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Briton fatally injured after jumping from 2nd floor of Suvarnabhumi departure terminal


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Police said Beker Edwakb Francis died on his way to hospital shortly after he jumped from the second floor of the terminal at the spot between Gate 3 and Gate 4 at 0:10 am Friday.

The man said he did not have money to buy plane ticket home so the airport officials were trying to contact the British embassy to locate his relatives.

How did he get through security and immigration to the gates if he had no ticket?

Guess you havent been there much...

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Another reason to oblige all tourists to have a return ticket , although I suppose you could get to Thailand with one and miss the return flight. I have seen a few people absolutely stranded in Thailand, and of course the embassies don't help with money. Though in extreme cases I think there should be some legal way of getting them home, insurance? I remember a man in Phuket stranded for ages, and remember the man who was locked up even though he was mentally ill ( some good lady found a way to get him home) . Surely a few plane tickets a year wouldn't break the embassies banks, they have reserves, and when you think of what these embassies cost, I'm sure it would be a drop in the ocean !!!

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Two years ago from coconuts...

Airport to erect 30m baht glass wall to deter jumpers

Scheduled for installation August 2014...

And it has already been paid for, ..... the money is in someones pension fund by now.......

lets see how they are going to spin this.... (pesky internet information stays forever .... cheesy.gif )


Sad story RIP


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Is UK First world or third world country? UK sends millions of Aid world over to keep its image, billions to keep the refugees alive but can't seem to take care of its own people.

Embassies are there it seems to keep the Status Quo. They get billions of tax payer money and they cannot even allocate few millions to help the needy.

They have a wonderful excuse that, if they help one, everyone will take advantage of it, rather they assume, all humans are greedy and opportunistic.

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The embassy do not exist to save their citizens from the big bad world or indeed themselves. It's like asking Honda to pay for your bike crash costs.

There are notices on govt websites and in passports themselves, about YOUR obligations as an adult on tour or expatriated. Many on this site might try doing more reading and less writing. Some of you seem to get through life in a red nose and greasepaint.

Agreed. But a couple of small changes could be made to improve the image. Like taking off that snotty nosed woman on the recorded answering service who more than likely will tell you to call a UK number or an email that says "we will get back to you in 20 days".

How about a phone number for the VFS passport office in soi 13? It is downright embarrassing always having to call the Australian VFS staff to run around to ask the UK side a question.

OH and has anyone tried to get a UK passport lately? It now takes 9 weeks now that we submit the application in soi 13 when it would only take 3 weeks when we posted the thing ourselved to HK?

Really the UK embassy and Consulate dont know the meaning of the word friendly service. I deal with many embassies and no they are not the worse but do they really need to be compared with third world country consulates?

Oh and have I mentioned how much salary these people are on from the foreign office including living abroad allowances? The best service comes from the lower paid local thai staff.

Rant over.

Back to the OP. There was nothing the UK consulate could have done for this guy.

Edited by asean
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All of you saying that the British embassy should not have to deal with these British citizens, spare a thought for the 27 billion pound foreign aid budget. The main chunk going to Pakistan. So you are happy to see some anti western terrorists washed and clothed but you give grievance to helping a mentally sick man stuck oversees asking for help to get home. We have just sent enough money to Syria to pay for every flight this airport receives in one full calendar year.

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These stories are always tragic, God knows how depressed someone has to be to do this, especially at an airport, such a public place.

i'm not defending the British Embassy since Im American and have no knowledge of them, but doesn't his family bear as much if not more responsibility than some strangers in an embassy.

If it was just the cost of an plane ticket surely their must have been some family member who could have helped?

Pah! You are seriously deluded if you believe simply because they are family members they would have helped. In my experience they're the last ones I'd go to. Family? Overrated coffee1.gif

Edited by dageurreotype
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This seems to happen with much higher frequency here in Thailand... So let's be honest here.

There are an inordinately high number of depressed single males with some combination of poor social skills, low education, no knowledge of existing cultural differences and existing substance abuse, alcohol abuse or mental health problems.

Their sad mix of problems makes these men are easy targets for bar girls etc., who they are all too eager to fall in love with. Broken hearted and penniless, they become prime candidates for this kind of thing.

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This is why immigration should enforce the return ticket home rule.

Often the airlines don't check prior to travel to Thailand. They are meant to and it's their problem if an arriving passenger is denied entry due to the lack of return/onward flight

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I am still trying to ascertain this mans real name it sounds as if he might be Nigerian although it does state he is a brit no money to buy a ticket to fly home what was he doing at the airport was he hoping someone might give him enough to buy a ticket RIPyoung man.

That's the first thing I noticed too... Unusual name for that neck of the woods

Definitely not Irish or English by any standard, was he a black guy by any chance?

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Police said Beker Edwakb Francis died on his way to hospital shortly after he jumped from the second floor of the terminal at the spot between Gate 3 and Gate 4 at 0:10 am Friday.

The man said he did not have money to buy plane ticket home so the airport officials were trying to contact the British embassy to locate his relatives.

How did he get through security and immigration to the gates if he had no ticket?

Guess you havent been there much...

Actually, I have been there...too many times.

Although they did not specify the concourse, I suppose I was thinking the story said he jumped between Gates 3 and 4. Because they said between Gate 3 and Gate 4. Gates in an airport are those areas where you get on the airplane. Have a look at a boarding pass where it says 'Gate'. It is that place.

I am not sure what else besides the boarding areas at BKK are called gates, but I suspect the writer meant to say between Door 3 and Door 4.

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One of the posters makes a very good point in that many westerners come to Thailand with 'problems' that were evident in their own countries and see Thailand as a way to get well. They get into the bar scene and really believe that someone loves them only to find out that it is all baloney. Already depressed, now without money- they see no hope. The problem remains- why are there so many depressed people from the Western World and what can be done to help them. The answer is a lack of real attention to the mentally ill in the Western World. They are not getting the treatment they need and search the World over for some relief from their pain. I don't have all the answers but I do know this that the West spends untold billions on government bureaucracy; war; spying on its own citizens and appears to do do little for its own citizens in distress. AS an American, I am appalled with the American response to its most vulnerable citizens, The politicians don't care; the well citizenry are ignorant of the problem and the World at large is more concerned with a bunch of radicals in the Syrian desert than helping its own populations survive.

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I am still trying to ascertain this mans real name it sounds as if he might be Nigerian although it does state he is a brit no money to buy a ticket to fly home what was he doing at the airport was he hoping someone might give him enough to buy a ticket RIPyoung man.


Let me see if I can assist you with your uncertainty as to this man's name.

The nation reports his name as "Beker Edwakb Francis" Since they probably obtained that information indirectly from his passport which always states the Surname first, thus we now have Edwakb Francis Baker. Adjust the probable typo in Edwakb to Edward and we now have Edward Francis Baker.

Not exactly a MacBaker or O'Baker but certainly quite possibly a man from Northern Ireland (Britain).

So, not likely from Lagos or Abuja to begin with.

Hope that helps a little.wai.gif

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One of the posters makes a very good point in that many westerners come to Thailand with 'problems' that were evident in their own countries and see Thailand as a way to get well. They get into the bar scene and really believe that someone loves them only to find out that it is all baloney. Already depressed, now without money- they see no hope. The problem remains- why are there so many depressed people from the Western World and what can be done to help them. The answer is a lack of real attention to the mentally ill in the Western World. They are not getting the treatment they need and search the World over for some relief from their pain. I don't have all the answers but I do know this that the West spends untold billions on government bureaucracy; war; spying on its own citizens and appears to do do little for its own citizens in distress. AS an American, I am appalled with the American response to its most vulnerable citizens, The politicians don't care; the well citizenry are ignorant of the problem and the World at large is more concerned with a bunch of radicals in the Syrian desert than helping its own populations survive.

Apparently it's advertising.

I've been told, but haven't checked, that there is a correlation between the amount of money spent on advertising in a country, and the numbers of people suffering mental health problems.

The more money spent on advertising the greater the health problems.

Perhaps the amount of money spent indicates the degree to which the country is "suffering" from consumerism.

If that is so then it's consumerism. That may ring bells for an American.

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I am still trying to ascertain this mans real name it sounds as if he might be Nigerian although it does state he is a brit no money to buy a ticket to fly home what was he doing at the airport was he hoping someone might give him enough to buy a ticket RIPyoung man.


Let me see if I can assist you with your uncertainty as to this man's name.

The nation reports his name as "Beker Edwakb Francis" Since they probably obtained that information indirectly from his passport which always states the Surname first, thus we now have Edwakb Francis Baker. Adjust the probable typo in Edwakb to Edward and we now have Edward Francis Baker.

Not exactly a MacBaker or O'Baker but certainly quite possibly a man from Northern Ireland (Britain).

So, not likely from Lagos or Abuja to begin with.

Hope that helps a little.wai.gif

I was wondering how long before the name provoked a "comment".

My response would have been to suggest waiting until the name (obviously wrong) was confirmed.

Yours was worthy of the man from 221b.

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I really believe the Embassies have more responsibility for their citizens and have to find a way to assist. All the Western Embassies in Thailand could pool their money and establish a 24 hour help line to assist people in trouble, depressed or suicidal. Countries have funds for war; security and spying- why can't they help their own citizens? We need to have some compassion. People don't exist in a vacuum. We are all part of the human race.

If all embassies start helping all the people in trouble, thousands of more riff raff might start washing up on the shores of thailand to spend their last dollar on booze and women. Then call the helpline. Edited by saakura
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I am still trying to ascertain this mans real name it sounds as if he might be Nigerian although it does state he is a brit no money to buy a ticket to fly home what was he doing at the airport was he hoping someone might give him enough to buy a ticket RIPyoung man.


Let me see if I can assist you with your uncertainty as to this man's name.

The nation reports his name as "Beker Edwakb Francis" Since they probably obtained that information indirectly from his passport which always states the Surname first, thus we now have Edwakb Francis Baker. Adjust the probable typo in Edwakb to Edward and we now have Edward Francis Baker.

Not exactly a MacBaker or O'Baker but certainly quite possibly a man from Northern Ireland (Britain).

So, not likely from Lagos or Abuja to begin with.

Hope that helps a little.wai.gif

I was wondering how long before the name provoked a "comment".

My response would have been to suggest waiting until the name (obviously wrong) was confirmed.

Yours was worthy of the man from 221b.

You are too kind Watson.post-9891-0-89747200-1448629395_thumb.pn

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