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US refugee quandary: Immigrant legacy vs 9/11-era fears


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US refugee quandary: Immigrant legacy vs 9/11-era fears

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Paris attacks are rapidly weakening U.S. support for bringing in thousands more Syrian refugees, as pressure grows in Congress and the Republican presidential campaign to reverse course and governors once open to resettlement try to shut their states' doors.

President Barack Obama held firm to current plans on Monday, appealing to Americans to "not close our hearts" to Syria's victims of war and terrorism and denouncing calls from Republican candidates to favor Syrian Christians over Muslims in the refugee influx. His remarks, at a summit of world leaders in Turkey, seemed aimed at heading off a wave of anti-Muslim sentiment reminiscent of the 9/11 era, as much as keeping open the pathway for refugees.

America's vision of itself as a welcoming destination for the displaced was colliding with its recent memories of devastation caused by terrorists, all part of a quandary over what to do about the masses of people escaping the brutality of the Syrian conflict, perhaps with radicals in their midst.

On Monday:

— Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered his state's refugee resettlement program not to accept any more Syrians, and some other Republican governors announced or suggested they were suspending cooperation with Washington on the program, at least until assured the newcomers were being vetted effectively for security risks. Among those governors were two other GOP presidential contenders, John Kasich of Ohio and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. None of the governors, though, has the authority to prevent refugees from moving into a state.

—Republican lawmakers called for suspension of the federal Syrian refugee program and threatened to try to stop it in legislation that must pass by Dec. 11 to keep the government running. New House Speaker Paul Ryan neither endorsed nor ruled out that course.

—Republican presidential candidates, already skeptical if not hostile to the refugee-welcoming plan before the attacks, stepped up their rhetoric against it. Donald Trump said the U.S. should increase surveillance of mosques, consider closing any of them tied to radicals and be prepared to suspend some civil liberties. He'd been among the first to warn that the refugee crisis could represent a "Trojan horse" with terrorists infiltrating the ranks of innocent refugees. Calls by GOP rivals Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush to give preference to Christian refugees from Syria prompted a sharp rebuke from Obama. "Shameful," he said. "We don't have a religious test for our compassion."

At the heart of the debate is the Obama administration's decision to raise the nation's annual limit of 70,000 refugees by 10,000, with most of the new slots for Syrians, in the budget year that started Oct. 1.

That potential Syrian influx pales in comparison with the masses coming to Europe and those being accepted elsewhere. Canada, with just more than one-tenth of the U.S. population, plans to take in 25,000 Syrians in the next few months.

But indications that at least one of the attackers who killed 129 people in Paris may have crossed into France with refugees have given critics of Obama's plan a footing to demand a cutoff.

"Until we can sort out the bad guys, we must not be foolish," Republican presidential contender Ben Carson said after a Nevada campaign swing Monday. And he said of Syrians already in the U.S: "I would watch them very carefully."

Like Trump and others in the GOP race, Carson was critical of the resettlement program before Paris came under assault. But the attacks were persuasive to some who had been more open to the idea or on the fence.

"It's not that we don't want to, it's that we can't," Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said Sunday. In September, he'd been "open to that" if effective screening could be assured.

Bush, too, altered his tone, asserting the "focus ought to be on the Christians who have no place in Syria anymore," because "they're being beheaded, they're being executed by both sides." Before the attacks, he had spoken of moderate Muslims also being slaughtered in Syria, when arguing that the U.S. had a responsibility to protect them, as well.

The mood in Congress may be altering as well, although the issue was just taking shape. Ryan did not tip his hand on whether he would try to use House budget powers to counter an administration initiative that did not need congressional approval.

Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama was among those suggesting such a tack. Absent congressional action, he said, "the United States will begin resettling tens of thousands of poorly vetted Syrian refugees who will eventually be able to bring in their relatives." Rep. Tom Price of Georgia, the House budget chairman, said the U.S. "must suspend our refugee program until certainty is brought to the vetting process."

Rep. Adam Schiff of California, senior Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, said security checks must be intensified, but "even with the most thorough precautions, there is some risk associated with allowing refugees into the country. And this is why the current crisis is a test of our character."

As in Texas, Louisiana and Ohio, Republican governors in Alabama and Arkansas spoke out against Syrian resettlement. Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, who had earlier bucked many fellow Republican leaders by embracing the initiative, said he was suspending the welcome until federal officials reviewed security procedures and clearances. Michigan's "first priority is protecting the safety of our residents," he said.

Associated Press writers Alicia A. Caldwell and Erica Werner in Washington, Bill Barrow in Atlanta and Ken Ritter in Henderson, Nevada, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-17

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" At the heart of the debate is the Obama administration's decision to raise the nation's annual limit of 70,000 refugees by 10,000, with most of the new slots for Syrians, in the budget year that started Oct. 1. "

Obama, if he will ever be remembered in the annals of history beside being the first black president of the US,

he will be remembered as the champion of the illegals and refugees that on his watch, millions of

dubious and questionable people entered the US borders illegally and were permitted to stay

courtesy of the great liberal Obama...

Sure, let 10,000 people with fake credentials enter the US, and don't be surprise if another tower or two

will be blown up by some of those how got in and were actually terrorist....

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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

Edited by dexterm
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Last I heard...15 state governors had indicated they did not want Syrian refugees in their state...

Obama loves being President...he will shove the potential terrorist down their throats...because legally he can...what a guy...

Meanwhile, Obama conveniently ignores law requiring Congressional approval...just writes an executive order...daring the Republicans to take him to court...since he has the Justice Dept. and Supreme Court in his back pocket...

One more year!

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Last I heard...15 state governors had indicated they did not want Syrian refugees in their state...

Obama loves being President...he will shove the potential terrorist down their throats...because legally he can...what a guy...

Meanwhile, Obama conveniently ignores law requiring Congressional approval...just writes an executive order...daring the Republicans to take him to court...since he has the Justice Dept. and Supreme Court in his back pocket...

One more year!

One more year before Hilary continues, and improves upon, his good work.

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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

Apt quote. It's a pity the rednecks, though maybe knowing the quote, can't comprehend it's significance. Ironic, really when you consider the whole patriotic oomph of the Reps.

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It is quite sad that this is becoming a political football. Unlike Europe, the US is in an enviable position on the refugee issue. The US can and does vet refugees very, very carefully before they are resettled. The number of refugees taken is a movement of numbers within the allotted number of immigrants so there will be no 'increase' unless Congress decides to increase the number of overall people admitted to the US.

Many of the people that given priority in resettlement programs are those that have been associated with US programs.

There are a lot of criteria and hurdles before they are resettled and the screening process is rigorous, right down to the medical checks required. Christian Syrians probably have one of the strongest claims to refugee status, by the way.

The US will not get stuck with anyone they do not wish to take. That is very different from the situation in Europe.

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The problem with Muslim Refugees does not have to go all the way back to 9-11...The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslim Refugees only a few years ago.

Also - a recent tally developing in the U.S. - there are now a total of 28 States that have either refused to take any 'refugees' or are strongly resisting it.

Also - Senator Ted Cruz is introducing a bill to not fund any Syrian 'refugee' settlement in the U.S.

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It is quite sad that this is becoming a political football. Unlike Europe, the US is in an enviable position on the refugee issue. The US can and does vet refugees very, very carefully before they are resettled. The number of refugees taken is a movement of numbers within the allotted number of immigrants so there will be no 'increase' unless Congress decides to increase the number of overall people admitted to the US.

Many of the people that given priority in resettlement programs are those that have been associated with US programs.

There are a lot of criteria and hurdles before they are resettled and the screening process is rigorous, right down to the medical checks required. Christian Syrians probably have one of the strongest claims to refugee status, by the way.

The US will not get stuck with anyone they do not wish to take. That is very different from the situation in Europe.

I appreciate your first-hand experience and knowledge of this subject....could you elaborate on WHY it's Christian Syrians? I suspect there is a reason that has nothing to do with the recent US Rep calls for "only Christians", and has something to do with the demograph fitting a particular secular profile.

Edited by metisdead
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The problem with Muslim Refugees does not have to go all the way back to 9-11...The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslim Refugees only a few years ago.

Also - a recent tally developing in the U.S. - there are now a total of 28 States that have either refused to take any 'refugees' or are strongly resisting it.

Also - Senator Ted Cruz is introducing a bill to not fund any Syrian 'refugee' settlement in the U.S.

But im sure he will be happy to go bomb those places.

GWB and his crew started this mess, the US has a responsibility to take refugees.

I guess Rumsfeld's line about dancing in the streets with joy and quite a bit wrong. You broke it, now help fix it.

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Last I heard...15 state governors had indicated they did not want Syrian refugees in their state...

Obama loves being President...he will shove the potential terrorist down their throats...because legally he can...what a guy...

Meanwhile, Obama conveniently ignores law requiring Congressional approval...just writes an executive order...daring the Republicans to take him to court...since he has the Justice Dept. and Supreme Court in his back pocket...

One more year!

The number of states has grown to 28 and rising who are either refusing or strongly resisting taking in the refugees. Obama may be able to win a court battle to force the states to do it ... but overcoming the inertia of the Federal Courts System will be a time consuming one that could out last his presidency (the same as his stymied amnesty program - dead in the water after several court battles). And remember - if Obama should lose a court battle over this at the Federal Lower Court and lose at appeal - the Supreme Court Assigns one justice to review whether to take a lower court appeals case for hearing. In the case of the amnesty battle a very conservative judge has already been assigned to decide if to be heard by SCOTUS or not. The same could happen with the coming legal battle over the 'refugees'... The system can be made to work to stymie a Constitutional end run President.

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What nonsense. The GOP would be quite pleased to let thousands of Christian refugees in. No radical Islamic terrorist sleeper cells to worry about.

Why are the GOP worried. Surely it cant be an issue because the citizens have guns and nothing bad ever happens when there are lots of guns sround to scare them off. ?

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The problem with Muslim Refugees does not have to go all the way back to 9-11...The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslim Refugees only a few years ago.

Also - a recent tally developing in the U.S. - there are now a total of 28 States that have either refused to take any 'refugees' or are strongly resisting it.

Also - Senator Ted Cruz is introducing a bill to not fund any Syrian 'refugee' settlement in the U.S.

But im sure he will be happy to go bomb those places.

GWB and his crew started this mess, the US has a responsibility to take refugees.

I guess Rumsfeld's line about dancing in the streets with joy and quite a bit wrong. You broke it, now help fix it.

Go tell Obama that he should not have broken Syria - it was all on his watch. And - Don't cross your fingers and wish you will be correct ... Americans are in no mood to take any more of Obama's abusive actions.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Keep them out. If even one of them kills a single American, it is a murder that can be prevented by keeping them out. Why do our politicians care more about "refugees" half way across the world than their own citizens?

That could also apply to the UK and the EU.

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What nonsense. The GOP would be quite pleased to let thousands of Christian refugees in. No radical Islamic terrorist sleeper cells to worry about.

Because christians never do such things. Here is a small list and also the facts from the FBI website.

Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012

Wade Michael Page used a semiautomatic weapon to murder six people during an attack on a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008.

Christian Right sympathizer Jim David Adkisson walked into the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee during a childrens play and began shooting people at random. Two were killed, while seven others were injured but survived.

The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996.

Paul Jennings Hill is hardly the only Christian terrorist who has been praised by the Army of God; that organization has also praised Eric Rudolph, who is serving life without parole for a long list of terrorist attacks committed in the name of Christianity. Rudolph is best known for carrying out the Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta during the 1996 Summer Olympicsa blast that killed spectator Alice Hawthorne and wounded 111 others

Suicide attack on IRS building in Austin, Texas, Feb. 18, 2010. When Joseph Stack flew a plane into the Echelon office complex (where an IRS office was located), Fox News coverage of the incident was calm and matter-of-fact. Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa seemed to find the attack amusing and joked that it could have been avoided if the federal government had followed his advice and abolished the IRS. Nonetheless, there were two fatalities: Stack and IRS employee Vernon Hunter

Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994.

Seldom has the term Christian terrorist been used in connection with John C. Salvi on AM talk radio or at Fox News, but its a term that easily applies to him. In 1994, the radical anti-abortionist and Army of God member attacked a Planned Parenthood clinic in Brookline, Massachusetts, shooting and killing receptionists Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols and wounding several others. Salvi was found dead in his prison cell in 1996, and his death was ruled a suicide. The Army of God has exalted Salvi as a Christian martyr and described Lowney and Nichols not as victims of domestic terrorism, but as infidels who got what they deserved.

On the FBIs official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. From 1980 to 2005. According to this data islamic terrorist attacks in US are 6% of total attacks whereas Jewish acts of terrorism in the US is at 7%.

These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions.

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It is quite sad that this is becoming a political football. Unlike Europe, the US is in an enviable position on the refugee issue. The US can and does vet refugees very, very carefully before they are resettled. The number of refugees taken is a movement of numbers within the allotted number of immigrants so there will be no 'increase' unless Congress decides to increase the number of overall people admitted to the US.

Many of the people that given priority in resettlement programs are those that have been associated with US programs.

There are a lot of criteria and hurdles before they are resettled and the screening process is rigorous, right down to the medical checks required. Christian Syrians probably have one of the strongest claims to refugee status, by the way.

The US will not get stuck with anyone they do not wish to take. That is very different from the situation in Europe.

I appreciate your first-hand experience and knowledge of this subject....could you elaborate on WHY it's Christian Syrians? I suspect there is a reason that has nothing to do with the recent US Rep calls for "only Christians", and has something to do with the demograph fitting a particular secular profile.

Christians coming from a predominantly Muslim country would have an easier time showing that they are from a group that is or likely to be targeted. Christians would have an easier time meeting the test of having a 'well-founded fear of persecution'.

It is similar to the situation with Ahmadiyya Muslims from Pakistan who have an easier time getting refugee status because they are a targeted group. The person may not actually have been persecuted, but being a member of the group can mean they have a greater likelihood of it happening. Ba'hais from Iran fall into a similar category.

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What nonsense. The GOP would be quite pleased to let thousands of Christian refugees in. No radical Islamic terrorist sleeper cells to worry about.

Because christians never do such things. Here is a small list and also the facts from the FBI website.

Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012

Wade Michael Page used a semiautomatic weapon to murder six people during an attack on a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008.

Christian Right sympathizer Jim David Adkisson walked into the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee during a childrens play and began shooting people at random. Two were killed, while seven others were injured but survived.

The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996.

Paul Jennings Hill is hardly the only Christian terrorist who has been praised by the Army of God; that organization has also praised Eric Rudolph, who is serving life without parole for a long list of terrorist attacks committed in the name of Christianity. Rudolph is best known for carrying out the Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta during the 1996 Summer Olympicsa blast that killed spectator Alice Hawthorne and wounded 111 others

Suicide attack on IRS building in Austin, Texas, Feb. 18, 2010. When Joseph Stack flew a plane into the Echelon office complex (where an IRS office was located), Fox News coverage of the incident was calm and matter-of-fact. Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa seemed to find the attack amusing and joked that it could have been avoided if the federal government had followed his advice and abolished the IRS. Nonetheless, there were two fatalities: Stack and IRS employee Vernon Hunter

Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994.

Seldom has the term Christian terrorist been used in connection with John C. Salvi on AM talk radio or at Fox News, but its a term that easily applies to him. In 1994, the radical anti-abortionist and Army of God member attacked a Planned Parenthood clinic in Brookline, Massachusetts, shooting and killing receptionists Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols and wounding several others. Salvi was found dead in his prison cell in 1996, and his death was ruled a suicide. The Army of God has exalted Salvi as a Christian martyr and described Lowney and Nichols not as victims of domestic terrorism, but as infidels who got what they deserved.

On the FBIs official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. From 1980 to 2005. According to this data islamic terrorist attacks in US are 6% of total attacks whereas Jewish acts of terrorism in the US is at 7%.

These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions.

Most of those attacks were NOT to further or expand Christianity. Nor to avenge a Christian death or outrage against Christianity... You are conflating the issues. Islamic radicals are out for revenge to some perceived action against Islam or to expand Islam. And in the name of Islam and Mohammad Islamist have slain hundreds of thousands of people just in recent times ... Your interpretation of the motives or the interpretation of the writers of the articles you cite has twisted the issues and motives involved to color it as a Christian doing crimes to avenge or further Christianity ...

And furthermore any of your examples that are as you say PALE in comparison to the freakish number of killings that have been done in the name of Islam in only the past 20 years...

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The US has already taken in refugees from Syria. Here's an example of one family:


Hate them if you want, but they seem like normal people to me.

It only takes 6 to 9 people who are ISIS or converts to ISIS to be hiding among the tens of thousands who they want to bring in. You cannot tell by LOOKING.

Only a small squad of men killed about 150 in Paris ... One American death is NOT WORTH risking 6 to 9 ISIS fighters hiding among them.

The rest of the hoard will be stopped and after January 2017 when we have real American as president - those Syrians who got here will be returned

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The US has already taken in refugees from Syria. Here's an example of one family:


Hate them if you want, but they seem like normal people to me.

It only takes 6 to 9 people who are ISIS or converts to ISIS to be hiding among the tens of thousands who they want to bring in. You cannot tell by LOOKING.

Only a small squad of men killed about 150 in Paris ... One American death is NOT WORTH risking 6 to 9 ISIS fighters hiding among them.

The rest of the hoard will be stopped and after January 2017 when we have real American as president - those Syrians who got here will be returned

You still looking for Obamas birth certificate are you? 555

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The US has already taken in refugees from Syria. Here's an example of one family:


Hate them if you want, but they seem like normal people to me.

It only takes 6 to 9 people who are ISIS or converts to ISIS to be hiding among the tens of thousands who they want to bring in. You cannot tell by LOOKING.

Only a small squad of men killed about 150 in Paris ... One American death is NOT WORTH risking 6 to 9 ISIS fighters hiding among them.

The rest of the hoard will be stopped and after January 2017 when we have real American as president - those Syrians who got here will be returned

Honestly, I believe there are many, many more than 6-9 fanatics in the US right now, itching to do harm to innocent people. By the way, I never said I was for or against bringing in Syrian refugees. I was simply pointing out that the "evil people" that our esteemed GOP candidates are trying to keep-out/kick-out includes that family in Michigan.

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Keep them out. If even one of them kills a single American, it is a murder that can be prevented by keeping them out. Why do our politicians care more about "refugees" half way across the world than their own citizens?

"If even one of them kills a single American, it is a murder that can be prevented by keeping them out"

Really? refuse entry for all non US nationals...

Edited by simple1
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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

The 12 million illegal immigrants already in the US have already sucked out all the oxygen.

Let the 10,000 Syrians breathe free in your neighborhood.

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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

The 12 million illegal immigrants already in the US have already sucked out all the oxygen.

Let the 10,000 Syrians breathe free in your neighborhood.

Fairs fair, the Thai locals have to put up with you....

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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

At age ten I was forced to convert to Catholicism because my father worked for the Catholic University of Leuven. I managed to reject their abject dogmas and live my life against their conspiracies. Subsequently I refuse to bulge to any fairytale, but religion are no fairytales, they are opium at best, rather criminal organisations.

Thus I do not want my once Catholic country almost freed now of that idiocy to turn to a worse religion: the religion of submission, although I also am convinced Catholicism is submission also.


I despise ALL religions and pity humanity: 5 billion humans living under religion's dictatorship, how sad is that?

And by the way, I travelled and worked the world.

Montreal is my preferred city: open, aired, 100 Klms of parks boarding the river and the only real multicultural city I lived in. Spent September there travelling the subway and bus system in perfect harmony with the variety of people there. No one trying to impose their convictions onto others.

I find it too cold there 9 months out f 12.

On the other hand 20% of Brussels city is 80% Muslim, it is strongly advised for a Caucasian not to walk around in Anderlecht and Molenbeek.

I do to get my sense of reality. Molenbeek is not in Belgium.

Edited by tartempion
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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

At age ten I was forced to convert to Catholicism because my father worked for the Catholic University of Leuven. I managed to reject their abject dogmas and live my life against their conspiracies. Subsequently I refuse to bulge to any fairytale, but religion are no fairytales, they are opium at best, rather criminal organisations.

Thus I do not want my once Catholic country almost freed now of that idiocy to turn to a worse religion: the religion of submission, although I also am convinced Catholicism is submission also.


I despise ALL religions and pity humanity: 5 billion humans living under religion's dictatorship, how sad is that?

And by the way, I travelled and worked the world.

Montreal is my preferred city: open, aired, 100 Klms of parks boarding the river and the only real multicultural city I lived in. Spent September there travelling the subway and bus system in perfect harmony with the variety of people there. No one trying to impose their convictions onto others.

I find it too cold there 9 months out f 12.

On the other hand 20% of Brussels city is 80% Muslim, it is strongly advised for a Caucasian not to walk around in Anderlecht and Molenbeek.

I do to get my sense of reality. Molenbeek is not in Belgium.

walk around Sydney's (Australia) Redfern district by your self at night and see how it feels.

Oh, wait a minute, Australian Aboriginals aren't Muslim....

Nope, I can't help your argument, sorry.

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