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Merkel's struggle to defend million refugee 'moral duty'


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Merkel's struggle to defend million refugee 'moral duty'
By Adrian Lancashire | With DPA, REUTERS


BERLIN: -- Asylum-seekers continue to arrive in Germany even though the numbers have eased. In the autumn, they reached around 8,000 per day. The authorities say that has fallen to 2,000-3,000.

Chancellor Angela Merkel is under pressure at home from Germans who are furious with the open arms policy she started in summer. So are some EU partner countries.

She defends spending billions on programmes to take in war refugees as a moral duty. Some of the migrants liken her aura of charity to Mother Teresa.

Two months ago, Merkel said: “What we are experiencing will change our country in the coming years. We want this change to be positive, and we believe we can accomplish that.”

So, how is it doing so far?

Berlin has officially counted one million arrivals now, from the start of the year to the 9th of December. November set the record, with more than 206,000 arrivals. The government said the rate has been reduced partly due to worse weather, and partly due to Turkish efforts to stop trafficking.

Meanwhile, Merkel has to pacify some of the members in her governing coalition, notably the right wing Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU).

Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière, in Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has also been pushing for more restrictive policies, such as imposing limits on the duration of residency Germany will grant, and revising family regroupment rules.

The new year will see ID cards issued to asylum seekers, centralising information.

The recently resurrected anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany party (AfD, Alternative für Deutschland) is gaining strength as a magnet for right-wing radicals. One prominent AfD official, MEP Marcus Pretzell, told German media last month that “armed violence” was a possible “last resort” to defend the German border if the refugee influx keeps up.

The government has vowed to get tough on economic migrants, such as repatriating those coming from the Balkans. Merkel last week said Afghans must expect the same.

Bavaria’s social affairs minister Emilia Müller (CSU) has insisted that the numbers be capped, saying: “Germany can’t continue to shoulder these arrivals in the long term.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-10

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Of course it is. She think she's some kind of messiah letting the hordes in, but it's not all through the goodness of her heart. Her country desperately needs labour for menial jobs. Me, I think she's an irresponsible old tart playing god from her ivory towers and would be seriously pissed if I were German. Even if just 0.1% of them were IS, there will be hell to pay. Stoopid!

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Could it be an atonement act on her part to do good now after what Germany did to millions of ' unwanted ' people

by systematically extinguishing their life or banishing them into oblivion during the 30'-40'?

Well if they let in enough Muslims to Germany, the Jews might be forced out of Germany again. Or worse.

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“What we are experiencing will change our country in the coming years. We want this change to be positive, and we believe we can accomplish that.” ( Merkel's words..)

Of course will it change "our" country in the coming years. In addition to only Turkish-speaking parts, there'll soon be mosques all over the country, Arabic will replace the German language sooner, or later and holy warriors will be educated by the Bundeswehr.. Or both.

And you don't have to be a politician to understand that not all are running away from a war. Nobody in Germany has the balls to say what the German people think about it.

And they're the ones who have to pay the bills. And their kids.....facepalm.gif

Edited by lostinisaan
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An emotive argument so easily and rightly inverted to ask what of the rights of current German citizens? What of the strain on medical services, what of the elderly who worked all their lives for their pensions? What of young women traveling alone now in fear of being raped? What of the no go zones, the segregated schools where sedition is taught? What of your gay or Jewish minorities who will certainly be persecuted by the oh so tolerant culture enriching poison you are so keen to ingest?

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She will be gone in a couple of years .... and the mess she created will be the burden for the tax payers for the next 20 years.

What a joke ........ to think one woman can decide the fate of millions of illegal immigrants and the fate of her own country people in raising their everyday cost of living and taxes ....

Absolutely ridiculous and simply begs belief !!!

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An emotive argument so easily and rightly inverted to ask what of the rights of current German citizens? What of the strain on medical services, what of the elderly who worked all their lives for their pensions? What of young women traveling alone now in fear of being raped? What of the no go zones, the segregated schools where sedition is taught? What of your gay or Jewish minorities who will certainly be persecuted by the oh so tolerant culture enriching poison you are so keen to ingest?

What about the "simple" factory worker, unmarried, who pays about 50 % of his income in taxes, working three shifts?

What about older people who were too proud to ask for financial help after their husbands didn't come back from WW II and some of them even had no other choice then eating dog food?

What about the feelings of the 105 citizens of a village who received 950 refugees to their community without even having a school?

What about the terrorists who make it to Europe just to plan a new bomb attack on innocent citizens somewhere in Europe?

Germany once had one of the best social systems in the world. Not the refugees will suffer, but the Germans will.

What Merkel destroyed in her few years might take 30 years to recover from. But I don't think that there're ways to get back to normal.

Why is it always Germany that has to give blood to people who're only trying to live a better life?

What about the people who believe in a holy war, bend a homemade bomb around their bodies, believing that they'll come to paradise with plenty of virgins?

Once I had a chat with a radical Muslim and he couldn't answer my question how he could enjoy so many virgins without having a body anymore.

Or having the most delicious food without a digestive system because it doesn't exist in a spiritual world.....

What about the few guys who start to fight back and become Neo-Nazis? Another version of Ku Klux Klan might be the result. Sooner, or later.

Never ending what about's here. ....wai2.gif

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Are we talking about Ankela ' Time Magazine's Influential Person of the Year ' Merkel ?

Yes we are... and in Time's view these latest developments would be even more reason to name her Person of the Year.

It's not about whether they consider a person good or bad.

Adolf Hitler was Time's Man of the Year in 1938.

Albert Einstein was Time's Person of the Century in 1999.

What more proof could be needed that no moral judgments are involved?

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Repatriating migrants from the Balkans, talk about low hanging fruit.

Is this supposed to make a meaningful difference to the numbers that

have arrived and the migrants who are on the way or now planning to

come because of Mutti's well publisized open arms policy. whistling.gif

Edited by Ulic
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If its a moral obligation she wants, why doesnt she stop starvation in Africa or go and join some other Charity to save the World...

Open the gates to let the wounded wolves in, nurse them back to health them be eaten alive by the darker ones...

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Are we talking about Ankela ' Time Magazine's Influential Person of the Year ' Merkel ?

Yes we are... and in Time's view these latest developments would be even more reason to name her Person of the Year.

It's not about whether they consider a person good or bad.

Adolf Hitler was Time's Man of the Year in 1938.

Albert Einstein was Time's Person of the Century in 1999.

What more proof could be needed that no moral judgments are involved?

Hmm, and I thought it was about Angela Merkel, not too long ago ex- Stasi Spy and fulltime Communist, completely against West Germany and their freedom.

Would anybody know how many people she basically sent to prison, they might rethink all.

There’re plenty of people who wanted to have the wall back and even a few meters higher. If that would change the whole thing in a way that such people would not sent other peoples’ money, I’d also vote for a higher wall.

My relatives in Germany are already paying for her mistakes, but their kids and the kids’ kids and so on will have to pay a lot of money for something they’ve got no idea of.

First the Euro, nobody wanted, then Angela Merkel who seems to print money faster than she changes her underwear.

Now it’s time to help Greece again, Angela. Tell them to print 100 billion for Greece, you won’t regret it, because you never regret something you’d done.

How can you take hundreds of thousand people to a country that is suffering of huge financial problems?

Would anybody in this world say that Germans are Nazis if they’d stop this now? How many of these refugees were really leaving because of the war?

Let them all drive a Mercedes Benz, or BMW soon, built more mosques and the German factory worker should be okay with a second-hand bicycle and pay.

My niece who’s a single doctor pays a huge part of her income for something she doesn’t even know.

The woman must have a mental problem and if people think it’s okay to let all these guys in, then let them pay for them.

There’s no more money left, because they’d spent it already for too many other things. Not long and some African countries will send food to Germany…..

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I am watching W. Europe in its end times. I am watching the beginning of the death throes. This is very similar to the fall of the Roman Empire. with The Roman Empire, many countries were brought into one tent making them impossible to govern. See the EU. Levels of taxation on the people became unsustainable. See the EU. Enemies called The Goths were within the borders and they attacked. See the EU and the growth of the Muslim population.

There was more, but Merkel and other leaders in the EU are guilty of the same mistakes and the cracks are forming in the hull of the ship. Any greatness Europe ever had is finished except for putting it into the history books.


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I am watching W. Europe in its end times. I am watching the beginning of the death throes. This is very similar to the fall of the Roman Empire.

with The Roman Empire, many countries were brought into one tent making them impossible to govern. See the EU. Levels of taxation on the people became unsustainable. See the EU. Enemies called The Goths were within the borders and they attacked. See the EU and the growth of the Muslim population.

There was more, but Merkel and other leaders in the EU are guilty of the same mistakes and the cracks are forming in the hull of the ship. Any greatness Europe ever had is finished except for putting it into the history books.


Never Sure, that's for sure. Attached photo shows demonstrating Muslim in front of the French embassy in London in 2012. Guess we all know what happened in France just recently.

I’ve seen a demo in London city, one in Berlin and I was shocked that such full of hate against all Western countries, in a Western capital, were allowed?

Some posters were insane. One said: “Just wait, the real Holocaust will happen soon.”

Burning American flags and straw, symbolizing people allowed under the eyes of police.

They are not football hooligans; they want to rule the world with their religion.

The south of Thailand is a very good example. Merkel & Co do not seem to understand what they do.

And nobody has the balls to say something. But it seems to be already too late now. Time will tell. Cheers.


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I am watching W. Europe in its end times. I am watching the beginning of the death throes. This is very similar to the fall of the Roman Empire.

with The Roman Empire, many countries were brought into one tent making them impossible to govern. See the EU. Levels of taxation on the people became unsustainable. See the EU. Enemies called The Goths were within the borders and they attacked. See the EU and the growth of the Muslim population.

There was more, but Merkel and other leaders in the EU are guilty of the same mistakes and the cracks are forming in the hull of the ship. Any greatness Europe ever had is finished except for putting it into the history books.


Right in the main, but there is a misconception that Roman Empire actually fell due to marauding Germanic tribes. The Romans let various tribes settle within the Empire, many were themselves fleeing the Huns. Said tribes spoke a rustic Latin and the children of tribal leaders were sent to Rome to be educated, indeed the Romans were the original multiculturalists. It all went wrong due to the Byzantine and Zoastrian empires fighting each other to a standstill, which enabled the Moors to sweep out of Arabia and bring the downfall of Byzantium and the Persian empires. Of course politically correct historians have portrayed the Moors as the saviors of classical civilization not its destroyers.

History does indeed repeat itself with the treaty of Rome nations now similarly threatened.

P.S recommend Mohammad and Charlemagne revisited - Emett Scott for those interested in where history got rewritten in favour of the Muslim invaders. The importance of this work is seen as it argues that Islam has previously destroyed western civilization and unless it has radically changed is likely to threaten to do so again.

Edited by Steely Dan
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I am watching W. Europe in its end times. I am watching the beginning of the death throes. This is very similar to the fall of the Roman Empire.

with The Roman Empire, many countries were brought into one tent making them impossible to govern. See the EU. Levels of taxation on the people became unsustainable. See the EU. Enemies called The Goths were within the borders and they attacked. See the EU and the growth of the Muslim population.

There was more, but Merkel and other leaders in the EU are guilty of the same mistakes and the cracks are forming in the hull of the ship. Any greatness Europe ever had is finished except for putting it into the history books.


Right in the main, but there is a misconception that Roman Empire actually fell due to marauding Germanic tribes. The Romans let various tribes settle within the Empire, many were themselves fleeing the Huns. Said tribes spoke a rustic Latin and the children of tribal leaders were sent to Rome to be educated, indeed the Romans were the original multiculturalists. It all went wrong due to the Byzantine and Zoastrian empires fighting each other to a standstill, which enabled the Moors to sweep out of Arabia and bring the downfall of Byzantium and the Persian empires. Of course politically correct historians have portrayed the Moors as the saviors of classical civilization not its destroyers.

History does indeed repeat itself with the treaty of Rome nations now similarly threatened.

P.S recommend Mohammad and Charlemagne revisited - Emett Scott for those interested in where history got rewritten in favour of the Muslim invaders. The importance of this work is seen as it argues that Islam has previously destroyed western civilization and unless it has radically changed is likely to threaten to do so again.

<snip>Said tribes spoke a rustic Latin and the children of tribal leaders were sent to Rome to be educated, indeed the Romans were the original multiculturalists.< snip end>

Your post reminds me of my years of studying the Latin language. Unfortunately, all I remember from the various, mostly very boring lessons, is one weird sentence: “Ora Et Labora.thumbsup.gif

That’s where the word labor originates from. Greece will pay their debts with Ouzo and all will be fine while Merkel will retire soon and move to Greece and build a German Bratwurst and Sauerkraut factory

That’s basically all that German people can do these days: “Pray and work.facepalm.gif

And of course not to die before they’re 69, to ensure that they really pay real money for unreal people before they may retire.

(An Amen would fit perfectly here, but I’m atheist.) A " Chock Dee" for the poor German souls is more suitable.- wai2.gif


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Emmet Scott, who is clearly politically anti-Islam & referenced by the usual sites - up to him / them - but the very same author who later wrote:

Europeans could not, of course, fail to be impressed by what they found in Islamic Spain and southern Italy. They themselves lived in a relatively backward environment. Crucial technologies began to creep into Europe at this time, often via Jewish traders and scholars, who were, for a while, the only class of people able to safely cross the Christian-Islamic frontiers.

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