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Annoying Loudspeaker Announcements

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At my end in Nongprakrang, they do 10 minute propaganda/music stints 3 times a day over the public speakers at full volume.

Is this happening all over Chiang Mai ? Anyone knows what this is about ? Isn't this supposed to be for emergency only ?


In Chiang Mai there are normally vans slowly cruising the main roads, holding up the traffic, and broadcasting what seems to be advertisements for Thai Boxing.

Of course, these are necessary to keep the community informed, as they seem to be working on the basis of the average Thai family having neither radio or TV.

I haven't heard any for the past 2 days; maybe they've been told to get lost and avoid upsetting the hordes who are here to enjoy this week's festivities.


Just give the village head man a few of your favourite tracks to play. personally i love all parts of living here a long with the barking dogs cockerels and of course the obligatory karaoke at village events.

looking forward to the next few days festivities , with massively loud fireworks and endless parties thats one reason I came here not for the food or culture but the lovely noises.

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It's normal in the villages. Might start before first light, but one thing is for sure, the volume must be so high that the horn speakers distort the sound, but at least it lets the locals know who's the boss.

Seems to be right,

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Make a donation at your local temple on one of their big money raising events, your name and the amount will be announced on the speakers. Instant fame!

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I was socialising close to a Thai village community close to the Night Safari on Sunday. A local league football match was taking place, very very local, nothing important, and yet the match played out to the accompaniement of a match commentary over the village loudspeaker system. The noise was horrendous and went on non stop for the entirity of the match!

Only in Thailand !!

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It also happens on a regular schedule at most college/university campuses i.e.. Technology College off Loi Kroh soi 1

blasts out at 5 every day for about 10 minutes

Happens a lot in Bangkok as well, especially up and around Phitsanalok and Samsen Thanon

* at least it isn't the "monkey man" who has the Friday shows on tv nor the call to prayer from the mosques 5x/day


I was socialising close to a Thai village community close to the Night Safari on Sunday. A local league football match was taking place, very very local, nothing important, and yet the match played out to the accompaniement of a match commentary over the village loudspeaker system. The noise was horrendous and went on non stop for the entirity of the match!

Only in Thailand !!

Ive witnessed that too a year or so ago.The guy on the mic, at full volume,became quite hysterical whenever a goal came or a near miss.

He was set up on the half way line and it was like the crowd were blind and couldn't see the action.

I guess it a massive ego trip for him but nobody seemed cheesed off but me ,after 20 mins I just had to walk away.

I am convinced Thais have the ability to just tune out and ignore, half their luck.

Many foreigners have made the mistake of building or buying a house in a village that has the crack of dawn announcements

that droneeon for over an a hour opening and closing with Thai country music.The CIA could learn from this technique for interrogation purposes.

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The CIA already knows only too well. Check out the Frontline program about the "black" interrogation center in Bangkok. Extensive exposure to "music," usuallly rap or repetitive C & W or other obnoxious music was used as part of the advanced interrogation techniques. The Frontline program is very complete. I'm sure that it can be found on YouTube.


We have our Gladys Pugh announcing at 4pm every day; the crappy tune starts first, just like Gladys on her 3 bar glockenspiel and off she goes for 10 minutes.

I have asked the wife a hundred times what she telling everyone and a hundred times I get the same answer "water will be off tomorrow"

you know what........it always was.

and for those who need a reminder:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3ZwNEte3Dw


The CIA already knows only too well. Check out the Frontline program about the "black" interrogation center in Bangkok. Extensive exposure to "music," usuallly rap or repetitive C & W or other obnoxious music was used as part of the advanced interrogation techniques. The Frontline program is very complete. I'm sure that it can be found on YouTube.

You have posted the three letterers that should never be mention on a public forum there are safe houses awaiting should you wish. 5555555


I disagree with the generalization that Thai people are not bothered by such things, many are as they will express in private BUT they know their culture and know that the little noodlle must not question or confront the big noodle (sen yai or pu yai) they just endure as do we.


I disagree with the generalization that Thai people are not bothered by such things, many are as they will express in private BUT they know their culture and know that the little noodlle must not question or confront the big noodle (sen yai or pu yai) they just endure as do we.

i think you're right. However, a factor here may be that a lot of locals have grown up and live in very close quarters. So they learn at a young age to put up with other people's ....um...idiosyncrasies; and the associated auditory consequences. it's one of those 'facts of life' you can't change, so you just deal with it.

Then there's always the (vitally important) issue of not wanting to step on someone else's (especially those of higher rank) so-called merriment/enjoyment.

Along these lines a lot of people appear to have developed an ability to essentially 're-tune the frequency' and not be overly bothered by otherwise invasive and irritating noise. A survival mechanism of sorts.

I've asked people to show me how it's done, but they just smile.

A 'How To' book on this would be a best seller.


The CIA already knows only too well. Check out the Frontline program about the "black" interrogation center in Bangkok. Extensive exposure to "music," usuallly rap or repetitive C & W or other obnoxious music was used as part of the advanced interrogation techniques. The Frontline program is very complete. I'm sure that it can be found on YouTube.

Thailand with speakers is one big black interrogation center, if they would just ask us questions.... "please, stop the sound! I'll say anything!!"

Under no circumstances give a Thai a mic and PA system. Never.

I recall few years ago some Jomtien international bars football tournament. Kept blasting "Hey, sexy lady". I walked over to DJ or whatever and said "If you keep playing this song over and over, I will come back and destroy your equipment". I was calm, not aggressive, rather matter of fact. He changed the music...


It is common practice in rural villages to place loud speakers around the village , to broadcast messages to the public and to play music .

My village installed one on an electric post at the corner of our garden , with the speaker facing into our garden .

I went straight to our head man and asked him nicely to take it down and put it somewhere else , otherwise I should have to climb up and cut the cable to disable it .

He very kindly instructed the men to move it to some distance from our house .


Im getting a few of these utes with speaker announcements coming past my place just over the last couple of days, Its pretty irritating when u focus onto it, I want to try to tune it out and just bear for the 30-60 seconds another part of me wants to get some eggs out of the fridge and fire them down at the van as they come past inconsiderately in the later hours of the afternoon.


Does anyone know at what beaurocratic level the announcment are generated? Easy to know in a small village but I live in CM city and I very rarely hear anything from our local speakers and there are none on my soi thumbsup.gif I can hear them in the distance and they seem to not be the same.


i was travelling on a night bus in india and the driver was playing music at a stupid volume. another backpacker got out his penknife and cut the wires. if you can get away with it i'd cut the wires to the speakers nearest your place. whistling.gif

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When I posted here a few days ago about some arseling setting

very loud firecrackers off at 3.55 AM, one poster said it was all

my fault !, Thailand is a very noisy country,frogs,speakers,karaoke,

Cocks crowing,dogs barking,no problem,just learn to live with it.

it just the noise you don't expect.

regards Worgeordie


It's normal in the villages. Might start before first light, but one thing is for sure, the volume must be so high that the horn speakers distort the sound, but at least it lets the locals know who's the boss.

Seems to be right,

Innovative Thai marketing. Just rape your ears so you don't ever want to buy their product.


It's normal in the villages. Might start before first light, but one thing is for sure, the volume must be so high that the horn speakers distort the sound, but at least it lets the locals know who's the boss.

Seems to be right,

Innovative Thai marketing. Just rape your ears so you don't ever want to buy their product.

Thai village doctrine....... if the volume knob goes up to 10 then you must turn it to 10.


I had this problem in Vietnam where the local authorities would blare out announcements morning at 5am.

Two strategies were used:

1. If you are young and fit enough, you can do this yourself. If not, get someone from a far away district and pay them well. After dark when there is no one around, get a ladder to access the offending loudspeaker; turn the speaker upwards and fix into place. The rain will do the rest. No one gets blamed, no speaker was stolen.

2. Get close to someone who is in charge of this kind of thing in your locality. Depending on the configuration and where the speaker is located, you may be able to have the speaker moved based on some excuse, such as you want to change wiring or it interferes with your cabling. Or just pay him off - it always helps if you find something that they want, bottles of whiskey or whatever.

If all this fails, just get someone from out of town who is prepared to cut the wiring to the offending speaker for a fee. It always helps if you get someone from out of town to do the arranging, the further the better - costs more but creates an extra step of separation between you and the guy if he is caught and he won't be gossiping around your village.

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