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My Altimeter Gauge, For Assessing The Value of the Asia Lady


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The Arts & Science savvy of wisely choosing an Asian women, is not a reputation that most western expats have the privilege to enjoy. Apparently, The Richard Forbrain Society of Western Expats, is alive and still flourishing, in the year 2015.

All things considered, how is it possible, that Western university educated foreigners, still come to Thailand, and still make the exact same mistakes, made 50 years ago, by their own grandfathers? And western school teachers are criticizing the Thai education system. Huh? That's rich! Its time for an educated upgrade, of those western farang value constructs.

Class begins now. How is it is impossible for any westerner to succeed with building a solid, long-term partnership, with any Asian woman, if she is committed to living her life, on the basis of the “Mai Phen Rai”mentality. That peculiar type of Asian female, is definitely not “partnership” material (regardless of her education level).

The “Mai Phen Rai” Test method is as follows:

Type-1: For example, you asked the “gf” a simple question (the morning after, she’s had her first over-night baht stay with you), “What would you like to do today, (together with me) dear? If she maintains eye-contact with you; she sighs, while smiling at you; then answers your question with the affirmative “let me think about it, first, over breakfast ” response, then she’s definitely a "Keeper". Can you proudly take her back home, to meet your family? Definitely, yes!

Type-1, is a real go-getter, seeking to build her own personal empire, within the established system of her culture. This type is capable of keeping her own counsel, and making informed decisions, and taking responsibility for her actions.

Type-2 "Catch & Release" type of Asian lady. If she typically replies to the exact same question, with the quick, “up to you” reply (avoiding eye-contact), then she is telling you all you need to know, about her life’s story. This type is definitely given to Mai Phen Rai Mentality. Can you proudly take her back home, to meet your family? I seriously doubt it.

Type-2, Is basically a free-loader who will shack-up with anyone who’ll take care of her. Usually, she’s a member of a gossipy bunch of female camp-followers, who simply go, in any direction the wind blows. At her utmost best, she is a trust-worthy, reliable, live-in (with basic English speaking skills, if you're lucky) housemaid. Nothing more than that. You can’t get blood from a turnip. Type-2 is a very high-maintenance female. So keep her diaper bag within easy reach.

The differences between these two types of Asian women, can have a profound impact on the direction and flow of the farang expats life. It’s better to know what you’re getting into, early in a relationship with an Asian female, especially if she has limited English speaking skills.

Food, for farang thought ~ If she (your potential Asian “gf”) doesn’t already know how to ballroom dance, or if she doesn’t show any interest in learning how to dance, even the simple steps of the Foxtrot, then how can she possibly become qualified to dance the "Waltz of Life", together with you? And yet, you'll claim that your "gf" is so different. Really, now? How is that?

Western ballroom dancing, is the most fundamental partnership ever, between a man, and a woman. The Type-1 Asian woman, is the "gf" who will passionately pursue learning the required steps, associated with becoming proficient, in the the Arts & Sciences of ballroom dancing. Now, that is an Asian woman, who is truly different. The couple that dances together, stays together. See my profile avatarwai.gif

Edited by CharlieH
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Excellent! clap2.gif

I'm not exactly sure who (or what) "Richard Forbrain" is (and Google doesn't reveal a lot) but your description of the "Type 2" lady exactly matches my experiences. I'm not by any means saying Type 1s don't exist nor do I wish to insult all Thai ladies by pinning a label on them, but the people that many of us have become involved with do fit the OPs description. IMO!

Good luck with your future endeavours NativeSon wai2.gif

Edited by VBF
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Excellent! clap2.gif

I'm not exactly sure who (or what) "Richard Forbrain" is (and Google doesn't reveal a lot) but your description of the "Type 2" lady exactly matches my experiences. I'm not by any means saying Type 1s don't exist nor do I wish to insult all Thai ladies by pinning a label on them, but the people that many of us have become involved with do fit the OPs description. IMO!

Good luck with your future endeavours NativeSon wai2.gif

Dick, is the probably Americanized nickname, for the name Richard. I'm sure you can figure the rest of that story, on your own. thumbsup.gif

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Excellent! clap2.gif

I'm not exactly sure who (or what) "Richard Forbrain" is (and Google doesn't reveal a lot) but your description of the "Type 2" lady exactly matches my experiences. I'm not by any means saying Type 1s don't exist nor do I wish to insult all Thai ladies by pinning a label on them, but the people that many of us have become involved with do fit the OPs description. IMO!

Good luck with your future endeavours NativeSon wai2.gif

Dick, is the probably Americanized nickname, for the name Richard. I'm sure you can figure the rest of that story, on your own. thumbsup.gif

D'Oh!!!!!!!! facepalm.gif facepalm.gif

It's been one of those days!!! (Best excuse I can think of!) whistling.gif

Edited by VBF
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Yes, that was a bit verbose, plus there were a few insignificant typos. However, I got the drift of it all, and the attention to the details, was spot on the money. That post certainly gave me a different way to look at Asian women. Thanks NS, and best wishes.. thumbsup.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Excellent! clap2.gif

I'm not exactly sure who (or what) "Richard Forbrain" is (and Google doesn't reveal a lot) but your description of the "Type 2" lady exactly matches my experiences. I'm not by any means saying Type 1s don't exist nor do I wish to insult all Thai ladies by pinning a label on them, but the people that many of us have become involved with do fit the OPs description. IMO!

Good luck with your future endeavours NativeSon wai2.gif

Dick, is the probably Americanized nickname, for the name Richard. I'm sure you can figure the rest of that story, on your own. thumbsup.gif

D'Oh!!!!!!!! facepalm.gif facepalm.gif

It's been one of those days!!! (Best excuse I can think of!) whistling.gif

No worries! We all have "one-of-those-days", and more frequently than I care to admit. Cheerswai.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Gents, I apologize for not having taken the time to proof-read my own OP with greater detail. Please be generous, and not judge me too harshly. One things for sure, the trollers will probably by-pass my OP. Thanks, for the initial favorable responses. I really appreciate it, much. Cheers, and signing-out. Adios,wai.gif

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Yes, that was a bit verbose, plus there were a few insignificant typos. However, I got the drift of it all, and the attention to the details, was spot on the money. That post certainly gave me a different way to look at Asian women. Thanks NS, and best wishes.. thumbsup.gif

And by the way. It was actually due to several of the posts that you made, on other OP topic threads, that gave me the incentive to write this OP. Thanks. TB. I regret, that we've haven't met in person. I'm sure we would have much too discuss, and laugh about. Happy Trails, sir.coffee1.gif

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OP is forgetting the part of female population that have been exposed to farangs from early age, such as step-children and lukkruengs. They have developed the capability of individual thought yet still have the Asian physical features. This segment is growing.

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What was the question again? The value of an Asian lady is in the eye of the beholder...what are you will to pay for this woman you think you can not live without...she will likely continue to test your love by going to the well for more money...it is that simple...IMHO

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The OP (like many before him and doubtless many to come) is guilty of trying to describe an entire race as if they are all exactly the same.

Whilst there certainly are groups of Thai men and women who can be described using a single set of criteria, to think that there is a set that describes all of them is daft.

I am still amazed that so many Western men come to live in Thailand and seem to never befriend Thais who are wealthy, overseas educated, well travelled and genuinely great people.

Of course if your selection process for finding a Thai female friend is "the morning after, she’s had her first over-night baht stay with you" then I don't suppose you are aiming very high in the first place.

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Cannot disagree with the greater part of your OP except for the bit where you state.....

"And now, for The Reality Show ~ News Flash ~ “There is always an unseen Asian bloke (or group of blokes), hiding in the background (of the Patongs & Pattayas of SE Asia), controlling the orchestrated events, between their Asian, and all foreign menfolk.

When you refer to Ladies or a Lady as... "THEIR"... Asian, then it is of no surprise that she is always being controlled by them (man or men) ...otherwise she would not be "theirs",.. that is stating the obvious.... until she is no longer "theirs" due to whatever circumstances.

It might have been helpful had you mentioned that you were referring to the "Sex for Sale" scene in those locations. I can assure the new readers that there are indeed many a fine and upright lady that also can be found in these towns that have not the remotest connection to that same scene.

Good luck in your new life and I sincerely hope all goes well with you.

A parting note.....Whatever we look for in people... we will surely find it.

Edited by dotpoom
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Excellent! clap2.gif

I'm not exactly sure who (or what) "Richard Forbrain" is (and Google doesn't reveal a lot) but your description of the "Type 2" lady exactly matches my experiences. I'm not by any means saying Type 1s don't exist nor do I wish to insult all Thai ladies by pinning a label on them, but the people that many of us have become involved with do fit the OPs description. IMO!

Good luck with your future endeavours NativeSon wai2.gif

Dick, is the probably Americanized nickname, for the name Richard. I'm sure you can figure the rest of that story, on your own. thumbsup.gif

"I'm sure you can figure the rest of that story, on your own."

You may be overly generous.

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Relationships are investments... kinda like a company stock.

You have to do home work, check the fundamentals or charts if thats your thing.

Research: what is the company history, whats the stocks value, who are the competitors, who runs the company, how clean are the balance sheets, any red flags that call into question the companies integrity, is the company sustainable?

Is this a long term investment or a trade. If its a trade and you have discretionary funds, then go for it... your portfolio might be a hedge fund.

Never turn a trade into and investment or an investment into a trade.

Never never never trade on margin.

In other words, know what the hell your buying and if it's a loser or the fundamentals change, get out.

Trading the SET is much more difficult than investing the NYSE/NASDAQ. Why is that? Lack of transparency.

Just guessing here... I think the OP was a trader and as such did some poor picking and maybe had more losers than winners and didn't know when to get out.
I've made my share of mistakes and I am a much more cautious investor... with that said, it's hard to pick up good large cap, aristocrat dividend paying companies when searching the small cap volatile penny stocks.

The OP (like many before him and doubtless many to come) is guilty of trying to describe an entire race as if they are all exactly the same.

Whilst there certainly are groups of Thai men and women who can be described using a single set of criteria, to think that there is a set that describes all of them is daft.

I am still amazed that so many Western men come to live in Thailand and seem to never befriend Thais who are wealthy, overseas educated, well travelled and genuinely great people.

Of course if your selection process for finding a Thai female friend is "the morning after, she’s had her first over-night baht stay with you" then I don't suppose you are aiming very high in the first place.

Because they are a headache to those that don't want to be held accountable and they aren't any "fun" when it comes to playing the hunting game and they're not easy to convince with BS...and blah blah blah.

Edited by Nowisee
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"Over night Baht stayer".....any relationship that starts on paying for sex is doomed. Try meeting women other than those that work in bars, massage shops or freelancers and you may form a different opinion, also Asian women...so you are including all Asian women or just Thais, how many Malaya or Singaporean women have you met and dated.

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Cannot disagree with the greater part of your OP except for the bit where you state.....

"And now, for [/size]The Reality Show ~ News Flash ~ There is [/size]always an unseen Asian bloke (or group of blokes), hiding in the background (of the Patongs & Pattayas of SE Asia), controlling the orchestrated events, between [/size]their Asian, and all foreign menfolk.[/size]

When you refer to Ladies or a Lady as... "THEIR"... Asian, then it is of no surprise that she is always being controlled by them (man or men) ...otherwise she would not be "theirs",.. that is stating the obvious.... until she is no longer "theirs" due to whatever circumstances.

It might have been helpful had you mentioned that you were referring to the "Sex for Sale" scene in those locations. I can assure the new readers that there are indeed many a fine and upright lady that also can be found in these towns that have not the remotest connection to that same scene.

Good luck in your new life and I sincerely hope all goes well with you.

A parting note.....Whatever we look for in people... we will surely find it.

I am looking for a little more than what I am finding. After meeting them for 5 minutes they tell me they want 12,000 to 14,000 Baht a month to stay with me. Before they even ask my name, what I do or where I come from.

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Gents, I apologize for not having taken the time to proof-read my own OP with greater detail. Please be generous, and not judge me too harshly. One things for sure, the trollers will probably by-pass my OP. Thanks, for the initial favorable responses. I really appreciate it, much. Cheers, and signing-out. Adios,wai.gif

and as my favorite dancing song goes ..... and dontcha come back no mo , no mo , no mo , hit da road jack and dontcha come back no mo ...................

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