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Prepare to pay 35 baht more for plane tickets


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.. are [some] on here really so concerned about where their extra 35 baht will go that they truly feel the need to start righteously debating it? (Maybe you could asked for printed itemisation!).. Oh, and I'd at least learn to spell and do grammar a bit, SOME of you indignant folks, before launching your literary well-I-must-just-says!!! smile.png

These things are basically another tax and they will keep on steadily ticking their way up. Once they are in, they will never be taken out again because the income will be allocated into budgets and nobody wants their budget cut.

20 years of this across every aspect of life and Thailand will be like the UK. You pay all your income taxes then you pay for everything you use in your life separately.

Put a frog in boiling water and it will jump out. Put it in cold water and gradually increase the temperature and it will stay there until it boils.

I can't take anything seriously from a poster who boasts about his expertise in torturing reptiles...especially frogs. i quite like frogs.biggrin.png

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Although, only 35 baht, add that to the millions of passengers we are talking about lots of Baht. When I purchase a ticket departing from Thailand the taxes are already 50% of the ticket price.

Just be grateful the taxes aren't similar to the UK.

But round trip flights UK/ Thailand are much cheaper booked from the UK than from Thailand

True dat also for several destinations mainland Europe, even with validity for return 10 months or more. Difference about 1/3 less, early advance booking / research!

Took me quite by surprise as it used to be the exact opposite pretty much for the last decade ...

Well, at times when EUR respectively GBP scored way higher to THB in exchangerates it made bookings out of .th cheaper, that's just logical ... but still, THB-prices seem to have stayed about same level give or take (for us more expensive just because of worse rates) while the EUR-outbound destinations i checked are down also about a third compared to some years ago!?

Interesting development, any explanations?

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Why is it, regardless of the country, that security at airports employs those who are virtually unemployable in any other function? Perhaps it's the minimum wage salary. I will begin to feel better when the required IQ is over 80

Basic HR.

The dumb ones don't need to analyse in any great detail.

They just need to be able to discern a simple yes/no..pass/fail etc. and then call someone if they see something that doesn't conform.

Then start a thread on TVF to whine about it.

Edited by Mudcrab
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Although, only 35 baht, add that to the millions of passengers we are talking about lots of Baht. When I purchase a ticket departing from Thailand the taxes are already 50% of the ticket price.

Just be grateful the taxes aren't similar to the UK.

But round trip flights UK/ Thailand are much cheaper booked from the UK than from Thailand

Nothing to do with the taxes though. They're the same. and soon to be a whole 35 baht more.

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35 baht x 50.000.000 passengers= 1.750.000.000 baht thats a lot of money.

ha ha you got that figure from T.A.T dident you ????cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwhistling.gif

and the real figures, judging from the walking wallets around here ????? FAR LESS

Even 40% less is still more than a billion baht. Still alot of money...coffee1.gif

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the penniless visa-running TEFLer's just can't catch a break.

35b is like, a whole can of Chang.

I would not mind paying 500 BHT then they could get some real high tech equipment.

They have the latest bodyscanners but they are just very slow. I don't want to be standing there with my arms up, no belt, no shoes while my money is at the conveyer between 9 other "officers" who can't speak a word english.

And if they want me to take my shoes of then just say" please take of your shoes sir". If one can't say that he/she shouldn't be working at an international airport.

Then when i have to take on my shoes again and put them on that table they told me to not use it because it was broken allready from all others who put their feet onto it 5555. It's a stainless steel table but allready broken, thailand only.

Also i thought those bodyscanners can see through shoes and everything. Then why do we have to take them off?

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How many departures from SUV yearly? Something like 40 million? x 35 baht = 1.4 billion baht and it only gets divided by a few people.

Not bad at all. One great thing about being mega rich; you only get richer.

It's funny how many people like giving more money to them, 555.....it's only 35 baht. You are already paying them several 1000.

Why do they need more? Because idiots are always willing to depart with their cash, that's why

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I wonder how many countries adopt the policy of making their visitors pay for protection? Furthermore on paying this extra fee, how can webe assured we are getting value for money?

Many countries add these fees into your ticket price. Below are the fees for I ticket I have going from the US to Bangkok. I transit through Japan on the inbound flight and Korea on the return. Many countries charge for protection along with many other things.

Japan Security Charge - $4.30

Japan Facilities charge - $8.70

E7 Tax - $2.00

US Sept 11 Security Fee - $11.20

US Animal and Plant Inspection Service Fee - $5.00 (I am not transporting animals or plants)

US Immigration User Fee - $7.00

US Custom User Fee - $5.50

Korea Departure Tax and Contribution to International Poverty Eradication $8.50

Thailand Passenger Service Charge - $19.50

US Transportation Tax $35.40

In Europe it is worse. I tried using points/miles for a free ticket but found out that after the taxes and fees all I needed to do was pay $25 more and not use my points.

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If you fly out of BKK after 30 November 2015 you should expect to have to pay the additional charge when you you check in for your flight.

Hope that they are not going to do that again. It was chaos when they did the 500 baht at Savarnabhumi, tourists never have any baht left.

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Although, only 35 baht, add that to the millions of passengers we are talking about lots of Baht. When I purchase a ticket departing from Thailand the taxes are already 50% of the ticket price.

You sir are making a comment I would expect from a five year old.

I wonder about people like yourself who make comments such as this instead of providing a real opinion instead of name calling. Whether I agree with you or not I and others might actually have some respect for your opinion if you actually gave one! Not bragging but I made a simple opinion as to how I felt based on my purchase travel out of Thailand. Not bragging but I got 13 replies (Likes) and just one respond which is yours but it is hard to know what you dislike since you do not state nor provide a double digit I.Q position.

Now what we are talking about is of course in general! Thailand Fee and taxes as other countries are very similar, India and Singapore puts it out

right there along with all the general taxes they have a number more for their country. It is stated basically every country as add on to this general list.. In general it is stated that a average ticket Internationally runs around USD 300.00 in Fee and Taxes, so even with a 35-1 exchange rate you are talking over 10,000 baht.

U.S. Excise ticket Tax

Travek Facilities Tax

U.S. Federal Segment Fee

Passenger Facility Charge

September 11th, Security Fee

U.S. International Transportation Arrival Departure

Custom Fee

Animal Plant Health fee

International Taxes Government imposed Fee

Carrier impose surcharge

International Arrival Departure Fee

ETc... etc..

I am also aware that the price of a ticket from Thailand to the States are much higher than say a Ticket from Lax-Bangkok! When I use to check the Bangkok Post for fares I noticed a number of Ads like 15,000 Baht to LAX, if anyone that travel on a regular bases would know this is a very low prices or it must include a number of stop but being Thailand, advertising is not what it suppose to be one would think there is got to be a catch. When you call or check their website sure enough there is because majority of the time it does not include the Fee and Taxes, add them to the ticket and you are getting one for around 28, 29,000 baht. This is the reason I stop looking for deals and just go straight to the Airline website since the U.S. requires them to include all the Fee and taxes in the advertised price. So as noted by another poster if you are not going direct and have to make a stopover in Taipei or Hong Hong expect more Fees and Taxes they aren't providing lay over for free.

So I have given my reason even if you feel it is coming from a 5 year old, Now give a opinion right or wrong? I have no problem being wrong I can learn from it! instead of making ignorant remark that even a 5 year child wouldn't.

Edited by thailand49
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Although, only 35 baht, add that to the millions of passengers we are talking about lots of Baht. When I purchase a ticket departing from Thailand the taxes are already 50% of the ticket price.

Not entirely associated with Thailand alone, there's been reports Aust. officials are looking to add a surcharge to all outward bound passengers to pay to a new airport in Sydney. Recently I bought an airfare Sydney - BKK - Sydney via Singapore on Singapore Airlines, total cost AUD $1,070.00. Actually fare cost was $459. The rest in taxes and surcharges.

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madmitch, on 20 Nov 2015 - 08:19, said:

thailand49, on 20 Nov 2015 - 07:56, said:

Although, only 35 baht, add that to the millions of passengers we are talking about lots of Baht. When I purchase a ticket departing from Thailand the taxes are already 50% of the ticket price.

Just be grateful the taxes aren't similar to the UK.

You're right, I had enough air miles to do a business class return Bangkok to Cardiff with KLM and it cost me £450 which is almost a quarter of the ticket price.

Tax breakdown on a return flight BKK/LHR. The 35 baht becomes insignificant compared to the other taxes.

Adult(s) x2 30450฿(THB)

Airline Fuel Surcharge 13820฿(THB)

Airline Insurance Surchage 900฿(THB)


E7 70฿(THB)

E7 70฿(THB)

TS 1400฿(THB)

GB 8140฿(THB)

UB 4690฿(THB)

Total price 59540฿(THB)

Brother, the street beggars must see you coming ten blocks away... What's a few baht's worth of charity compared to your hotel bill, your restaurant bills, movie tix, beer money << insert impressive list of other expenses here>>? (It's only, what, 5 or 10 baht! Until the next one... And then the next one... And then.... Etc.) Edited by hawker9000
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I in no way I'm losing any sleep over the increase, just responding to another poster who think my remarks were childish. As we can see now there are lots of tack on charges from and by other country. This is one that I and others do not really have a choice to pay whether we agree or disagree. It is the price we pay for travel or like above a hotel we want to stay in?

Except when it comes to Thailand, and the government has said as much and the Thai citizen agree that a bit of corruption is part of doing business. I wonder how much of the 35 baht is going to actually security? If the last test ( twice this year ) in the U.S. TSA, had a fail rate of 95% I wonder how well is Thailand going to do after the increase?

Edited by thailand49
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Let's try another tax this very small increase 35 bht if it was proved that because of this increase a plane with hundreds of people on was saved from terrorists bombings. We would all (I hope) say well done 35bht well spent. Now if the 35bht was not introduced and a plane went down looking life due to an act of terror no dought there would be an outcry on here of useless thai airport secutity I know which camp I would rather be in

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is the 35 baht extra to guarantee a deep search of your luggage in the departure lounge so you can be assured you won't be shot or blown up during your journey home or will they be deep searching your luggage upon arrival so you can be assured that you you are not entering Thailand with any bombs or guns how about this don't allow anyone with a Beard on any form of public transport or even go as far as an international ban on Beards in my opinion that would stop quite a bit of terrorism

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is the 35 baht extra to guarantee a deep search of your luggage in the departure lounge so you can be assured you won't be shot or blown up during your journey home or will they be deep searching your luggage upon arrival so you can be assured that you you are not entering Thailand with any bombs or guns how about this don't allow anyone with a Beard on any form of public transport or even go as far as an international ban on Beards in my opinion that would stop quite a bit of terrorism

Many may not be aware but luggage searching on arrival does take place already and has for some time.

A couple of years ago I came off a flight from the ME, Bahrain I think, and I could see huge queues at customs. Bit of a pain I thought as my wife was waiting outside on the road, hadn't bothered with the car park. Fortunately as I joined the queue a customs officer came up and indicated that myself and some other westerners that had followed me to go go straight through. I suddenly realised it was all those of ME appearance that were being stopped and searched.

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Let's try another tax this very small increase 35 bht if it was proved that because of this increase a plane with hundreds of people on was saved from terrorists bombings. We would all (I hope) say well done 35bht well spent. Now if the 35bht was not introduced and a plane went down looking life due to an act of terror no dought there would be an outcry on here of useless thai airport secutity I know which camp I would rather be in

You conveniently left out option #3 (which oddly happens to be the one most are posting about here)... That is - and apologies to the 99% who've already grasped this - levy of the 35baht tax with no measurable improvement to security, but noticeably fatter wallets among the hi-sos. Now you have the privilege of having paid the tax and the same likelihood of perishing in that bombing that you had without the tax.

Ok, now enlighten us with your camping discussion...

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If you fly out of BKK after 30 November 2015 you should expect to have to pay the additional charge when you you check in for your flight.

Hope that they are not going to do that again. It was chaos when they did the 500 baht at Savarnabhumi, tourists never have any baht left.

Happy days!!!

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If you fly out of BKK after 30 November 2015 you should expect to have to pay the additional charge when you you check in for your flight.

Hope that they are not going to do that again. It was chaos when they did the 500 baht at Savarnabhumi, tourists never have any baht left.
Happy days!!!
I liked Don Meung.
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Is this another knee jerk reaction to the activities of ISIS, most recently the bombing pf the Russian airline in Egypt - or is it a planned escalation, since the ashtrays of the AOT CEO's Benz are now full ?

In either case, it makes no sense whatever, since no terrorist would dream of going through passenger security. An airside security pass can be bought for next to nothing, for example from a catering company employee. Then he/she can simply walk in at leisure, with no need to line up.

How much are the airside security passes?

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Let's try another tax this very small increase 35 bht if it was proved that because of this increase a plane with hundreds of people on was saved from terrorists bombings. We would all (I hope) say well done 35bht well spent. Now if the 35bht was not introduced and a plane went down looking life due to an act of terror no dought there would be an outcry on here of useless thai airport secutity I know which camp I would rather be in

You conveniently left out option #3 (which oddly happens to be the one most are posting about here)... That is - and apologies to the 99% who've already grasped this - levy of the 35baht tax with no measurable improvement to security, but noticeably fatter wallets among the hi-sos. Now you have the privilege of having paid the tax and the same likelihood of perishing in that bombing that you had without the tax.

Ok, now enlighten us with your camping discussion...

I would if I had the slightest idea of where you get your facts from have you actually seen your so called hi-sos pocketING any money!!!!!! How do you know there is no measurable improvements! !!!!. My assumption is you are jumping on the band wagon. Please enlightenote me if you have hard facts not gossip or your take on it have a good day now
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Lol. Oh, you're right! Corruption in Thailand? Who ever HEARD of such a thing?! Unthinkable!!! Beyond imagining!!! Could NEVER happen! Why I'm sure every satang will go to ensuring the travelling public's safety! (Sorry, have to stop now. My sides seem to be splitting...)

Pssst - the bandwagon was overful and finally collapsed under the excessive load. It's actually a parade now. But you know how it is with parades. Some would just as soon avoid the crowds and stay at home & watch cartoons or the gardening channel.

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Lol. Oh, you're right! Corruption in Thailand? Who ever HEARD of such a thing?! Unthinkable!!! Beyond imagining!!! Could NEVER happen! Why I'm sure every satang will go to ensuring the travelling public's safety! (Sorry, have to stop now. My sides seem to be splitting...)

Pssst - the bandwagon was overful and finally collapsed under the excessive load. It's actually a parade now. But you know how it is with parades. Some would just as soon avoid the crowds and stay at home & watch cartoons or the gardening channel.

Quite right to I notice no hard facts put on but you know what they say about sarcasm I'm sure. Enjoy watch with mother won't you have a great evening

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If you fly out of BKK after 30 November 2015 you should expect to have to pay the additional charge when you you check in for your flight.

Hope that they are not going to do that again. It was chaos when they did the 500 baht at Savarnabhumi, tourists never have any baht left.
Happy days!!!
I liked Don Meung.

Yes it was ok there, just stuck your 500 in the machine and on your way. When they first opened the new airport they didn't have the machines and they were selling the tickets at the check in queues. You had to get the ticket before you could check in.

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