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No imminent threat: Russian ambassador

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No imminent threat: Russian ambassador



BANGKOK: THE RUSSIAN ambassador to Thailand, Kirill Barsky, said yesterday that his embassy had found no imminent threat to Russian citizens in Thailand from possible attacks by Islamic State operatives reported to have entered the Kingdom.

"We do not have any official information in this regard," the envoy said in response to a query from The Nation.

He also expressed confidence in the Thai authorities in dealing with this situation.

"Thailand is a country with a stable political situation and full control of the government. We have no doubts that Thailand's law-enforcement agencies are effective in their work and able to provide safety and security for the Thai people and foreigners living and visiting Thailand as tourists," Ambassador Barsky said in his letter.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/No-imminent-threat-Russian-ambassador-30274371.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-05

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See. No problem. All you people out there who said that Russia cared about its citizens. Well, you must be right. We're getting the truth today, right? Yesterday doesn't exist. Everything is just fine and dandy out there.


how any ambassador would think and feel, if his country security services are passing secret and urgent info to their thai counterparts, and within a few days this secret is leaked to the press?

it's an obvious, that he is mocking thai government, for what they did - informing terrorists that they are known and giving them time to run away.

in a diplomatic language "We do not have any official information" means, that there is no statement from moscow, and what russian secret service know or what other information ambassador has, is nobody business. If he wants to say something, for example a warning to russian citisens in thailand, the consulate would issue a statement. He doesn't have to say anything to a journalist from the Nation - that's the job of his press secretary.

the whole affair might be just a turf war between thai spooks and cia against russian inteligence.

quite sure, that those 10 isis terrorists had to abandon their plan and are running. The second cell would be taking over the job, and it would take some time


Wow! He expressed confidence in Thai authorities in handling this. Talk about being misguided. Thai authorities didn't even know anything about their identities or whereabouts as of yesterday.


what do you expect them to say? "We have no idea what is going on?"

anyway, i'm sure i saw a guy with a jacket like that walking out of a S&M club last week in Bangkok.


It is so damned amazing how quickly Thai and Russian officials have determined there is nothing to worry about.

What really galls me is these officials really think they are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes.

Yeah, we believe every single word you say!


So the "leaked" document (in Thai) was a fake?

OR..... was it all a storm in a tea cup because some minor information about some innocent Syrian tourists was blown out of proportion by a self-important ranking policeman who chinese-whispered it ten times in one go to write the memo?

I'm going with the latter.


I assumed there has been an Islamist Jihadist terrorist threat in Pattaya and Phuket for many years now. After Bali. Both are obvious and quite SOFT potential targets. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean there isn't a threat. A continuing potential threat is different than an imminent threat which is what was implied by the report of the "touristic" Syrians. Also don't forget the quite recent Bangkok bombing, not labeled Islamist related terrorism officially (easy to understand the political and economic reasons why), but common sense observers can see differently. With Daesh now focusing on SOFT targets rather than deeply symbolic big targets, I assume the threat risk to tourist spots in Thailand has indeed increased.

Many Muslims and their "politically correct" defenders are sensitive to the fear that all Muslim people or the Islamic religion itself are being demonized. That should not happen as there is so much diversity among global Muslims, and it basically plays into the terrorist's tactics to foment deeper divisions. But on the other hand, to deny the Islamic roots of Islamist Jihadist terrorism (of various brand names) is just plain STUPID. Denial doesn't make it go away. This is with us now and will be going forward, whatever the brand name.


There is no logical reason to imagine that Thailand would be a target. Paris had previously been a target and there are other places that could be seen as at risk of attack, but Thailand is very unlikely to be at risk.


There is no logical reason to imagine that Thailand would be a target. Paris had previously been a target and there are other places that could be seen as at risk of attack, but Thailand is very unlikely to be at risk.

Was Indonesia a target in Bali or was it the westerners in the disco? coffee1.gif

Was Egypt a target in Sinai or was it the Russians on the plane?

Was Tunisia a target or was it the westerners in the museum?

Duh. Double duh. We've been through this. The targets are the westerners and Russians. Not Thailand.

Erawan Shrine terrorist bombing was a mix, because it was Uighur related; they spanked Thailand for sending Uighurs back to China and also China by killing Chinese tourists.

But that didn't happen, huh?

Memories are so short.


Sorry but you just can't trust the Russians !! Their just like the Iranians !! What's the difference between a Russian and a terrorist one speaks Russian.

American? How is it going looking for those Iraqi WMD's?


unfortunately we're all at the mercy of all the spin, damage control and lies these buffoons spew to protect economic interests.

Im not a high season punter but if I were Id be looking to some other more low key place.


There is no logical reason to imagine that Thailand would be a target. Paris had previously been a target and there are other places that could be seen as at risk of attack, but Thailand is very unlikely to be at risk.

Was Indonesia a target in Bali or was it the westerners in the disco? coffee1.gif

Was Egypt a target in Sinai or was it the Russians on the plane?

Was Tunisia a target or was it the westerners in the museum?

Duh. Double duh. We've been through this. The targets are the westerners and Russians. Not Thailand.

Erawan Shrine terrorist bombing was a mix, because it was Uighur related; they spanked Thailand for sending Uighurs back to China and also China by killing Chinese tourists.

But that didn't happen, huh?

Memories are so short.

Russians are Westerners.


"We have no doubts that Thailand's law-enforcement agencies are effective in their work"

There aren't many jobs where one can lie and be respected for it.


No imminent threat announced by U.S. Government immediately before the CA attack. They don't know what they don't know.


With easy encrypted communication apps, expect more surprises. The "chatter" defense is not working anymore. Also small cells can self radicalize anywhere and not even need to communicate with terror headquarters.


Russian ambassador just answered on journalist's question.

It's not a message, it's an opinion, which he was asked.

Actually he's just said that there is nothing to fear per-se because nobody 100% sure anything gonna happen at all.

Barsky's statemend worded in those manners:

  • We don't want that police leak affect Thai's tourism sector anyhow.
  • There is no reason to panic beforehead. This police message was addressed to the police, so they could start they precautions if it's possible.
  • We respect Thailand's authorities and see no reason to harm their reputation.
  • By naming Thai's security departments "effective" we relying on them, and hope they'll meet those expectations.

It's more like "I know you, Danny, you could do it like nobody else".

It's a polite act of showing respect in exchange for responsibility, so Thai could meet those expectations and try to do anything possible to prevent anything bad.

Let's don't forget that everybody there are people.

The King or President, Police - they are people, not magicians. They're trying anything possible to prevent any harm to anyone, by currently existing ways. Talks about "i knew they would fail! it's their fault!" is not gonna help anyone for sure.


I know the ambassador has to say things like that, especially form Russia, even though he knows himself he is lying. He admits he has no idea if there is a threat or not. In other words he knows nothing or he is saying nothing.


he said there was no imminent threat.

the next time there won't be a warning from russia's security or any other country. They will try rather to catch isis by themselves, than waste the opportunity and compromise informers

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