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Daesh set to use weapons of mass destruction in Europe


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Sputnik News? It's the FOX news of Russia, or even worse, FOX news combined with The Onion. Sputnik News was created to be a platform for the Russian trolling factories.

I would not take anything what comes from them seriously.

and they are mostly right.....

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Setting aside the source for one moment. Is there anyone who believes ISIS would not use WMD's If they had them? Who believes ISIS lack the funds to bribe people to secure radioactive material for example?

Iran, with a thousand-fold more resources can't, what makes you think daesh can while hiding out in bombed out towns?

A moron can create a deadly chemical munition in their kitchen; it can even be done from a single organic ingredient. In fact, this has been repeatedly demonstrated. Look at Japan. It is no stretch to presume they would, or want to, but I agree, it does not mean they have already [moved some of the vast supplies the US curiously let fall into their hands]. I think Steely Dan is spot on with the more pressing question "who believes ISIS would not use WMD's?"

As long as I don't get zombified...

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Setting aside the source for one moment. Is there anyone who believes ISIS would not use WMD's If they had them? Who believes ISIS lack the funds to bribe people to secure radioactive material for example?

You understand that "WMDs" are a fictional construct, don't you? The kinds of weapons pictured by the fear mongers don't exist. There is no chemical that can kill the population of New York City by dumping a thimbleful into a reservoir. There is no gas that can kill all the tenants of an apartment building by opening a tank into the central air conditioning system. They don't have "suitcase-sized nuclear weapons." There's no such thing. For poison gasses and biological agents, they need to use tons of material to kile more than a couple of people. In America we kill 30,000 people a year with cars, for mercy's sake, and another 30,000 with guns. Why are people so frightened of the boogedy-boogedy?

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I would really like to know just what it is that ISIS use or offer people to join with them.

I don't think it is the 100 houris thing for a moment.

In all the media hype about radicalization what is it they can offer that would attract any sort of scientist or professional.

I don't think a religion aspect is enough. Can it be wealth?

Seriously, for all of the millions of articles about this, not one mentions the benefits offered to join these people.

The press are making billions out of this and telling us nothing really.

How about a simple loathing of the western worlds nwo corporate banking media sport/celeb obsessed obese feminist gay Kim kardashians arse society?

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Setting aside the source for one moment. Is there anyone who believes ISIS would not use WMD's If they had them? Who believes ISIS lack the funds to bribe people to secure radioactive material for example?

You understand that "WMDs" are a fictional construct, don't you? The kinds of weapons pictured by the fear mongers don't exist. There is no chemical that can kill the population of New York City by dumping a thimbleful into a reservoir. There is no gas that can kill all the tenants of an apartment building by opening a tank into the central air conditioning system. They don't have "suitcase-sized nuclear weapons." There's no such thing. For poison gasses and biological agents, they need to use tons of material to kile more than a couple of people. In America we kill 30,000 people a year with cars, for mercy's sake, and another 30,000 with guns. Why are people so frightened of the boogedy-boogedy?

Because, (as demonstrated in all Religions) they WANT TO BELIEVE. And theres no pill for stupid.

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I would really like to know just what it is that ISIS use or offer people to join with them.

I don't think it is the 100 houris thing for a moment.

In all the media hype about radicalization what is it they can offer that would attract any sort of scientist or professional.

I don't think a religion aspect is enough. Can it be wealth?

Seriously, for all of the millions of articles about this, not one mentions the benefits offered to join these people.

The press are making billions out of this and telling us nothing really.

There is the media, and then there is real journalism. I recently read a deeply educational article about what Daesh believe, and it would surprise you. It surprised me. For example it won't go down too well in Louisiana or Rio or indeed Rome, that daesh believe, and I'm not making this up, that Jesus, yes that Jesus, will 'spear' the 'Roman' leader, and lead them to victory, in Syria. To grossly oversimplify, eliminate deash from Syria, and you eliminate, or delay their prophesy. Syria is the Mo prophesied site of the end of days, and wellspring of the world caliphate that is lead by... yup, JC, in the Koran.

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Err where did they get these wdms. And how do they know don't tell me they make a phone call saying we got wdms and we are here now.

They got them from Iraq, you know the ones that George, Rummy, and Dick said were

there but could not find. ISIS has found them. tongue.png

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Setting aside the source for one moment. Is there anyone who believes ISIS would not use WMD's If they had them? Who believes ISIS lack the funds to bribe people to secure radioactive material for example?

Iran, with a thousand-fold more resources can't, what makes you think daesh can while hiding out in bombed out towns?

I don't understand. A dirty bomb is a conventional bomb laced with deadly radioactive material. The bomb is to broadcast it. Iran has that uranium and their attempts at enriching it have been the focus of a lot of news. Pakistan actually has nukes.

Does anyone think that if ISIS could set off such a bomb in London or NY they wouldn't do it?

They could render a large area of London totally uninhabitable for generations while killing a lot of people immediately.

When traditional Europeans become extinct it we be a result of their disease of mocking anyone who plans to be in a position to defend himself from future threats.

A bunch of Nero Fiddlers.


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Just inform Saudi if a dirty Nuk goes off in Europe a clean Nuk will go off in Riyadh. Simple.

And by making good on this offer, the West plays right into deash hands, not to mention basically handing Saudi Arabia and its 80% deash Worshipping population, to the bad guys on a platter. Oh and ensuring the Koranic prophesy is fulfilled, as they are now flat out trying to do. Simple.

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I would really like to know just what it is that ISIS use or offer people to join with them.

I don't think a religion aspect is enough. Can it be wealth?

Seriously, for all of the millions of articles about this, not one mentions the benefits offered to join these people.

majority of males joining isis are lost cases and criminals, ie. psychopaths. they hate the world, they hate themselves, they don't know/have anything except for hatred and low self-esteem. losers, scum, fascists...

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Sadly, I think if ISIS really comes up with a big attack in the US or Europe it sure will be a dirty bomb.

If they dared do this then I'm afraid that a world war 3 would start and civil retaliation would spread throughout Europe.

Sadly we have heard Geoge bush and Blair rave about weapons of mass destruction that never existed just to insight a war with Iraq that has lead to lybias overthrow and the formation of ISIS.

that is about the craziest thing I have ever heard.

this movement has been going for 1200 years..and more.

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Sputnik News? It's the FOX news of Russia, or even worse, FOX news combined with The Onion. Sputnik News was created to be a platform for the Russian trolling factories.

I would not take anything what comes from them seriously.

Agreed. In fact they're worse than the old Pravda and whatever the equivalent broadcast network was back in the day.

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Setting aside the source for one moment. Is there anyone who believes ISIS would not use WMD's If they had them? Who believes ISIS lack the funds to bribe people to secure radioactive material for example?

You understand that "WMDs" are a fictional construct, don't you? The kinds of weapons pictured by the fear mongers don't exist. There is no chemical that can kill the population of New York City by dumping a thimbleful into a reservoir. There is no gas that can kill all the tenants of an apartment building by opening a tank into the central air conditioning system. They don't have "suitcase-sized nuclear weapons." There's no such thing. For poison gasses and biological agents, they need to use tons of material to kile more than a couple of people. In America we kill 30,000 people a year with cars, for mercy's sake, and another 30,000 with guns. Why are people so frightened of the boogedy-boogedy?

Who are you trying to kid? Yourself?

Ignorance is bliss eh?

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I would really like to know just what it is that ISIS use or offer people to join with them.

I don't think it is the 100 houris thing for a moment.

In all the media hype about radicalization what is it they can offer that would attract any sort of scientist or professional.

I don't think a religion aspect is enough. Can it be wealth?

Seriously, for all of the millions of articles about this, not one mentions the benefits offered to join these people.

The press are making billions out of this and telling us nothing really.

How about a simple loathing of the western worlds nwo corporate banking media sport/celeb obsessed obese feminist gay Kim kardashians arse society?
It's all Caitlin Jenner's fault!
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Like i said,,It won't happen overnight but it will happen,They will take over the world,To late to stop them now ,they are in every country and the Governments won't do Nothing to eradicate them out of their countries.

They'll take over the world, really?

They're not exactly steam rolling over other armies. It is pretty much identified how they're financing themselves and it can be stopped but for some reason big brothers are not exactly running to stop it yet.

They're just causing skirmishes here and there, but I believe their shot against Russia was totally miscalculated as they should have used them against the allies instead of potentially united them.

No sovereign country with the bomb will help them, and like someone said, even the likes of Iran are quite a ways off. If anything, maybe they'll crudely used a small scale gas weapon.

The only thing I can see as being remotely worrisome is if they contaminate the water supply or attack a nuclear reactor - now that would be F'D up.

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Which European or Mid Eastern country did they buy these weapons from.?

Probably Pakistan.

I actually hate when ppl say do you have a link to that? But in this case I have to ask.

That is a stretch beyond belief, as Pakistan is a sovereign country, and their government is not exactly itching to go in such a direction to collaborate with a unpredictable regime. Also, India would probably deem this as an act of war. Not saying Pakistan does not have their own problems but this is far fetched IMO.

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Like i said,,It won't happen overnight but it will happen,They will take over the world,To late to stop them now ,they are in every country and the Governments won't do Nothing to eradicate them out of their countries.

They'll take over the world, really?

They're not exactly steam rolling over other armies. It is pretty much identified how they're financing themselves and it can be stopped but for some reason big brothers are not exactly running to stop it yet.

They're just causing skirmishes here and there, but I believe their shot against Russia was totally miscalculated as they should have used them against the allies instead of potentially united them.

No sovereign country with the bomb will help them, and like someone said, even the likes of Iran are quite a ways off. If anything, maybe they'll crudely used a small scale gas weapon.

The only thing I can see as being remotely worrisome is if they contaminate the water supply or attack a nuclear reactor - now that would be F'D up.

Agree, but I wish you hadn't said that final sentence.

I have long wondered why water supplies or nuclear facilities have not been targets, and I would not wish this idea get traction.

Russia has used polonium to poison enemy individuals, and Polonium is effective at parts per billion levels...imagine an ounce of polonium (which is not screened for) in a water reservoir.....say Tel Aviv's or New York's?

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If ISIS ever used a WMD it would unite the World like never before and cause a massive invasion of ISIS areas involving a huge number of military forces. ISIS would be finished as a terror group. Unfortunately, its stragglers would remain in Europe and elsewhere and they would be rounded up along with innocent people- and put into camps. I hope none of this comes to pass. I have seen enough wars in my lifetime.None ended well.

It might unite the world, but to paraphrase Huxley in "Brave New World", liberalism dies with the first anthrax bomb, and thus perhaps ISIS wins.

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Like i said,,It won't happen overnight but it will happen,They will take over the world,To late to stop them now ,they are in every country and the Governments won't do Nothing to eradicate them out of their countries.

They'll take over the world, really?

They're not exactly steam rolling over other armies. It is pretty much identified how they're financing themselves and it can be stopped but for some reason big brothers are not exactly running to stop it yet.

They're just causing skirmishes here and there, but I believe their shot against Russia was totally miscalculated as they should have used them against the allies instead of potentially united them.

No sovereign country with the bomb will help them, and like someone said, even the likes of Iran are quite a ways off. If anything, maybe they'll crudely used a small scale gas weapon.

The only thing I can see as being remotely worrisome is if they contaminate the water supply or attack a nuclear reactor - now that would be F'D up.

Agree, but I wish you hadn't said that final sentence.

I have long wondered why water supplies or nuclear facilities have not been targets, and I would not wish this idea get traction.

Russia has used polonium to poison enemy individuals, and Polonium is effective at parts per billion levels...imagine an ounce of polonium (which is not screened for) in a water reservoir.....say Tel Aviv's or New York's?

Trust me, I'm sure such things have been thought about as I remember a group of nuts in the 90's wanted to do this in Milwaukee.

To get back to my rant lol, in my bones, I feel Russia is really going to emerge as the watch dog amongst the allies and there's nothing the US can do about it. Not flaming them, it's just in a short period of time Russia has pulled the curtain to show what is what.

One thing, I'm perplexed what Turkey's role is in all this? Are they playing both sides of the coin?

Good talking with you seastallion.

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If ISIS ever used a WMD it would unite the World like never before and cause a massive invasion of ISIS areas involving a huge number of military forces. ISIS would be finished as a terror group. Unfortunately, its stragglers would remain in Europe and elsewhere and they would be rounded up along with innocent people- and put into camps. I hope none of this comes to pass. I have seen enough wars in my lifetime.None ended well.

It might unite the world, but to paraphrase Huxley in "Brave New World", liberalism dies with the first anthrax bomb, and thus perhaps ISIS wins.

Liberalism dies when people *fear* the first anthrax bomb, even if there's no real danger based on facts.

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Getting rid far-left liberalism might be worth it. Their naive ideology does not help this mess.[/quote

I agree and I believe a few governments are going to fall because of this.

The thing that is interesting about this, is that I believe western governments are prepared to turn to military style policing if things get out of hand. Not trying to be conspiracy theorist but Canada was thinking of drawing up a new law that would give the authorities MUCH MORE control when it comes to monitoring and policing individuals. Don't anyone say nanny state, as they would peg this as the lesser of the 2 evils. Well, not in those words but you know what I mean.

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