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Moscow warns that ISIS in Thailand to attack Russian targets


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Again, they are not only after Russians. Is Paris in Russia? In Pattaya and Phuket they get Russians and westerners. You can't really step out in Pattaya and segregate yourself from Russians (or westerners).

I'm asking a serious question.

Should we avoid the malls, walking street, etc.?

It's hard to completely avoid the malls but I think it would be sensible to avoid large gatherings such as at festivals that attract mostly foreigners.

As far as the Russians ... so now Egypt is out. Turkey is out. So ISIS wants to make Pattaya out too?

I think there's no discussion. ISIS hates everybody outside of their "faith" and worldview, and they want an apocalyptic showdown with the rest of the world so they can go out as martyrs to their Islamic vision and then enjoy their 27 virgins.

The vast majority of ISIS victims are Muslims, leading me to believe it's probably not really about religion- more about power, money and land. Religion is just one way they choose up sides. Like when the French used to raid the Germans (et.al), who are really the same people- just not in their financial downline. Or when the Tudors and the Windsors went at each other for centuries (yeah, I know I'm mixing my centuries).

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theoretically ISIS is everywhere since they are a "religious movement" and not a country or nationality. their main advantage is that some of their followers are willing to actively-die for their cause which makes them a tough enemy. blowing up innocent people in a market or concert hall may be cowardish, in terms of warfare it is highly effective and the new wave/way of guerrilla battle. these ISIS clowns will never rule the western world but they will continue to spread fear and terror even if Syria and Iraq are being wiped of the earth. we're a pathetic species and i'm glad i have no kids (deliberately).... coffee1.gif

Not a solution to wipe out ISIS. But a great start to kill there money supply! ISIS only love who pays them!

And who pays them?

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Have to quadruple the defense budget then..... Best buy some Lockheed Martin shares. Hang on Russian weapons company's are bargain basement. Who makes Kalashnikov?

That's basically the AK-47 and AK-74, made in many countries. There are crap ones made in China and mine are very good, made in Belgium.


Are we missing the point?

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There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that one day Thailand is going to be hit bigger than anyone expects.

The bombing at the Erawan Shrine was merely their way of saying 'look what we can do, easy as pie'.

When I think of places where there are hoards of people, Thai's and foreigners they could cause devastation that will bring the country to its knees.

Sure we can't stop it, maybe we shouldn't even worry about it, just accept it is going to happen and hope we're at home that particular night.

They won't be without support either, there are enough Muslim insurgents in the south happy to lend a hand.

Erawan had nothing to do with ISIS
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I'm a yank, but won't wear any shorts, shirts etc with US flag motif. Quickest way to indicate a person is Russian..... If crap happens, it happens. I am not going to live in fear. I'm too lazy for that

I'm from the States as well, but I've been mistaken for a Russian no less than five times since I arrived a year ago. No clue what makes me look Russian.

I'm not going to hide in my house, but I do think I'll avoid the tourist areas for a bit.

Define "a bit". Just when you think it's safe to go out again, then....KA-BOOM!

Statistically there is an equal chance of becoming a victim of an attack both before and after "a bit". Both small.

That said, and as other posters have noted, it's always advisable to be aware of your surroundings when out and about in public places.

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The best security in Thailand is just before you enter Petchaburi MRT station coming from Makkasan...the guy there always gives me the once over and makes me open my bag every time even though I have just gone through three security checks in the UK Dubai and Swampy!

If Petchaburi MRT station security is the "best" then we are all in trouble. All they do is get you to open up one of the zippers of your suitcase & shine a torchlight at it. They don't move any of your clothes out of the way or ask you to open up any of the other 2 zipper pockets of the suitcase...

And thank God for that. Can you imagine showing up at the MRT "an hour or two early" to go through security, like in an airport? Then go through another half hour wait to transfer from BTS to MRT? The city would lock up completely.

I'd love to see the whole place inundated with explosive sniffing dogs, but not intrusive (and time consuming) personal searches on everyone carrying a bag.

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There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that one day Thailand is going to be hit bigger than anyone expects.

The bombing at the Erawan Shrine was merely their way of saying 'look what we can do, easy as pie'.

When I think of places where there are hoards of people, Thai's and foreigners they could cause devastation that will bring the country to its knees.

Sure we can't stop it, maybe we shouldn't even worry about it, just accept it is going to happen and hope we're at home that particular night.

They won't be without support either, there are enough Muslim insurgents in the south happy to lend a hand.

Erawan had nothing to do with ISIS

I thought that Erawan was a Russian newspaper

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Is racial profiling out of the question now? or is that way out of line? seriously!

I don't think so and should be compulsory for all but if they start then all we will hear is the cry," racists" and the gutless policiticians will back off. Just another thing we have to thank our leaders for. Don't worry, by the time these fools, who can't see the wood for the trees, have passed, those left to suffer will be our children and their children. Heaven helpt them.

The world, as we knew it as children, has long gone and it will only get worse as time goes on. Look at England and Europe, priime examples, and many western countries following in hot pursuit. And for those who want to fling the "racist" tag about, I say, if you're happy will hundreds being killed daily, then you certainly have your priorities in the rignt place. To that I say, put them in your onw backyard, not mine and stop being blinded by the socialist left's propaganda. It is clear that what applies to us does not apply to them, yet the blind merrily follow them.

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There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that one day Thailand is going to be hit bigger than anyone expects.

The bombing at the Erawan Shrine was merely their way of saying 'look what we can do, easy as pie'.

When I think of places where there are hoards of people, Thai's and foreigners they could cause devastation that will bring the country to its knees.

Sure we can't stop it, maybe we shouldn't even worry about it, just accept it is going to happen and hope we're at home that particular night.

They won't be without support either, there are enough Muslim insurgents in the south happy to lend a hand.

Erawan had nothing to do with ISIS

How would one know given the excellent investigation undertaken. whistling.gif

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theoretically ISIS is everywhere since they are a "religious movement" and not a country or nationality. their main advantage is that some of their followers are willing to actively-die for their cause which makes them a tough enemy. blowing up innocent people in a market or concert hall may be cowardish, in terms of warfare it is highly effective and the new wave/way of guerrilla battle. these ISIS clowns will never rule the western world but they will continue to spread fear and terror even if Syria and Iraq are being wiped of the earth. we're a pathetic species and i'm glad i have no kids (deliberately).... coffee1.gif

Not a solution to wipe out ISIS. But a great start to kill there money supply! ISIS only love who pays them!

And who pays them?

Saudi Arabia for a start and then anyone else who buys oil from these murderous pshyco's. Also check out how many people are on the watch lists of many countries for sending funds to them and then there are the idiots who want to fight with them.

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I'm a yank, but won't wear any shorts, shirts etc with US flag motif. Quickest way to indicate a person is Russian..... If crap happens, it happens. I am not going to live in fear. I'm too lazy for that

I'm from the States as well, but I've been mistaken for a Russian no less than five times since I arrived a year ago. No clue what makes me look Russian.

I'm not going to hide in my house, but I do think I'll avoid the tourist areas for a bit.

Define "a bit". Just when you think it's safe to go out again, then....KA-BOOM!

Statistically there is an equal chance of becoming a victim of an attack both before and after "a bit". Both small.

That said, and as other posters have noted, it's always advisable to be aware of your surroundings when out and about in public places.

I'm from Texas. A bit can be anything from a few minutes to a few months depending on the context. :)

In this case, it likely means until I fly out later this month.

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Diuring the European crusade across southern France, a simple

priest was asked " but how do we know who to kil"

The reply, simple put, was "kill them all, God knows his own, let him sort them out" ( please excuse me if someone thinks I misquoted)

This simple sentence lest to the wholesale destruction of one of European biggest cities of that age (14th century I things)

Racial profiling and xenophobia is akin to this policy.... Not all Muslims are extremists, but as with everything, a few ruin it for everybody

Prudence, vigilance and perhaps a more willing participation in the process of border crossings, may go a long way, in sorting the wolf from the sheep

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"Cancelled plans to go and eat with the kids in SIZZLER tonight."

A restaurant in America that's considered the low end of the low end and is considered an "upmarket" restaurant in Thailand?

I think the terrorists are doing you a favor, 555

I can just see the plan now. Book suite at Hilton…get arms delivered to room.

Have dinner with expensive escort and a few bags of coke.

Take elevator down to Central alight in level 5, kill everyone in sizzler.

Back to room to watch late night sermon by al baghdadi

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