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Daesh set to use weapons of mass destruction in Europe


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Ticking Time Bomb: Daesh Set to Use Weapons of Mass Destruction in Europe

(Sputnik)The European Union and its member states must prepare for the possibility of a chemical or biological attack on their territory by Daesh, also known as the Islamic State terrorist group, according to an analytical report prepared for the European Parliament.

The terror organization, also known as DaeshDaesh, “may be planning to try to use internationally banned weapons of mass destruction in future attacks" according to the European Parliament document compiled by its political analyst Beatrix Immenkamp in the wake of last month's Paris attacks.

The extremists have recruited an army of scientists and already smuggled chemical and biological weapons into Europe and the attack could consist of a dirty nuclear bomb, biological, or chemical weapons, the report warned.

Full story: http://sputniknews.com/europe/20151207/1031344333/daesh-weapons-report.html

-- SPUTNIK 2015-12-07


December 2015

ISIL/Da'esh and 'non-conventional' weapons of terror


The European Union and its Member States must prepare for the possibility of a chemical or biological attack on their territory by the self-styled 'Islamic State' in Iraq and the Levant (known variously as IS, ISIS or ISIL, and by the Arabic acronym 'Da'esh'). Since the beginning of October 2015, terrorist attacks in Ankara, the Sinai Peninsula, Beirut, Paris and Tunis, for which ISIL/Da'esh has claimed responsibility, have cost the lives of 500 people. Immediately following the latest attack in Paris, the jihadist terrorist group threatened further attacks in European cities.

ISIL/Da'esh has vowed that future strikes will be more lethal and even more shocking. This has prompted experts to warn that the group may be planning to try to use internationally banned weapons of mass destruction in future attacks. On 19 November 2015, the French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, raised the spectre of ISIL/Da'esh planning a chemical or biological attack. At present, European citizens are not seriously contemplating the possibility that extremist groups might use chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) materials during attacks in Europe. Under these circumstances, the impact of such an attack, should it occur, would be even
more destabilising.

Full briefing text (PDF) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2015/572806/EPRS_BRI(2015)572806_EN.pdf

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Sputnik News? It's the FOX news of Russia, or even worse, FOX news combined with The Onion. Sputnik News was created to be a platform for the Russian trolling factories.

I would not take anything what comes from them seriously.

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Heard it all before and still waiting to be blown up by one of the suitcase bombs supposedly aquired by al-Qaida from markets in the likes of Kazakhstan. A slice of yellow cake to go with your coffee, anyone?

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Setting aside the source for one moment. Is there anyone who believes ISIS would not use WMD's If they had them? Who believes ISIS lack the funds to bribe people to secure radioactive material for example?

Iran, with a thousand-fold more resources can't, what makes you think daesh can while hiding out in bombed out towns?

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WOMD's eh?

That was the cry to drag all the West into Iraq.

Herrman Goering said at Nuremburg (words to the effect), "The people don't want to go to war, but any leader can get them to fight by saying you're under attack, and denouncing the pacifists as traitors".

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I would really like to know just what it is that ISIS use or offer people to join with them.

I don't think it is the 100 houris thing for a moment.

In all the media hype about radicalization what is it they can offer that would attract any sort of scientist or professional.

I don't think a religion aspect is enough. Can it be wealth?

Seriously, for all of the millions of articles about this, not one mentions the benefits offered to join these people.

The press are making billions out of this and telling us nothing really.

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Sadly, I think if ISIS really comes up with a big attack in the US or Europe it sure will be a dirty bomb.

If they dared do this then I'm afraid that a world war 3 would start and civil retaliation would spread throughout Europe.

Sadly we have heard Geoge bush and Blair rave about weapons of mass destruction that never existed just to insight a war with Iraq that has lead to lybias overthrow and the formation of ISIS.

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They already have radioactive isotopes from hospitals and reseach centers they conquered.

Maybe a Pakistani nuke ?

But I agree , if they have it in place they would have used it ...or waiting 'till they're nearly defeated.

Ebola virus must not be difficult to get into europe.

And so many targets....which too choose ?

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If ISIS ever used a WMD it would unite the World like never before and cause a massive invasion of ISIS areas involving a huge number of military forces. ISIS would be finished as a terror group. Unfortunately, its stragglers would remain in Europe and elsewhere and they would be rounded up along with innocent people- and put into camps. I hope none of this comes to pass. I have seen enough wars in my lifetime.None ended well.

Edited by Thaidream
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If they get them, they will use them.

Intentions do matter.

This is a real threat.

Daesh wants a world war and they have indeed already started it.

I think some world leaders get that and some don't.

But sooner than you think, they all will.

Of course they are baiting anti-Daesh leaders to get more right wing because that is part of their plan, to radicalize as many would Muslims as possible.

Which may indeed bring right wing governments to France, the USA, etc.

Edited by Jingthing
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I would really like to know just what it is that ISIS use or offer people to join with them.

I don't think it is the 100 houris thing for a moment.

In all the media hype about radicalization what is it they can offer that would attract any sort of scientist or professional.

I don't think a religion aspect is enough. Can it be wealth?

Seriously, for all of the millions of articles about this, not one mentions the benefits offered to join these people.

The press are making billions out of this and telling us nothing really.

Many of the so called soldiers are ex street level criminals and assorted low life's for whom security people here in Oz claim, besides the religion stuff, say they are offered a salary, housing, vehicle and sex. A few Oz professionals & the better educated have joined Daesh e.g. a doctor, who claim they are purely motivated by Islam and helping the Caliphate; they saw their lives in Oz as shallow & without meaning.

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I would really like to know just what it is that ISIS use or offer people to join with them.

I don't think it is the 100 houris thing for a moment.

In all the media hype about radicalization what is it they can offer that would attract any sort of scientist or professional.

I don't think a religion aspect is enough. Can it be wealth?

Seriously, for all of the millions of articles about this, not one mentions the benefits offered to join these people.

The press are making billions out of this and telling us nothing really.

Many of the so called soldiers are ex street level criminals and assorted low life's for whom security people here in Oz claim, besides the religion stuff, say they are offered a salary, housing, vehicle and sex. A few Oz professionals & the better educated have joined Daesh e.g. a doctor, who claim they are purely motivated by Islam and helping the Caliphate; they saw their lives in Oz as shallow & without meaning.

Well their lives are certainly without meaning now.

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Which European or Mid Eastern country did they buy these weapons from.?

Well I am not sure rolleyes.gif but if it concerned nuclear weapons then it would have to be from a country who ignores all UN resolutions on nukes, does not declare that they have them or how many they have, is not a member of the Treaty for non proliferation of Nuclear weapons and has a known policy of 'opacity' towards any declaration of interest. Otherwise the origin would be too easy to trace ;) Also whoever supplied them would need to benefit greatly from their use.

As for chemical and biological weapons. There are only a few countries who supply these, and some can be ruled out due to their political motivations. So the origin for those would be a very small group (just as it was for the supply of chemical and biological technology to saddam) but not as small as the origin for nuclear weapons.

That said, on the grand scheme of things, this would seem a greater round of scare mongering than normal, designed to keep everyone worried, scared and 'supportive' of the actions various Governments will now take in the name of their 'peoples'. The winners of course being the Military Industrial complex.

ISIS have a complete inventory of some of the most advanced weapons, artillery and vehicles that Infantry could want, and they are all made in the USA facepalm.gif whats a few more upmarket killing devices - no problem at all ;) I bet the target has already been negotiated between ISIS and their suppliers.

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CBRN substances have been carried undetected into the European Union, the author noted. I

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/europe/20151207/1031344333/daesh-weapons-report.html#ixzz3tdM2PJq0

Do we really need to read more? Isn't the sentence (above) from the original report more than enough?. If this is the kind of "evidence" being rolled out by the ruling elite to keep Europe petrified and and paranoid, then I reckon we have more to fear from EU "experts" than from terrorists.

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CBRN substances have been carried undetected into the European Union, the author noted. I

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/europe/20151207/1031344333/daesh-weapons-report.html#ixzz3tdM2PJq0

Do we really need to read more? Isn't the sentence (above) from the original report more than enough?. If this is the kind of "evidence" being rolled out by the ruling elite to keep Europe petrified and and paranoid, then I reckon we have more to fear from EU "experts" than from terrorists.

I agree.

I suppose it begs the question that if they were undetected, how do they know they are there in Europe now?

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Setting aside the source for one moment. Is there anyone who believes ISIS would not use WMD's If they had them? Who believes ISIS lack the funds to bribe people to secure radioactive material for example?

Iran, with a thousand-fold more resources can't, what makes you think daesh can while hiding out in bombed out towns?

A moron can create a deadly chemical munition in their kitchen; it can even be done from a single organic ingredient. In fact, this has been repeatedly demonstrated. Look at Japan. It is no stretch to presume they would, or want to, but I agree, it does not mean they have already [moved some of the vast supplies the US curiously let fall into their hands]. I think Steely Dan is spot on with the more pressing question "who believes ISIS would not use WMD's?"

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