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Trump calls for 'complete shutdown' on Muslims entering US


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Don't let a single Muslim into my country.

All they want to do is harm people who are not followers of the Koran.

Their own God Muhammad would be disgusted with what their doing here.

It's a joke and so are they

"Their own God Muhammad"

Really - I think you need to check up on tht...last I heard the Muslim and Christian "Gods" were one and the same............so how do you explain your "Muhammed" theory?

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Don't let a single Muslim into my country.

All they want to do is harm people who are not followers of the Koran.

Their own God Muhammad would be disgusted with what their doing here.

It's a joke and so are they

"Their own God Muhammad"

Really - I think you need to check up on tht...last I heard the Muslim and Christian "Gods" were one and the same............so how do you explain your "Muhammed" theory?

Unfortunately the majority of the 'ban 'em, kill' em' brigade fail to recognize, understand, or are just too ignorant, that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all kissing cousins. Same One God, just different prophets.

I often wonder if they even are Christians, or just subscribe to the 'if you ain't one us, your'e the Devil' faction.

That being said, even within our little Christian (I'm an atheist btw) world many would tend to believe that anyone who's not a Catholic, Protestant, Methodist etc is also aligned with the devil.

But what the heck, lets be an equal opportunity 'tar n feather' society!

Edited by GinBoy2
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There was a theory going about a few years ago that the fall of the Roman Empire was at least in part due to their plumbing......lead poisoning leads to some pretty awful symptoms including aggression and irrationality.

In the USA we have.....

  • Trump
  • Gun Control
  • Evolution in Schools

.....and now this.......


I wonder what America’s suffering from?....my guess is HFCS

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There was a theory going about a few years ago that the fall of the Roman Empire was at least in part due to their plumbing......lead poisoning leads to some pretty awful symptoms including aggression and irrationality.

In the USA we have.....

  • Trump
  • Gun Control
  • Evolution in Schools

.....and now this.......


I wonder what America’s suffering from?....my guess is HFCS

unles the town comprised of only that one lady, the story is idiotic.

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There was a theory going about a few years ago that the fall of the Roman Empire was at least in part due to their plumbing......lead poisoning leads to some pretty awful symptoms including aggression and irrationality.

In the USA we have.....

  • Trump
  • Gun Control
  • Evolution in Schools

.....and now this.......


I wonder what America’s suffering from?....my guess is HFCS

Just for the record, Woodland voted Democrat in 2012 and 2014.

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There was a theory going about a few years ago that the fall of the Roman Empire was at least in part due to their plumbing......lead poisoning leads to some pretty awful symptoms including aggression and irrationality.

In the USA we have.....

  • Trump
  • Gun Control
  • Evolution in Schools
.....and now this.......


I wonder what America’s suffering from?....my guess is HFCS

Classic, Thailand has its dictatorships and its' politicians' suggesting boats pushing the water back up rivers and the USA has Thump And this. Which ones first world ?

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Here is a list of the Countries where more than half of the Muslim population want to live under Sharia law. How many regressives think Sharia law is compatible with a western style democracy?


Bullship article,from a paper rapidly,imo, losing its credibility, not that it's had much in recent times.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by rijit
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The day when US will close their borders to Muslims will never happen, what about the republican oil importers not mention any names, they have enough money and power to stop that. The republican congress and house follow these guys as a hungry dog follow the one that feed him.

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Here is a list of the Countries where more than half of the Muslim population want to live under Sharia law. How many regressives think Sharia law is compatible with a western style democracy?


Bullship article,from a paper rapidly,imo, losing its credibility, not that it's had much in recent times.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The Independent and Guardian are mainstream liberal-left, if they can't hide the facts enough for your liking consider the Morning Star.
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Here is a list of the Countries where more than half of the Muslim population want to live under Sharia law. How many regressives think Sharia law is compatible with a western style democracy?


Bullship article,from a paper rapidly,imo, losing its credibility, not that it's had much in recent times.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If you can't think of an argument, shoot the messanger

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Here is a list of the Countries where more than half of the Muslim population want to live under Sharia law. How many regressives think Sharia law is compatible with a western style democracy?


Bullship article,from a paper rapidly,imo, losing its credibility, not that it's had much in recent times.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The Independent and Guardian are mainstream liberal-left, if they can't hide the facts enough for your liking consider the Morning Star.

Independent "liberal left"?? At least in the UK they know their left from their right!

By US standards EVERY paper in Uk and Europe is "liberal left"....

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Here is a list of the Countries where more than half of the Muslim population want to live under Sharia law. How many regressives think Sharia law is compatible with a western style democracy?


Bullship article,from a paper rapidly,imo, losing its credibility, not that it's had much in recent times.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If you can't think of an argument, shoot the messanger
Read the comments on the article.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Two of my least favorite politicians - actually no only one is a politician the other is a demagogue........

DT: We have places in London that are so radicalised the police are afraid for their own lives.

BJ: Crime has been falling steadily both in London and New York – the only reason I wouldn’t go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump.


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This isn't exactly about Muslims, but the proposed reforms to the EB-5 visa program was not passed by congress. That's the visa that gets you a green card for $500,000 investment.


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This isn't exactly about Muslims, but the proposed reforms to the EB-5 visa program was not passed by congress. That's the visa that gets you a green card for $500,000 investment.



What are you implying then?...or is it completely off topic?

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This isn't exactly about Muslims, but the proposed reforms to the EB-5 visa program was not passed by congress. That's the visa that gets you a green card for $500,000 investment.


Money talks , Terrorist walks tongue.png

It seems that 10,000 visas have being allocated for the program, though not clear if the quota is ever reached. Even if reached it would not represent the amount invested as the program allows the investor to obtain a visa for his wife and children under 21 years old.

I am surprised by the small amount required, in many markets in the US $500,000 is not a lot of money, and if one considers a family of let's say four, then the amount per visa is reduced to 125,000.

But even if it reached only 50% of the quota, then 5,000x 500,000= 2,500,000,000

That's a lot of zeros. add the multiplier effect to that, and we are not talking chicken feed.

Not surprised by the support the program received from NAR, foreign Real Estate investors comprise a significant percentage of transactions in many markets, especially in the NYC market.

Come to think of it, and to make this reply apropos to this Thread, I wonder how many from the EB-5 program have invested in Trump's real estate developments, and what percentage of those were muslims.

Edited by sirineou
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