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UK police say stabbing treated as 'terrorist incident'

Jonathan Fairfield

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Those who's default position is to squelch the rights of everyone, for the acts of a few, is a coward.

Thats the way society works. Do you think there should be no speed limits? Some good drivers can handle higher speeds than the limit but are not allowed to. Should we all have personalised speed limits?

It's not a right to keep and bear a speed limit.

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Someone was shouting "you ffing idiot, you ain't no Muslim, you ain't no Muslim". Well done that man

Wishful thinking as usual- he was, how about another excuse?

No wishful thinking on my part - along with some others you're unable to comprehend nuance

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Those who's default position is to squelch the rights of everyone, for the acts of a few, is a coward.

Thats the way society works. Do you think there should be no speed limits? Some good drivers can handle higher speeds than the limit but are not allowed to. Should we all have personalised speed limits?

It's not a right to keep and bear a speed limit.

Its not a right to kill people either, thats why there are restrictions, or do you think everyone has a right to rocket lauchers etc.

People need to have restrictions imposed on them to save them from themselves.

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Linky, on 06 Dec 2015 - 13:54, said:
55Jay, on 06 Dec 2015 - 13:43, said:
Linky, on 06 Dec 2015 - 13:38, said:
55Jay, on 06 Dec 2015 - 13:33, said:

Those who's default position is to squelch the rights of everyone, for the acts of a few, is a coward.

Thats the way society works. Do you think there should be no speed limits? Some good drivers can handle higher speeds than the limit but are not allowed to. Should we all have personalised speed limits?

It's not a right to keep and bear a speed limit.

Its not a right to kill people either, thats why there are restrictions, or do you think everyone has a right to rocket lauchers etc.

People need to have restrictions imposed on them to save them from themselves.

Rocket launchers now.

I had my doubts before. You just wiped them away.

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I think it's too late for Europe and the UK. The Muslims are generating six or seven babies per family. This is not a racist statement, this is what I know from 19 years in the Middle East. Wait till you see the year 2035. You'll party like it's 1499.

As with your generalisations presented as empirical concerning Europe, might be a good idea to carry out some fact checks.

From Frontpage website which you're likely to admire.

Birth Rates Falling Dramatically in Muslim Middle East


The falling birth rates of Muslims in The Middle East seems irrelevant. This attack did not occur in Baghdad.

You ask us to carry out some fact checks, so please admire the following table detailing the disparity between muslim v. non-muslim fertilty rates across European nations.

No need for the wave of Arab asylum seekers to upset the status quo. Western Europe is already rotting from the inside out.



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I think it's too late for Europe and the UK. The Muslims are generating six or seven babies per family. This is not a racist statement, this is what I know from 19 years in the Middle East. Wait till you see the year 2035. You'll party like it's 1499.

As with your generalisations presented as empirical concerning Europe, might be a good idea to carry out some fact checks.

From Frontpage website which you're likely to admire.

Birth Rates Falling Dramatically in Muslim Middle East


The falling birth rates of Muslims in The Middle East seems irrelevant. This attack did not occur in Baghdad.

You ask us to carry out some fact checks, so please admire the following table detailing the disparity between muslim v. non-muslim fertilty rates across European nations.

No need for the wave of Arab asylum seekers to upset the status quo. Western Europe is already rotting from the inside out.


Projected difference of .4. So with the considerably lower percentage of muslims at the moment and the fast declining difference in birthrate this must be very reassuring for the alarmists.

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Police acted quickly , although they shouldn't have used a stun gun on the guy .....

shooting him would be more in line with the seriousness of his actions.

I agree with you, but were the police carrying guns, I'm not too sure. It said on the news that their stun guns were inaffective for quite a while, which asks the question 'many more people could have been injured or worse'

Leytonstone Tube station stabbing a 'terrorist incident'

Police said they received a call at 19:06 GMT and the man was arrested at 19:14.

Eight minutes from receiving the call to overpowering and arresting him; hardly 'quite a while!'

I can fully understand why the police are treating this as a terrorist incident; given what the man said. But was he acting alone or part of a group?

As he was arrested, then he can, and will, be questioned and so the police may able to establish if he was part of a group obtain intelligence on that group.

If they had killed him at the scene, as many here say they should have, then they would have absolutely no chance of establishing his motives and obtaining any useful information from him.

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Time for the West to drop the "lone wolf" rubbish and start applying pressure on Moslems in the West until they step up to the plate and decide to live within the laws and social mores of a civilised country. A civilised country that they were very happy to move to and claim all manner of economic benefits from.

The overwhelming majority of Muslims do live within, and respect, the laws of the country where they live.

Many serve in the armed forces, police, ambulance and fire services, are doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals etc.

Muslims across the world condemn the aims and methods of Islamic terrorists; via social media campaigns, pronouncements by Muslim religious and secular spokespersons and governments, the open letter to Al Baghdadi, street demonstrations and meetings etc. Links to all these have been posted in many topics here previously.

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Time for the West to drop the "lone wolf" rubbish and start applying pressure on Moslems in the West until they step up to the plate and decide to live within the laws and social mores of a civilised country. A civilised country that they were very happy to move to and claim all manner of economic benefits from.

The overwhelming majority of Muslims do live within, and respect, the laws of the country where they live.

Many serve in the armed forces, police, ambulance and fire services, are doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals etc.

Muslims across the world condemn the aims and methods of Islamic terrorists; via social media campaigns, pronouncements by Muslim religious and secular spokespersons and governments, the open letter to Al Baghdadi, street demonstrations and meetings etc. Links to all these have been posted in many topics here previously.

Everyone has been provided with those facts but they seem to live in a bubble and refuse to believe it. Such is bogotry.

They dont seem to realise they are just as bad as those they detest.

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I agree with a comment above - there were probably ten other stabbings in London on Saturday night and non of them called terrorist attacks

Good to see the attacker brought down by well trained officers using only stun guns, kept alive so hopefully the authorities can get good intel out of him.

If this was in America the attacker would be dead as would scores of witnesses with trigger happy police firing at will to try and stop the situation.

That said, the attacker would also have been heavily armed in the States as just about anyone can get hold of a weapon it seems.

Fortunately, Muslims in the U.S. are relatively well-integrated, unlike much of Europe. And we certainly don't have any Sharia patrols as you do in London. And don't deny that, because "60 Minutes did a report on them...the woman reported was actually told by the Musliim morality goon to cover up! Furthermore,"trigger-happy" police in the U.S. wouldn't have looked the other way while packs of Pakistanis go around raping local women as in Rotherham and apparently other towns. Maybe a few bullets would have been called for. Stun guns? Too late for Europe anyway.

There are no Sharia patrols in London.. Drink Kool aid much?

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Fortunately, Muslims in the U.S. are relatively well-integrated, unlike much of Europe. And we certainly don't have any Sharia patrols as you do in London. And don't deny that, because "60 Minutes did a report on them...the woman reported was actually told by the Musliim morality goon to cover up!

It appears that 60 minutes didn't report the whole story!

Certainly all the sites like Gatestone haven't!

Muslim vigilantes jailed for 'sharia law' attacks in London

These so called Sharia patrols were unwelcome in the areas where they operated, and it was often the Muslim residents of those areas who reported them to the police.

Furthermore,"trigger-happy" police in the U.S. wouldn't have looked the other way while packs of Pakistanis go around raping local women as in Rotherham and apparently other towns. Maybe a few bullets would have been called for. Stun guns? Too late for Europe anyway.

The appalling events in Rotherham and other towns and the failings of the police, social services etc. are unforgivable and have been debated at length elsewhere.

But, these failings were also apparent in many cases where the perpetrators were prominent politicians, Catholic priests, children's homes operatives etc.

Historical child abuse: Key investigations

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The real muslims were yelling cockney accented profanity at the not real muslim, who was in the process of hacking people up with a machete.

Had there been some Americans around, they might of tried tackling the mad slasher instead of shrieking about religious bonafides.

Just like on 9/11 or more recently in San Bernardino..

ok fella..

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What else were they expecting to happen? Enemy combatants must be interned or deported until the war against Islam has been won, or at least a stalemate accepted whereby they stay in their country and we get ours back.

Apart from punishing this muslim, I want to see the govt personnel responsible for importing this time-bomb severely punished. It is not good enough to say we weren't warned, or other excuses. I, and many many others have repeatedly warned that bringing people that's raison d'etre is to kill infidels(us in other words) will end in tears.

Where did you read that he was a Muslim?

Who are enemy combatants?

Of course, we must wait and see if he is a Muslim.

The fact he shouted "this is for Syria" - well, he might be one of Corbyn's loony left militants; or a drunk, or someone with mental problems. Anything other than thinking he might be a Muslim terrorist trying to murder and injure strangers in the name of Islam.

The fact is many Muslims will condemn such violence. But unfortunately there are many using the name of Islam for their own agenda and exploiting some impressionable people.

Edited by Baerboxer
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First, I thought that it would have been nice if this guy had been shot to death by the police on the scene, as it was obvious that he had planned to kill at least one person. Then, I thought that if his arrest leads to the arrest of other terrorists or potential terrorists, then that will be a better outcome, I guess.

Anyway, whatever happens next, put him away for life, with no chance of parole.

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Another stabbing incident, this time in Abingdon. One dead. No details on motive yet.

On an average six people a week are stabbed to death in the UK, you're going to be a busy guy commenting on each murder prior to completion of police investigations

Edited by simple1
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Another stabbing incident, this time in Abingdon. One dead. No details on motive yet.

looks like this time it was a traditional English/kaffir, (or whatever we are supposed to call the indigenous peoples these balmy days)guy going bonkers.
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Another stabbing incident, this time in Abingdon. One dead. No details on motive yet.

On an average six people a week are stabbed to death in the UK, you're going to be a busy guy commenting on each murder prior to completion of police investigations

That's an interesting statistic.

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Another stabbing incident, this time in Abingdon. One dead. No details on motive yet.

On an average six people a week are stabbed to death in the UK, you're going to be a busy guy commenting on each murder prior to completion of police investigations

That's an interesting statistic.

Currently in the bigger picture it is claimed there is one murder p.a. per 100,000 people in the UK. Some like to compare stats to the US which apparently currently has approx 4.5 murders p.a. per 100,000 people

You wouldn't want to live in Honduras with a horrific 95 murders p.a. per 100,000

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