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They dont like Farang fixing the road

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Joe public can't go around fixing roads in the UK either.

I am sure you would get a reaction from a local authority jobsworth in short order,

if you were to try.

I think the UK can fix roads, the Thais cant as can clearly be seen ANYWHERE in Thailand

Road repairs are the responsibility of the local authority. Once you begin shoving your oar in, then the work you have done becomes the responsibility of local authority and you could be brought to book for any accidents on that patch of road once you have finished meddling in something that is not your business.

Even if you consider the work not up to standard, you still do not have the authority to go around filling holes in public roads. If the local authority make excuses that there is not enough budget to do a quality job, then make a financial contribution yourself if you are so concerned.

Yes Im sure my contribution would go directly to the road repairs...............get REAL this is Thailand we both know EXACTLY where any contribution would go............

6 Months ago I poured 2 cubes of concrete as we had some spare from roads I built on my land , head of village thanked me for filling in the hole which was about 30 foot long and half the road width........give them money, ha you make me laugh

I guess using your logic when someone has an accident and dies caused by their bad roads its also their responsibility right?

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How about another photo end of December?

But, you're right, have seen 1,000s of such road patches, not worth much, especially during the wet.


I could have taken pictures today from the new top layer they installed on Highway #36 less than 4 weeks ago.

They scraped it off then installed a new top layer.

Today there were many big holes in it.

Theyll probably tell you its for drainagelaugh.png



The UK could fix the roads,they just choose not to.

Stock photos.

I am in the UK presently,the roads are atrocious.

My yearly road tax is £290.attachicon.gifScreenshot_2015-11-25-09-00-03.pngattachicon.gifScreenshot_2015-11-25-08-59-16.pngattachicon.gifScreenshot_2015-11-25-08-58-03.png

Have u any idea of the cost of fixing one pot hole and what has happened to local govt funding who are responsible for just about everything other than motorways?

By the way, drive a smaller car, zero Road tax. Your Road tax doesn't go directly to fixing roads.

I know the road tax doesn't cover the road maintenance but it should,wouldn't you think.

I only drive a small car.post-170299-0-91204400-1448481954_thumb.


Hi Kannot,

I love your post and the amusing reply's it has generated.

I have just one question, Were you wearing a shirt with a large anarchy sign on it at the time of said repairs?

If you have been living in LOS for a while now you should know that the word Work is an offensive four letter word for Thais.wai.gif



The UK could fix the roads,they just choose not to.

Stock photos.

I am in the UK presently,the roads are atrocious.

My yearly road tax is £290.attachicon.gifScreenshot_2015-11-25-09-00-03.pngattachicon.gifScreenshot_2015-11-25-08-59-16.pngattachicon.gifScreenshot_2015-11-25-08-58-03.png

Have u any idea of the cost of fixing one pot hole and what has happened to local govt funding who are responsible for just about everything other than motorways?

By the way, drive a smaller car, zero Road tax. Your Road tax doesn't go directly to fixing roads.

I know the road tax doesn't cover the road maintenance but it should,wouldn't you think.

I only drive a small car.attachicon.gifScreenshot_2015-11-25-20-01-34.png

You bought a Tata although on an 02 plate I guess a Ford at that time, my friend is the manager of the paint shop at Castle Bromwich Birmingham, Im surprised the paints still on it, one of my customers bought the same car he changed from always buying Mercedes the Jag had a really bad paint issue they could not resolve, it was his first and last jag


Strange why somebody who is trying to do good gets mocked on here.

Thatll be the folk who really are "bored". Im out doing stuff like this on the land every day.............gotta keep the weight down somehow since retiring in my 40's and sure beats the hell out of a 9-5 life of drudgery in a depressing climate where you get up and its dark and get home and its dark for months on end.

Always something going on here


Didn't read the whole post, but I doubt Thais welcome us doing any of their jobs. Seriously. Plus, you probably made someone lose face. Not hating. I like to get things done too. Just saying.


Most damage to road surfaces is due to overweight vehicles. If the Traffic Police were to be more diligent in checking vehicle weights and removing overweight vehicles from the road even the poorly constructed Thai roads would last a lot longer.

We are just coming into the sugar cane harvesting season. You can almost see those grossly overweight cane lorries breaking up the tarmac.


Good on you for doing something. I am sure plenty of villagers will be happy with what you have done. It is only those with a vested interest or who feel they have lost face that would object.

As for some of the posters on this thread, some people would complain even if they won the lottery.


Good on you for doing something. I am sure plenty of villagers will be happy with what you have done. It is only those with a vested interest or who feel they have lost face that would object.

As to some of the posters on this thread, some people would complain even if they won the <deleted> lottery.

There was a guy a guy in a village who did a big massive job clearing and cleaning the place.

Rented JCB diggers, cleaned and painted the playground, made a green village park.

He got sick.

The villagers came to see him.

To ask when he will be able to finish it.

He lost heart.

He got better.

Some of the local males took all their rubbish and one night dumped it all right square in the middle of the grass park he had created.

There was a thread on it here.

The first one was him doing all the good deeds.

The second one was how the Thais reacted to it.

One or both of the threads had to be deleted because it was being leaked in the village that he was highlighting the less than savory behavior of them publically and he was in danger for doing so.

I'm sure others will remember the thread. I read it 3 or 4 years ago.

That, in short, is how Thais appreciated being 'helped'.


Good on you for doing something. I am sure plenty of villagers will be happy with what you have done. It is only those with a vested interest or who feel they have lost face that would object.

As to some of the posters on this thread, some people would complain even if they won the <deleted> lottery.

There was a guy a guy in a village who did a big massive job clearing and cleaning the place.

Rented JCB diggers, cleaned and painted the playground, made a green village park.

He got sick.

The villagers came to see him.

To ask when he will be able to finish it.

He lost heart.

He got better.

Some of the local males took all their rubbish and one night dumped it all right square in the middle of the grass park he had created.

There was a thread on it here.

The first one was him doing all the good deeds.

The second one was how the Thais reacted to it.

One or both of the threads had to be deleted because it was being leaked in the village that he was highlighting the less than savory behavior of them publically and he was in danger for doing so.

I'm sure others will remember the thread. I read it 3 or 4 years ago.

That, in short, is how Thais appreciated being 'helped'.

I believe that is probably an extreme example. I would think most Thais would be happy with what he had done. Had he done all the work without first addressing it to at least some of the villagers?

It also beggars the question as to who was leaking the information to the villagers. It sound to me that he had already sorely pissed someone off in the village. However, I never read the thread so this is all speculation.


We worry too much about the poor darlings losing face, a lot of them need to before anything can change for the better, well done the OP


Good on you for doing something. I am sure plenty of villagers will be happy with what you have done. It is only those with a vested interest or who feel they have lost face that would object.

As to some of the posters on this thread, some people would complain even if they won the <deleted> lottery.

There was a guy a guy in a village who did a big massive job clearing and cleaning the place.

Rented JCB diggers, cleaned and painted the playground, made a green village park.

He got sick.

The villagers came to see him.

To ask when he will be able to finish it.

He lost heart.

He got better.

Some of the local males took all their rubbish and one night dumped it all right square in the middle of the grass park he had created.

There was a thread on it here.

The first one was him doing all the good deeds.

The second one was how the Thais reacted to it.

One or both of the threads had to be deleted because it was being leaked in the village that he was highlighting the less than savory behavior of them publically and he was in danger for doing so.

I'm sure others will remember the thread. I read it 3 or 4 years ago.

That, in short, is how Thais appreciated being 'helped'.

Actually Id say more appreciate it being done round here, some just sit outside there houses watching you do it with that "I aint moving from here coudlnt give a &lt;deleted&gt;" look but others will come out and chat a bit or sometimes help, as i said the one woman whose shop it was by came out with free coke.....overall though i dont think they really know how to react to someone fixing the road I mean........its just not Thai, they have been trained to not do anything unless the higher ups say so.


Good on you for doing something. I am sure plenty of villagers will be happy with what you have done. It is only those with a vested interest or who feel they have lost face that would object.

As to some of the posters on this thread, some people would complain even if they won the <deleted> lottery.

There was a guy a guy in a village who did a big massive job clearing and cleaning the place.

Rented JCB diggers, cleaned and painted the playground, made a green village park.

He got sick.

The villagers came to see him.

To ask when he will be able to finish it.

He lost heart.

He got better.

Some of the local males took all their rubbish and one night dumped it all right square in the middle of the grass park he had created.

There was a thread on it here.

The first one was him doing all the good deeds.

The second one was how the Thais reacted to it.

One or both of the threads had to be deleted because it was being leaked in the village that he was highlighting the less than savory behavior of them publically and he was in danger for doing so.

I'm sure others will remember the thread. I read it 3 or 4 years ago.

That, in short, is how Thais appreciated being 'helped'.

I believe that is probably an extreme example. I would think most Thais would be happy with what he had done. Had he done all the work without first addressing it to at least some of the villagers?

It also beggars the question as to who was leaking the information to the villagers. It sound to me that he had already sorely pissed someone off in the village. However, I never read the thread so this is all speculation.

I was just filling the largest and most dangerous holes about 4 which someone had already put many tennis ball sized stones in 2 deep and this was making it even worse. These holes would certainly break your wheel if you went down them and as for motorcycles!!


I remember the thread about the park, didnt realize why it was removed till now. The fact that someone has the gumption to fix the roads where he lives is great and you should be congratulated. Pity more people didnt stand up when this sort of thing happens, they all know that those responsible are more interested in making money by not doing it right but simply refuse to do or say anything about it.


Good on you for doing something. I am sure plenty of villagers will be happy with what you have done. It is only those with a vested interest or who feel they have lost face that would object.

As to some of the posters on this thread, some people would complain even if they won the <deleted> lottery.

There was a guy a guy in a village who did a big massive job clearing and cleaning the place.

Rented JCB diggers, cleaned and painted the playground, made a green village park.

He got sick.

The villagers came to see him.

To ask when he will be able to finish it.

He lost heart.

He got better.

Some of the local males took all their rubbish and one night dumped it all right square in the middle of the grass park he had created.

There was a thread on it here.

The first one was him doing all the good deeds.

The second one was how the Thais reacted to it.

One or both of the threads had to be deleted because it was being leaked in the village that he was highlighting the less than savory behavior of them publically and he was in danger for doing so.

I'm sure others will remember the thread. I read it 3 or 4 years ago.

That, in short, is how Thais appreciated being 'helped'.

Yeah...I seem to remember that one to somewhere.....


In france too the roads are in a bad state and when they fix it, the repair dont last more than a winter. The mayor of a city said on tv that they now use a much cheaper mixture than before because the accounts of the town were in the red. Cost less, last less...


Come on then. Show us your repairs so we can compare them.

Hold fire Ill go get some pics when the other have buggered off, ok just been out the front here, heres the ones I did about 4-5 months back and they also did next to them at the same time. theres are all falling apart and these are some of their better attempts

The roads really are totally shot thru just a crumbling mass of loose aggregate in many places. When they do use concrete they get it everywhere and mound it up so instead of holes you get hillocks + never clean the holes out

This is the moon's surface? Yes?:o


A job well done. Sometimes, when you are doing the right thing, and getting things done, and someone objects, it is best to just ignore them, and go about your business. There are buffoons everywhere. If you are helping out, and the neighbors are good with it, and some creep shows up, just wave him on. Keep doing your work. Show him up. He is probably a lazy dodger, who would never dream of doing something to improve his community.

Occasionally disapproval, is the best form of validation, that you are doing the right thing. In many communities, the local people are improving roads, where the local government is lazy and doing little. Good on them too.

Keep up the good work. You are giving foreigners a good name!


Come on then. Show us your repairs so we can compare them.

Hold fire Ill go get some pics when the other have buggered off, ok just been out the front here, heres the ones I did about 4-5 months back and they also did next to them at the same time. theres are all falling apart and these are some of their better attempts

The roads really are totally shot thru just a crumbling mass of loose aggregate in many places. When they do use concrete they get it everywhere and mound it up so instead of holes you get hillocks + never clean the holes out

This is the moon's surface? Yes?ohmy.png

I think the moon is smoother and they havent repaired the moon in about 4.5 billion yearslaugh.png


Concrete? In the long term you'll cause more damage than you fix.

If you really want to make a point or be useful, why don't you get yourself sorted and get a representation together and pressure the local authorities?

All you've succeeded in doing is make yourself into the "local moron"


Joe public can't go around fixing roads in the UK either.

I am sure you would get a reaction from a local authority jobsworth in short order,

if you were to try.

I think the UK can fix roads, the Thais cant as can clearly be seen ANYWHERE in Thailand

Road repairs are the responsibility of the local authority. Once you begin shoving your oar in, then the work you have done becomes the responsibility of local authority and you could be brought to book for any accidents on that patch of road once you have finished meddling in something that is not your business.

Even if you consider the work not up to standard, you still do not have the authority to go around filling holes in public roads. If the local authority make excuses that there is not enough budget to do a quality job, then make a financial contribution yourself if you are so concerned.

Yes Im sure my contribution would go directly to the road repairs...............get REAL this is Thailand we both know EXACTLY where any contribution would go............

6 Months ago I poured 2 cubes of concrete as we had some spare from roads I built on my land , head of village thanked me for filling in the hole which was about 30 foot long and half the road width........give them money, ha you make me laugh

I guess using your logic when someone has an accident and dies caused by their bad roads its also their responsibility right?

You know, you shouldn't patch an asphalt road with concrete. I understand your frustration and it makes a good temporary solution but the expansion coefficients of the materials are different and it will only lead to more deterioration of the road surface. Plus it all needs to be removed if the road is ever fixed correctly.


You know, you shouldn't patch an asphalt road with concrete. I understand your frustration and it makes a good temporary solution but the expansion coefficients of the materials are different and it will only lead to more deterioration of the road surface. Plus it all needs to be removed if the road is ever fixed correctly.

perhaps, but by that time hes long gone and it's someone elses problem.


Condition of a country's roads is often a good indicator of the extent of corruption in that country.

Potholes are caused by water weakening the "foundations" of the roads, this then leads to weakening of the asphalt surface which is then broken up by traffic.

In a country with a lot of corruption, money meant for building roads is syphoned off by corrupt contractors etc. They know that if they cut back on the essential foundations of a road - hardcore, drainage etc - that they can cover this with the sphalt and it won't immediately be obvious.

You can see examples of this all over Thailand where new roads are uneven and get flooded after the first rains, and how some stretches of road, although repeatedly re-asphalted, simply revert to potholes after one season.

Putting concrete in these holes is not only a waste of time, it is potentially dangerous; as the road around it subsides and erodes, this will leave a large lump of concrete protruding from the road and could present an even more serious problem for road users.


I figure roads are the biggest source of extra (corrupt) income for government officials.

Even some of the main highways in Thailand don't seem to last more than about 5 years and when they start to go bad they get very bad very quick. Highway 331 which was a good road about 5 years ago has turned into a horrible mess in some sections. Naturally, they are in the process of fixing it and I'm sure there are many government officials getting a new influx of cash this year.


They resurfaced a road near me in buriram and stop 2 meters from where the holes were ,so they did 300 meters resurfaced that didn't need to be done and the 10 meters that needed to be done they not do ,


I also watched a road being done near buriram it was about 500 meters long ,they did one side first and when done parked their vehicles on that to do the other side ,when that was competed they packed up and drove away leaving holes and massive grooves where their lorries had parked not to mention the roads they destroyed carrying the dirt to that road .

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