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Another banal Tony' Gym Topic - No fan near cardio!


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Does management understand or care about members or the equipment. Worked out at Soi Bakhao today and not a single fan to circulate the air. Had my garmin heart rate monitor that also has temperature. 34.5 celcius (94 (F) and zero airflow which equates to running outside in 40+ celsius because of the lack of air circulation.

Same goes for the AC(pathetic) room on third road. I drench the equipment and really don't care. Give the maintenance help a good tip occasionally because they have to clean up after me but is it that hard to figure where to position the fans they have to blow over the cardio.

4 other members on the treadmills and I was the only one that got a workout. The other 3 walked slow and still sweat thinking they were getting a workout. IMO about the same as aggressive channel serving but somehow most think that heat improves the workout. Seen some even wear foil sweat outfits and the logic is asinine. Heat destroys a workout and your body expends mass amounts of energy trying to keep cool in lieu of improving muscle endurance and efficiency.

Rant over...

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Never seen someone bring a portable fan. Asked them and was told it wasn't allowed. As for getting the HR up, true but at the expense of increasing non heart rate related fitness. Also bloated like a mother fer today.Had an 8 pack leaving the gym completely dehydrated and now the water retention a day later has erased any sign of muscle.

He has the fans - just puts them where there is zero benefit. Sigh, think I'll go to third road and sink a treadmill.

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I think you're being a bit hard on Tony.

The current TR machines at Bukhao are the best I've seen in his gyms in Pattaya and better than most of the equipment in the"cheaper" places in town.

When wanting a work-out, why not go at 6/7 in the am or early evening, alternatively invest in one of the pricier gyms sch as at the Marriott ?

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Anytime i want a fan I pick it up and move it to where i like? (Tony's 3rd road, big Gym) and there is an air con unit right next to the treadmills. so no problem.

My continual complaint is there is never any maintenance on the machines. Tony Bought the equipment from the out of business WOW gym at the Avenue , thats why you see some equipment that appears to be new.


Wether they are getting a good work out or not is ok at least they are making the effort and not sitting on there <deleted>

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Anytime i want a fan I pick it up and move it to where i like? (Tony's 3rd road, big Gym) and there is an air con unit right next to the treadmills. so no problem.

My continual complaint is there is never any maintenance on the machines. Tony Bought the equipment from the out of business WOW gym at the Avenue , thats why you see some equipment that appears to be new.


Wether they are getting a good work out or not is ok at least they are making the effort and not sitting on there <deleted>

The only treadmill that works at 3:30 kPH is 5 treadmills away from the slow blowing AC. There is not even a miniscule airflow and try running 30 minutes of intervals at the above pace with zero airflow. Have no problem with the AC but without fans to move the air, it is nearly pointless.

The setup is for OK for casual walkers or for even 15 minutes joggers but terrible if you want to seriously train. Not insulting casual exercise just bringing up my, probably, unique situation.

Get the fact that I could join a plush club with AC and fans. Just simply wondering why he doesn't put fans over the cardio. He has the fans and they are cheap! It would extend the life of the equipment and pleasure of hard workouts.

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I think you're being a bit hard on Tony.

The current TR machines at Bukhao are the best I've seen in his gyms in Pattaya and better than most of the equipment in the"cheaper" places in town.

When wanting a work-out, why not go at 6/7 in the am or early evening, alternatively invest in one of the pricier gyms sch as at the Marriott ?

No, I'm just asking why he doesn't position his existing fans over the cardio. Valid question IMO.

As for the treads at Bukhao, you are correct. What a shame they will last only a fraction of their expected life cycle. A couple have already died and in 5 more years they will all look like they were salvaged from a sunken ship wreck.

As for the Marriott, definitely a viable option but lacks many of the benefits of Tony's. Again, just asking why he doesn't position the fans over the cardio.

Not trying to turn this into a why Tony's sucks thread. I could list a number of reasons why it is better than upscale clubs.

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You expect a fan for your 8k or 10k "lifetime" membership gigglem.gif

7k mate. 7.

Just grab fans and move them, I do. Staff don't care if u don't ask them.

Can't believe you a got lifetime membership for 7k!! I just signed up for their promotion today, 5,990 for 1 year membership and thought that was a good deal. Ho hum.

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There comes a point where any serious fitness person has to stop complaining and move on to a hotel gym where the aircon is good, or give up (for the sake of your health). Hotel gyms are normally above 30,000 baht per year (eg. Fitz Club at Royal Cliff is 39k per year but very cool) and around 1000 baht per workout, but you get the latest cardio equipment that is kept clean and well maintained and aircon set in the low 20's. Cooler temps mean you can work harder and working harder burns more calories. You'll also be stronger if you're into weights).

Seriously, 34.5°C translates to a heat index of between 45°C and 51°C assuming humidity is between 80% and 86%, which is where it has been lately. Any possible benefits are out weighed by health risks when working out in these temperatures. I wouldn't consider training there if you paid me.

It is downright dangerous to be training in that heat even with a fan as when the room temperature goes above 35°C, it will speed up heat stress. http://healthland.time.com/2012/07/12/is-your-fan-keeping-you-cool-in-this-heat-science-says-maybe-not/

As for a comment above "at least you get your heart rate up". That's absurd. Heart rate increases due to heat stress will not make you fitter. It will reduce your energy and efficiency to such and extent you'll hardly burn any calories at all. You may as well sit in a sauna.

Tony will never fix this. Time to move on.

I practice what I preach. I'm a life time Tony's member who moved on. I'm proud to say that I've resisted the urge to train there for 2 years. biggrin.png

Edited by tropo
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