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Taxi Driver Demands Prosecution of Motorcyclist He Stabbed

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Taxi Driver Demands Prosecution of Motorcyclist He Stabbed

By Teeranai Charuvastra
Staff Reporter


Saneh Nam-ngoen, second from left, at the Makkasan Police Station today in Bangkok.

BANGKOK — A taxi driver seen in a viral video slashing a motorcyclist with a knife surrendered himself to police today and said he only did it because the man kicked him.

Saneh Nam-ngoen, 53, admitted to stabbing Opas Kraisutha during an argument on Rama IX Road on Wednesday, but insisted it was Opas who started the fight by kicking him, for which he plans to file an assault complaint against the stabbed motorcyclist.

The altercation, captured on a bystander’s camera, has been widely shared by social media users after it was posted online Thursday.

Opas is still recovering at a hospital from stab wounds in his arm and back, Col. Sorawit Petchkam of the Makkasan Police Station said.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1448622753

-- Khaosod English 2015-11-27

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Saneh or Opas,
who is right here?
Both have to learn that at issue, one should not get the knife out.

So, who first brought out the knife and stabbed the other?
Simple case here.


As I understand it, carrying a knife is illegal in Thailand. Thai police have been known to confiscate even such as Swiss army knives, and fine the person(s) carrying such.


Saneh or Opas,

who is right here?

Both have to learn that at issue, one should not get the knife out.

So, who first brought out the knife and stabbed the other?

Simple case here.

It gets even more Simple if you were to read the report properly before launching into your blame the VICTIM mode

you would then realise that there was only 1 lunatic with a knife who now has the audacity to demand that his victim is prosecuted for kicking him

Simple case here really


As I understand it, carrying a knife is illegal in Thailand. Thai police have been known to confiscate even such as Swiss army knives, and fine the person(s) carrying such.

They could stop quite a large % of male drivers and find a weapon of some sort, mostly machetes.


Can't quite see how you're justified in stabbing someone with a machete if they flip you the bird then give you a kick. But hey TIT


Typical over reaction by a thai and he still believes he's in the right.something very wrong with some peoples values here,Very lucky he didn't kill the other guy.


Typical blame culture here and not taking responsibility for his actions. He should be charged with attempted murder as if you are going to use a knife then there is a great possibility of a fatality. I can see his defence now. "He kicked me your honour and I didn't have 5 friends with me to beat the living daylights out of him, so I stabbed him." "I am the victim here". bah.gif


Another man child with no emotional development whatsoever. Maybe his parents should be charged with the crime, for failing to raise this tiny child to manhood. His emotional development stopped at 12. He never moved forward from 12. He kicked me. I had to stab him. If someone kicks me I try to kill him. Nobody can kick me. I am superman. I am hercules. I am samson. Nobody kicks a super hero. I am Mr. Super Taxi. I am defending the honor of all taxi drivers around the world. I will sue this man who kicked me. Oh, I forgot I stabbed him. An attorney told me that maybe the courts will hold that against me, and maybe that will hurt my case. Is that possible? Why would that hurt my case? I don't understand how the courts work. Could someone explain that to Mr. Super Taxi, please?


It isn't the fact that this moron's thought processes are so scued and warped.

It is the fact that the law enforcement agencies seem to entertain this kind of defence.

He should be automatically charged with (at least) the Thai equivalent of assualt with a deadly weapon. His actions seem to have been life threatening and deserving of the highest sanctions.

That his childish defense is actually given any credence by public officials is in itself perplexing and bemusing...


It isn't the fact that this moron's thought processes are so scued and warped.

It is the fact that the law enforcement agencies seem to entertain this kind of defence.

He should be automatically charged with (at least) the Thai equivalent of assualt with a deadly weapon. His actions seem to have been life threatening and deserving of the highest sanctions.

That his childish defense is actually given any credence by public officials is in itself perplexing and bemusing...

Don't kick taxi drivers, or anyone else. You never know how people are going to react. Keep your head down, mind your own business, try to get over small slights against oneself and move on quickly.

Are law agencies entertaining?

Many places have the right of appeal at law. In many court cases it is up to the defense or the accused to strengthen their case any way they can, to discredit the other party.

All in the day's work of lawyers.

This is entertainment.


Another man child with no emotional development whatsoever. Maybe his parents should be charged with the crime, for failing to raise this tiny child to manhood. His emotional development stopped at 12. He never moved forward from 12. He kicked me. I had to stab him. If someone kicks me I try to kill him. Nobody can kick me. I am superman. I am hercules. I am samson. Nobody kicks a super hero. I am Mr. Super Taxi. I am defending the honor of all taxi drivers around the world. I will sue this man who kicked me. Oh, I forgot I stabbed him. An attorney told me that maybe the courts will hold that against me, and maybe that will hurt my case. Is that possible? Why would that hurt my case? I don't understand how the courts work. Could someone explain that to Mr. Super Taxi, please?

Unfortunately the fact that the Royal Thai Police farce gives this man a press conference to put forward his warped view of defending manhood suggests that they are not dismissing his claims . Perhaps he has friends....


Maybe the moron is trying to deflect some incoming charges against him and a possible case of a private law case for compensation, i don't think this will work even here, he is in big doo doo and he knows it.


Ignore the taxi drivers reasoning and file charges against the both of them..... but the taxi driver is considered as a dangerous person carrying a knife and ready to use it at the slightest provocation...as already seen and proven by his reckless conduct.....so whack him harder with a considerably harsher penalty than the motorcycle guy.

It could have easily ended in the death of the motorcycle guy while that is considered manslaughter ..correct?

They should both share the same jail cell together and see how that works out...lol



Typical Thai Boys ( regardless of age ) very immature and cannot LOSE FACE!

? Why did the guy kick him?

? Why was the Taxi Driver carrying a Knife?

Such childish people.


As I understand it, carrying a knife is illegal in Thailand. Thai police have been known to confiscate even such as Swiss army knives, and fine the person(s) carrying such.

It's up to the officer,,, I carry a medium sized folder, I once asked a BIB what the law was, He told me it was completely up to the officer, As in, if he thinks you're carrying a knife, for the purpose of using it in a crime, he can confiscate it, fine you, etc,,, But if it obvious to him you're simply carrying it for normal uses,, No problem...


It isn't the fact that this moron's thought processes are so scued and warped.

It is the fact that the law enforcement agencies seem to entertain this kind of defence.

He should be automatically charged with (at least) the Thai equivalent of assualt with a deadly weapon. His actions seem to have been life threatening and deserving of the highest sanctions.

That his childish defense is actually given any credence by public officials is in itself perplexing and bemusing...

Your confusion comes from the fact that you are expecting correct behavior from the RTP. But the RCD (Revenue collection department) are not law enforcement. So, they know very little about defending the law. When this man child requested to speak to the media, they thought that would be good fun, and they somehow thought he had that right. They don't know much.


His thinking: I drive a Taxi so I'm good person. I stab the man then he kicks me. I stab him again, then when I am caught, I will have him charged with assault. Me taxi driver & an outstanding member of Thai society!!!!!


Saneh or Opas,

who is right here?

Both have to learn that at issue, one should not get the knife out.

So, who first brought out the knife and stabbed the other?

Simple case here.

It gets even more Simple if you were to read the report properly before launching into your blame the VICTIM mode

you would then realise that there was only 1 lunatic with a knife who now has the audacity to demand that his victim is prosecuted for kicking him

Simple case here really

I wasn't there. I don't know anyone that was. I don't have a copy of any police report.I only know what I read and that this "simple" matter is for the Thai "justice system" to figure out. I'm no expert. I leave that to the better educated and better informed than myself.


And what happened to fleeing the scene ? An all too common occurrence in Thailand. In any other country that would be a further offence but in LOS accepted by the police. Seems the Taxi driver only surrendered himself after they tracked him through his rego number, if not he would just carry on as normal. Remember, regardless of what transpired this guy hacked another person with a machete... no doubt, an apology and a 500 baht fine will follow..


In most civilized countries a kick is an assault/battery, stabbing someone is Aggravated Battery or Attempted Murder.

This is a dangerous place to live. Too much stabbing and killing for simple things, case in point an iPad, a woman's necklace, separation or divorce, you name it !!


Typical blame culture here and not taking responsibility for his actions. He should be charged with attempted murder as if you are going to use a knife then there is a great possibility of a fatality. I can see his defence now. "He kicked me your honour and I didn't have 5 friends with me to beat the living daylights out of him, so I stabbed him." "I am the victim here". bah.gif

If you take out a knife it is reasonable to assume you intend to do serious damage to someone. It isnt exactly a recognised as a friendly greeting. Unfortunately most Thai's can not accept anything other than they are right and everyone else is wrong.


I really love Thailand, where daily headlines are so bizarre

that it makes you want to check whether or not it is April 1st

...... I guess this lunatic taxi driver is a student of the

concept that a good offense is the best defense... And

even more amazing that the police would even begin to

entertain this defense, instead of throwing this guy straight

into jail...


I will have to give the Taxi driver 10/10 for imagination and creativity in trying to have the victim charged with assault.

However the police sould give the taxi driver a charge of assault with a deadly weapon causing grevous bodliy harm.

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