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Huge Police Check Point - Across From Makro


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Though only a sporadic visitor to Pattaya I have not thought a second about which Makro biggrin.png

Beat me if it was not the "old" southern Makro on Sukhumvit road.

(not even noticed the other one yet which seems to have opened a year ago or so?)

No Macro BTW whistling.gif

Yes they block Sukhumvit during day time.

And they do breathalyser tests at 10 in the morning.

And I have added a motorcycle license to my portfolio after having escaped with a 500 Baht "on the spot/no receipt" fee for not having motorcycle license (only car). That was at the almost every evening motorcycle trap on 3rd road near the flyover).

Edited by KhunBENQ
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There have been big checkpoints on 2nd Road outside the Royal Garden several mornings recently. Normally I am waved through these in my pick-up but two days ago they did actually look at my tax disk and reminded me that it needs renewing this month (which I knew).

I think that checks of cars increase at the end of the year as it is more easy then to spot the ones with out of date tax disks.

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it is quite bemusing to hear Farangs of Pattya exclaiming the uniqeness and absurdity of police presence in their home towns while excessive presence and therefore detrimental to local business occurs in Chiang Mai. Politically motivated? - are you joking?

A wave of change starts somewhere and guess what direction it is heading!

Edited by WaiLai
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Though only a sporadic visitor to Pattaya I have not thought a second about which Makro biggrin.png

Beat me if it was not the "old" southern Makro on Sukhumvit road.

(not even noticed the other one yet which seems to have opened a year ago or so?)

No Macro BTW whistling.gif

Yes they block Sukhumvit during day time.

And they do breathalyser tests at 10 in the morning.

And I have added a motorcycle license to my portfolio after having escaped with a 500 Baht "on the spot/no receipt" fee for not having motorcycle license (only car). That was at the almost every evening motorcycle trap on 3rd road near the flyover).

The first people they should breath test in the morning are the bus drivers. And then again later when the afternoon shift starts.

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Which 'Macro' and where?

Sounds like the one in Jomtien...no u-turn being built on nua.

Yes, the recent increase in checkpoints is a real PITA...I may have to consider getting a driver's license.

If get in pattaya be prepared for a three month wait...better to go to a village to get...only two days

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Which 'Macro' and where?

Possibly the OP mistakenly thought Thailand means Pattaya...

Ummm...isn't this the Pattaya forum?

Depending on how you access this thread, there may be no indication on what forum it's posted to.

I get the newsletter, and access it on my tablet browser (Chrome). There is no sign of a forum displayed. I suspect this is true for many.

Probably a good idea to mention particulars in the post, or preferably the topic name.

Just so you know.

Edited by TheKnave
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Yes, the recent increase in checkpoints is a real PITA...I may have to consider getting a driver's license.

Nah, some roadblock isn't gonna make me take drastic measures, like a local driving licence. They can try the local cheap tricks on some noob.

I rent a Kawasaki KSR sometimes, very cute miniature super bike, and if they think some road blocks here are gonna change my routine, they are badly mistaken.

Btw I thought you drive a truck, but I may have you confused with JoeSixpack.

Speaking of, where is Joe6pack? He been missing for some time now, and I miss him!

JoeSixpack, come out.. wherever you are!

Seriously! Come back! Nation needs you!

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Though only a sporadic visitor to Pattaya I have not thought a second about which Makro biggrin.png

Beat me if it was not the "old" southern Makro on Sukhumvit road.

(not even noticed the other one yet which seems to have opened a year ago or so?)

No Macro BTW whistling.gif

Yes they block Sukhumvit during day time.

And they do breathalyser tests at 10 in the morning.

And I have added a motorcycle license to my portfolio after having escaped with a 500 Baht "on the spot/no receipt" fee for not having motorcycle license (only car). That was at the almost every evening motorcycle trap on 3rd road near the flyover).

We're having some work done in our house, some are coming down from Chonburi. They say they are doing road blocks every day now. And the fines are increasing. Perhaps income for the RTP is a bit down due to the economy, coup, etc?

I was heading home from Naklua last Friday night. Coming from the beach. The road into Pattaya was jammed, so headed north and then over to Suk. Huge road block right before coming into Naklua. This was about 8pm.

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Yes I went through it and was wondering what it was about. Looking for the abductors seems likely.

I had just been stopped on the railway line bypass, but that was for a licence and tax check.

PP. They DO want to see an IDP, a UK licence may not suffice.

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Yes I went through it and was wondering what it was about. Looking for the abductors seems likely.

I had just been stopped on the railway line bypass, but that was for a licence and tax check.

PP. They DO want to see an IDP, a UK licence may not suffice.

A UK licence was never any good unless the cop didn't know any better or he was just doing a nice

thing letting people go with it. wai2.gif

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