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Thai police are hunting 4 Syrians on overstay following leaked ISIS threat

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Dear Royal Thai police,

There is something called the Internet. Sometimes you can use it to find things out that you didn't otherwise know. Here is something it took me 3 minutes to find out.

Hagop Kassabian (Mr.)Hagop_1.png

Managing Director

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +66 (0) 85 486 3388

There is something else called e-mail. You can use it to send messages. When you want to send me the reward please e-mail me at [email protected] and I will give you my bank account details.

If he is on overstay, they are entitled to hunt him down.

Like the shootings in America this week. The fella worked for the company for 5 years, yet nobody new he had any terrorist connections. The idea of terrorist organisations using 'sleepers' is not new, some in Britain may have lived there years, have a steady job, and nobody would find out about any connections to terrorism until it is too late.

I am in no way saying he is connected, by why overstay ?

Erm, 'the fella' you write about is ...an American citizen!

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Is a lot of thai police bashing here.

At least they are doing something.

They have identified four Syrians overstaying.

If these are not terrorists, well if that's clarified.

Next step should be to check all Iraqis, Yemenis, Saudis and North Africans.

The police can only form clusters when they have no concrete tips.

Terrorists with EU passport will probably perpetrate an attack in Europe,

on terrain they know.

Also the media response would be greater.

And that's one of there main objectives:

Spread fear and terror supported by free PR in the mass media worldwide.

Look at the facts. These show if the rtp and their pals are competent or not.

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Not wishing to offend BUT If ever a real terrorist wanted do damage here, we are <deleted> as there's no forward thinking or Thai police intelligence as far as i can see ...... i live in the back of beyond... but I used to work in BKK

If there now i would be worried now Regardless Of who says what!!!blink.png

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The sad fact is, you can walk through almost any metal detector in Thailand, into any mall or public transport, set it off, and security will wave you through as a foreigner.

The average security guy has no clue what they are looking for. Most people don't. Neither do I. That's why it is going to be total destruction when one of these guys really bring something big into the MRT or crowded area.

The only thing we can count on is the incompetence of the terrorists being higher than the incompetence of the local police and security guards.

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Dear Royal Thai police,

There is something called the Internet. Sometimes you can use it to find things out that you didn't otherwise know. Here is something it took me 3 minutes to find out.

Hagop Kassabian (Mr.)Hagop_1.png

Managing Director

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +66 (0) 85 486 3388

There is something else called e-mail. You can use it to send messages. When you want to send me the reward please e-mail me at [email protected] and I will give you my bank account details.

If he is on overstay, they are entitled to hunt him down.

Like the shootings in America this week. The fella worked for the company for 5 years, yet nobody new he had any terrorist connections. The idea of terrorist organisations using 'sleepers' is not new, some in Britain may have lived there years, have a steady job, and nobody would find out about any connections to terrorism until it is too late.

I am in no way saying he is connected, by why overstay ?

Erm, 'the fella' you write about is ...an American citizen!

And now a terrorist.

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Just because a person of Syrian nationality has overstayed does not make him a suspected terrorist. However, the Thai police have to target people who generally fit the profile of where terrorists are coming from. It is being done everywhere now and unfortunately innocent people will be come a casualty of this hunt

I hate to say it, but there are times when certain groups need to be profiled and looked into, like the Africans who hang out on Soi 3 in BKK. Not one of them is up to any good. The ISIS clan probably hangs out in open sight in front of everyone smoking hookas and eating kabobs.

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Seriously....I may have seen the bloke on the top right at Fahrenheit Gogo bar last week. I wouldn't normally have taken much notice but he was whining at some length about the price of his drinks. I recognize the shirt more than the face - reminded me of my Mum's lounge curtains.

I'm taking you serious. Have you reported it to the authorities?

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Typical Thai Police Work. After the Barn Door is closed. First they said the memo may be bogus from Russia. Then they say there are 10 Syrians in Thailand Now they say 4 are on Overstay and now they are trying to locate them

What a laugh They cannot get our of their own way. Good Job Boys Now go to the General who was stopped last month for a breathalyzer Test and refused to give it. You should find some comfort

in knowing that your exaulted Leader knows how to hoodwink everyone and just follow his lead

Sure. Always Thai police, army and government are the worst in the world. Don't know what they are doing about anything. Bust the American security and intelligence forces were great when they "stopped" 9/11 from happening.... The French were great last year and last month....

As far I can can recall - so far there were only 2 incidents in BKK, one with causalities and the other with none, and I am pretty sure those had nothing to do with ISIS.

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One name is clearly an Armenian and Armenians are christian orthodox.

Pray tell which name? I'm not from that area and i certainly couldn't differentiate that name from the other names unless they have stereotypical muslim name like mohammad, aziz etc.

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There appear to be some very knowledgeable posters here!

Perhaps they can tell us why the vastly superior Western Police/Intelligence Services fail to detect and arrest the bad guys before they kill people ?

France, England, Scotland, Australia, America etc !

because in Europe and the UK they are heavily focused on Human rights - equality - fair unbiased treatment, if you look at the people involved in the Paris attacks they were already known to certain agencies, the problem is where you set the goalposts before taking action with these people, I suspect it will now be a lot lower, even then what do you do with them ? have they actually broken any laws, dealing with these people requires special powers enacted and even special courts that operate outside of the normal justice system, the US had a certain place where they dealt with people of extreme interest - was that the answer ?, back in the day N.Ireland had a special terrorist act and at one time had internment to take people out of circulation

Probably time for a new approach as this thing is now well out of control and will only get worse, more innocent people are going to die but first and foremost you must cut off the snakes head and defeat ISIS in the ME, remove their funding/income as greed and power feeds these people, I have absolutly no doubt that certain people are making a lot of money out of this - they need to be targeted and removed

The ME is a mess even without ISIS, these muslim people can't even get along with themselves never mind trying to integrate them into Christian countries

And finaly my own personal belief is that religion is evil, it is a constant scourge on this planet and is responsible for more wars and death than any thing else in mans sordid violent history, time to smell the cheese and see it for what it really is - pure evil

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Typical Thai Police Work. After the Barn Door is closed. First they said the memo may be bogus from Russia. Then they say there are 10 Syrians in Thailand Now they say 4 are on Overstay and now they are trying to locate them

What a laugh They cannot get our of their own way. Good Job Boys Now go to the General who was stopped last month for a breathalyzer Test and refused to give it. You should find some comfort

in knowing that your exaulted Leader knows how to hoodwink everyone and just follow his lead

Sure. Always Thai police, army and government are the worst in the world. Don't know what they are doing about anything. Bust the American security and intelligence forces were great when they "stopped" 9/11 from happening.... The French were great last year and last month....

As far I can can recall - so far there were only 2 incidents in BKK, one with causalities and the other with none, and I am pretty sure those had nothing to do with ISIS.

A rose is a rose, and it's a moot point considering fake passports, alias names, and language challenged Thai immigration sources and media.

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Typical Thai police work. Lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy. What they did was ask immigration for a list of Syrians who have overstayed their visas. Now they will hunt down four probably ordinary guys who just don't want to go back to a country in a civil war with foreign powers fighting it out on each side and supplying weapons and ammunition to each side. Who would want to go back to that? The Syrians probably want to relax in Thailand until it is over back home, pay their overstay at the airport and leave.

Now the probability that the Thai "police" will frame them by planting evidence and lying about them is exceedingly high. It is much easier to plant fake evidence and make up a make up a fake terror plot than it is to..oh I don't know...do real police work.

What a joke. Again, the whole world is watching. Again, the Thai police will show Thailand to be a third world banana republic.

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There appear to be some very knowledgeable posters here!

Perhaps they can tell us why the vastly superior Western Police/Intelligence Services fail to detect and arrest the bad guys before they kill people ?

France, England, Scotland, Australia, America etc !

because in Europe and the UK they are heavily focused on Human rights - equality - fair unbiased treatment, if you look at the people involved in the Paris attacks they were already known to certain agencies, the problem is where you set the goalposts before taking action with these people, I suspect it will now be a lot lower, even then what do you do with them ? have they actually broken any laws, dealing with these people requires special powers enacted and even special courts that operate outside of the normal justice system, the US had a certain place where they dealt with people of extreme interest - was that the answer ?, back in the day N.Ireland had a special terrorist act and at one time had internment to take people out of circulation

Probably time for a new approach as this thing is now well out of control and will only get worse, more innocent people are going to die but first and foremost you must cut off the snakes head and defeat ISIS in the ME, remove their funding/income as greed and power feeds these people, I have absolutly no doubt that certain people are making a lot of money out of this - they need to be targeted and removed

The ME is a mess even without ISIS, these muslim people can't even get along with themselves never mind trying to integrate them into Christian countries

And finaly my own personal belief is that religion is evil, it is a constant scourge on this planet and is responsible for more wars and death than any thing else in mans sordid violent history, time to smell the cheese and see it for what it really is - pure evil

Your absolutely right about religion, it's the biggest curse on the human race, with the exception of greed.

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these may or may not be the people reported by Russia FSB, but either way it is interesting that because there is focus on people from Syria they have now found 4 people on overstay, why are they not looking for people on overstay all the time

there are probably 250k+ people illegally for various reasons and that number is probably on the low side.........

they wouldnt be able to locate anyone who arrived years ago and just wrote a guesthouse/ hotel address on the tm6

and especially if they came from a "friendly " country ............

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Let the scapegoat hunting season begin again, first Burma, then Uighar and now Syrians....

Why scapegoat? Do you recall the Iranians who tried to murder people in Bangkok? What's so different here?

Although, I do have reservations about Hagop. That's a very Armenian name, and a Christian one at that.

Don't you find it somewhat odd that Syrians have the ability to travel to Thailand on "vacation" when millions of their country men and women are refugees? To be able to do that, one is either part of the barbaric Assad regime, or part of the ISIL group. What are they doing in Thailand? Are they selling ISIL oil or purchasing weapons?

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Let the scapegoat hunting season begin again, first Burma, then Uighar and now Syrians....

Why scapegoat? Do you recall the Iranians who tried to murder people in Bangkok? What's so different here?

Although, I do have reservations about Hagop. That's a very Armenian name, and a Christian one at that.

Don't you find it somewhat odd that Syrians have the ability to travel to Thailand on "vacation" when millions of their country men and women are refugees? To be able to do that, one is either part of the barbaric Assad regime, or part of the ISIL group. What are they doing in Thailand? Are they selling ISIL oil or purchasing weapons?

What says they were living in Syria? I live in Thailand but have my home country's passport.

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Typical Thai Police Work. After the Barn Door is closed. First they said the memo may be bogus from Russia. Then they say there are 10 Syrians in Thailand Now they say 4 are on Overstay and now they are trying to locate them

What a laugh They cannot get our of their own way. Good Job Boys Now go to the General who was stopped last month for a breathalyzer Test and refused to give it. You should find some comfort

in knowing that your exaulted Leader knows how to hoodwink everyone and just follow his lead

Sure. Always Thai police, army and government are the worst in the world. Don't know what they are doing about anything. Bust the American security and intelligence forces were great when they "stopped" 9/11 from happening.... The French were great last year and last month....

As far I can can recall - so far there were only 2 incidents in BKK, one with causalities and the other with none, and I am pretty sure those had nothing to do with ISIS.

a) no international terror- organisation gives two hot shi1ts about Thailand! New York and Paris or London and Berlin are (in the mind of most Thais literally) in another world!

b ) if they are so amazing at stopping terror- threats, I suggest, you move down south! You know...near the Malaysian Border!


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