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Thailand puts on hold signing railway development project with China


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A non elected government doing deals and not doing anything to promote democracy or giving other political parties there opportunity to contribute

Playing the jet setters on private planes and just been put back in there box by China.

Just what they needed a wake up call.

I know who I would vote for and its not this JUNTA

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Until all the parties sign on the dotted line there is no agreement. So just piling up a bunch of memorandum of understanding doesn't mean much at all. Its just putting on record your intentions. The longer you wait to sign the actual deal, the more likely it is that the intentions of one of the parties will change.

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It is China that needs this railway, not Thailand. I think Somkid understands that perfectly. You can bet the Chinese side are furious about this as their whole expansion from SW China depends on this rail plan going ahead. Good for Thailand for sticking to its agreement terms.

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A non elected government doing deals and not doing anything to promote democracy or giving other political parties there opportunity to contribute

Playing the jet setters on private planes and just been put back in there box by China.

Just what they needed a wake up call.

I know who I would vote for and its not this JUNTA

"I know who I would vote for and its not this JUNTA"

If you're Thai I don't blame you. If you're farang enjoy the show.

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Again I dealt whether there was any deal at all. Thais are great at story telling and making a nice escape door for when they do not get there way

China simply to smart for the cunning Thais

China no need Thailand. Thailnd needs China nand the votes succeed

They were petrified to let Yingluck sign this deal because it would have meant all the under the table funds going to her, and her cohorts plus business contracts flooding to her supporters.

Now these guys can't even get the deal done because they can't get the Chinese to buy some rubber.

The Chinese should sign the deal. They want the railway and it isn't worth much to have a line to Vientiane and not the rest of the way.

But, to walk away from the table like this is pretty serious.

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A non elected government doing deals and not doing anything to promote democracy or giving other political parties there opportunity to contribute

Playing the jet setters on private planes and just been put back in there box by China.

Just what they needed a wake up call.

I know who I would vote for and its not this JUNTA

political parties to contribute means the deal get more expensive as everyone want some "commission"

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You have to hand it to Prayut - O he took off straight away 1 month after the coup to China and came up with this tin pot idea , Government to government agreement ( The Prayut - O transparency ) he had no Idea of the country's finance situation , nor any understanding of treasury procedure, yet this lunatic goes off bargain hunting , sorry, but you'd need to sell a lot of rubber or rice to finance a railway and generally contractors like cash in the hand , , even a track made for 120 kph speed limit , let alone 350 kph was just another pie in the sky knee jerk unprofessional effort . rated minus - 9 1/2....................................................coffee1.gif

Edited by chainarong
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"Thailand has also asked China to purchase 200,000 tonnes of rubber for about 3-5 yuan (Bt16-Bt27) a kilogram above the market price. China has taken this request under consideration." -- The Nation 2015-05-12

Looks like China made a decision not to pay above market price for old rubber.

Edited by Srikcir
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Or maybe China isn't that desperate to get ripped off? They already are concentrating on the new silk road, they have plenty of sea ports. They are involved in projects in Myanmar already. I am not even sure why they were ever interested in Thailand in the first place. They can access the east already from their own ports. If they want to go west, Myanmar makes more sense as you wind up on the other side of the peninsula and there is no need to go around and pass through the Singapore straights. Maybe Thailand isn't so strategic to them. If they have it great, if it falls through - they will survive,

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China will own the planet soon..... and even the new land they are making in the sea.

An elite group of them will take total power and use their minions to breed and breed and march all over of us.

It is the rest of the world that needs to build a wall now to hold back this marauding horde. I never met more callous heartless individuals towards their own people and the planets resources. Western politicians are being suckered in by grinning men in black suits. That oriental smile hides dragon's teeth ready to munch us up and spit out the hard bits on the food court floor.

Nothing will stand in their way. No mountain, no river, no sea, ocean or man.

You have been warned but it is too late....

What a xenophobic rant. The US always interferes with governments after we negotiate a deal for resources, while the Chinese strictly promise not to interfere with a government -- and have never broken that promise.

People fresh from the US are ignorant of the watered down version of the news the US media represents.

We are not the good guys anymore. We have become empire building bullies.

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China will own the planet soon..... and even the new land they are making in the sea.

An elite group of them will take total power and use their minions to breed and breed and march all over of us.

It is the rest of the world that needs to build a wall now to hold back this marauding horde. I never met more callous heartless individuals towards their own people and the planets resources. Western politicians are being suckered in by grinning men in black suits. That oriental smile hides dragon's teeth ready to munch us up and spit out the hard bits on the food court floor.

Nothing will stand in their way. No mountain, no river, no sea, ocean or man.

You have been warned but it is too late....

What a xenophobic rant. The US always interferes with governments after we negotiate a deal for resources, while the Chinese strictly promise not to interfere with a government -- and have never broken that promise.

People fresh from the US are ignorant of the watered down version of the news the US media represents.

We are not the good guys anymore. We have become empire building bullies.

The does not ALWAYS interfere with governments. Always is an absolute. And it's absolutely not 100% correct. Sometimes? Yes, just like very other nation, China included. You don't think they are influencing things here?

Don't assume US citizens only read US media. And with that being said, some of the best, independent news sites are located in the US. With great documentaries and articles.

Interesting reads:



President Xi Jinping’s grand plan to make China the center of the world again by reviving the ancient Silk Road trading route faces obstacles at its first stop.

In Kazakhstan, through which Xi envisages pipelines, roads and railways revitalizing an economic belt that stretches half way around the world to Venice, China has struggled to gain a significant foothold. It’s failed in efforts to realize a free trade agreement mooted 22 years ago and, in 2009, the Kazakh president was forced to deny a plan to lease farmland to China after angry protests from a public wary of their neighbor’s growing power.

What’s more, Xi’s vision for a bloc that involves at least 60 countries has left government advisers from Almaty to Delhi largely in the dark about the details. While Kazakhstan’s leaders have voiced support, enticed by billions of dollars in infrastructure funding, analysts in the country say the strategy involves greater Chinese influence that may be a harder sell to its people.

I'll take US intervention any day over what China is doing in Central Asia. Terrible.

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China will own the planet soon..... and even the new land they are making in the sea.

An elite group of them will take total power and use their minions to breed and breed and march all over of us.

It is the rest of the world that needs to build a wall now to hold back this marauding horde. I never met more callous heartless individuals towards their own people and the planets resources. Western politicians are being suckered in by grinning men in black suits. That oriental smile hides dragon's teeth ready to munch us up and spit out the hard bits on the food court floor.

Nothing will stand in their way. No mountain, no river, no sea, ocean or man.

You have been warned but it is too late....

What a xenophobic rant. The US always interferes with governments after we negotiate a deal for resources, while the Chinese strictly promise not to interfere with a government -- and have never broken that promise.

People fresh from the US are ignorant of the watered down version of the news the US media represents.

We are not the good guys anymore. We have become empire building bullies.

Old corrupt money already owns a large chunk of the world, if they dump the US as their enforcer and the Chinese take over that role it's all the same in the end. All countries bow to the banking industry and its embezzlement institutions.

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Remembers me on the Hopewell Holding Project.

1.9 trillion Baht total project = 10% for someone in Thailand. Japan was pushed out of that deal in no time, even after Abe met two times Prayuth for a photo opportunity.

I am guessing however, that the old rubber is of that low quality that China doesn't want it.

The Chinese certainly are more smart then the Thai's.

As for Somkid he is one of the only smart people's in the cabinet but I believe he is gone by next year.

What Hopewell holding project? Only references I could find went way back!
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So let's see now, America will poke you in the eye, China will stab you in the back and the Russians; just you wait. They will claim they do not have any soldiers in your country and take what ever they want. Having said that, who is playing who or who should go home or who should learn to build capacity instead of making bad deals then blaming the Americans or the Brits for the current condition that they desperately want to change...

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