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From The Ox-Bow Incident (1943) starring Henry Fonda. Juan Martinez - a young Anthony Quinn:

Jenny Grier: [when Juan finally speaks English after pretending he only knows Spanish] So, he speaks American!
Juan Martínez: And ten other languages, my dear - but I don't tell anything I don't want to in any of them.

And where, may I ask, did you meet this '1 in a million' ?

I have my suspicions, but pretty sure it was not where you would say where it was.

another non believer. Thinks all thai girls come from the bar. 5555. Maybe they are born there? Do you think so? 555 No thai women are accountants,lawyers,rich. Nope ,all bar girls right 555

Cheers Cobbler

That hardly answered the question.

I am pretty sure she is not a lawyer or accountant !

hahaha you already said you r pretty sure its not where i said it was. Thats ok for me. Impossible you would believe her family history anyhow. Im just amusing myself with all the people who cant believe all thai girls dont come from the bar. 555 . Guess ive been retired for too long. Too much spare time on my hands lmao

Cheers Cobbler


After 21 years, three relationships and over 50 pay for play adventures I seriously think if you are looking for a deep meaningful relationship, then a Thai woman is unlikely to provide one. There are exceptions of course but most are shallow, illogical, greedy and after a time very boring. Makes no difference if they are hi so or from Issan.

you make me feel even more lucky after reading your sad post. I wish you can find a wife as good as mine. Shes 1 in a million.

Maybe try outside the bars. Just a thought. Over 50 pay for play,as you said,for sure you dont need me to tell you.if youre looking for gold diggers youre looking in the right place.

Cheers Cobbler

I did not marry a bar girl, my mrs has a masters degree for what that is worth here. Interesting that you do not say why she is one in a million, I guess she must be if she's so unlike the others.


Don't you just love all this

i know,its amazing . Light entertainment on a tuesday afternoon. It does bring all the people out who cant stand to see or accept not all thai girls come from the bar. Its almost as if they go to thai to make them feel important. That people in the world have a more difficult life than there life is. Truth is many thais are so rich they dont ever do a days work in there life . Just live off rent coming in from assets handed down through the generations,gaining more wealth as the years go by. But thats not the type of thai many falang meet.

Cheers Cobbler


After 21 years, three relationships and over 50 pay for play adventures I seriously think if you are looking for a deep meaningful relationship, then a Thai woman is unlikely to provide one. There are exceptions of course but most are shallow, illogical, greedy and after a time very boring. Makes no difference if they are hi so or from Issan.

you make me feel even more lucky after reading your sad post. I wish you can find a wife as good as mine. Shes 1 in a million.

Maybe try outside the bars. Just a thought. Over 50 pay for play,as you said,for sure you dont need me to tell you.if youre looking for gold diggers youre looking in the right place.

Cheers Cobbler

I did not marry a bar girl, my mrs has a masters degree for what that is worth here. Interesting that you do not say why she is one in a million, I guess she must be if she's so unlike the others.

mate as long as she is your 1 in a million , thats all that matters.

Im happy if youre happy

Cheers Cobbler


As the guy above says, it's all what works out for the individual. He wants a girl who communicates well in English. This is Thailand. I prefer to be with Thai women who don't speak English. Completely different dynamic. Relationships are visceral. It's either there or it isn't. Throw out the checklist.

One of the plusses for me with my TGF is that she has very good english ability which means we can have meaningfull conversations when cultural differences are raised wai2.gif

That's nice. We have meaningful conversations in Thai when a meaningful conversation is on the agenda.

It is one of the things that gets to me on these threads. Why do they have to speak English? If they were living in England that would be expected, but here we are talking about living in Thailand. A number of posters go on and on about their girlfriends/wives being able to communicate well in English blah blah. But if those posters live here, they should not be demeaning or disparaging others' wives who speak little or no English or those foreigners who married them. They should learn the bloody language of the country within which they live. To me it does not reflect at all well on those posters. Are they even trying to fit in? Are they so lazy they cannot be bothered to learn the language?

Rant over.

A Thai girl once told me a crocodile and an alligator are the same thing because the same word is used in Thai to describe both animals. I suspect this is why some people- even those who speak Thai very well- prefer Thai women who can communicate in English. Also, women who can at least read and understand a decent amount of English are privy to information and ideas that are not made available in Thai language.


Don't you just love all this

It does bring all the people out who cant stand to see or accept not all thai girls come from the bar.

They're almost as ignorant as the blokes who can't see that a majority of the classy Thais don't want anything to do with us.


come on then you 'diamond' owners why is yours so 'different'?

Because they are such a breath of fresh air compared to what we have experienced in the past or seen others experience. I know i became so cautious and fussy after my divorce. Then,just when i least expected it ,there she was. This perfect 10. Im not talking just looks,of course you have to be attracted to a girl. Thats just human nature. It was everything else though. Self sufficient, smart,careing,kind,softly spoken,patient,helpful with my business. So many good attributes. As the years have past,my thai wife has never dissapointed me. The more time passes ,the more i learn from her. Our relationship gets better all the time .I consider myself a very lucky man to have met my wife. If this hasnt happened to you i can understand how its maybe difficult for you to understand how lucky i am.

Cheers Cobbler


From the overly nested post above: Also, women who can at least read and understand a decent amount of English are privy to information and ideas that are not made available in Thai language.

So can they also tell you what is a privy?


Don't you just love all this

It does bring all the people out who cant stand to see or accept not all thai girls come from the bar.

They're almost as ignorant as the blokes who can't see that a majority of the classy Thais don't want anything to do with us.

thats true, who can blame them. It takes time to gain the trust of a good thai girl,especially if they dont need you for money.

Cheerx Cobbler


According to the CIA World Factbook (updated bi-weekly), there are 16,061,864 females in Thailand ages 25-54 years old. So if you are looking for a one-in-a million girl, there are 16 of them.


According to the CIA World Factbook (updated bi-weekly), there are 16,061,864 females in Thailand ages 25-54 years old. So if you are looking for a one-in-a million girl, there are 16 of them.

Only 15 left, how lucky some TV members are.


Well I guess I'll have to settle for one of the remaining 16 million plus. The current one I sometimes call the Thai equivalent of the late Elizabeth's Taylor's 'avaricious b-tch' to which she replies: And don't you forget it!


I have been playing on a none professional basis the Saw duang for a very long time.

Just a few days ago I was invited to a Tawan Daeng and after a bottle of 285 with my Thai friends I asked the Saw Duang musician to let me have a try at the table. I played a bid and within minutes a group of 30-50 males and females were dancing around our table with the band playing techno music and when the techno music stops the band would switch to some songs from Pai Phongsathorn with no vocals but with the Saw Duang.

The strange issue is when I was sitting at the table I was ignored by all of them. The band had a good time and told everyone Farang plays Saw Duang and if I can talk a few words in Thai.

I apologized on the microphone in the Isaan language that I don't speak the Bangkok Thai very well and prefer to talk Isaan Lao as we are in Isaan and Isaan is my home.

A lot of womans and guys danced with me. Many were government workers, teachers and just plain normal workers and almost everyone said I am more Thai then Farang. They even inspected my amulets and I had to inspect the amulets from the guys and gals. Drink was free for me and my friends as everyone wanted to cheers with me.

My weapon has always been the Saw duang, politeness and the Isaan language during dating and a lot of laughing, jokes and no confrontation.

PS: I am in a full-time relationship and refused to exchange phone numbers with the ladies


It would seem this topic has been seriously derailed.

Its not about divorce/relationships or statistics of relationships in Australia, nor parental guidance and involvement in marriage.

The Topic is "Meeting Thai Women"

If you cant return to the topic, it can be closed.


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Thai girl, old wheezer = YUK ! YUK ! and YUK! no matter how much money he is tossing at her. Guess he can,t understand any Thai insults and dirty looks everywhere he goes. Sorry it makes ALL foreigners look like complete losers and suckers.

You seem to have a real hang-up about old guys and young Thai girls. I'd suggest it's none of your business. I'd also suggest you wait until you've reached a mature age before passing judgment on something you obviously don't understand.facepalm.gif

A lot of the so-called old wheezers have made a pact with younger Thai women. The pact consists of the Thai woman taking care of the older man until he dies. In return, she gets financial support and also looked after in his will.

When you compare this with the Western-style approach of shoving unwanted relatives into nursing homes to rot, with extortionate fees to boot for indifferent care, I'll take the Thai-style version any time. And I'm more likely to die with a smile on my face.biggrin.png

Perhaps you are concerned you will be branded a loser and sucker by association. Don't worry, you've achieved the loser part already out of your own mouth.

I've been thinking about this post for the last day or two. I gotta say, I appreciate the frank honesty. And it's a shining example of why- wether you agree with it or not- TV can be a brilliant cultural experience.

It also gives the OP some insight as to why many Thai ladies are so quick to get down to numbers whilst considering a relationship with an older foreigner. You're fighting a tough battle up there, OP. I've always said there's so many legends and tales of Isan girls making it on the back of a foreigner (or is it on their back?) that it's almost become a waste for anyone seeking a legitimate relationship with one. Emotions and principals are easily overcome by desires and instincts.

Like, imagine you were a young man again, pursuing a career you were passionate about, in a field you loved, but one that might not be financially rewarding. You were gonna change the world! And then, all of the sudden, your father or your father's friend came along and offered you a high-paying position in management. The temptation would be very high, as would the rewards. And all you gotta do is give up on the thing you really want in life. Tough choice, right? Or maybe not. I'm sure many of us would just take the money.


Thai girl, old wheezer = YUK ! YUK ! and YUK! no matter how much money he is tossing at her. Guess he can,t understand any Thai insults and dirty looks everywhere he goes. Sorry it makes ALL foreigners look like complete losers and suckers.

You seem to have a real hang-up about old guys and young Thai girls. I'd suggest it's none of your business. I'd also suggest you wait until you've reached a mature age before passing judgment on something you obviously don't understand.facepalm.gif

A lot of the so-called old wheezers have made a pact with younger Thai women. The pact consists of the Thai woman taking care of the older man until he dies. In return, she gets financial support and also looked after in his will.

When you compare this with the Western-style approach of shoving unwanted relatives into nursing homes to rot, with extortionate fees to boot for indifferent care, I'll take the Thai-style version any time. And I'm more likely to die with a smile on my face.biggrin.png

Perhaps you are concerned you will be branded a loser and sucker by association. Don't worry, you've achieved the loser part already out of your own mouth.

I've been thinking about this post for the last day or two. I gotta say, I appreciate the frank honesty. And it's a shining example of why- wether you agree with it or not- TV can be a brilliant cultural experience.

It also gives the OP some insight as to why many Thai ladies are so quick to get down to numbers whilst considering a relationship with an older foreigner. You're fighting a tough battle up there, OP. I've always said there's so many legends and tales of Isan girls making it on the back of a foreigner (or is it on their back?) that it's almost become a waste for anyone seeking a legitimate relationship with one. Emotions and principals are easily overcome by desires and instincts.

Like, imagine you were a young man again, pursuing a career you were passionate about, in a field you loved, but one that might not be financially rewarding. You were gonna change the world! And then, all of the sudden, your father or your father's friend came along and offered you a high-paying position in management. The temptation would be very high, as would the rewards. And all you gotta do is give up on the thing you really want in life. Tough choice, right? Or maybe not. I'm sure many of us would just take the money.

Very good and thoughtful post. Two things I would like to add. First, many Wetern women go for the money when picking a mate. Some men are a similar age and some are much older. Second, the definition of a good relationship is that both people are getting what they want/ need from the relationship. People with hang ups about others' relationship need to look to themselves and judge only themselves. The need to juge others as inferior is a problem for society.


Thai girl, old wheezer = YUK ! YUK ! and YUK! no matter how much money he is tossing at her. Guess he can,t understand any Thai insults and dirty looks everywhere he goes. Sorry it makes ALL foreigners look like complete losers and suckers.

You seem to have a real hang-up about old guys and young Thai girls. I'd suggest it's none of your business. I'd also suggest you wait until you've reached a mature age before passing judgment on something you obviously don't understand.facepalm.gif

A lot of the so-called old wheezers have made a pact with younger Thai women. The pact consists of the Thai woman taking care of the older man until he dies. In return, she gets financial support and also looked after in his will.

When you compare this with the Western-style approach of shoving unwanted relatives into nursing homes to rot, with extortionate fees to boot for indifferent care, I'll take the Thai-style version any time. And I'm more likely to die with a smile on my face.biggrin.png

Perhaps you are concerned you will be branded a loser and sucker by association. Don't worry, you've achieved the loser part already out of your own mouth.

I've been thinking about this post for the last day or two. I gotta say, I appreciate the frank honesty. And it's a shining example of why- wether you agree with it or not- TV can be a brilliant cultural experience.

It also gives the OP some insight as to why many Thai ladies are so quick to get down to numbers whilst considering a relationship with an older foreigner. You're fighting a tough battle up there, OP. I've always said there's so many legends and tales of Isan girls making it on the back of a foreigner (or is it on their back?) that it's almost become a waste for anyone seeking a legitimate relationship with one. Emotions and principals are easily overcome by desires and instincts.

Like, imagine you were a young man again, pursuing a career you were passionate about, in a field you loved, but one that might not be financially rewarding. You were gonna change the world! And then, all of the sudden, your father or your father's friend came along and offered you a high-paying position in management. The temptation would be very high, as would the rewards. And all you gotta do is give up on the thing you really want in life. Tough choice, right? Or maybe not. I'm sure many of us would just take the money.

Very good and thoughtful post. Two things I would like to add. First, many Wetern women go for the money when picking a mate. Some men are a similar age and some are much older. Second, the definition of a good relationship is that both people are getting what they want/ need from the relationship. People with hang ups about others' relationship need to look to themselves and judge only themselves. The need to juge others as inferior is a problem for society.
When you say many Western women go for the money when picking up a mate, I tend to slightly to disagree.

In eldragon's post, he specifically indicates, indirectly, a certain kind of age group. Reading into it, he is talking about someone either still in education, or not long out of it, maybe in their first job.

Now in the West, these type of people normally mix with their own, I.e. fellow university students, or even workmates, I very much doubt that many of these are for searching for a financial sponsor for life, maybe the odd few via those websites. If they did the website thing, and found someone, say 30 years older, there would be serious problems with the parents. Call it old fashioned or what, but in the Western world there is a bit of a stigma attached with these type of relationships, even to the point that I have read FRONT page headlines, albeit in tabloid newspapers, like: "Girl marries man old enough to be her grandfather".

Getting back on the topic, most of these people have certain things in common, i,e. fellow students or fellow work mates, and being around each other almost every day, start to develop feelings for each other, this is the first stage of, what was once called, love !

Now bearing in mind, that if students, they are not yet earning a monthly salary yet, and if work mates, at starting level the salary would probably not be that high, I fail too see where money has anything to do with forming a relationship together.

Thai girl, old wheezer = YUK ! YUK ! and YUK! no matter how much money he is tossing at her. Guess he can,t understand any Thai insults and dirty looks everywhere he goes. Sorry it makes ALL foreigners look like complete losers and suckers.

You seem to have a real hang-up about old guys and young Thai girls. I'd suggest it's none of your business. I'd also suggest you wait until you've reached a mature age before passing judgment on something you obviously don't understand.facepalm.gif

A lot of the so-called old wheezers have made a pact with younger Thai women. The pact consists of the Thai woman taking care of the older man until he dies. In return, she gets financial support and also looked after in his will.

When you compare this with the Western-style approach of shoving unwanted relatives into nursing homes to rot, with extortionate fees to boot for indifferent care, I'll take the Thai-style version any time. And I'm more likely to die with a smile on my face.biggrin.png

Perhaps you are concerned you will be branded a loser and sucker by association. Don't worry, you've achieved the loser part already out of your own mouth.
I've been thinking about this post for the last day or two. I gotta say, I appreciate the frank honesty. And it's a shining example of why- wether you agree with it or not- TV can be a brilliant cultural experience.

It also gives the OP some insight as to why many Thai ladies are so quick to get down to numbers whilst considering a relationship with an older foreigner. You're fighting a tough battle up there, OP. I've always said there's so many legends and tales of Isan girls making it on the back of a foreigner (or is it on their back?) that it's almost become a waste for anyone seeking a legitimate relationship with one. Emotions and principals are easily overcome by desires and instincts.

Like, imagine you were a young man again, pursuing a career you were passionate about, in a field you loved, but one that might not be financially rewarding. You were gonna change the world! And then, all of the sudden, your father or your father's friend came along and offered you a high-paying position in management. The temptation would be very high, as would the rewards. And all you gotta do is give up on the thing you really want in life. Tough choice, right? Or maybe not. I'm sure many of us would just take the money.
Very good and thoughtful post. Two things I would like to add. First, many Wetern women go for the money when picking a mate. Some men are a similar age and some are much older. Second, the definition of a good relationship is that both people are getting what they want/ need from the relationship. People with hang ups about others' relationship need to look to themselves and judge only themselves. The need to juge others as inferior is a problem for society.
When you say many Western women go for the money when picking up a mate, I tend to slightly to disagree.
In eldragon's post, he specifically indicates, indirectly, a certain kind of age group. Reading into it, he is talking about someone either still in education, or not long out of it, maybe in their first job.
Now in the West, these type of people normally mix with their own, I.e. fellow university students, or even workmates, I very much doubt that many of these are for searching for a financial sponsor for life, maybe the odd few via those websites. If they did the website thing, and found someone, say 30 years older, there would be serious problems with the parents. Call it old fashioned or what, but in the Western world there is a bit of a stigma attached with these type of relationships, even to the point that I have read FRONT page headlines, albeit in tabloid newspapers, like: "Girl marries man old enough to be her grandfather".
Getting back on the topic, most of these people have certain things in common, i,e. fellow students or fellow work mates, and being around each other almost every day, start to develop feelings for each other, this is the first stage of, what was once called, love !
Now bearing in mind, that if students, they are not yet earning a monthly salary yet, and if work mates, at starting level the salary would probably not be that high, I fail too see where money has anything to do with forming a relationship together.

I was making a comparison between a young mans choice of a job that pays over one he loves (that might not pay as much) and a Thai girls- at any age- opting for a financially secure relationship over one that comes with an emotional bond, physical attraction, etc.

As for women in the west, it just depends on their expectations and/or where they come from. The notion that western women don't care about money seems a little overrated though. And they definitely seem less likely to choose a guy that's more than a few years older than they are.

The first lesson in meeting Thai women is make sure they are women.

A valid point. One that should not be underestimated. But if someone is giving you a bj under a table it's not very easy to determine whether it's male or female.


The first lesson in meeting Thai women is make sure they are women.

A valid point. One that should not be underestimated. But if someone is giving you a bj under a table it's not very easy to determine whether it's male or female.

Masturbation is safer,it's having sex with someone you love.


Nope im not saying the obvious.

Ok i will

People who allready know how nice it is to meet a lovely thai lady dont need it to be explained to them.

Then there are the others.

Cheers Cobbler


The first lesson in meeting Thai women is make sure they are women.

A valid point. One that should not be underestimated. But if someone is giving you a bj under a table it's not very easy to determine whether it's male or female.

It is apparently more valid than you realize.

Thai girl, old wheezer = YUK ! YUK ! and YUK! no matter how much money he is tossing at her. Guess he can,t understand any Thai insults and dirty looks everywhere he goes. Sorry it makes ALL foreigners look like complete losers and suckers.

You seem to have a real hang-up about old guys and young Thai girls. I'd suggest it's none of your business. I'd also suggest you wait until you've reached a mature age before passing judgment on something you obviously don't understand.facepalm.gif

A lot of the so-called old wheezers have made a pact with younger Thai women. The pact consists of the Thai woman taking care of the older man until he dies. In return, she gets financial support and also looked after in his will.

When you compare this with the Western-style approach of shoving unwanted relatives into nursing homes to rot, with extortionate fees to boot for indifferent care, I'll take the Thai-style version any time. And I'm more likely to die with a smile on my face.biggrin.png

Perhaps you are concerned you will be branded a loser and sucker by association. Don't worry, you've achieved the loser part already out of your own mouth.

I've been thinking about this post for the last day or two. I gotta say, I appreciate the frank honesty. And it's a shining example of why- wether you agree with it or not- TV can be a brilliant cultural experience.

It also gives the OP some insight as to why many Thai ladies are so quick to get down to numbers whilst considering a relationship with an older foreigner. You're fighting a tough battle up there, OP. I've always said there's so many legends and tales of Isan girls making it on the back of a foreigner (or is it on their back?) that it's almost become a waste for anyone seeking a legitimate relationship with one. Emotions and principals are easily overcome by desires and instincts.

Like, imagine you were a young man again, pursuing a career you were passionate about, in a field you loved, but one that might not be financially rewarding. You were gonna change the world! And then, all of the sudden, your father or your father's friend came along and offered you a high-paying position in management. The temptation would be very high, as would the rewards. And all you gotta do is give up on the thing you really want in life. Tough choice, right? Or maybe not. I'm sure many of us would just take the money.

Very good and thoughtful post. Two things I would like to add. First, many Wetern women go for the money when picking a mate. Some men are a similar age and some are much older. Second, the definition of a good relationship is that both people are getting what they want/ need from the relationship. People with hang ups about others' relationship need to look to themselves and judge only themselves. The need to juge others as inferior is a problem for society.
When you say many Western women go for the money when picking up a mate, I tend to slightly to disagree.

In eldragon's post, he specifically indicates, indirectly, a certain kind of age group. Reading into it, he is talking about someone either still in education, or not long out of it, maybe in their first job.

Now in the West, these type of people normally mix with their own, I.e. fellow university students, or even workmates, I very much doubt that many of these are for searching for a financial sponsor for life, maybe the odd few via those websites. If they did the website thing, and found someone, say 30 years older, there would be serious problems with the parents. Call it old fashioned or what, but in the Western world there is a bit of a stigma attached with these type of relationships, even to the point that I have read FRONT page headlines, albeit in tabloid newspapers, like: "Girl marries man old enough to be her grandfather".

Getting back on the topic, most of these people have certain things in common, i,e. fellow students or fellow work mates, and being around each other almost every day, start to develop feelings for each other, this is the first stage of, what was once called, love !

Now bearing in mind, that if students, they are not yet earning a monthly salary yet, and if work mates, at starting level the salary would probably not be that high, I fail too see where money has anything to do with forming a relationship together.

I was making a comparison between a young mans choice of a job that pays over one he loves (that might not pay as much) and a Thai girls- at any age- opting for a financially secure relationship over one that comes with an emotional bond, physical attraction, etc.

As for women in the west, it just depends on their expectations and/or where they come from. The notion that western women don't care about money seems a little overrated though. And they definitely seem less likely to choose a guy that's more than a few years older than they are.

yes Eldragon. I agree with your comment. I dont have 1 ozy mate who finnished his divorce with what he already owned. So what does this say about western women. Not all. My brother is married to a lovely western girl. Im sure any western man whos already been divorced understands. The rest , well. Wait till they have been through it . Then they can come back and say western women arent driven by money.

Cheers Cobbler


yes Eldragon. I agree with your comment. I dont have 1 ozy mate who finnished his divorce with what he already owned. So what does this say about western women. Not all. My brother is married to a lovely western girl. Im sure any western man whos already been divorced understands. The rest , well. Wait till they have been through it . Then they can come back and say western women arent driven by money.

Cheers Cobbler

Oh give it a rest,

Mr "I'm-not-at-all-bitter"

BTW, that help your

Thai wife's given you

with your business

has a monetary value

in the judge's eyes

if the brown stuff

should ever hit the



I will hardly expect the Thai GF to take care of me when I get old -- but her Mother might.

hahaha perhaps u should be with the mother.

Cheers Cobbler

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