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Head human trafficking investigator rumored to be fleeing Thailand

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Something fishy going on here. Why in the world would the police transfer the very man who was investigating human traffickers in the southern border provinces. One has to wonder.

Does one have to wonder? IMO, he had been getting too close to the dark waters the BIG sharks roam in, risking to disturb the well oiled organisation of top-corruption, and probably, when he would have been let going on with the job he was doing 'too well', he would have exposed some top-brass, brown and green, and one of the ways they get wealthy with, to start with...

Why hasn't he benefitted from outspoken and extensive protection from the PM and the whole NCPO? One has to wonder... why an honest cop doing his job well would need to flee his home-country with his family?

Changes and reforms...?

Many believe Thailand is a lost cause and will remain a corrupt third world country indefinitely. The downward spiral continues and the average Thai pays the price.

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I honestly think Thailand is heading for anarchy. The military government need to take control. Bring the army in to replace the ineffective police. Bring in curfews & stop the criminals from threatening people. Bring law & order to this lawless society!


Something fishy going on here. Why in the world would the police transfer the very man who was investigating human traffickers in the southern border provinces. One has to wonder.

Makes sense to me, if he is investigating smuggling in the South....to transfer him to the South.


Something fishy going on here. Why in the world would the police transfer the very man who was investigating human traffickers in the southern border provinces. One has to wonder.

Makes sense to me, if he is investigating smuggling in the South....to transfer him to the South.

He spent six months going after human traffickers. After which the investigation was shelved.

That makes sense to you?

You make no sense to me.


Something fishy going on here. Why in the world would the police transfer the very man who was investigating human traffickers in the southern border provinces. One has to wonder.

Makes sense to me, if he is investigating smuggling in the South....to transfer him to the South.

Also just happens to be The place he's most likely to have a fatal "accident" which can easily be explained away

It shows how bad these people really are when he is not only at risk but his entire family are in danger

I imagine a Thai man his age won't fit in very well in another culture/society , what about his wife and kids ?

This country is going down the crapper if the pm cant go on the record and guarantee this mans safety....


I honestly think Thailand is heading for anarchy. The military government need to take control. Bring the army in to replace the ineffective police. Bring in curfews & stop the criminals from threatening people. Bring law & order to this lawless society!

Certainly agree the police need to be totally re-engineered from top to bottom, very large numbers of police dismissed and watched every day, because without checks and punishment they will just continue their 'sideline' businesses, without any doubt.

IMHO the big question is why this wasn't done 20 to 30 years ago, it's been an open secret, all government for the last several decades have been criminally derelict in not bringing the police under control and allowing large numbers of incapable, untrustworthy, and unsavory people to get to the top, to run the 'enterprise' and to some extent ignore their paid duties.


The US should introduce a new Tier 4 in their next "Trafficking in persons report" . There could be only one contender.

I wonder if any kind of investigations (world wide) will bring "ring leaders" to justice? Is this possible or underway? I would hope any/all legitimate police/investigative agencies e.g. Interpol???, or something similar can reach out a long arm and implicate these criminals.


It's amazing how corruption in Thailand has risen in the past 18 months. I can't imagine anything in this planet more corrupt than Thailand today.

The few honest people in Thailand are either jailed, killed or they have to flee the country. Welcome to Corruption Land.

Humnnnnnnnnnnnnnn .... could be, but how about Russia?

  • 3 weeks later...

"Thailand’s most senior police investigator into human trafficking is seeking political asylum in Australia, saying he fears for his life because influential figures in the Thai government, military and police are implicated in trafficking and want him killed."



Wonder why he chose Australia? This must be a huge embarrassment for the Junta, one of their top police investigators fleeing from Thailand fearing for his life from 'influential persons'


maybe it was the only country, which granted him a tourist visa and consulate promissed him an asylum, whether on humanitarian grounds or in exchange for information. He had to be sure, that he won't be extradited back to thailand, after his visa expires or asylum application fails


Wonder why he chose Australia? This must be a huge embarrassment for the Junta, one of their top police investigators fleeing from Thailand fearing for his life from 'influential persons'

He fears for his life, because of the people his investigations came close to. Australia is probably the safest place, many of the regions countries are also involved, and he would not be safe. either from assassination or being returned to Thailand, which would have the same ending.

This whole slave trading business is a huge scandal, which involves many in the top echelons in Thai political, governmental and commercial life. If he is in Australia there is the chance that international agencies, and a free press, can shine some very bright lights into some very dark corners.


With this breaking news, combined with students on and off trains, parks with over priced statues opening and closing like merry go rounds and an airlines probably not fit to fly

I don't think Mr Prayuth is having an overly good day.coffee1.gif

But on a plus Tomorrow he have a day off and going cycling all will be wellclap2.gif


Let us hope that he has files listing the names of these influential people. Lodged copies with Human Rights organisations, his lawyer, and the Guardian newspaper, with the warning that these documents will be opened should he come to any harm. And make it known publicly in Thailand so that these people are aware. Most Thais would have known that influential people were involved, but this must come as a shock to know that even of their top respected policemen has fled the country. Another blow to Thailand's image.


From reading the australian press it appears that Paween was on the 7.30 Report.

"Major General Paween claims his investigation was stopped by highly influential people within the government, the military and the police.

I believe there should be some safe place for me - somewhere on this earth to help me.

Thai Police Major General Paween Pongsirin

He said high-ranking government officials repeatedly obstructed the investigation.

"A lot of government officials should be facing justice," Major General Paween told 7.30.

"There are good soldiers but the police and the military are involved in running the human trafficking.

"Unfortunately the bad police and the bad military are the ones that have power."

The investigation has now been halted."


So this is how you can tell someone is doing his job - he has to flee for his life.

Wait for the lawsuits tomorrow and perhaps a so-called monk and 200 protesters at the Australian embassy? Bless 'em, the old dears social calender must be looking good, US, UK and AU embassies this month, sanook maak... thumbsup.gif

Hopefully this man can return one day and take over the top police job... Tall order though, as the entire system seems to be centered around firmly entrenched, corrupt power figures. sad.png


I honestly think Thailand is heading for anarchy. The military government need to take control. Bring the army in to replace the ineffective police. Bring in curfews & stop the criminals from threatening people. Bring law & order to this lawless society!

Welcome to TVF, General.....


One should have a few questions.

Q : why was the investigation shelved?

A : I know the answer but better don't post it if I want to stay out of jail

Q : Why was the top investigator transferred to the region where he made several high profile arrests

A : I know the answer but better don't post it if I want to stay out of jail

Q : why they say Trafficking Investigator Quits Case for Fear of Reprisal when the case in fact was shelved already.

A : We all know the answer


Incredible conditions.

The Chief Investigator, after all a Police General,

officially set-in to investigate the human trafficking,
is forced to flee from his own country,
and must ask for asylum abroad,
because his life is in danger.


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