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Yingluck gets invitation to visit from EU Parliament


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I would think the EU would be concerned about her court case over the Rice pledging scheme.

The subsidies they give to French agriculture make the Rice Pledging scheme look like chump change.

Anyway the EU is almost as undemocratic as the Junta, I would have thought they would be supporting them.

Both of them come up with ridiculous nonsensical laws on a regular basis and then repeal or not enforce them.

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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

"On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system".

Do you really believe she would give a balanced view, even if she understood any questions? IMHO her own knowledge about 'democracy' and the processes and pillars of democracy are very limited and less that balanced or accurate.

Perhaps she could take her scaly cousin with her and he could explain how he and she both deliberately ignored the laws of Thailand and make their own rules about passports.

"Personal vendetta" is just your opinion. The EU countries (most of them) believe strongly in respect for the law, they're not going to believe it's a personal vendetta without balanced information.

A different point - would her scaly brother join her in Europe and coach her? Or perhaps Amsterdam coach her? Do you believe either of these evil characters are balanced?

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I would think the EU would be concerned about her court case over the Rice pledging scheme.

The subsidies they give to French agriculture make the Rice Pledging scheme look like chump change.

Anyway the EU is almost as undemocratic as the Junta, I would have thought they would be supporting them.

Both of them come up with ridiculous nonsensical laws on a regular basis and then repeal or not enforce them.

And another poster deliberately trying to divert the matter and ignoring the real reason for the case - criminal dereliction of duty.

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I see two problems with this.

1. She probably can't go because the government has grounded her like a school child due to her on-going trail.

2. If she does go and tells the truth she will be arrested and put in jail upon her return for harming Thailand image and National Security.

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Wrong time to be brave. Better shut up and wait.

I agree. The powers that be will use this occasion against her and claim she violated National Security or committed LM and lock her up. Just like they tried to do when her bro went to (was that Korea or Japan?) not too long ago.

However, I do find slightly intriguing that the EU would be inviting her rather than Mr. P. Does that say something to you?

Edited by toybits
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I think she is too busy to go and she will tell the EU what she has told the courts here, "I need more time for my defense... maybe after all of the trials are over I will have time to go shopping...I mean talk to you, thank you, thank you, thank you".

Edited by orchidlady
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have to wonder why they would invite someone than cannot even speak english let alone construct a sentence without someone else writing it for her, bet there is no question and answer time as that would really show how pathetic she is. .

Pathetic or not, poor orator or not, she was elected and then deposed. As for trouble, Thailand is responsible for its own problems. It was pretty pathetic to deport UN refugees.

She was placed in the position of PM by her brother, no one elected her. She is facing Court Time for the next couple of years....maybe longer...an invite to visit is a no-brain move. They obviously don't know that she would be unable to give any insight into the subjects they are interested in and probably wouldn't attend their meeting as she would be too busy shopping or any other reason. (We all know she doesn't like attending meetings)

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I can think of one person in particular that this news is going to irritate and anger. 5555 I wonder if this news article will find its way into the Thai news programs. Unlikely methinks.

It must have done, as the OP was from The Nation, it was in the other paper this morning and on PBS (see above) too.

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Under the circumstances the EU Parliament has every right to be alarmed , the Junta leader retired General Prayut - O looks to be settling in for the long term and believing any promises from this man as to when Thailand will return back to Democratic held elections is like believing in the tooth fairy , although Ms Yingluck was regarded as a puppet Prime Minister in some quarters she can shed some extra light on the present situation which possibly the EU know they are not getting from the Junta and of course Ms Yingluck can speak without going through the attitude adjustment process, all this will only happen if the Junta is man enough to allow it to happen , as they are frightened of the students , I back a NO, surprise me...............................................coffee1.gif

Why has the EU every right to be alarmed?

AFAIK Thailand is not a part of the EU so why should they worry.

The EU has more than enough problems of its own to be going on with for the next 10 years and there is always the possibility that the EU may not even exist in 10 years time but Thailand will.

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I can think of one person in particular that this news is going to irritate and anger. 5555 I wonder if this news article will find its way into the Thai news programs. Unlikely methinks.

It must have done, as the OP was from The Nation, it was in the other paper this morning and on PBS (see above) too.

He obviously meant Thai language news.

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Again we se the Imperial Colonialist getting involves in something that has nothing to do with them. They should be looking into who is financing the invasion of Middle East Refugees. All the pictures in the medis indicate that the majority of these refugees are well fed men not woman and children. EU should prepare for the War in Europe.

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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

Put up or shut up : link please.

I saw her BBC interview and embarassing doesn't come close.

'I am from election' was not an appropriate answer to any of the questions I heard him ask.

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Well we all know that the Junta is certainly not going to give her permission to travel for that invitation.

YL is indicted for crime and she is in trial, currently she must ask permission to court for leave country not junta.

A new attempt from PTP/Red to distort fact

The court also told Yingluck not to leave the kingdom unless she has received permission from the court.

(source : Nation multimedia May 19 2015 http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Yingluck-pleads-innocent-to-dereliction-of-duty-ch-30260428.html)

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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

Put up or shut up : link please.

I saw her BBC interview and embarassing doesn't come close.

'I am from election' was not an appropriate answer to any of the questions I heard him ask.

Both Yingluch and her brother received Bachelor degrees from the USA. This does not say much for the education system there. Their ability to communicate in English is very poor.

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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

Do you really believe that the UN needs someone like hello kitty Yinluck's first hand knowledge of the internal workings of this country, something she would be incapable of anyway.

I would suggest they are upto speed on every aspect of what's what and probably streets ahead of the majority of Thai politicians and "leaders"

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the Junta leader retired General Prayut - O looks to be settling in for the long term..

IMHO, that is because he is waiting for a certain event to occur, and needs to keep extending his mandate until it does occur.

Enuf said.
. Certain event,can you please explain as if you are talking to a four year old.

He can't explain. He can only hint. There is a certain subject that cannot be debated in Thailand never mind this forum. To do so could incur a lengthy custodial sentence.

Enuf said.

He's not the only one waiting for that event. Which is why Prayuth might keep the army in control until after.

So perhaps you may be willing to accept that the coup was not just about the Shinawatras, corruption or saving the Thai people from civil war?
Perhaps this other event may have been a concern to the coup makers? Even the prime motivation?

I am sure if you listed the above points in order of importance, the latter would probably rate in the top position. A point I have held and maintained from day 1 of the coup.
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Freeze all her assets before letting her go except for an allowance ,give her a time limit and if not adhere to confiscate her assets with a no appeal clause,easy

I guess they should brief her on what she can and cannot say while there. This looks like a classic challenge leading up to a duel where one takes off their white gloves and does the across the cheeks thingee and then pistols at 30 paces. Seconds anyone??

Edited by elgordo38
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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

Put up or shut up : link please.

I saw her BBC interview and embarassing doesn't come close.

'I am from election' was not an appropriate answer to any of the questions I heard him ask.

Her English is perfectly adequate and on a par with most of the Sino Thai business class who have attended a third tier US university.

I would take the criticisms more seriously if they were applied across the board to all Thai PMs including some who spoke no English at all and some who do[emoji8] but don't dare face the BBC.

As for foreign critics like you unless you attended Eton like Abhisit or Winchester like Korn, there are plenty of your fellow countrymen who would look down on yours shoddy syntax (""embarrassing doesn't come close") or your common lower middle class or regional accent - so a little humility is in order.

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If she goes or not is irrelevant as the blow has been dealt to the one seeking legitimacy. If she goes she wins and if they don't allow her to go she also wins. And yes she will return and be the thorn in the side of the power hungry traditional elites/ultra nationalists. And no what you read about the speech in the news will not be important, it is what is said in the private meetings that will start the process of turning the screws on the junta.

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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

Put up or shut up : link please.

I saw her BBC interview and embarassing doesn't come close.

'I am from election' was not an appropriate answer to any of the questions I heard him ask.

Her English is perfectly adequate and on a par with most of the Sino Thai business class who have attended a third tier US university.

I would take the criticisms more seriously if they were applied across the board to all Thai PMs including some who spoke no English at all and some who do[emoji8] but don't dare face the BBC.

As for foreign critics like you unless you attended Eton like Abhisit or Winchester like Korn, there are plenty of your fellow countrymen who would look down on yours shoddy syntax (""embarrassing doesn't come close") or your common lower middle class or regional accent - so a little humility is in order.

It's best to ignore EnglishJohn as he just enjoys winding people up with his inflammatory posts and his obsession with the Shins!

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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

Anyone can watch the interview Yingluck gave on Al Jazeera. It was a reasonable length and the questions intelligent.

Yingluck's comprehension of those questions, her answers to them and how she articulates those answers into the English language are there for anyone to judge.

You may consider it "perfectly serviceable". That is your opinion only and not a fact.

Other may agree, consider it more than serviceable or consider it less than serviceable.

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European Parliament’s invitation to Yingluck sparking suspicion of its authenticity


BANGKOK: -- Foreign minister Don Pramudwinai said the ministry needs to examine contents in the European Parliament's extension of invitation to former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra to Europe to share views on political situation in Thailand.

At the same time the National Council for Peace and Order reiterated that it was ready to consider her request to travel to Europe if she applies for permission to leave the country for the event.

The minister’s comment was made after he was asked about the invitation extended to Ms Yingluck to travel to Europe to share views on the issue.

Mr Don said he just learned of the invitation on the news media.

At the same time, he said he also learned that there had been lobbying with the European Parliament as well.

He said the ministry would look into these reports if they were true as well as examining contents in the invitation letter.

Government deputy spokesman Maj Gen Weerachon Sukhontapatipark said he also learned of the invitation from the news media.

As it was a personal invitation, the government could not interfere.

However in case the former prime minister seeks permission to leave the country for the invitation, it has to investigate the accountability of the document.

Besides, if there is anything that involves the country and the general public, it then needs to verify the source of the letter, he said.

Meanwhile former foreign minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said today that the former prime minister should be allowed to travel to Europe upon the invitation.

He said acceptance of the invitation would benefit Thailand as it would be a chance to explain to the European Community that Thailand was moving toward a general election.

Besides, he said, it would tell the world that the basic rights and freedoms of the people is not restricted.

He said Ms Yingluck is still considered innocent by law because no legal case against her had been concluded yet.

He also made clear that the invitation letter did not specify a date for Ms Yingluck to be in Europe because the hosts realised she still needed permission from the military junta to travel overseas.

There had been widespread comment of the invitation letter on the social network with many questioning its authenticity.

Some asked why the letter was just exposed as it was sent since October 7 this year.

Besides the letter also used a Thai preposition “Khun” to represent her “Ms” status which is very strange and should not be used in formal letter.

The invitation letter carried signatures of two persons, Mr Martin Schulz and Mr Klaus Welle, and neither of them is president or secretary general of the European Parliament, comments on the social network said.

In the invitation letter, the European Parliament referred to Ms Yingluck’s visit to the EU two years ago and the success of the visit as manifested by the conclusion of the EU-Thailand Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the two sides.

The European Parliament said it was impressed with Ms Yingluck’s attachment of importance to the relations between the European Parliament and the Thai Parliament and her meeting with the EU Parliament president then.

In the letter, the European Parliament said it had monitored the political situation in Thailand since the May 22 coup last week with concern that an elected legislature would not be in place in Thailand until at least in mid-2017.

The European Parliament also expressed concern with the fact that Ms Yingluck was impeached and the fact that she is being tried by the Supreme Court’s criminal division for political office holders.

Ms Yingluck, said the EU Parliament, can travel to Europe at any time of her convenience and the meeting can take place either in Brussels or Strasburg.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/european-parliaments-invitation-to-yingluck-sparking-suspicion-of-its-authenticity

-- Thai PBS 2015-11-24

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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

Put up or shut up : link please.

I saw her BBC interview and embarassing doesn't come close.

'I am from election' was not an appropriate answer to any of the questions I heard him ask.

Her English is perfectly adequate and on a par with most of the Sino Thai business class who have attended a third tier US university.

I would take the criticisms more seriously if they were applied across the board to all Thai PMs including some who spoke no English at all and some who do[emoji8] but don't dare face the BBC.

As for foreign critics like you unless you attended Eton like Abhisit or Winchester like Korn, there are plenty of your fellow countrymen who would look down on yours shoddy syntax (""embarrassing doesn't come close") or your common lower middle class or regional accent - so a little humility is in order.

Oh do stop being such a pompous oaf. It does nothing to add to your argument, and makes you appear one of those red brick university graduates who constantly mentions their degree.

The forum has rules against being "language police". Maybe you should read them. This is a discussion forum, where all comments are valid, even yours. Who appointed you a judge of English btw? Are you a former TEFL teacher or school master? Perhaps you are a language professor as you think you can determine the class, even down to small divisions, and regional accent from how someone writes. Your's would perhaps be a working class lad whose university education, the first in his family, leads to his insecurity and class conscious riddled responses that require constant reinforcement by adopting a superior sometimes insulting attitude to others?

Yingluck's English is appalling. This thread is about Yingluck or hadn't you noticed? She has a Master's Degree which had to be written in English so it would be reasonable to expect a higher capability. Based on her TV interviews, she has very limited ability and would be advised to use an interpreter.

A more pertinent question is why do we suddenly get the invitation, issued by 2 German veteran career politicians, who are both members of Merkel's CDU?

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Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

Put up or shut up : link please.

I saw her BBC interview and embarassing doesn't come close.

'I am from election' was not an appropriate answer to any of the questions I heard him ask.

Both Yingluch and her brother received Bachelor degrees from the USA. This does not say much for the education system there. Their ability to communicate in English is very poor.

Yingluck received her Master's Degree from a US university.

Thaksin received his Doctorate in the US.

Thaksin, understands English very well, and can speak very well too, but only when he wants to.

Yingluck, based on her TV interviews with Al Jareeza and the BBC can't.

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