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Walking Street & Khaosan Road believed to be targets of ISIS in Thailand


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Not much you can do where there is a lot of people gathering , avoid these places if you can , be ever vigilant , if you see someone dropping a back pack or see one laying on the ground , I'd suggest you run like buggery......................................coffee1.gif

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So they have warning of a threat to the main tourist areas in Thailand. This surely will spark travel advisories.

I guess it will be quiet for Xmas.

No need to worry - Walking Street and Khaosan Road do not attract any of the Quality Tourists that Thailand wants.

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So far, this is a Thai media invention.

Thailand's government with all it's other massive problems, and economic dependence on TOURISM, has nothing to gain whatsoever in making up fictions about terrorist attack threats from ISIS.

Edited by Jingthing
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I'm taking this one with a pinch of salt. I find it hard to believe that ISIS gives half a toss about Thailand.

The fact is that Islamists kill hundreds in Thailand EVERY year and that's without these ISIL animals. I understand that the RTP are saying that the bombs in Bangkok were the work of Chinese Muslims but again the fact is that ANY Muslim is capable

of any one of these atrocities.

Open your eyes and look around the world there are far too many places off limits. OK Mexico has drug dealers but the rest of the world is dangerous because of Islam. You may say the Islamists are few in number but 1% is 15 million, all desparate

to visit Allah.

When is Islam going to say that Islamists will never reach "heaven" and will spend eternity in hell. If they are justified by the Qur-an in killing anyone not of their faith and treating women like cattle then we are getting close to all out conflict.

AND ISIL will kill and maim anywhere in the world. The EU are in the process of letting thousands into Europe, there WILL be a few more Paris style attacks before they wake up.

Have no fear. Canada's being made a safe haven for Syrians, but only the ones that have refugee status

I doubt Canada is a safe haven. The Muslim refugees there are the ones running away -who will not side with ISIS. Same with Swedem. They too will be targeted.

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Huh? What? Wait... were we just not told that there is NO IS threat in Thailand?

Oh well, no worries, as I avoid both Walking Street and Khao San Road like the plague.

My guess is that places like Patong, Nana and Soi Cowlboy will also be prime targets.

You really think killing sex tourists will garner much sympathy in the view of the wider world?

A sick statement......tourists are humans.....although not as puritanical as you must be!

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An event like the one in Paris could kill many diffrent people from around the World thats for sure. After the Bali bombing

I always thought Nana and Cowboy could be targeted due to the bottleneck at bith places. Nana more so with only one way in and out. ......Anyways, will this hit tourism ?

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ISIS are not stupid. Having disclosed Walking Street and Khaosan Road as the likely targets, you can be sure that they will now direct their plans (if such plans exist) to other locations.

Neither location is particularly popular with the Russians. There are far better alternatives.

Actually ISIS are stupid - generally speaking. Maybe the leaders/strategists aren't but generally - they are idiots. And when I say stupid and idiots I'm not talking about any radical religious beliefs but problem solving skills.

Fact of a matter is that it is very easy for somebody to get to Khaosan Road, Walking Street, Full Moon Party, or International departures with a frickin backpack full of explosives and press a button or wait for a phone call. I'm not sure how easy it is to get explosives but moving such a package from point A to point B is pretty easy. Now, some might say that there are checkpoints on the BTS and MRT... sure. As a caucasian male I've been searched maybe 10 times in 5 years. If I shave and put on a long-sleeved shirt and pants... I don't think I would be searched "as often".

In the last 3 months almost half a million immigrants and refugees from Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India (and many more) have crossed borders completely illegally and got asylum on false pretenses in a western european country of their choice. Now I know for a fact that at least 1 country is checking every single identification document against Interpol and Europol databases and saving the data for later. But I also know that at least 300 people have been identified as radical islamist terrorist (ISIS) 3 weeks **after** they've crossed into their country of choice. And the public learned about those facts after the Paris attacks, where the police have about 11,500 people on a "must-watch" list.

My sarcastic question is... do you think Thailand can identify possible ISIS terrorists before they enter the country?

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Isil declared their victims in the Bataclan to be "apostates of prostitution and sin" so what they would make of the nightly goings on in many areas of Thailand is anyone's guess. I agree it's only a matter of time and how many nationalalities would be hit in such places as KSR or Walking St ? I'm just as fearful of the Thai police handling and reaction afterwards. Should it happen it would be the mutha of all messes, let's hope it doesn't.

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Huh? What? Wait... were we just not told that there is NO IS threat in Thailand?

Oh well, no worries, as I avoid both Walking Street and Khao San Road like the plague.

My guess is that places like Patong, Nana and Soi Cowlboy will also be prime targets.

You really think killing sex tourists will garner much sympathy in the view of the wider world?

A sick statement......tourists are humans.....although not as puritanical as you must be!

Calm down. I'm no puritan. Just realistic about the way the world sees such things. IS are way too smart at the media game to waste resources on a target like that.

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Walking Street & Khaosan Road believed to be targets of ISIS in Thailand

If you believe that you will believe anything

What are you on about?

ISIS attacks on tourists in Tunisia and Egypt.

By what logic do you think Thailand is immune.

Thailand is a VERY SOFT target.

Those targets are the famous obvious ones, of course, they will be guarded better.

So I would assume it's more likely that they would go for SOFTER target. Pretty much anywhere with lots of foreign tourists really.

Edited by Jingthing
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I'm taking this one with a pinch of salt. I find it hard to believe that ISIS gives half a toss about Thailand.

They don't "give half a toss" about Thailand. But that's evident when reading the news release. It's about targeting westerners and Russians in a heavily popular tourist area. Paris aside, Egypt and Tunisia being great recent examples.

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The Asian end of walking street is the worlds number one ISIS R&R destination so you will be safe drinking around there. I have bumped into some real hard core fanatics here in the past, one guy who was showing off his Bin Laden tattoo and giving me grief in one of those bars was told to leave once. I was also informed that the screaming loud music they play in those bars is all Jihad propagandize music. I would not panic too much however, the last thing ISIS will do is target a neutral country irrespective of the amount of foreigners. The idea is to kill the infidel of enemy territory. Thailand is not exactly top of the pile is this respect. They have the whole western world to target for this.

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Huh? What? Wait... were we just not told that there is NO IS threat in Thailand?

Oh well, no worries, as I avoid both Walking Street and Khao San Road like the plague.

My guess is that places like Patong, Nana and Soi Cowlboy will also be prime targets.

You really think killing sex tourists will garner much sympathy in the view of the wider world?

Anyone murdered by terrorist scum is a victim no matter what.

You seem to think there is a hierarchy of victims and your vile attitude to those working and visiting the areas you mention is contemptible.

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Huh? What? Wait... were we just not told that there is NO IS threat in Thailand?

Oh well, no worries, as I avoid both Walking Street and Khao San Road like the plague.

My guess is that places like Patong, Nana and Soi Cowlboy will also be prime targets.

You really think killing sex tourists will garner much sympathy in the view of the wider world?
Anyone murdered by terrorist scum is a victim no matter what.

You seem to think there is a hierarchy of victims and your vile attitude to those working and visiting the areas you mention is contemptible.

I think you're misinterpreting what I said just a little there.

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After it was announced that Walking Street & Khaosan Road believed to be targets of ISIS in Thailand, they may want to concentrate on other targets where people don't expect anything to hapen.

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Huh? What? Wait... were we just not told that there is NO IS threat in Thailand?

Oh well, no worries, as I avoid both Walking Street and Khao San Road like the plague.

My guess is that places like Patong, Nana and Soi Cowlboy will also be prime targets.

You really think killing sex tourists will garner much sympathy in the view of the wider world?
Anyone murdered by terrorist scum is a victim no matter what.

You seem to think there is a hierarchy of victims and your vile attitude to those working and visiting the areas you mention is contemptible.

I think you're misinterpreting what I said just a little there.

You've made your view clear on three posts. All indicating the same message.

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Huh? What? Wait... were we just not told that there is NO IS threat in Thailand?

Oh well, no worries, as I avoid both Walking Street and Khao San Road like the plague.

My guess is that places like Patong, Nana and Soi Cowlboy will also be prime targets.

You really think killing sex tourists will garner much sympathy in the view of the wider world?
Anyone murdered by terrorist scum is a victim no matter what.

You seem to think there is a hierarchy of victims and your vile attitude to those working and visiting the areas you mention is contemptible.

I think you're misinterpreting what I said just a little there.

You've made your view clear on three posts. All indicating the same message.

And yet you still misunderstood. Deliberately I presume. Let's not turn this into a pissing match, eh?

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Huh? What? Wait... were we just not told that there is NO IS threat in Thailand?

Oh well, no worries, as I avoid both Walking Street and Khao San Road like the plague.

My guess is that places like Patong, Nana and Soi Cowlboy will also be prime targets.

You really think killing sex tourists will garner much sympathy in the view of the wider world?
Anyone murdered by terrorist scum is a victim no matter what.

You seem to think there is a hierarchy of victims and your vile attitude to those working and visiting the areas you mention is contemptible.

I think you're misinterpreting what I said just a little there.

You've made your view clear on three posts. All indicating the same message.

And yet you still misunderstood. Deliberately I presume. Let's not turn this into a pissing match, eh?

Yeah. Right.

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Sex tourists?

The vast majority of Russians in Pattaya are NOT sex tourists.

Many, many young families and young couples.

I would even go so far to say most westerners visiting aren't sex tourists either.

Such as Scandinavians escaping the winter.

People who think Pattaya is only about sex tourism have very dated ideas of the place.

It's interesting that the Thai government is focused on securing embassies. It seems to me they would already be hard targets and ISIS is into SOFT targets. So it's a weird focus.

Edited by Jingthing
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