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Chinese woman, 23, found dead, alone on dive tour north of Phuket


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What happened to her original dive tour group? Did they just figure she found her own way back and decided to go back without her after a day of diving?

docshock13, did you actually read the entire article. This was a liveaboard dive trip, not a day trip. nevertheless your first question is even more relevant. How does a dive boat that has a liveaboard dive trip not know one of their divers is missing. Me thinks this dive company is in big trouble, if the truth ever comes out.

Who says they did not know they had a missing diver? Nothing about that in the article.

Let's first wait for the company's statement, there are many questions at the moment.

It is hard to accept a dive tour would not miss one member, for 6 hours. Nor any other member of the group not miss her.

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I've been a Dive Instructor and a Tour Leader in Thailand for over 20 years. Have over 10,000 dives just in the Similan Islands alone, never lost a student or a group of divers or any from my boat that I was the Tour Leader on. But I can tell you I've seen a lot of bad Tour Leaders, Instructor's, Dive Masters and boat captain's in my time here in Thailand. I've had a diver from another boat die while giving him CPR ! well he wouldn't of made it anyways his leg and one arm was gone and his bully was split open from one side to the other all due to a boat captains negligence.(The captain didn't do 1 day in jail still working as captain on the same boat to this day) I probably could and probably will write a book about Diving in Thailand, diving in Thailand is fantastic but like I tell my students and divers that I take out keep your wits about you if things don't feel right they probably aren't just because you paid for a dive doesn't mean you have to dive. It's your life ask your Instructor or Dive Master questions about the course your taking or the dives your going on get a feel about them. Does he/she seem confident do they explain in detail what you want to know, can you see the compassion in their eye's when they talk about Diving and the safety that has to go along with it. I tell all divers I take out and students there's no such thing as dumb questions. Do your research on dive company's that your planning to going diving with that does help, but sadly not always it can be a dice throw not just in Thailand but every where.

no one knows what has happened yet, but it appears the standard of diving safety and supervision in Thailand is similar to

the education/driving/policing/courts ect ect and with diving being inherently dangerous its not like you end up not very well educated

or short changed like this poor girl you end up dead. R I P.

Edited by zoza
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Happens in Oz too

Wow, another intelligent responce....

BTW .... response

This has actually happened in OZ, on a few occasions, so steven100 your sarcasm is misplaced on this occasion.

I have to ask the question, what really happened in OZ - a diving accident or they lost someone and didn't notice ?????????????


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Wasn't counted back by the dive master?!

No dive buddy?

Nobody reported her missing?

Poor girl, left to die by those she paced her trust.

Let's see the dive shop get out of this one!

Criminal negligence at the very least.

Why don't you just wait what the operator has to say, as is stated in the article.

Pointless, when you have the report "she was found at a depth of 11 metres floating face down duuuhhh !

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Why don't you just wait what the operator has to say, as is stated in the article.

Pointless, when you have the report "she was found at a depth of 11 metres floating face down duuuhhh !

Very duuuuuhhhh is right.

1. She was found face down - automatically rules out that she was drugged - if she was drugged everyone knows she would be floating face up.

2. She was at 11 meters - automatically determines the abrasions on her forehead. Everyone knows there is lots abrasive fish swimming below 10 meters.

3. She was found in the water. - automatically means she drowned. If someone killed her why would they throw her overboard, that would be really stupid

4. Whoever reported her missing is telling the truth. Of course they are telling the truth. Why do they need an autopsy?

Edited by chingching
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Wasn't counted back by the dive master?!

No dive buddy?

Nobody reported her missing?

Poor girl, left to die by those she paced her trust.

Let's see the dive shop get out of this one!

Criminal negligence at the very least.

The &&*%%$ Dive shop will probably charge her credit card for the Equipment she "stole" I hope they are shut down and operators prosected - RIP young one, wai2.gif

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Think about it.The instructors taking these gullible Chinese for certification and tour diving are of the same type of people raised in a country known for obtaining goals via the shortcut method.It would be like having a supposedly proficient Thai teacher teaching English at Cambridge that obtained hie degree via money and parents influence..I started diving in Thailand in 1975 and use only An American owned shop and later an Englishman's shop that I trust..Diving is a very dangerous sport even done correctly.Check out The Mermaid in Pattaya..

Diving IS NOT a "very dangerous" sport.

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crikey ! very young .... was she anywhere near Koh Tao ? .... blink.png

RIP ... you loved your diving.

What i wrong with you? Do you think it's funny to even remotely associate this with another incident that has no revelance or bearing? I can assure it's not and the two locations are not even remotely close, so what is your point in bringing Koh Tao into the picture other than trying to be a S A. Then you offer sympathy, maybe but certainly no true respect toward the deceased. You truly amaze me.

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Wasn't counted back by the dive master?!

No dive buddy?

Nobody reported her missing?

Poor girl, left to die by those she paced her trust.

Let's see the dive shop get out of this one!

Criminal negligence at the very least.

Why don't you just wait what the operator has to say, as is stated in the article.

And members should read the FULL article and not just the short form posted here on Thaivisa.

The FULL article explains much more...,

I prefer to let people decide for themselves what they "should" do. If they prefer to jump to conclusions based on incomplete information, that's their business.

CAPS denotes shouting. Unlikely to be effective in getting the point across to those who prefer conclusion jumping. :)

Edited by Benmart
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here we go again its missing diver season in thailand. did they ever find the american who was lost over near phuket last year?

I think they closed that case as either suicide, or an accident, despite him having a domestic with his wife in their cabin that night, and then being "escorted" from his cabin by some "friends" and never to be seen again.

Edited by NamKangMan
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here we go again its missing diver season in thailand. did they ever find the american who was lost over near phuket last year?

I think they closed that case as either suicide, or an accident, despite him having a domestic with his wife in their cabin that night, and then being "escorted" from his cabin by some "friends" and never to be seen again.

He was totally drunk and fell overboard. That is the most likely and reasonable explanation, and the way it has been closed.

And no, unfortunately he has not been recovered.

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So much bickering on this thread - pathetic stuff mostly.

I do not know the full story yet as many details are sketchy, However it is a sad loss that someone so young has lost their life - let us hope it is investigated and reported professionally.

RIP and condolences

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here we go again its missing diver season in thailand. did they ever find the american who was lost over near phuket last year?

I think they closed that case as either suicide, or an accident, despite him having a domestic with his wife in their cabin that night, and then being "escorted" from his cabin by some "friends" and never to be seen again.

He was totally drunk and fell overboard. That is the most likely and reasonable explanation, and the way it has been closed.

And no, unfortunately he has not been recovered.

"That is the most likely and reasonable explanation" - in the absence of a thorough investigation, and evidence gathering, let's just close the case with "the most likely and reasonable explanation."

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here we go again its missing diver season in thailand. did they ever find the american who was lost over near phuket last year?

I think they closed that case as either suicide, or an accident, despite him having a domestic with his wife in their cabin that night, and then being "escorted" from his cabin by some "friends" and never to be seen again.

He was totally drunk and fell overboard. That is the most likely and reasonable explanation, and the way it has been closed.

And no, unfortunately he has not been recovered.

"That is the most likely and reasonable explanation" - in the absence of a thorough investigation, and evidence gathering, let's just close the case with "the most likely and reasonable explanation."

There was a complete investigation, it is just the results that don't fit your hope or expectations.
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So much bickering on this thread - pathetic stuff mostly.

I do not know the full story yet as many details are sketchy, However it is a sad loss that someone so young has lost their life - let us hope it is investigated and reported professionally.

RIP and condolences

This is the second diving death of a young person within a week.

They can't all be dying of natural causes.

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Wasn't counted back by the dive master?!

No dive buddy?

Nobody reported her missing?

Poor girl, left to die by those she paced her trust.

Let's see the dive shop get out of this one!

Criminal negligence at the very least.

Why don't you just wait what the operator has to say, as is stated in the article.
And members should read the FULL article and not just the short form posted here on Thaivisa.

The FULL article explains much more...,

No it doesn't!
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I have to admit to not having read the full article.

However I have been a diver for many years, BSAC trained and the first thing I ever learnt was never to dive alone. This was the number one unbreakable rule. I have been on "group" dives without my usual buddy, and in that case you buddy up with someone and stay together.

If there are odd numbers and you are the odd one out then you buddy up with the DiveMaster, and you make sure he knows what he is doing. Never be afraid to speak out that you are not happy with the safety arrangements, but I guess in a foreign country with muliple languages etc it would be difficult to make that case.

Ultimately it is the Dive master who takes responsibility and if she was on a live aboard MV where it might be possible she jumped in alone and no one knew, then the first safety briefing when everone arrived on board should have made this the number one priority that there was no diving alone, or even buddied up, if the Dive master was not informed.

I had a case in Egypt where my dive kit was "meddled with" by some of the employed staff and it was only because of our thorough checks and the buddy system that saved me being down 30m and having a big problem.

In case anyone is wondering what happened to me, one of the staff took a dislike to us and had unscrewed part of my second stage so that you couldnt really notice, and air was leaking out at a steady rate. My dive buddy and I drop down a few metres and then make an all round inspection as standard, and he saw air bubbling out and we returned to surface.................to a big enquiry as to who had tampered with the kit, but of course no one ever owned up.

These things happen, and without a buddy you are an accident waiting to happen.

If anyone on here is thinking about taking up diving then its a great sport but primarily you have to look after yourself, and secondly look after you buddy, and never go out a alone, or even in a pair without notifying someone shore side. I hope this helps someone some day.


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The Similian Sea Club Dive Company must be charged with negligent homicide, and shut down immediately. Their license should be revoked today, and their boats impounded. A dive company rarely lets a diver go alone, unless they have vast experience. And most divers use the buddy system. There was an extreme amount of negligence here. Shut the company down.

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Some inside information. William diving chartered the boat and had their own divemasters on board, the tourleader was from the operator.

On this trip they were doing unlimited diving, and 2 people went in together, dont know if they were guest with divemaster or 2 friends or something else. Apparently the boat did not know this and did not realise these divers were in the water because the boat left, leaving the divers alone. After quite a few hours another boat picked them both up, one had unfortunately died.

At the moment I can not yet explain the original story of her being dead for 6 hours and what exactly happened between one boat leaving and the other one showing up.

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