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UK envoy's support for Thai activists 'disappointing'


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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. It just causes a negative reaction which is totally unecessary. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but a lot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. Its stopped for now which is good. Also it is a very delicate situation and needs to be watched and contolled by the authorities very carefully. Would people prefer they all flare up again and the city is taken over and shops are burned like last time. I was there and it wass not very nice. I appreciate a few people on a train is not a massive protest but it is where it leads, at such a delicate time. Its not the right time to be doing it. Does Thaiand have problems, yes like any country does. But having lived in both give me Thailand any day of the week over living in the UK. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, most of the people are charming, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I would go as far to say that Thailand has some freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance on England at all. My God look at politcial correctness in England and how you can't use certain words and certain books have been banned. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. It is hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not like it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it. And stop criticising it and making potentially neagtive comments that do not help anyone. Smile, enjoy the day and look for the good in life please.

I think it is probably part of his job, what he gets paid for, to make observations, I am sure cleared and supported by his bosses in Whitehall, pointing out the blatant bias of this Junta in applying the law. No countries can operate in a vacuum in the 21st century. Ones that try it end up like N. Korea. Even Myanmar has come out of the wilderness and has now overtaken Thailand in the areas of democracy and freedom of speech. In the whole ASEAN region, this country is the only one regressing rather than progressing. Observations on this are currently difficult for Thais to make but Westerners for the moment seem to have more freedom to comment, as can be seen on this forum. Expecting people to keep quiet about repression and injustice and "mind their own business" didn't do Germany any favours in the 1930s and will not help Thailand now.

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In this country now only foreign diplomats can point the finger (as thais love to do) onto the many things going wrong and show how this "government" now is acting, more then the elected government before: just the nomenklatura is now deviding the good and the bad ones by their power they abuse against all Thai people and name this: we do that for the freedom of the country ...shame on you!

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The proverbial Cat ( military Government) has feathers in its mouth , while still claiming neutrality .

It's clear by allowing Marchers outside the Embassy whose side they are on.

Not after the mass protests and the election disruptions prior was there any doubt.

But the audacity to arrest students but not these pro - government representatives .

Ordained to offended the US yet again.

Glad to see the British pipe up and let it be known we the west shouldn't be taken for granted.

Meanwhile a news report is saying the Police are going to investigate if the US ambassador broke LM laws.

Now that's terrific !

Imagine hauling him off to jail?

I even dare them to keep complaining .

The cracks are appearing .

2016 should see a very brisk unfolding of events .

The fact the ambassador is also getting flank for posing for photos with red shirt leaders mean the military's propaganda game is deeply and forever wounded.

In their delusions of power they may even try on LM ......

Edited by Plutojames88
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Kent. Thailand's internal affairs have absolutely NOTHING to do with you. You'd be better spending your time making your disgraceful embassy more user friendly as well as that joke of a place VFS visa centre. Both being operated by clowns and monkeys. Both you & Davies (US prat) should either pack your bags and fark off, or keep your snouts where they belong, behind the walls of your ivory-towered embassies..

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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. It just causes a negative reaction which is totally unecessary. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but a lot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. Its stopped for now which is good. Also it is a very delicate situation and needs to be watched and contolled by the authorities very carefully. Would people prefer they all flare up again and the city is taken over and shops are burned like last time. I was there and it wass not very nice. I appreciate a few people on a train is not a massive protest but it is where it leads, at such a delicate time. Its not the right time to be doing it. Does Thaiand have problems, yes like any country does. But having lived in both give me Thailand any day of the week over living in the UK. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, most of the people are charming, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I would go as far to say that Thailand has some freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance on England at all. My God look at politcial correctness in England and how you can't use certain words and certain books have been banned. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. It is hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not like it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it. And stop criticising it and making potentially neagtive comments that do not help anyone. Smile, enjoy the day and look for the good in life please.

Or, to put it rather more succinctly: " I'm all right Jack, pull up the ladder ".

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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. It just causes a negative reaction which is totally unecessary. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but a lot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. Its stopped for now which is good. Also it is a very delicate situation and needs to be watched and contolled by the authorities very carefully. Would people prefer they all flare up again and the city is taken over and shops are burned like last time. I was there and it wass not very nice. I appreciate a few people on a train is not a massive protest but it is where it leads, at such a delicate time. Its not the right time to be doing it. Does Thaiand have problems, yes like any country does. But having lived in both give me Thailand any day of the week over living in the UK. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, most of the people are charming, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I would go as far to say that Thailand has some freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance on England at all. My God look at politcial correctness in England and how you can't use certain words and certain books have been banned. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. It is hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not like it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it. And stop criticising it and making potentially neagtive comments that do not help anyone. Smile, enjoy the day and look for the good in life please.

Spot on, Dave.

An excellent post... even if somewhat verbose.

Your points would be hard to gainsay.

Once again proof, if further proof was needed, that most foreign defenders of the Junta lack the intellect, education and most importantly, moral conscience which would make their views - even when as poorly expressed, cliche ridden and incoherent as above - worth listening to.

Though it is not mine,there is an intellectually respectable case for a "reset" in Thai politics but we never seem to hear it expressed coherently on Thai Visa.Instead we are treated to embarrassingly self centred rants from a motley collection of indifferently educated drifters who place their own interests above those of the Thai people

Blah blah blah...heard it all before.

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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but alot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped for now. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I woudl go as far to say that Thailand has many freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance oin England at all. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. Ist hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not liek it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it.

Another very blinkered view from the rose tinted specs brigade, anyway you go and enjoy your restaurants and bars mate so long as that is OK eh, it matters not that nutters in charge are destroying my daughters and many of her friends country but we are lucky and have options many don't...

You think they should see the double standards and say nothing....really that is a very selfish and shortsighted view but each to his own

Personally I am very proud when somebody stands up to the idiots running the asylum here as the general populace don't have that luxury any more...

ha ha ha ha...too many self righteous, dictatorial presumptions about someone you do not even know. Rudeness is a sign of weakness when one lacks the necessary skills to express oneself in a coherent fashion. You are skating over what I said and nit picking what you do not agree with. By the way, I take no sides or have no bias..merely a series of sentences to voice an opinion. Also if you want to help so much I would advise going out and helping the poor, doing charitable work and showing real commitment to what you so obviously believe in. That is real change and gets real respect. have a good day.
Edited by davidcc
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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. It just causes a negative reaction which is totally unecessary. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but a lot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. Its stopped for now which is good. Also it is a very delicate situation and needs to be watched and contolled by the authorities very carefully. Would people prefer they all flare up again and the city is taken over and shops are burned like last time. I was there and it wass not very nice. I appreciate a few people on a train is not a massive protest but it is where it leads, at such a delicate time. Its not the right time to be doing it. Does Thaiand have problems, yes like any country does. But having lived in both give me Thailand any day of the week over living in the UK. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, most of the people are charming, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I would go as far to say that Thailand has some freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance on England at all. My God look at politcial correctness in England and how you can't use certain words and certain books have been banned. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. It is hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not like it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it. And stop criticising it and making potentially neagtive comments that do not help anyone. Smile, enjoy the day and look for the good in life please.

Spot on, Dave.

An excellent post... even if somewhat verbose.

Your points would be hard to gainsay.

On the contrary, post #24 (immediately prior to yours) gainsaid it clearly, concisely and effectively.

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May I wonder how the British politico's would react if the Thai Ambassador would comment on the freedoms(?) in the UK?

Same as the US politicians in the US.

Or, God forbid, the most undemocratic body of usurpers in the world, the EU?

Why is it that all three, well known for their double motifs, are supporting Iran, Saoudi-Arabia and other [deleted] regimes in the world?

In fact, everybody seem to forget that without the coup Thailand probably would have been in a civil war.

Which does not mean I agree with any coup, but maybe this one was the lesser of the available wrongs.

And please, please, stop nagging about democracy.

Once every couple of years we may vote, and after that the chosen representatives forget you.

Politicians go into politics for the money, for the power or for a combination of the two.

Not for you, not for mez only for their own greedy dirty fingers.

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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. It just causes a negative reaction which is totally unecessary. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but a lot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. Its stopped for now which is good. Also it is a very delicate situation and needs to be watched and contolled by the authorities very carefully. Would people prefer they all flare up again and the city is taken over and shops are burned like last time. I was there and it wass not very nice. I appreciate a few people on a train is not a massive protest but it is where it leads, at such a delicate time. Its not the right time to be doing it. Does Thaiand have problems, yes like any country does. But having lived in both give me Thailand any day of the week over living in the UK. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, most of the people are charming, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I would go as far to say that Thailand has some freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance on England at all. My God look at politcial correctness in England and how you can't use certain words and certain books have been banned. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. It is hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not like it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it. And stop criticising it and making potentially neagtive comments that do not help anyone. Smile, enjoy the day and look for the good in life please.

Spot on, Dave.

An excellent post... even if somewhat verbose.

Your points would be hard to gainsay.

Thanks. Yes it is a bit verbose you are right !!! ha ha...should have edited it.

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Which judical sysetem is he refereing to ?

The correct western version or the recrently altered Thai version to suit.

Any western governing body will see the light. whats dissapointing is this is dragging on.

Just got my hand me down hand me down copy of a popular newspaper whom I will not name due to rules. They had an article on the opinion page that interested me. When I turned to this page imagine my surprise when I saw a blank spot with the enclosed statement " The article in this space was removed by our printer in Thailand. The said paper and its editorial staff had no role in its removal" I guess the government has all aspects of society running scared. They then accomplish their aim of self censorship. What a pity. This mentality only makes one wonder whether any type of truth will ever return to Thailand. I scoured the internet but could not find a copy of the censored article. I am sure others did as well. Censorship only makes one seek the truth even more.

Edited by elgordo38
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May I wonder how the British politico's would react if the Thai Ambassador would comment on the freedoms(?) in the UK?

Same as the US politicians in the US.

Or, God forbid, the most undemocratic body of usurpers in the world, the EU?

Why is it that all three, well known for their double motifs, are supporting Iran, Saoudi-Arabia and other [deleted] regimes in the world?

In fact, everybody seem to forget that without the coup Thailand probably would have been in a civil war.

Which does not mean I agree with any coup, but maybe this one was the lesser of the available wrongs.

And please, please, stop nagging about democracy.

Once every couple of years we may vote, and after that the chosen representatives forget you.

Politicians go into politics for the money, for the power or for a combination of the two.

Not for you, not for mez only for their own greedy dirty fingers.

Well said. Such a clear, unbiased and wise understanding of how politics works internationally and the current situation.

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I expect that more foreign ambassadors will start to speak out in a similar manner.

Interesting times ahead - I'll get my tin hat....

Yes it looks like the free nation ambassadors are starting to speak in political solidarity. First America and now Britain in support of America.

"Britain in support of America."

Wow there is a real novelty. Britain following the Americans..... How refreshing.

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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but alot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped for now. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I woudl go as far to say that Thailand has many freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance oin England at all. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. Ist hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not liek it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it.

Another very blinkered view from the rose tinted specs brigade, anyway you go and enjoy your restaurants and bars mate so long as that is OK eh, it matters not that nutters in charge are destroying my daughters and many of her friends country but we are lucky and have options many don't...

You think they should see the double standards and say nothing....really that is a very selfish and shortsighted view but each to his own

Personally I am very proud when somebody stands up to the idiots running the asylum here as the general populace don't have that luxury any more...

I think you garnered more likes with a short answer to a long rambling speech full of spelling errors. He is right on a couple of fronts there are a lot of problems in Western countries. In short the world is becoming a very unsafe place. Taxpayers are being stiffed everywhere to fill government coffers slated for starting a war somewhere. Yes they are fed up with the political arena and its lies and false promises. There is no savior on the horizon unless your religious and if you are it sure looks like the end of days to me. At least at my age I know my best before date is fast approaching. I must search my drawers here I think there is a pair of rose colored glasses that I discarded years ago. I done seen de light.

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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but alot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped for now. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I woudl go as far to say that Thailand has many freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance oin England at all. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. Ist hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not liek it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it.

Another very blinkered view from the rose tinted specs brigade, anyway you go and enjoy your restaurants and bars mate so long as that is OK eh, it matters not that nutters in charge are destroying my daughters and many of her friends country but we are lucky and have options many don't...

You think they should see the double standards and say nothing....really that is a very selfish and shortsighted view but each to his own

Personally I am very proud when somebody stands up to the idiots running the asylum here as the general populace don't have that luxury any more...

I am enjoying them very much thanks. Life is short and I want to enjoy it. By the way...so you know rather then presume. I have no interest in taking sides or supporting any particular group. It is not my country and do not feel it is my place to do so. If I had the desire to change the world, I would start working for charitable organisations, go and help the poor, assist social welfare groups and not talk about it on a web site. Might be a good place for you to start as I think you might make some positive change then, as you obviously have strong beliefs, which is commendable. I think it is a bit of an over statement to say anyone is destroying the country. Economy is not good agreed, certain freedoms have been curtailed for now, but business continues, work continues. Life continues. Whoever is in power protects power and that is a simple lesson one learns as one grows up and develops an understanding of power and politics. Its actually an instinct in all of us but most of us do not gain large amounts of power. Been happening since the beginning of communities. So whether it is one side or another, the same occurs. If you feel so strongly that disaster looms, then my advice is you must protect your daughters and go someone where that is safe. But I do not share your belief that is is going that way. But if it is and happens, I will admit I was wrong. Have a good day. Don't worry too much. Nothing one can do about it, so enjoy the best points or if one is very worried then make change maybe somewhere else.

Edited by davidcc
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Which judical sysetem is he refereing to ?

The correct western version or the recrently altered Thai version to suit.

Any western governing body will see the light. whats dissapointing is this is dragging on.

Just got my hand me down hand me down copy of a popular newspaper whom I will not name due to rules. They had an article on the opinion page that interested me. When I turned to this page imagine my surprise when I saw a blank spot with the enclosed statement " The article in this space was removed by our printer in Thailand. The said paper and its editorial staff had no role in its removal" I guess the government has all aspects of society running scared. They then accomplish their aim of self censorship. What a pity. This mentality only makes one wonder whether any type of truth will ever return to Thailand. I scoured the internet but could not find a copy of the censored article. I am sure others did as well. Censorship only makes one seek the truth even more.

It is an article discussing the poor economic performance of Thailand in recent months and the reasons for it. It is available to read outside Thailand. The blank space has made its own headline too.

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Two ambassadors speaking out against the junta.

Time to close the country.

Three now - Canadian ambassador has tweeted up


1. As a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Thailand has obligations re freedoms of assembly and expression.

2/ See General Comment 34 of UN HR Committee for its interpretation of article 19 (freedoms of opinion & expression) https://t.co/WrEqdPhrEr

Edited by Orac
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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. It just causes a negative reaction which is totally unecessary. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but a lot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. Its stopped for now which is good. Also it is a very delicate situation and needs to be watched and contolled by the authorities very carefully. Would people prefer they all flare up again and the city is taken over and shops are burned like last time. I was there and it wass not very nice. I appreciate a few people on a train is not a massive protest but it is where it leads, at such a delicate time. Its not the right time to be doing it. Does Thaiand have problems, yes like any country does. But having lived in both give me Thailand any day of the week over living in the UK. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, most of the people are charming, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I would go as far to say that Thailand has some freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance on England at all. My God look at politcial correctness in England and how you can't use certain words and certain books have been banned. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. It is hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not like it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it. And stop criticising it and making potentially neagtive comments that do not help anyone. Smile, enjoy the day and look for the good in life please.

I have been here a long time and I love Thailand and do not want to return to the UK. Yes all countries have their problems and when moving from one to another none of us eliminate problems we had, they are just changed. But you are suggesting 'hear no problems, see no problems, don't speak out against problems'. I never did that in the UK and I'll do the same here, or any other country. We can't interfere or speak out as you say we do because we have no rights and if you looked at the situation objectively you'd notice that stray dogs in the soys have more rights than expats. Your comment 'And stop criticising it and making potentially neagtive comments that do not help anyone' is disgusting because you are telling the rest us to 'shut up'. While you are smiling and enjoying yourself you display selfishness that the rest of the world could crumble, but that's okay 'cause you're happy. If anyone is a hypocrite, it is you. Whether you like it or not, reality is not just about being happy.

Oh dear. In fact nothing you presumed or suggested I think or believe in, is even close to it. No one is telling anyone to shut up. Merely saying see the good in life rather than complain all the time. But hey, that is your trip Enjoy it. I prefer mine.

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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. It just causes a negative reaction which is totally unecessary. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but a lot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. Its stopped for now which is good. Also it is a very delicate situation and needs to be watched and contolled by the authorities very carefully. Would people prefer they all flare up again and the city is taken over and shops are burned like last time. I was there and it wass not very nice. I appreciate a few people on a train is not a massive protest but it is where it leads, at such a delicate time. Its not the right time to be doing it. Does Thaiand have problems, yes like any country does. But having lived in both give me Thailand any day of the week over living in the UK. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, most of the people are charming, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I would go as far to say that Thailand has some freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance on England at all. My God look at politcial correctness in England and how you can't use certain words and certain books have been banned. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. It is hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not like it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it. And stop criticising it and making potentially neagtive comments that do not help anyone. Smile, enjoy the day and look for the good in life please.

Spot on, Dave.

An excellent post... even if somewhat verbose.

Your points would be hard to gainsay.

Once again proof, if further proof was needed, that most foreign defenders of the Junta lack the intellect, education and most importantly, moral conscience which would make their views - even when as poorly expressed, cliche ridden and incoherent as above - worth listening to.

Though it is not mine,there is an intellectually respectable case for a "reset" in Thai politics but we never seem to hear it expressed coherently on Thai Visa.Instead we are treated to embarrassingly self centred rants from a motley collection of indifferently educated drifters who place their own interests above those of the Thai people

Presumption after presumption.

Edited by davidcc
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Oh dear. Why does the Uk Ambassador have to say anything at all ? I am sure he is a nice bloke with good intentions and all but really !!! How does it help when a paid employee of the Bristish tax payer plays Twitter on things that quite frankly are none of anyones business except Thai people's buisness. It just causes a negative reaction which is totally unecessary. Often in England police stop protesters from going somewhere, especially if there are opposing elements. I would have thought England would be concentrating on its own appalling problems that include potential future economic disaster, social ills, drug problems, social welfare problems, crime problems, a completely disheartened population who are fed up with the politcial arena and a massive refugee issue which will cost the tax payer Billions, which everyone knows was caused by the constant meddling in foreign countries and creating wars and suffering that the majority of English people never wanted and not only have had to pay for, but will have to pay again for all the refuggess rushing to get into the UK. Come on !! Add to that, do Thai politcians twitter about what is going on in England and criticise it. Not that I know of. When will this hypocracy end. Surely there is a better way to spend ones time. It is so simple to see how problems occur in the world. No wonder many counrties now are rather bored of us Westerners continually interfering, criticising and sticking our noses in. Thailand is Thailand. It is not perfect but a lot of people love living there and I am sure were happy to have the extremely violent protests stopped. I have many friends in Thailand and many were very worried about the situation when the protests were becoming violent. Its stopped for now which is good. Also it is a very delicate situation and needs to be watched and contolled by the authorities very carefully. Would people prefer they all flare up again and the city is taken over and shops are burned like last time. I was there and it wass not very nice. I appreciate a few people on a train is not a massive protest but it is where it leads, at such a delicate time. Its not the right time to be doing it. Does Thaiand have problems, yes like any country does. But having lived in both give me Thailand any day of the week over living in the UK. The bars are all open, shops are amazing, sun is shining, awesome restaurants, most of the people are charming, plenty of freedom to do things. In fact I would go as far to say that Thailand has some freedoms England does not. Why not look at the good points and stop going on and on about trivial matters that have no bearance on England at all. My God look at politcial correctness in England and how you can't use certain words and certain books have been banned. So a few protesters were stopped on a train. It is hardly the end of the world. Big deal. Thailand has so many wonderful points and aspects to it. If one does not like it, leave. But if one is living there enjoy it. And stop criticising it and making potentially neagtive comments that do not help anyone. Smile, enjoy the day and look for the good in life please.

Or, to put it rather more succinctly: " I'm all right Jack, pull up the ladder ".

You could have criticised my spelling mistakes and my typo errors. Most disappointed.

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"a group that has often broken the law and disrespected judicial processes"

That sounds like the Royal Thai Military since it overthrew the king in 1933. It can't even respect its own twenty handcrafted constitutions. How can it blame any of the Thai public for any undesirable behavior?

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Kent. Thailand's internal affairs have absolutely NOTHING to do with you. You'd be better spending your time making your disgraceful embassy more user friendly as well as that joke of a place VFS visa centre. Both being operated by clowns and monkeys. Both you & Davies (US prat) should either pack your bags and fark off, or keep your snouts where they belong, behind the walls of your ivory-towered embassies..

I made a point earlier about the boorishness, low intellectual calibre and general mediocrity of many of the Junta's foreign admirers.Afterwards I thought to myself I might have been a little unfair.But the evidence just keeps on coming.I don't think the pattern can really be denied.

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"the ambassador" took a position that ended up supporting a group that has often broken the law and disrespected judicial processes, unlike the majority of the people.

The ambassador isn't supporting the NCPO as that description is a 100% match !

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He is being targeted for stating an obvious fact. Respect for different opinions and basic civil rights is the basis for moving ahead - no matter the color of the shirt or if you wear a robe.

I am (sadly) not surprised that some posters here tell the ambassador to stay out of Thai domestic issues and if the rest of us don't like it we can just leave the country. I do not agree but I respect your views, something which is not happening in Thailand.

Following the line of that argument then nobody should speak out on civil rights abuses in North Korea, why would anybody be against South Africa's apartheid at the time? Why does anybody even want to comment Saudi Arabia's view on women (as Sweden's foreign minister did)? Just because something wrong happens in another country other than your own, a government representative is not supposed to comment it?

This ambassador speaks out on the clear double standards. He at least has the diplomatic immunity to avoid being detained - he can be summoned for a "talk", but he has the ability to tell them to stuff it somewhere the sun doesn't shine. The Thais do not have that luxury.

A bit off topic perhaps, but this is Thailand’s candidature for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council for the term 2017-2018 - this is how they want to be perceived in the world:
"We are committed to human rights which are inviolable, inalienable, and universal. Our human rights policy is guided by the principles of reaching out, hearing out and respecting the views of all."

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Irony is my favourite form of humour. Those who claim the UK and the USA have no right to criticize Thailand give me a chuckle.

Leave Thailand to sort out its own problems they will tell you. That's all fair enough, they have no problem using their right to free speech to stop others using their right of free speech.

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May I wonder how the British politico's would react if the Thai Ambassador would comment on the freedoms(?) in the UK?

Same as the US politicians in the US.

Or, God forbid, the most undemocratic body of usurpers in the world, the EU?

Why is it that all three, well known for their double motifs, are supporting Iran, Saoudi-Arabia and other [deleted] regimes in the world?

In fact, everybody seem to forget that without the coup Thailand probably would have been in a civil war.

Which does not mean I agree with any coup, but maybe this one was the lesser of the available wrongs.

And please, please, stop nagging about democracy.

Once every couple of years we may vote, and after that the chosen representatives forget you.

Politicians go into politics for the money, for the power or for a combination of the two.

Not for you, not for mez only for their own greedy dirty fingers.

Have you ever wondered why the Thai Ambassador has not commented on the freedoms in the UK ?

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