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Whats wrong with our Lilawadee ?


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Was ok until a few weeks ago now the leaves are slowly turning yellow and dropping off although it still flowers a bit. No sign of any insects on the leaves so not sure what is wrong. Could just be the time of year but usually the leaves are dark green. Gets plenty of water although it has been a bit dry so maybe needs more than usual ?

Any suggestions appreciated.




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This happened recently to my plant ( leafs looked exactly like yours) I was told by my neighbour that it was due to

"plear" I suppose some sort of aphid, I sprayed the leafs with some concoction bought from the garden store

but quite quickly every single leaf fell off !!!

About a week later the leafs sprouted again and it seems to be slowly recovering

strange how the leafs sprout out crinkly then gradually flatten out.

Edited by johng
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This happened recently to my plant ( leafs looked exactly like yours) I was told by my neighbour that it was due to

"plear" I suppose some sort of aphid, I sprayed the leafs with some concoction bought from the garden store

but quite quickly every single leaf fell off !!!

About a week later the leafs sprouted again and it seems to be slowly recovering

strange how the leafs sprout out crinkly then gradually flatten out.

Thanks for the response. Plear ( aphids ) were my first though but a close inspection didn't find any. They attacked my bamboo plants a couple of years back and only a savage bit of pruning saved them.

I'm going back to the place we got the tree tomorrow to see if they know what the problem is. Will let you know.

Edited by Denim
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They tell me that NEEM oil is the thing to use. It is in most of the big stores like Thai Watsadu, Home Pro etc. The Thai name is Nam Mun Sadao. I have been using Pyrethrins in a very weakened mixture and it works fine too.

Thanks for the tip. I'll try to get some locally tomorrow or if not next time I'm in the city and can visit home pro. Cheers.

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  • 2 months later...

​Gets plenty of water although it has been a bit dry so maybe needs more than usual ?

Exactly the same here as Denim in the OP. My suggestions: reduce water + aerate soil.

First, I bought some anit-fungus spray at the plant market. No benefit.

Next, my maid discussed with her Thai friends and returned the consensus, "Too much water not good for Lilawadee." I cut watering back from 2-3 times/week to 1 time/week and then not too much. That helped a lot, and quickly.

After that, maid came up with idea that dirt around the plant is compacted too hard (in planter pot on balcony). So she took an old kitchen knife, and dug deep into the soil to loosen the dirt. Lilawadee responded very nicely to that, too.

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