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Petition to ban Trump from UK passes 300K, could be debated in Parliament

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Well, She did actually ban White men from meetings , Donald hasnt actually banned anyone from anywhere , She has though .

Words and actions .

She did ban me from meetings, Donald didnt ban me from anywhere , and he didnt ban anyone else from anywhere .

Who should cause more concern ?

Yeah - you really should worry about Bahar fella. .

She banned you after all, I know how much you wanted to go her diversity meeting..

BTW: Not only white men but all men and whitey..

"If you've been invited and you're a man and/or white PLEASE DON'T COME."

I can only imagine the shock and outrage this must have caused. Not to mention playing havoc with your travel plans and daily schedule.

I find a nice cup of tea and afternoon nap helps me get through the day..

I just know that you would take a different approach if someone told all Muslims/ Blacks/Irish/Dogs not to attend .You would call them a wacist


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Well, She did actually ban White men from meetings , Donald hasnt actually banned anyone from anywhere , She has though .

Words and actions .

She did ban me from meetings, Donald didnt ban me from anywhere , and he didnt ban anyone else from anywhere .

Who should cause more concern ?

Yeah - you really should worry about Bahar fella. .

She banned you after all, I know how much you wanted to go her diversity meeting..

BTW: Not only white men but all men and whitey..

"If you've been invited and you're a man and/or white PLEASE DON'T COME."

I can only imagine the shock and outrage this must have caused. Not to mention playing havoc with your travel plans and daily schedule.

I find a nice cup of tea and afternoon nap helps me get through the day..

I just know that you would take a different approach if someone told all Muslims/ Blacks/Irish/Dogs not to attend .You would call them a wacist


Did you mean to wrote "wacists" ?

No really, as a hetty binary white man, to use her vernacular - who could have been doubly offended, I would have just thought "oh my what a silly girl"

This is way off Topic and frankly tiresome luke000,..

If you feel that Bahar is a threat to you and you feel that she is a threat to your well being start a petition..

Let me know how it goes matey.


s will teach Trump a lesson he would not be able to get his dental work done in London. He needs England like a hole in his Head

No... the UK needs him like a hole in the head gigglem.gif

For those who still believe the racist propaganda that it only Muslims voting...

Go to the petition site under the petition heading their is a link "Show on a Map" http://petitionmap.unboxedconsulting.com/?petition=114003

Oxford and Cambridge are not exactly overrun by Muslims, the only factor is the higher the numbers from Labour held areas.

Here is your post in full and it doesnt make the claim that its only Muslims voting .

You claimed that theres racist properganda saying that only Muslims are voting .

Where is that so called racist properganda that says that , is what I was asking

Well if you had not altered my post I would not have made the mistake of referring to the wrong post of mine.

In post #62 I quoted shaggy

WOW 300,000 Muslims in UK who hate Trump

Now go take a proper gander...

Oh, a single post on Thai Visa by one person .

Anyway, 347 00 people have voted and he claimed that 300 000 Muslims voted , that still leaves 47 000 people other than Muslims who voted , so he didnt claim that "only" Muslims have voted, as you claimed he did


Oh, a single post on Thai Visa by one person .

Anyway, 347 00 people have voted and he claimed that 300 000 Muslims voted , that still leaves 47 000 people other than Muslims who voted , so he didnt claim that "only" Muslims have voted, as you claimed he did

I find a nice cup of tea and an afternoon nap help me get through the day..


Absolute nonsense. Trump should be able to say what he thinks is right and the public should vote on him on his utterings. What the hell are idiot Britishers doing setting up petitions about an American presidential aspirant. Mass idiocy, glad to see the urge to ban free but unpopular speech in Britain is still alive and well.


So, they wan to ban a person from entering a Country because he suggested that some people should be banned from entering a Country .

No, they want the law to apply to everyone.

And, pray tell us ..... what law would that be..? If you just feel like talking, Please phone your mom..! thumbsup.gif

The law that says the UK will not permit entry to those that spread hate speech or hold a criminal record.

Same rules were applied to Chris Brown, Martha Stewart, Eric Snowden, "Tyler the Creator", Mike Tyson, Shirley Phelps..

You can read about the rules here. No need to ask "mom"..


I see no reason to treat Donald Trump any different. do you?

The petition's wording:

"The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK.
If the United Kingdom is to continue applying the 'unacceptable behaviour' criteria to those who wish to enter its borders, it must be fairly applied to the rich as well as poor, and the weak as well as powerful."

Besides his recent outburst against certain religions - his sexist and atrocious attitude towards women would enough to deny him a visa.


We apply the same rules to Muslims, Jews, Mexicans, Irish, French, Catholics, Jains, Hindus ..

One thing you may not understand about the modern UK is we really do believe in fairness.. It would be very un-British to pick on a particular group based on religion or race or gender or wealth..

I hope this helps..

It is very clear to me that what Trump has said does not constitute hate speech, and therefore laws about inciting hatred do not apply. Anyway, has he even applied for a visa or permission to enter the country?


Welcome to Englanistan.

How many anglo-saxons are left on that crowded little island?

Most whities seem to be emigrating. No freedom of speech anymore.If you dont agree with the lunatic left then youre considered a 'hate crime ' suspect.

They will turn Trump away but let 50 ISIS loonies cruise straight through the arrivals terminal.

No freedom of speech anymore? They never had it, same as australia. There is no constitutional right to freedom of speech. Neither should there be. Too many dumb people for freedom of speech to be a constitutional right.

Do you have a link proving most white people emigrating?

They will turn Trump away because he will incite those 50 isis loonies, and that is illegal.

No freedom of speech,are you totally bonkers! That's why Americans uphold the second amendment as it guarantees all the others

Nothing to do with me, i didnt write the constitution, the magna carta or bill of rights. There is no explicit freedom of speech in the UK or Oz. its quite good that way, shuts up the nutbags that try to incite hatred.

Or do you like hate speech that can talk people into killing others. Seems you have no problem of radical mullahs spreading hatred, but i do.

You not only didn't write those documents, you don't understand them.

In the first place, what he said wasn't hate speech.

In the second place, he never uttered a word in either Australia or the UK about this. His comments were made in the US where free speech is a protected right, whether you like it or not.

Lastly two small pieces of information.

Learn where the apostrophe key is on your keyboard.

The Bill of Rights is part of the US Constitution. It is also known as the first Ten Amendments.


Absolute nonsense. Trump should be able to say what he thinks is right and the public should vote on him on his utterings. What the hell are idiot Britishers doing setting up petitions about an American presidential aspirant. Mass idiocy, glad to see the urge to ban free but unpopular speech in Britain is still alive and well.

It's not that the British want to stop him speaking - they just do not want him in the UK..

He is free to spout his misogyny, mock the disabled, rant on and on about Muslims and China, or what ever his current rant is.. Good for him - allow, but not in the UK..

No one is suggesting they want to ban his hate speech, just do not take it to the UK..

frankly I find your racist attack on British people somewhat disturbing, but I'd defend your right to say it!


This will teach Trump a lesson he would not be able to get his dental work done in London. He needs England like a hole in his Head

Well he's already got a hole in his head, so presumably he won't need to come back and f... up another nice piece of Scotland. Looney Tunes has nothing on Donald. God help America that this complete to...er has the money to make so many people to listen to his nonsense.

Luckily he is so stupid that even the most red-necked American (accept a few of the nutters on TV) will not end up voting him in. Pheew. World saved in the nick.


Oh, a single post on Thai Visa by one person .

Anyway, 347 00 people have voted and he claimed that 300 000 Muslims voted , that still leaves 47 000 people other than Muslims who voted , so he didnt claim that "only" Muslims have voted, as you claimed he did

(had to remove all the quotes as it exceeded the maximum)

But at the time this topic had started it was just over 300,000 now it is 396,692... over 7,500 in the last hour...

I recommend you take Mr "T"'s advice wai2.gif

I find a nice cup of tea and an afternoon nap help me get through the day..

What percent of the British Population is Muslim now? Has hit 10% yet? My friend is an ex-Bobbie and he says their are areas that are Muslim only and the Police stay away! Is that true?

No, and I suspect your mate is probably an ex-traffic warden.

Hmmm. Is it really possible after all?


‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation
PUBLISHED: 07:20, Thu, Dec 10, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:26, Thu, Dec 10, 2015
Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars.
One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was “pointing out something plainly obvious” whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities.
Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trump’s controversial claims.
The Republican frontrunner provoked fury across the globe on Monday when he said that all Muslims should be banned from entering America to combat terrorism.

Of all the 3,834 petitions on the UK Governments petition site

This ranks #3 on only the third day...


Now where is the one about no confidence in the Home Secretary... tongue.png


What percent of the British Population is Muslim now? Has hit 10% yet? My friend is an ex-Bobbie and he says their are areas that are Muslim only and the Police stay away! Is that true?

No, and I suspect your mate is probably an ex-traffic warden.

Hmmm. Is it really possible after all?


‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation
PUBLISHED: 07:20, Thu, Dec 10, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:26, Thu, Dec 10, 2015
Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars.
One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was “pointing out something plainly obvious” whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities.
Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trump’s controversial claims.
The Republican frontrunner provoked fury across the globe on Monday when he said that all Muslims should be banned from entering America to combat terrorism.

More likes the propaganda of some lazy racist who would prefer to stay in the police canteen all day...


What percent of the British Population is Muslim now? Has hit 10% yet? My friend is an ex-Bobbie and he says their are areas that are Muslim only and the Police stay away! Is that true?

No, and I suspect your mate is probably an ex-traffic warden.

Hmmm. Is it really possible after all?


‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation
PUBLISHED: 07:20, Thu, Dec 10, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:26, Thu, Dec 10, 2015
Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars.
One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was “pointing out something plainly obvious” whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities.
Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trump’s controversial claims.
The Republican frontrunner provoked fury across the globe on Monday when he said that all Muslims should be banned from entering America to combat terrorism.

As I said in a previous thread.

The Daily Express's NICK GUTTERIDGE, reporting on an article from Breitbart quoting an unnamed policeman is not a reliable source!

A mouthy Traffic warden sounds much more plausible as the source..


The UK has Islamo terrorists cutting off the heads of servicemen in London and they're worried about The Donald.

Kinda makes one wonder why we bothered...twice.

Makes me wonder, why you obviously don't care about all the right wing terrorists in the USA!

Oh...I forgot: lone wolves and psychos!

Who said they don't care...but this thread is about Trump and Islamo-terrorists.


What percent of the British Population is Muslim now? Has hit 10% yet? My friend is an ex-Bobbie and he says their are areas that are Muslim only and the Police stay away! Is that true?

No, and I suspect your mate is probably an ex-traffic warden.

Hmmm. Is it really possible after all?


‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation
PUBLISHED: 07:20, Thu, Dec 10, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:26, Thu, Dec 10, 2015
Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars.
One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was “pointing out something plainly obvious” whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities.
Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trump’s controversial claims.
The Republican frontrunner provoked fury across the globe on Monday when he said that all Muslims should be banned from entering America to combat terrorism.

As I said in a previous thread.

The Daily Express's NICK GUTTERIDGE, reporting on an article from Breitbart quoting an unnamed policeman is not a reliable source!

A mouthy Traffic warden sounds much more plausible as the source..

You have been demanding links all day.

How about providing us a link that disavows this article?

I knew the response would be an attack on the article. That's all most of you liberals have.


What percent of the British Population is Muslim now? Has hit 10% yet? My friend is an ex-Bobbie and he says their are areas that are Muslim only and the Police stay away! Is that true?

No, and I suspect your mate is probably an ex-traffic warden.

Hmmm. Is it really possible after all?


‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation
PUBLISHED: 07:20, Thu, Dec 10, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:26, Thu, Dec 10, 2015
Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars.
One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was “pointing out something plainly obvious” whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities.
Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trump’s controversial claims.
The Republican frontrunner provoked fury across the globe on Monday when he said that all Muslims should be banned from entering America to combat terrorism.

As I said in a previous thread.

The Daily Express's NICK GUTTERIDGE, reporting on an article from Breitbart quoting an unnamed policeman is not a reliable source!

A mouthy Traffic warden sounds much more plausible as the source..

We do not have traffic wardens any more.

What we have now are more like Gestapo programmed revenue collectors for local authorities.

Traffic wardens had a job to do and that was to prevent illegal parking in particular that that caused traffic problems... they would prefer people to move their vehicles rather than issue a parking ticket, only exception was many years ago when the company I worked for had a number of lorries parked out front on yellow lines, a female Traffic warden asked out transport manger to do something about it, his response was not polite and she was meet with verbal abuse, I was told she left in tears, over the next few weeks nearly all of us who worked for the company got a ticket or two.


Hmmm. Is it really possible after all?


‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation
PUBLISHED: 07:20, Thu, Dec 10, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:26, Thu, Dec 10, 2015
Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars.
One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was “pointing out something plainly obvious” whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities.
Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trump’s controversial claims.
The Republican frontrunner provoked fury across the globe on Monday when he said that all Muslims should be banned from entering America to combat terrorism.

As I said in a previous thread.

The Daily Express's NICK GUTTERIDGE, reporting on an article from Breitbart quoting an unnamed policeman is not a reliable source!

A mouthy Traffic warden sounds much more plausible as the source..

You have been demanding links all day.

How about providing us a link that disavows this article?

I knew the response would be an attack on the article. That's all most of you liberals have.

Yeah, demanding credible links - I know I am such a rotter .

I've got this pet theory that some people will post any drivel on the internet, some of it is pure BS, with zero fact checking. Not that I'd accuse a fellow TVF poster of posting drivel.

The article in the Express Its not even worthy of mentioning. It quotes Breitbart quoting an unnamed policeman - that's like saying I read in a right-wing rag that somebody told me they heard somebody fart on a train.

The Express is famous for its sensationalist articles.. They'll even tell you who killed Princess Diane, and the coming winter will be the coldest on record,..



read the whole thread here.


and repeat ad nasuem...

basing your weltanschauung on drivel you read in sensationalist right-wing rags is all you have.. well played sir.


The UK has Islamo terrorists cutting off the heads of servicemen in London and they're worried about The Donald.

Kinda makes one wonder why we bothered...twice.

Makes me wonder, why you obviously don't care about all the right wing terrorists in the USA!

Oh...I forgot: lone wolves and psychos!

Who said they don't care...but this thread is about Trump and Islamo-terrorists.

No it is a petition by those who think the old trumpet blower should not be allowed in the UK...

And as petitions to UK Gov go this is going to be the first one with over half a million signatories... probably within the next 6 hours.


What percent of the British Population is Muslim now? Has hit 10% yet? My friend is an ex-Bobbie and he says their are areas that are Muslim only and the Police stay away! Is that true?

No, and I suspect your mate is probably an ex-traffic warden.

Hmmm. Is it really possible after all?


‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation
PUBLISHED: 07:20, Thu, Dec 10, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:26, Thu, Dec 10, 2015
Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars.
One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was “pointing out something plainly obvious” whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities.
Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trump’s controversial claims.
The Republican frontrunner provoked fury across the globe on Monday when he said that all Muslims should be banned from entering America to combat terrorism.

That this originates with the "Daily Express" is reason enough to doubt it.

It is notorious for "making stuff up", even in an industry that is renowned for "never letting the facts get in the way of a good story".

The only person I know who reads it is an 83 year old woman, who thought it remarkable that a "black" was competent to install her satellite receiver.


Decades ago a British politician Enoch Powell stated that there would be' rivers of blood ' if we allowed mass immigration . The politician was ostracized at the time .Mr Trump is having similar opposition to his views on immigration .

Since then Parliament has supported the overgrowing muslem population and have welcomed Muslim MPs and Muslem controlled local councils .

We have had many acts of terror by muslim fanatics in the UK. One serving soldier was beheaded on a london street in broad daylight.

Now we have this silly petition objecting to free speech .How many people who voted are muslem residents of the UK ?

Is there a petition to support Mr Trump .I doubt it but in fairness there should be .


Hmmm. Is it really possible after all?


‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation
PUBLISHED: 07:20, Thu, Dec 10, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:26, Thu, Dec 10, 2015
Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars.
One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was “pointing out something plainly obvious” whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities.
Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trump’s controversial claims.
The Republican frontrunner provoked fury across the globe on Monday when he said that all Muslims should be banned from entering America to combat terrorism.

As I said in a previous thread.

The Daily Express's NICK GUTTERIDGE, reporting on an article from Breitbart quoting an unnamed policeman is not a reliable source!

A mouthy Traffic warden sounds much more plausible as the source..

You have been demanding links all day.

How about providing us a link that disavows this article?

I knew the response would be an attack on the article. That's all most of you liberals have.

Yeah, demanding credible links - I know I am such a rotter .

I've got this pet theory that some people will post any drivel on the internet, some of it is pure BS, with zero fact checking. Not that I'd accuse a fellow TVF poster of posting drivel.

The article in the Express Its not even worthy of mentioning. It quotes Breitbart quoting an unnamed policeman - that's like saying I read in a right-wing rag that somebody told me they heard somebody fart on a train.

The Express is famous for its sensationalist articles.. They'll even tell you who killed Princess Diane, and the coming winter will be the coldest on record,..



read the whole thread here.


and repeat ad nasuem...

basing your weltanschauung on drivel you read in sensationalist right-wing rags is all you have.. well played sir.

All that bluster and not one word to refute what the police allegedly said.

Never mind. You will go to your grave thinking you are right so let's just leave it there.

Believe what you want to believe...as will I.


Welcome to Englanistan.

How many anglo-saxons are left on that crowded little island?

Most whities seem to be emigrating. No freedom of speech anymore.If you dont agree with the lunatic left then youre considered a 'hate crime ' suspect.

They will turn Trump away but let 50 ISIS loonies cruise straight through the arrivals terminal.

No freedom of speech anymore? They never had it, same as australia. There is no constitutional right to freedom of speech. Neither should there be. Too many dumb people for freedom of speech to be a constitutional right.

Do you have a link proving most white people emigrating?

They will turn Trump away because he will incite those 50 isis loonies, and that is illegal.

No freedom of speech,are you totally bonkers! That's why Americans uphold the second amendment as it guarantees all the others

Nothing to do with me, i didnt write the constitution, the magna carta or bill of rights. There is no explicit freedom of speech in the UK or Oz. its quite good that way, shuts up the nutbags that try to incite hatred.

Or do you like hate speech that can talk people into killing others. Seems you have no problem of radical mullahs spreading hatred, but i do.

You not only didn't write those documents, you don't understand them.

In the first place, what he said wasn't hate speech.

In the second place, he never uttered a word in either Australia or the UK about this. His comments were made in the US where free speech is a protected right, whether you like it or not.

Lastly two small pieces of information.

Learn where the apostrophe key is on your keyboard.

The Bill of Rights is part of the US Constitution. It is also known as the first Ten Amendments.

It does not matter where he is when he says things. Australia even banned a guy fro entering because he has a website on how to get women into bed. He was coming to give a talk but was refused entry because his views were considered offensive.

So just because what he said is legal and acceptable in the US does not mean he can gain entry to UK or Oz. If those countries find his comments offensive he can be banned, just like anyone else.


Remiss of me not to respond to the vomma/apostrophy.

The US is not the only country with a bill of rights. The comma position is correct.


Decades ago a British politician Enoch Powell stated that there would be' rivers of blood ' if we allowed mass immigration . The politician was ostracized at the time .Mr Trump is having similar opposition to his views on immigration .

Since then Parliament has supported the overgrowing muslem population and have welcomed Muslim MPs and Muslem controlled local councils .

We have had many acts of terror by muslim fanatics in the UK. One serving soldier was beheaded on a london street in broad daylight.

Now we have this silly petition objecting to free speech .How many people who voted are muslem residents of the UK ?

Is there a petition to support Mr Trump .I doubt it but in fairness there should be .

As a person who lives in the UK, I have been to school with, worked with, worked for Muslims and there is a big difference between the vast majority of them and the small majority who are advocating terrorism.

The big problems is those Muslim fanatics who are preaching hatred and justifying their reasoning by misinterpreting the Koran in particular to the younger Muslims and the Right Wing Racist Fascists (NF, BNP, UKIP) who are trying to tar all Muslims with the same brush and who in reality are alienating most moderate and civilised Muslims in the direction of the terrorists.

Free Speech is one thing but preaching racism is illegal in the UK, and this old trumpet blower seems to be doing plenty of that.

I see he has been dropped as Business Ambassador by Tartan Knickers and the Robert Gordon University has stripped him of his honorary degree. gigglem.gif


WOW 300,000 Muslims in UK who hate Trump

Don't forget to count the other 60,000,probably the "rainbow group".

what is the "rainbow group"?


WOW 300,000 Muslims in UK who hate Trump

Don't forget to count the other 60,000,probably the "rainbow group".

what is the "rainbow group"?

Anti Free Speech?

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