarity routine. The thing that really scares me of all the refugees pouring into the Europe how many terrorists are hidden among them. In the Paris attack 8 people killed 120 or more and wounded 200. A planned attack like this where so few can create so much pain and suffering. Its incredible. RIP to the slain. Speedy recovery to the injured. We live in perilous times.

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The was a historically significant act of war of Islamists against the entirety of western civilization.

Charlie Hebdo could be "explained" and more marginalized as revenge against a provocative satirical magazine and also the usual Jew hatred (muddied by conflating all the Jews in the world as active soldiers of the state of Israel).

So the general public could still feel, well it's only about "them" those others that provoke the Islamists and of course Jews who are widely hated anyway.

They could choose not to provoke the Islamists with cartoons and Jews, who really cares about Jews?

This is different. Bigger. This is a message for ALL of us in the world who are NOT Islamists.

I think this change in tactics was intentional and this message was intentional. It's not only about free speech cartoons, it's not only about Jews ...

they're after ALL of us.

Message received.

Brilliant post!

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Not really relevant to this topic, but

let Indonesia take in 1 million brothers and sisters but I guess Indonesia gives a damn about them and is on par with all those other Muslim countries that don't want to get them into their country.

Please get your facts right.

Top five countries in terms of the number of Syrian refugees:

  • Over 2 million in Turkey
  • Nearly 1.5 million in Jordan
  • Over 1 million in Lebanon.
  • Over 500,000 in Saudi Arabia (classified by the Saudi government as "Arab brothers and sisters in distress" not as refugees)
  • Nearly 250,000 in Iraq.


Notice something? All Muslim countries!

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