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Chinese woman, 23, found dead, alone on dive tour north of Phuket


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Happens in Oz too

Really! How about some examples .

Are you joking---the last one was that well known it was made into a movie----Husband & wife left floating. No one noticed for 2 days.



A U.S. tourist had a narrow escape after he was left behind in shark-infested waters by his dive boat 30 miles off the coast of Australia. Ian Cole, 28, had been diving off the north Queensland coast and surfaced to find his boat had headed back to shore without him.


Edited by oxo1947
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Wow.... Ok, girl 23... You know she must have been beautiful. Everyone above absolutely dead on. Dive buddy, where was the boy friend? A 23 year old China Girl always comes with friends. Now what I consider signs of a stuggle. Forces under water would occur closest to the reef and shore, where strong waves will slam you down. This location is not where any reasonable captain would take novices. This is just like the game Clue. These chain of events only point to fowl play.

The captain would have to preassign dive buddies. The question, where is the ledger that tracks couples.

The questions we should be asking, was did she need someone to guide and ensure her safety.

I don't know anything about diving, but I do understand Common Sense.

Here will be another (now new) attempted rape since DNA and Thais are getting smarter.

But for those who are not a half full kinda guy, she hit here head, no one noticed.

So it would be not so bad if she was ugly!!!

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Wow.... Ok, girl 23... You know she must have been beautiful. Everyone above absolutely dead on. Dive buddy, where was the boy friend? A 23 year old China Girl always comes with friends. Now what I consider signs of a stuggle. Forces under water would occur closest to the reef and shore, where strong waves will slam you down. This location is not where any reasonable captain would take novices. This is just like the game Clue. These chain of events only point to fowl play.

The captain would have to preassign dive buddies. The question, where is the ledger that tracks couples.

The questions we should be asking, was did she need someone to guide and ensure her safety.

I don't know anything about diving, but I do understand Common Sense.

Here will be another (now new) attempted rape since DNA and Thais are getting smarter.

But for those who are not a half full kinda guy, she hit here head, no one noticed.

You clearly do not understand diving nor do you have any common sense.

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Think about it.The instructors taking these gullible Chinese for certification and tour diving are of the same type of people raised in a country known for obtaining goals via the shortcut method.It would be like having a supposedly proficient Thai teacher teaching English at Cambridge that obtained hie degree via money and parents influence..I started diving in Thailand in 1975 and use only An American owned shop and later an Englishman's shop that I trust..Diving is a very dangerous sport even done correctly.Check out The Mermaid in Pattaya..

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viewers may well be wondering why the company who took her out did not notice.

I suggest this is typical of thai behaviour. do not give a shit about anyone except for themselves.

alternativly incredibly stupid dive staff and or dive buddy who did not think someone missing was a problem and didd indeed have trouble counting beyond 6 due to the no one fails schooling.

how to look at this in a positive light, indeed - perhaps just mislaid the paying customer?

thought maybe customer had gone back to land

possible scenario, dive master had opportunity to eat before joining student in water. so had a snack with driver which took 1 hour befor ejoing now dead student.

dive master decides too much hassle to fish dead student out, and wants to eat more so heads on home.

Edited by mmh8
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Happens in Oz too

Really! How about some examples .

Are you joking---the last one was that well known it was made into a movie----Husband & wife left floating. No one noticed for 2 days.



A U.S. tourist had a narrow escape after he was left behind in shark-infested waters by his dive boat 30 miles off the coast of Australia. Ian Cole, 28, had been diving off the north Queensland coast and surfaced to find his boat had headed back to shore without him.



i need to play devils advocate here. but

I have met load americans with no thought about how their lack of consideration for other peoples feelings wrt to loudness would lead to me feeling it is acceptable to leave them in the water.

perhaps there should be a survey on how many divers think it is acceptable to leave brash, loud americans in the water for sharks.

I would also put those that operate the loudspeakers for temple fairs out there too.

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crikey ! very young .... was she anywhere near Koh Tao ? .... http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/


RIP ... you loved your diving.

Is that attempt at respect mixed with immature attempt at humor. Hope you got a giggle at your stupid comment

there is nothing humorous about someone's passing .... you obviously interpret things different.

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500 THB criminal fine for the dive operator and maybe 100k THB civil fines...maybe. Of course, the dive operator could just blame her for her own death, or her dive buddy. She did have a dive buddy, right? Guess well find out tomorrow...maybe. Anyway, RIP young lady.

Edited by connda
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Think about it.The instructors taking these gullible Chinese for certification and tour diving are of the same type of people raised in a country known for obtaining goals via the shortcut method.It would be like having a supposedly proficient Thai teacher teaching English at Cambridge that obtained hie degree via money and parents influence..I started diving in Thailand in 1975 and use only An American owned shop and later an Englishman's shop that I trust..Diving is a very dangerous sport even done correctly.Check out The Mermaid in Pattaya..

Agreed. A Mai Bpen Rai attitude and diving are a deadly combination.

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Photos presented to The Phuket News show a cut over Ms Zhang's left eye and minor abrasions on her forehead.

Ms Zhang was with friends on a liveaboard dive tour on the MV Peterpan, operated by the Similan Seven Sea Club dive company based in Khao Lak, -

Where were her friends? Didn't they notice she was missing?

Seems more to this story than what's published.

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Very sad; a young woman comes to Thailand for a vacation to dive and enjoy life and this happens. Common sense says some one is very negligent to say the least. The dive boat, no diving buddy, gee... did she drop out of the sky to go diving alone? Very strange; any diver knows how to float and swim for hours. I do, I've swimmed around there with sharks even, and I'm not a diver. Still here.

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Very sad; a young woman comes to Thailand for a vacation to dive and enjoy life and this happens. Common sense says some one is very negligent to say the least. The dive boat, no diving buddy, gee... did she drop out of the sky to go diving alone? Very strange; any diver knows how to float and swim for hours. I do, I've swimmed around there with sharks even, and I'm not a diver. Still here.

Common sense says to not speculate.
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makes you wonder how come the dive tour she participated, did not notice her missing from the group ?

one . . two . . three . . is it so difficult?

Rest in Peace young woman !

Apparently so, but anyway.....What do you mean 1,2,3? It is only the second young Chinese woman dead diving in the last few days under strange circumstances. Or was the other one (on her honeymoon) Korean? Disgraceful stats. on diving recently, anyway, 2 or 3! . One with no checks & no buddy & one perhaps not even missed? Dead 6 hours & apparently not even as notified missing yet. Someone had better have some good answers if anyone bothers to ask any good questions. Come On PADI!!! Launch into an investigation of Thai diving safety! How shocking, only 23. Poor girl!!! Poor family & friends.

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I've been a Dive Instructor and a Tour Leader in Thailand for over 20 years. Have over 10,000 dives just in the Similan Islands alone, never lost a student or a group of divers or any from my boat that I was the Tour Leader on. But I can tell you I've seen a lot of bad Tour Leaders, Instructor's, Dive Masters and boat captain's in my time here in Thailand. I've had a diver from another boat die while giving him CPR ! well he wouldn't of made it anyways his leg and one arm was gone and his bully was split open from one side to the other all due to a boat captains negligence.(The captain didn't do 1 day in jail still working as captain on the same boat to this day) I probably could and probably will write a book about Diving in Thailand, diving in Thailand is fantastic but like I tell my students and divers that I take out keep your wits about you if things don't feel right they probably aren't just because you paid for a dive doesn't mean you have to dive. It's your life ask your Instructor or Dive Master questions about the course your taking or the dives your going on get a feel about them. Does he/she seem confident do they explain in detail what you want to know, can you see the compassion in their eye's when they talk about Diving and the safety that has to go along with it. I tell all divers I take out and students there's no such thing as dumb questions. Do your research on dive company's that your planning to going diving with that does help, but sadly not always it can be a dice throw not just in Thailand but every where.

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what happened? She was in a diving group? And then she swam away from the group? And this group didn't care? They did not starting to search? And another group found her?

Pew, is it even under water same as on roads? Somebody runs away? Nobody responsible?

Poor girl anyway RIP

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They brought her body on board their dive boat, the Taisiri, and performed CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) in an attempt to revive her. However, Ms Zhang remained unresponsive.

Not surprised considering she had all ready been dead for 6 hours.

Quite a young beautiful girl, what a waste. Very sad.

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What happened to her dive partner? The first rule of PADI diving is that everyone "buddy" up and any odd person out would have one of the boat staff fill in.

Was there a certified instructor in the water with the group?

What happened to the person count after the dive? The same number of people that went into the water should have climbed onto the boat at the end of the dive.

Are Thai dive operators required to be PADI or NAUI certified? Is there anyone making sure that they maintain their certification?

There are reasons for regulation in the diving industry, the main one is that it keeps people from dying.

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