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I want to marry, but I afraid ;)


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don't get marry if you are already planning the divorce. you should make sure you are compatible to each other, and work to walk the path of mutual understanding and acceptance.

Why would you marry, if divorcing is on your mind..

This is really a dumb question.

Plan for the best, prepare for the worst.

It's a partnership. Any good lawyer would advice you to protect your assets.... I know I know, that is not what the those replies suggest, but preparing for a divorce is the same thing, sadly the percentages are against you in a "normal" marriage, but in a cross cultural (your specific situation) they are even higher.

Why would you get car insurance?

Relationships are investments... kinda like a company stock.

You have to do home work, check the fundamentals or charts if thats your thing.

Research: what is the company history, whats the stocks value, who are the competitors, who runs the company, how clean are the balance sheets, any red flags that call into question the companies integrity, is the company sustainable?

Is this a long term investment or a trade. If its a trade and you have discretionary funds, then go for it... your portfolio might be a hedge fund.

Never turn a trade into and investment or an investment into a trade.

Never never never trade on margin.

In other words, know what the hell your buying and if it's a loser or the fundamentals change, get out.

Trading the SET is much more difficult than investing the NYSE/NASDAQ. Why is that? Lack of transparency.

Edited by Nowisee
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Sir, Good English and clear expression. Divorce is not part of marriage.

Any dysfunction in any field or stream, it is a failure of healthy communication.

Be fearless and allow your heart and mind to fill with faith, hope and charity.

That is part of everything that functions correctly. Maybe there will always be a bump in the road.

That's all they are, a bump in the road. Some can just be ignored. Others we take some quality time and repair them.

Not just for ourselves. Others may also need that road.

Your courage and ability to speak openly is commendable.

Marriage is a holy bond, treat it as such. Life is a holy experience, treat it as such.

Bon Voyage sir. Respect sir. If God were not with you, you couldn't express or access this need for encouragement.

Be with God.

Please be encouraged. You're a good man and good things will happen for you and all you love.

Love is all we need. Love is not an emotion, its a commitment. Brave on.

Life doesn't need to be a battle, it works better as a negotiation.

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Seems you are afraid of how much power her mother has over her. Start with with gf and her mother together and say out loud. If gf goes with you would 6000bht be enough for her mother every month. When gf gets work she is going to pay more ofc. Be prepared that during that time she will tell you this and this needs repairs.

Something will constantly be happening...to draw some money from you.

Expect that she want to go home every3-6 months. Not speaking polish and polish not speaking english good will make her to go back home. It doesnt matter if you are married or not and she stays in Thailand. She will go with other guys. Thinking about all the costs involved i think its better to let her stay here

Gl whatever you decide.

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Hi op not understand why get married to your gf I for one would do what one tv member said to you like I do with my new thai lady bring her to my country for 3 months take her back to thailand and stay with her there and then back home with me it is a lot easier then getting married and all the problems that come with being married .

I have seen it over and over people not last in marriage.

But it is your life and you have to make up your mind what to do .

Thais lady find it very hard to adopt to life out side of thailand.

You say she just has her mum and no kids that will be a big problem in the future for sure till she can work and send money home to mum , you will have to help out with money till she can work in your country.

It is very hard to understand the way Thais think but you will never ever come before her family that is just a fact that comes with a thai lady .

Cheers hop it all works out for you .

Ps don't I say don't get married you will regret it most marriages don't last .

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If you love her and think you will be together in your old age, then marry her. Don't worry about your assets in Poland. No Thai court can touch them. Of course, you will need to register your marriage in Poland, or get married in Poland, which means that Polish law will apply for the division of any assets in Poland in the event of a divorce.

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Steps to a Happy Thai Marriage

1. What does she want?

2. Where does she want to live at age 50?

3. Does she have kids?

4. How many brothers & sisters?

Thai ladies change after marriage. If you stay in Thailand, she will have her hooks in you.

If you go to Poland, get her a work visa instead of marriage. Divorce problem solved.

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yIt seems you like to get devorce,

so you start with a marriage.

come on. you have doubts already. think and you know you better vcan not marry as well not take the woman to Europe

beside that.

You have to go to a lawyer and have you well informed.

they will make the necessary documents and apply them for you in the proper way

You wife has to apply to the rules an regulations for people who want to go to europe.

In general in europe you have to pay 12 years if divorced.

Beaware that there is a new law upcomming and that will probably tell that if 2 people live together at the same place after 6 months there rwill be a relation that will grant the same rights like a marriage duirng as well during ending or separation of the relation. In some countries this is already implemented.

Beside that your are fully responsible for the foreigner you bring to europe.

If you are married then Do NOT FORGET TO REGISTER the choice of right when you live in a country and move to another country register it as soon as possible beside that you also have to register you thai marriage in europe to prevent losing your rights and find out that all is to your home country the general marriage rules

depending on the local law you can still have hte Thai law applied and the conditions of marriage if you do it all right according to 'the hague convention' akak international marriage..


if you do all right mor problem

But yin your case.

You start with you separation worries of a divorce ./.... why marriage to divorce with the woman you now date.

You tell everyone that you not sure about the relation.

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She absolutely will expect to be sending money home each month - that is part of the package. And you will need to keep this under control and limited as her mother will have water buffalo emergencies on a near daily basis "Dahling! Water buffalo fall in well! Break leg! Must send 12,000,000 baht now or whole village die! KAH!!"

You are in her families mind the great white buffalo to be milked. You aren't a person, there is no value inherent in your life, you are a resource to be exploited and your lady absolutely will back them up on this. Being married to a Thai female is 90% blocking her bankrupting you sending money to her uncles, aunts, mother, father, brothers, and a "brother" who looks nothing like her or her family but is a "relative" (read: husband). If she hails from anyplace in Isaan (and don't they all) this will be your life. Don't do it, you are making a mistake.

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Prenuptial agreements will protect your assets in Poland. I highly recommend it. I did it with my wife and she didn't question it or hesitate to sign it. You'll want a Polish prenup from your own country to cover your assets in Poland and a Thai prenup to cover your future assets in Thailand.

But! A future divorce in your own country will probably set you back significantly compared to a divorce in Thailand.

Based on what you are saying though, I think you are getting married for all the wrong reasons imho. That may bite you in the butt in the future. But as they say in Thailand, "Up to you!"

Edited by connda
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I have just googled Thai Spa's and there seems to be many in Poland. Which area do you live in ? And if she works in a Thai spa she'll also have Thai friends which is very important if you want her to be happy there. We have a few Thai friends in Cape Town and that makes her very happy as we get together quite often ....they make their Thai food and listen to Thai music . Without that they won't stay long in a foreign country.My Thai wife has been here for 5 years and is grateful that she can work, send HER salary to the parents and have a better quality life than in Thailand. I want to go back to Thailand asap but she is quite content to stay here.

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How old are you? How old is her?

If you want to know if she loves you, tell her that you cannot send any money to her family in any case, and that after your death she will not get nothing....

If she stil wants to get married with you....do it.

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