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Billionaire Bush donor begins personal anti-Trump campaign


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LOL. He doesn't get it. The people who support Trump are rebelling against the establishment especially Bush. The more he hammers Trump the more support Trump will get. Can't he figure out why his guy is in the cellar?

The people are so fed up with the establishment that it may spill over to Hillary once she has a real opponent.

People are fed up with illegal immigration of all stripes and want a government that will obey the law for a change. Trump was smart again. The people don't want more Muslims in the country because they don't want the rogue terrorist slipping in with them. Is that so hard to understand?

That is very hard to understand because "having a rogue terrorist slip in" is not a real thing. That's never happened. I understand why you think that's a thing, though. You watch Fox all day where they talk about that "thing" incessantly and it makes you afraid. That's why Trump sounds so good. So right. Soothing xenophobic hysteria about all the things that you're afraid of.

The Republicans have only fear going for them. They have no ideas on the economy, social issues or world politics (when can we start another war?). All they have is fear and Trump addresses fear better than the rest.

Trump is a bigot who will never be elected to anything. The pathetic Republican party should be declared a disaster zone.

Oh, getting back to this poor sap who is funding the anti-Trump movement, I love seeing these donors throwing their money down the rathole of backing a Republican in the 2016 election. They might as well just stand in the middle of the street and give their money away. Here's 10 bucks vote for Bush. Here's 10 bucks vote for Bush. clap2.gif

Good points, especially "... "having a rogue terrorist slip in" is not a real thing." What terrorist in their right mind would subject themselves to the already rigorous and long vetting process thereby getting planted firmly on the radar screen when all they have to do is wade across the Rio Grande and stay completely off the radar?

Build a wall? I'll defer to the comedian Ron White "Donald Trump -- and I don't dislike Donald one single bit -- has no idea how good the Mexican people are at building tunnels. Anybody know where El Chapo is right now? No, you don't."

Edited by riceyummm
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LOL. He doesn't get it. The people who support Trump are rebelling against the establishment especially Bush. The more he hammers Trump the more support Trump will get. Can't he figure out why his guy is in the cellar?

The people are so fed up with the establishment that it may spill over to Hillary once she has a real opponent.

People are fed up with illegal immigration of all stripes and want a government that will obey the law for a change. Trump was smart again. The people don't want more Muslims in the country because they don't want the rogue terrorist slipping in with them. Is that so hard to understand?

That is very hard to understand because "having a rogue terrorist slip in" is not a real thing. That's never happened. I understand why you think that's a thing, though. You watch Fox all day where they talk about that "thing" incessantly and it makes you afraid. That's why Trump sounds so good. So right. Soothing xenophobic hysteria about all the things that you're afraid of.

The Republicans have only fear going for them. They have no ideas on the economy, social issues or world politics (when can we start another war?). All they have is fear and Trump addresses fear better than the rest.

Trump is a bigot who will never be elected to anything. The pathetic Republican party should be declared a disaster zone.

Oh, getting back to this poor sap who is funding the anti-Trump movement, I love seeing these donors throwing their money down the rathole of backing a Republican in the 2016 election. They might as well just stand in the middle of the street and give their money away. Here's 10 bucks vote for Bush. Here's 10 bucks vote for Bush. clap2.gif

Good points, especially "... "having a rogue terrorist slip in" is not a real th

ing." What terrorist in their right mind would subject themselves to the already rigorous and long vetting process thereby getting planted firmly on the radar screen when all they have to do is wade across the Rio Grande and stay completely off the radar?

Build a wall? I'll defer to the comedian Ron White "Donald Trump -- and I don't dislike Donald one single bit -- has no idea how good the Mexican people are at building tunnels. Anybody know where El Chapo is right now? No, you don't."

I agree with most of your points, but disagree that ISIS would not use the legal route to gain access to the US, after all being here legally provides access opportunity to Terrorists that being here illegally does not.

Simply put there is value to being here legally if you are a terrorist.

Of course there are more reasonable solutions to that challenge than banning all Muslims, and causing more damage than releaf.

One solution is being addressed by congress right now as the House passes tightening the visa exemption program to those who have traveled to Syria or Iraq in the past five years,


House Passes Bill to Tighten Visa Waiver Program

Other sensible solutions that do not cause more harm than good, can be easily implement it, such as tightening the Refugee issue, by having them move to a neutral country until such time that is safe for them to return to Syria.etc

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I think 4-8 yrs of Donald Trump is exactly what the US and possibly the world needs right now. Deals and trade agreements would get renegotiated back into America's favor which would reduce the national debt.

I can see military bases around the world being closed and those troops brought home to defend the southern border while the wall is being built correctly. We really don't NEED all those overseas bases any more as the threat of invasion has all but vanished. Plus with all the new technolgy, long range weapondry and unmanned drones, they could maitain the vigialance for such a threat from far fewer overseas locations saving billions a year in tax dollars.

Trump never once said all latinos should be banned, just illegal Mexicans so it makes that idiot backing Jeb look even stupider try to stir-up fear in all latinos. Trump is starting with illegal Mexicans because they presently acount for the largest majority of illegals in the country today.

Putting the breaks on and not allowing people from countries KNOWN to spawn and support terrorists is just plain smart. Hell, he even said we should build them a nice, new safe haven right in their own country until their wars can be concluded. How would that not serve the same purpose to those fleeing "danger"?

I don't usually get involved in political discussion but the entire world has become a violent, crazy, dangerous place to live because country leaders are too afraid of media critisism to do the right thing for their own countries and when someone does (Putin) the media mongers clamor to be the 1st to call it hate, bigotry, murder, etc. but they never point to the actions that triggered these reactions.

facepalm.gif I could go on and on but this train of thought is giving me a headache.

Well, Trump did say that most Mexicans that come to the US are rapists. That was a pretty heinous statement from a very toxic man, who knows only hate and bigotry and racism.

And how do you figure he could renegotiate these treaties? He does not have the skill. He bankrupted four companies and walked away from $4.7 billion worth of debt. How much skill did that take? He inherited $200 million. How much effort does it take to turn that into a billion, which is all he is worth, despite all the lies and bluster? A simpleton could have invested that in to the S & P, forty years ago, and turned it into a far larger fortune. This man is a monster. Four years of him, and we would BE Mexico.

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I think 4-8 yrs of Donald Trump is exactly what the US and possibly the world needs right now. Deals and trade agreements would get renegotiated back into America's favor which would reduce the national debt.

I can see military bases around the world being closed and those troops brought home to defend the southern border while the wall is being built correctly. We really don't NEED all those overseas bases any more as the threat of invasion has all but vanished. Plus with all the new technolgy, long range weapondry and unmanned drones, they could maitain the vigialance for such a threat from far fewer overseas locations saving billions a year in tax dollars.

Trump never once said all latinos should be banned, just illegal Mexicans so it makes that idiot backing Jeb look even stupider try to stir-up fear in all latinos. Trump is starting with illegal Mexicans because they presently acount for the largest majority of illegals in the country today.

Putting the breaks on and not allowing people from countries KNOWN to spawn and support terrorists is just plain smart. Hell, he even said we should build them a nice, new safe haven right in their own country until their wars can be concluded. How would that not serve the same purpose to those fleeing "danger"?

I don't usually get involved in political discussion but the entire world has become a violent, crazy, dangerous place to live because country leaders are too afraid of media critisism to do the right thing for their own countries and when someone does (Putin) the media mongers clamor to be the 1st to call it hate, bigotry, murder, etc. but they never point to the actions that triggered these reactions.

facepalm.gif I could go on and on but this train of thought is giving me a headache.

Well, Trump did say that most Mexicans that come to the US are rapists. That was a pretty heinous statement from a very toxic man, who knows only hate and bigotry and racism.

And how do you figure he could renegotiate these treaties? He does not have the skill. He bankrupted four companies and walked away from $4.7 billion worth of debt. How much skill did that take? He inherited $200 million. How much effort does it take to turn that into a billion, which is all he is worth, despite all the lies and bluster? A simpleton could have invested that in to the S & P, forty years ago, and turned it into a far larger fortune. This man is a monster. Four years of him, and we would BE Mexico.

Some of his exact quotes:

“When Mexico (meaning the Mexican Government) sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.” In other words, the worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican government.

More of this clowns nonsense can be found here:


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LOL. He doesn't get it. The people who support Trump are rebelling against the establishment especially Bush. The more he hammers Trump the more support Trump will get. Can't he figure out why his guy is in the cellar?

The people are so fed up with the establishment that it may spill over to Hillary once she has a real opponent.

People are fed up with illegal immigration of all stripes and want a government that will obey the law for a change. Trump was smart again. The people don't want more Muslims in the country because they don't want the rogue terrorist slipping in with them. Is that so hard to understand?

That is very hard to understand because "having a rogue terrorist slip in" is not a real thing. That's never happened. I understand why you think that's a thing, though. You watch Fox all day where they talk about that "thing" incessantly and it makes you afraid. That's why Trump sounds so good. So right. Soothing xenophobic hysteria about all the things that you're afraid of.

The Republicans have only fear going for them. They have no ideas on the economy, social issues or world politics (when can we start another war?). All they have is fear and Trump addresses fear better than the rest.

Trump is a bigot who will never be elected to anything. The pathetic Republican party should be declared a disaster zone.

Oh, getting back to this poor sap who is funding the anti-Trump movement, I love seeing these donors throwing their money down the rathole of backing a Republican in the 2016 election. They might as well just stand in the middle of the street and give their money away. Here's 10 bucks vote for Bush. Here's 10 bucks vote for Bush. clap2.gif

Good points, especially "... "having a rogue terrorist slip in" is not a real th

ing." What terrorist in their right mind would subject themselves to the already rigorous and long vetting process thereby getting planted firmly on the radar screen when all they have to do is wade across the Rio Grande and stay completely off the radar?

Build a wall? I'll defer to the comedian Ron White "Donald Trump -- and I don't dislike Donald one single bit -- has no idea how good the Mexican people are at building tunnels. Anybody know where El Chapo is right now? No, you don't."

I agree with most of your points, but disagree that ISIS would not use the legal route to gain access to the US, after all being here legally provides access opportunity to Terrorists that being here illegally does not.

Simply put there is value to being here legally if you are a terrorist.

Of course there are more reasonable solutions to that challenge than banning all Muslims, and causing more damage than releaf.

One solution is being addressed by congress right now as the House passes tightening the visa exemption program to those who have traveled to Syria or Iraq in the past five years,


House Passes Bill to Tighten Visa Waiver Program

Other sensible solutions that do not cause more harm than good, can be easily implement it, such as tightening the Refugee issue, by having them move to a neutral country until such time that is safe for them to return to Syria.etc

The only deterrent that exists (within the broken US immigration policy), to prevent anyone from getting a visa to the US, is either being on some sort of black list, or not having enough cash. These ISIS networks have a lot of cash. So, they could simply set up an account in the name of the mole, with $500,000 in it, and he would be granted a visa quickly. Current US immigration policy is all about the cash. If you have enough cash, and are not a wanted felon, you will get a visa. And with a million, you can get a green card. So, why wouldn't they use that system? I do not think the funds would have to be in the US. So, the funds could remain under their complete control. You simply have to show that you are affluent. They are doing all they can to keep out the poor, and the middle class. We were told by the State Department, (both at the embassy in Bangkok, and then confirmed by the goons in Washington) that if my Thai girlfriend (at the time) wanted to visa to visit the US, if she could show 20,000,000 baht in the bank, plus additional assets here, the process would be simple. If not, forget about it.

Edited by spidermike007
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That is very hard to understand because "having a rogue terrorist slip in" is not a real thing. That's never happened. I understand why you think that's a thing, though. You watch Fox all day where they talk about that "thing" incessantly and it makes you afraid. That's why Trump sounds so good. So right. Soothing xenophobic hysteria about all the things that you're afraid of.

The Republicans have only fear going for them. They have no ideas on the economy, social issues or world politics (when can we start another war?). All they have is fear and Trump addresses fear better than the rest.

Trump is a bigot who will never be elected to anything. The pathetic Republican party should be declared a disaster zone.

Oh, getting back to this poor sap who is funding the anti-Trump movement, I love seeing these donors throwing their money down the rathole of backing a Republican in the 2016 election. They might as well just stand in the middle of the street and give their money away. Here's 10 bucks vote for Bush. Here's 10 bucks vote for Bush. clap2.gif

Good points, especially "... "having a rogue terrorist slip in" is not a real th

ing." What terrorist in their right mind would subject themselves to the already rigorous and long vetting process thereby getting planted firmly on the radar screen when all they have to do is wade across the Rio Grande and stay completely off the radar?

Build a wall? I'll defer to the comedian Ron White "Donald Trump -- and I don't dislike Donald one single bit -- has no idea how good the Mexican people are at building tunnels. Anybody know where El Chapo is right now? No, you don't."

I agree with most of your points, but disagree that ISIS would not use the legal route to gain access to the US, after all being here legally provides access opportunity to Terrorists that being here illegally does not.

Simply put there is value to being here legally if you are a terrorist.

Of course there are more reasonable solutions to that challenge than banning all Muslims, and causing more damage than releaf.

One solution is being addressed by congress right now as the House passes tightening the visa exemption program to those who have traveled to Syria or Iraq in the past five years,


House Passes Bill to Tighten Visa Waiver Program

Other sensible solutions that do not cause more harm than good, can be easily implement it, such as tightening the Refugee issue, by having them move to a neutral country until such time that is safe for them to return to Syria.etc

The only deterrent that exists (within the broken US immigration policy), to prevent anyone from getting a visa to the US, is either being on some sort of black list, or not having enough cash. These ISIS networks have a lot of cash. So, they could simply set up an account in the name of the mole, with $500,000 in it, and he would be granted a visa quickly. Current US immigration policy is all about the cash. If you have enough cash, and are not a wanted felon, you will get a visa. And with a million, you can get a green card. So, why wouldn't they use that system? I do not think the funds would have to be in the US. So, the funds could remain under their complete control. You simply have to show that you are affluent. They are doing all they can to keep out the poor, and the middle class. We were told by the State Department, (both at the embassy in Bangkok, and then confirmed by the goons in Washington) that if my Thai girlfriend (at the time) wanted to visa to visit the US, if she could show 20,000,000 baht in the bank, plus additional assets here, the process would be simple. If not, forget about it.

Firstly the Visa exemption program legislation applies to countries that under the program you dont need a visa to enter the USA. A person from there can simply purchase a ticket and come to the US, much like we do when we go to Thailand

Under the new legislation if such person has traveled to Syria or Iraq in the past five years such person would need a visa.

A reasonable measure, The solution does not rely on one reasonable measure, but many . It certainly does not rely on an unreasonable measure.

Any time someone proposes a simple solution to a complex issue , check your ass for smoke damage, because some one is blowing a lot of at it's direction.

Can the visa process be defeated ? Yes, is it easy No.

Setting Up an $ 500,000 account for some one, is not easy, one has to show chain of custody and the funds have to be seasoned. Money laundering laws apply.

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Good points, especially "... "having a rogue terrorist slip in" is not a real th

ing." What terrorist in their right mind would subject themselves to the already rigorous and long vetting process thereby getting planted firmly on the radar screen when all they have to do is wade across the Rio Grande and stay completely off the radar?

Build a wall? I'll defer to the comedian Ron White "Donald Trump -- and I don't dislike Donald one single bit -- has no idea how good the Mexican people are at building tunnels. Anybody know where El Chapo is right now? No, you don't."

I agree with most of your points, but disagree that ISIS would not use the legal route to gain access to the US, after all being here legally provides access opportunity to Terrorists that being here illegally does not.

Simply put there is value to being here legally if you are a terrorist.

Of course there are more reasonable solutions to that challenge than banning all Muslims, and causing more damage than releaf.

One solution is being addressed by congress right now as the House passes tightening the visa exemption program to those who have traveled to Syria or Iraq in the past five years,


House Passes Bill to Tighten Visa Waiver Program

Other sensible solutions that do not cause more harm than good, can be easily implement it, such as tightening the Refugee issue, by having them move to a neutral country until such time that is safe for them to return to Syria.etc

The only deterrent that exists (within the broken US immigration policy), to prevent anyone from getting a visa to the US, is either being on some sort of black list, or not having enough cash. These ISIS networks have a lot of cash. So, they could simply set up an account in the name of the mole, with $500,000 in it, and he would be granted a visa quickly. Current US immigration policy is all about the cash. If you have enough cash, and are not a wanted felon, you will get a visa. And with a million, you can get a green card. So, why wouldn't they use that system? I do not think the funds would have to be in the US. So, the funds could remain under their complete control. You simply have to show that you are affluent. They are doing all they can to keep out the poor, and the middle class. We were told by the State Department, (both at the embassy in Bangkok, and then confirmed by the goons in Washington) that if my Thai girlfriend (at the time) wanted to visa to visit the US, if she could show 20,000,000 baht in the bank, plus additional assets here, the process would be simple. If not, forget about it.

Firstly the Visa exemption program legislation applies to countries that under the program you dont need a visa to enter the USA. A person from there can simply purchase a ticket and come to the US, much like we do when we go to Thailand

Under the new legislation if such person has traveled to Syria or Iraq in the past five years such person would need a visa.

A reasonable measure, The solution does not rely on one reasonable measure, but many . It certainly does not rely on an unreasonable measure.

Any time someone proposes a simple solution to a complex issue , check your ass for smoke damage, because some one is blowing a lot of at it's direction.

Can the visa process be defeated ? Yes, is it easy No.

Setting Up an $ 500,000 account for some one, is not easy, one has to show chain of custody and the funds have to be seasoned. Money laundering laws apply.

Yes, and that is why so many drug lords and family members can't get into the US. Other groups have also been excluded because of questionable practices in where the funds came from.

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Firstly the Visa exemption program legislation applies to countries that under the program you dont need a visa to enter the USA. A person from there can simply purchase a ticket and come to the US, much like we do when we go to Thailand

Under the new legislation if such person has traveled to Syria or Iraq in the past five years such person would need a visa.

A reasonable measure, The solution does not rely on one reasonable measure, but many . It certainly does not rely on an unreasonable measure.

Any time someone proposes a simple solution to a complex issue , check your ass for smoke damage, because some one is blowing a lot of at it's direction.

Can the visa process be defeated ? Yes, is it easy No.

Setting Up an $ 500,000 account for some one, is not easy, one has to show chain of custody and the funds have to be seasoned. Money laundering laws apply.

Maybe. But, when you have millions to work with, it is often possible to find bankers that are willing to "work" with you. Don't forget. The funds DO NOT have to be in an American bank. Only proof of deposit is required. So, I am certain they could circumvent those laws pretty easily. The blind side of this equation comes from the powerful lure of greed. The US only wants rich people to visit, and to stay. That policy has been in place since just after 9/11. So, the state department tends to become blinded once they see the cash in your account. As long as you have the cash, and are not a wanted felon, pronto. A visa appears. And does the visa exemption program extend to Syrian or Afghan nationals? The countries it applies to make up a minuscule percent, of the worlds population. And no, it only applies to mostly first world nations, as shown in this chart:

Citizen or National of a VWP Designated Country *

You must be a citizen or national of VWP-participant country*. The following 38 countries* are Visa Waiver Program participants:

Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei, Chile, Chech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK.

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The only deterrent that exists (within the broken US immigration policy), to prevent anyone from getting a visa to the US, is either being on some sort of black list, or not having enough cash. These ISIS networks have a lot of cash. So, they could simply set up an account in the name of the mole, with $500,000 in it, and he would be granted a visa quickly. Current US immigration policy is all about the cash. If you have enough cash, and are not a wanted felon, you will get a visa. And with a million, you can get a green card. So, why wouldn't they use that system? I do not think the funds would have to be in the US. So, the funds could remain under their complete control. You simply have to show that you are affluent. They are doing all they can to keep out the poor, and the middle class. We were told by the State Department, (both at the embassy in Bangkok, and then confirmed by the goons in Washington) that if my Thai girlfriend (at the time) wanted to visa to visit the US, if she could show 20,000,000 baht in the bank, plus additional assets here, the process would be simple. If not, forget about it.

Firstly the Visa exemption program legislation applies to countries that under the program you dont need a visa to enter the USA. A person from there can simply purchase a ticket and come to the US, much like we do when we go to Thailand

Under the new legislation if such person has traveled to Syria or Iraq in the past five years such person would need a visa.

A reasonable measure, The solution does not rely on one reasonable measure, but many . It certainly does not rely on an unreasonable measure.

Any time someone proposes a simple solution to a complex issue , check your ass for smoke damage, because some one is blowing a lot of at it's direction.

Can the visa process be defeated ? Yes, is it easy No.

Setting Up an $ 500,000 account for some one, is not easy, one has to show chain of custody and the funds have to be seasoned. Money laundering laws apply.

Yes, and that is why so many drug lords and family members can't get into the US. Other groups have also been excluded because of questionable practices in where the funds came from.

Yes, but they were already flagged, and on a black list. As long as that is not the case, it is a piece of cake. Normally, they are completely blinded by the funds. Normally.

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Why should anyone give a fig about what a billionaire thinks or doesn't think. You have one vote just the same as anyone else, you are no more important than the poorest most disadvantaged American citizen.

This is exactly what is undermining Democracy in America. Wealthy people who feel their view is more important than others. Get corrupt money out of politics. If he thinks he can do a better job representing the American people then run for office or shut up. If he wants to do something for America use the $2M to pay taxes rather than to corrupt Politicians and the Democratic process.

Trump has flagged healthcare as an issue that requires addressing is probably more the reason this billionaire is having heart palpitations.

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Like Trump proposed not allowing Muslims in the country

the Bush billionaire supporter proposed not allowing idiots to vote which would eliminate Trumps basetongue.png

only one problem

It would also eliminate most Republicans,and................

In short, anyone with an opposing view to your own lacks intelligence and should not be able to vote?

Very good, Comrade!

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Why should anyone give a fig about what a billionaire thinks or doesn't think. You have one vote just the same as anyone else, you are no more important than the poorest most disadvantaged American citizen.

This is exactly what is undermining Democracy in America. Wealthy people who feel their view is more important than others. Get corrupt money out of politics. If he thinks he can do a better job representing the American people then run for office or shut up. If he wants to do something for America use the $2M to pay taxes rather than to corrupt Politicians and the Democratic process.

Trump has flagged healthcare as an issue that requires addressing is probably more the reason this billionaire is having heart palpitations.

Absolutely agree, just like movie stars and pop stars who think they are more enlightened than the rest of us!

Their opinions are irrelevant.

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Like Trump proposed not allowing Muslims in the country

the Bush billionaire supporter proposed not allowing idiots to vote which would eliminate Trumps basetongue.png

only one problem

It would also eliminate most Republicans,and................

Is he also in favor of not allowing idiots to run for public office?

A few years ago someone was interviewing a US senator, asked him about his education. He said he never had good grades, but that you don't have to take an IQ test to be senator. About five seconds after saying that he realized he shouldn't have.

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BuaBS, on 10 Dec 2015 - 17:01, said:

Well if Trump closes the door for muslims , then Bushes Saudi buddies can't come over anymore.

Why are all western caucasian people not behind Trump ? Why all they all so loud with their critisism these last few days , not just in the US ,but other western countries too ? What is their agenda ? Trump a threat to the NWO , marginalizing and diluting western caucasians ?

The Western Caucasian people have been beaten to death by the metaphoric stick of multiculturalism and diversity that for last 20 years they were afraid to say anything.

When you are constantly being told that you are racist, bigoted and Islamophobic it will, and does take its toll.

They do not have an agenda.

They understand what is going on, but are still very aware of the metaphoric stick. However, that is changing all over Europe.

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Like Trump proposed not allowing Muslims in the country

the Bush billionaire supporter proposed not allowing idiots to vote which would eliminate Trumps basetongue.png

only one problem

It would also eliminate most Republicans,and................

In short, anyone with an opposing view to your own lacks intelligence and should not be able to vote?

Very good, Comrade!

II was being facetious . (feces: excrement . facetious: Sh%t head laugh.png )

It was not me who proposed trampling all over the constitution, and dismantling the principles this country has founded upon. I am very much against it. I am so against it I am even willing to allow Republicans bah.gif to vote.

I think Trump presents a greater danger to the american way of life , than ISIS ever could

If we are to bend a knee to fear, while we are down blowing ISIS and doing their job, why not go all the way? (going all the way punt intendedtongue.png )

Edited by sirineou
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BuaBS, on 10 Dec 2015 - 17:01, said:

Well if Trump closes the door for muslims , then Bushes Saudi buddies can't come over anymore.

Why are all western caucasian people not behind Trump ? Why all they all so loud with their critisism these last few days , not just in the US ,but other western countries too ? What is their agenda ? Trump a threat to the NWO , marginalizing and diluting western caucasians ?

The Western Caucasian people have been beaten to death by the metaphoric stick of multiculturalism and diversity that for last 20 years they were afraid to say anything.

When you are constantly being told that you are racist, bigoted and Islamophobic it will, and does take its toll.

They do not have an agenda.

They understand what is going on, but are still very aware of the metaphoric stick. However, that is changing all over Europe.

"When you are constantly being told that you are racist, bigoted and Islamophobic it will, and does take its toll." and long may it continue all that nasty hate speech goes nowhere. Couldn't have put it better myself Sarg. Well done.

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BuaBS, on 10 Dec 2015 - 17:01, said:

Well if Trump closes the door for muslims , then Bushes Saudi buddies can't come over anymore.

Why are all western caucasian people not behind Trump ? Why all they all so loud with their critisism these last few days , not just in the US ,but other western countries too ? What is their agenda ? Trump a threat to the NWO , marginalizing and diluting western caucasians ?

The Western Caucasian people have been beaten to death by the metaphoric stick of multiculturalism and diversity that for last 20 years they were afraid to say anything.

When you are constantly being told that you are racist, bigoted and Islamophobic it will, and does take its toll.

They do not have an agenda.

They understand what is going on, but are still very aware of the metaphoric stick. However, that is changing all over Europe.

Cultures have being changing ever since groups of people got together for common defence, created a community and because of the idiosyncrasies unique to that community, developed a culture that serves the needs of those idiosyncrasies.

Different idiosyncrasies, different cultures, non better than the other only adequate for it's own unique set of challenges.

Since the community (tribe) has primarily developed for the common defence, it is also natural for the tribe to want to also defend it's culture.

Sometimes what the tribe does not understand is that the "idiosyncrasies" are changing and with it so must the culture, it is as inevitable as is the fate of a person who does not know how to swim, along in the middle of the ocean. Yet that does not stop him from flapping his arms around trying to stay afloat.

Multiculturalism allows for many different cultures to coexist, all changing on their own to confront the challenges they are faced with which .includes friction from each other.

Your cultural problems are not the product of multiculturalism,it is the problem of changing demographics. Multiculturalism is the solution

Stop being a slacker, buy some viagra, and change the demographicstongue.pnglaugh.png .

Edited by sirineou
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Whatever Fernandez's purposes and motivations, the Republican party establishment are watching him closely.

Republican leaders and so-called elders, meaning the large number of Republicans who are center-right, not the rightwingnut core, want to see if Fernandez can find a vulnerability in Trump. Anything at all would do.

If Fernandez can ring even one bell that hits home against Trump, the rest of the R establishment to include of course the money guys will pounce to try to exploit any weakness. They will try to build on that to erode if not crash Trump's strength with the hard core whack job segment of the R party going in to the caucus and primary voting that begins in February.

So not only is JEBush watching Fernandez approvingly, perhaps as a Fernandez initiator against Trump, but so are the other center-right establishment R candidates. This includes Ohio Gov. John Kasich, FL Sen Rubio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

It cannot diminish from this probing by Fernandez that the Republican's new Harold Stassen, Mitt Romney is stirring in the background still hoping for his final Richard Nixon comeback big chance variant at the brass ring. Nor would it detract that MSM would naturally spread itself all over any such Trump weakness(es)....and dig to find more than one.

Fernandez's money and effort may come to nothing but Bush needs for the guy to find something. So do the center-right R party establishment so they have operatives tracking Fernandez and his ideas, efforts, approaches. So far nothing has rung a bell with voters or anyone, but where there is money to burn there is a way.

No way I'd vote R for POTUS but finding some way to begin to cut Trump to make him bleed even a little among his voters would be welcome. Perhaps something to then build on to get the ropes around this mad version of Gulliver to finally tie him down.

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Whatever Fernandez's purposes and motivations, the Republican party establishment are watching him closely.

Republican leaders and so-called elders, meaning the large number of Republicans who are center-right, not the rightwingnut core, want to see if Fernandez can find a vulnerability in Trump. Anything at all would do.

If Fernandez can ring even one bell that hits home against Trump, the rest of the R establishment to include of course the money guys will pounce to try to exploit any weakness. They will try to build on that to erode if not crash Trump's strength with the hard core whack job segment of the R party going in to the caucus and primary voting that begins in February.

So not only is JEBush watching Fernandez approvingly, perhaps as a Fernandez initiator against Trump, but so are the other center-right establishment R candidates. This includes Ohio Gov. John Kasich, FL Sen Rubio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

It cannot diminish from this probing by Fernandez that the Republican's new Harold Stassen, Mitt Romney is stirring in the background still hoping for his final Richard Nixon comeback big chance variant at the brass ring. Nor would it detract that MSM would naturally spread itself all over any such Trump weakness(es)....and dig to find more than one.

Fernandez's money and effort may come to nothing but Bush needs for the guy to find something. So do the center-right R party establishment so they have operatives tracking Fernandez and his ideas, efforts, approaches. So far nothing has rung a bell with voters or anyone, but where there is money to burn there is a way.

No way I'd vote R for POTUS but finding some way to begin to cut Trump to make him bleed even a little among his voters would be welcome. Perhaps something to then build on to get the ropes around this mad version of Gulliver to finally tie him down.

Having Trump(macho kamacho) around makes Romney look, infinitely more desirable than he ever could on his own. What I dont understand is , why you would want Trump "cut" I have being considering donating to his campaign. Aside from the entertainment value, he is ensuring a democratic President, my only problem is that so far it looks like Hillary would be it.,

From the frying pan in to the fire, a lose lose situation

. If there was ever a time for a third party candidate, now is the time.


[media] Edited by sirineou
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Whatever Fernandez's purposes and motivations, the Republican party establishment are watching him closely.

Republican leaders and so-called elders, meaning the large number of Republicans who are center-right, not the rightwingnut core, want to see if Fernandez can find a vulnerability in Trump. Anything at all would do.

If Fernandez can ring even one bell that hits home against Trump, the rest of the R establishment to include of course the money guys will pounce to try to exploit any weakness. They will try to build on that to erode if not crash Trump's strength with the hard core whack job segment of the R party going in to the caucus and primary voting that begins in February.

So not only is JEBush watching Fernandez approvingly, perhaps as a Fernandez initiator against Trump, but so are the other center-right establishment R candidates. This includes Ohio Gov. John Kasich, FL Sen Rubio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

It cannot diminish from this probing by Fernandez that the Republican's new Harold Stassen, Mitt Romney is stirring in the background still hoping for his final Richard Nixon comeback big chance variant at the brass ring. Nor would it detract that MSM would naturally spread itself all over any such Trump weakness(es)....and dig to find more than one.

Fernandez's money and effort may come to nothing but Bush needs for the guy to find something. So do the center-right R party establishment so they have operatives tracking Fernandez and his ideas, efforts, approaches. So far nothing has rung a bell with voters or anyone, but where there is money to burn there is a way.

No way I'd vote R for POTUS but finding some way to begin to cut Trump to make him bleed even a little among his voters would be welcome. Perhaps something to then build on to get the ropes around this mad version of Gulliver to finally tie him down.

Having Trump(macho kamacho) around makes Romney look, infinitely more desirable than he ever could on his own. What I dont understand is , why you would want Trump "cut" I have being considering donating to his campaign. Aside from the entertainment value, he is ensuring a democratic President, my only problem is that so far it looks like Hillary would be it.,

From the frying pan in to the fire, a lose lose situation

. If there was ever a time for a third party candidate, now is the time.



Well I'd posted just recently that Trump had until now been considered a joke. That's a fair statement, but it on reflection is too dismissive. Trump is a menace to the United States at home and abroad.

Trump is destroying the two-party system domestically. This probably will be best in the long run as the R party and its large number of center-right subscribers can dissolve and form another party less accepting of the rightwingnutosphere. Any such purely speculative development would leave the substantial whack job Republicans to find their own way whether as an organised smaller fringe party or as an ad hoc political influence or pressure body of political Frankensteins.

But that is not what I mean by Trump being a domestic menace. It's becoming more evident that no institution of the United States is above or superior to Donald Trump as far as Donald Trump is concerned. Which means that to Benito Donald Trump the Constitution is a piece of parchment from the distant past and nothing more than that. Trump is the ultimate American strongman, more than any other political figure of the nation's past. Stronger than Joe McCarthy, stronger than Huey Long, stronger than George Wallace et al.

You don't do this, but those who say Western civilisation is responding to Donald Trump and his style and manner are speaking way over their heads. Europe are mortified by Trump. The ME is stunned by him. Asians and Africans see Trump as some sort of wild urban cowboy.

I've stated I can accept Trump becoming the Republican nominee, if that is what might develop and occur. All the public polling shows Trump would be massacred at the general election November next year. And he'd take down with him Republicans up for re-election in the Senate, the House, in state capitals right down to the office of local dog officer. The recent cycles of private in-house polling by each party shows the same thing, and the political parties need the reality check of true and accurate polling of their chances with every demographic group of the electorate. Each party has decisive data Trump and the R party will get run out in the election. Demolished. Destroyed.

That at least would settle all of the Muslim stuff once and for all and for good. Vigilante self-defined patriots would get a good swift kick from the broad center-middle of the electorate that wants reasonably minded people at all levels of government who make mistakes instead of intentionally create new problems by their belligerence and bellicosity. GW Bush and his Dick Cheney turned out to not be reasonable in their errors and that is unforgivable. Liars about war and national security, global peace and stability.

It are the hard right wingnut Republicans who are incensed and alienated from the centrist political system and its processes. Many other Americans want change but they don't want another blatant and shameless idiot with his hand on the button or the budget, namely, Donald Trump.

Note: Having difficulty accessing the video in the post so I'll bring it up later after making technical adjustments.

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Whatever Fernandez's purposes and motivations, the Republican party establishment are watching him closely.

Republican leaders and so-called elders, meaning the large number of Republicans who are center-right, not the rightwingnut core, want to see if Fernandez can find a vulnerability in Trump. Anything at all would do.

If Fernandez can ring even one bell that hits home against Trump, the rest of the R establishment to include of course the money guys will pounce to try to exploit any weakness. They will try to build on that to erode if not crash Trump's strength with the hard core whack job segment of the R party going in to the caucus and primary voting that begins in February.

So not only is JEBush watching Fernandez approvingly, perhaps as a Fernandez initiator against Trump, but so are the other center-right establishment R candidates. This includes Ohio Gov. John Kasich, FL Sen Rubio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

It cannot diminish from this probing by Fernandez that the Republican's new Harold Stassen, Mitt Romney is stirring in the background still hoping for his final Richard Nixon comeback big chance variant at the brass ring. Nor would it detract that MSM would naturally spread itself all over any such Trump weakness(es)....and dig to find more than one.

Fernandez's money and effort may come to nothing but Bush needs for the guy to find something. So do the center-right R party establishment so they have operatives tracking Fernandez and his ideas, efforts, approaches. So far nothing has rung a bell with voters or anyone, but where there is money to burn there is a way.

No way I'd vote R for POTUS but finding some way to begin to cut Trump to make him bleed even a little among his voters would be welcome. Perhaps something to then build on to get the ropes around this mad version of Gulliver to finally tie him down.

Having Trump(macho kamacho) around makes Romney look, infinitely more desirable than he ever could on his own. What I dont understand is , why you would want Trump "cut" I have being considering donating to his campaign. Aside from the entertainment value, he is ensuring a democratic President, my only problem is that so far it looks like Hillary would be it.,

From the frying pan in to the fire, a lose lose situation

. If there was ever a time for a third party candidate, now is the time.



Well I'd posted just recently that Trump had until now been considered a joke. That's a fair statement, but it on reflection is too dismissive. Trump is a menace to the United States at home and abroad.

Trump is destroying the two-party system domestically. This probably will be best in the long run as the R party and its large number of center-right subscribers can dissolve and form another party less accepting of the rightwingnutosphere. Any such purely speculative development would leave the substantial whack job Republicans to find their own way whether as an organised smaller fringe party or as an ad hoc political influence or pressure body of political Frankensteins.

But that is not what I mean by Trump being a domestic menace. It's becoming more evident that no institution of the United States is above or superior to Donald Trump as far as Donald Trump is concerned. Which means that to Benito Donald Trump the Constitution is a piece of parchment from the distant past and nothing more than that. Trump is the ultimate American strongman, more than any other political figure of the nation's past. Stronger than Joe McCarthy, stronger than Huey Long, stronger than George Wallace et al.

You don't do this, but those who say Western civilisation is responding to Donald Trump and his style and manner are speaking way over their heads. Europe are mortified by Trump. The ME is stunned by him. Asians and Africans see Trump as some sort of wild urban cowboy.

I've stated I can accept Trump becoming the Republican nominee, if that is what might develop and occur. All the public polling shows Trump would be massacred at the general election November next year. And he'd take down with him Republicans up for re-election in the Senate, the House, in state capitals right down to the office of local dog officer. The recent cycles of private in-house polling by each party shows the same thing, and the political parties need the reality check of true and accurate polling of their chances with every demographic group of the electorate. Each party has decisive data Trump and the R party will get run out in the election. Demolished. Destroyed.

That at least would settle all of the Muslim stuff once and for all and for good. Vigilante self-defined patriots would get a good swift kick from the broad center-middle of the electorate that wants reasonably minded people at all levels of government who make mistakes instead of intentionally create new problems by their belligerence and bellicosity. GW Bush and his Dick Cheney turned out to not be reasonable in their errors and that is unforgivable. Liars about war and national security, global peace and stability.

It are the hard right wingnut Republicans who are incensed and alienated from the centrist political system and its processes. Many other Americans want change but they don't want another blatant and shameless idiot with his hand on the button or the budget, namely, Donald Trump.

Note: Having difficulty accessing the video in the post so I'll bring it up later after making technical adjustments.

I hear,understand and share your frustration and fears.

What Trump is doing is far more insidious, and will have much longer effects than the current election cycle.

I can't understand how someone would consider him/herself a Patriot and at the same time try to destroy the concept of America,

When America is destroyed , if it had not already happen, the geographical area between Mexico, Canada, and the two oceans will not be destroyed,People will not stop living here, some short of government will still exist

what will be destroyed will be the concept of America, Perhaps a dream, not yet realises.

These "Patriots" will insure it will never happen.

These Patriots try , with their bravado, to hide the fact that they are scared little boys hiding behind props.

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