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Trump defends Muslim entry ban as “the right thing to do”

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I as a Muslim support Trump, call me crazy. Islam needs to adjust to the 21st century. However this ban is not enforceable, there are millions of muslims carrying EU passports, and as far as I know in Europe you dont need to declare your faith. Government doesnt keep a record of their citizens religions, everythings is a guess. Im tired of all the people giving Islam a bad name. THe muslims in USA are good, they are nice people, but the ones in Europe are terrible and uncivilized.

Whether you agree with a ban or not, it is going to be hard to enforce. Numerous countries do not require a visa (at least not in advance) to arrive in the US and there is no record of whether they are Muslim or not.

The plan is one thing, but the implementation may present some real logistic and financial hurdles to enforce.

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I as a Muslim support Trump, call me crazy. Islam needs to adjust to the 21st century. However this ban is not enforceable, there are millions of muslims carrying EU passports, and as far as I know in Europe you dont need to declare your faith. Government doesnt keep a record of their citizens religions, everythings is a guess. Im tired of all the people giving Islam a bad name. THe muslims in USA are good, they are nice people, but the ones in Europe are terrible and uncivilized.

Therein lies the irony. Most of the Muslims in the US are pretty well integrated, more so than their European counterparts. But rhetoric like the one espoused by Trump and his followers do not help the situation. It can only radicalize more moderate Muslims who are already in America.


The new generation is coming and it is multicultural.

They're coming alright…the millennials…a bunch of soft arsed PC nodders who would shrivel up and die without their twitter and farcebook and the chance to share the most uninteresting details of their flaccid lives with strangers online.

What do these people know about keeping a country safe…they can barely look after themselves.

For them life is about ….ohhh someone shot up our town…..lets have a concert to show we are strong….lets tweet a hashtag to show we are united…..how lame.

It's much preferred to having an arsenal in the home and run to it to then go find some Muslims no matter who they may be, where, when, why.

In democracy ballots are always much better than bullets to decide who goes into government. A balanced and discrete view of society is also much preferred and indeed necessary. The reasonable person in society accepts this and celebrates it.

If Daesh attacks the United States then we gotta kill 'em then and there and kill 'em all if necessary. Short of that, a concert serves the purpose just fine. Rednecks with their bushman beards notwithstanding.

Trump used to be a joke. Presently however and going forward he's a one man catastrophe. A plague on the planet.


All the posters here still use the term IS. IS means Islamic State,so by continuing to use IS your giving validity to the term. They are not a State just a bunch of murderers. Call them Daesh ,it's the term people in the know use and the fact that these murderers do no like to be called. No idea what Daesh means,if someone could enlighten me please do!


All the posters here still use the term IS. IS means Islamic State,so by continuing to use IS your giving validity to the term. They are not a State just a bunch of murderers. Call them Daesh ,it's the term people in the know use and the fact that these murderers do no like to be called. No idea what Daesh means,if someone could enlighten me please do!

“Depending on how it is conjugated in Arabic, it can mean anything from ‘to trample down and crush’ to ‘a bigot who imposes his view on others"



Thanks for the comments on my post, but you are missing one big piece of the jigsaw in this war


Why is it we hear nothing from them, the worlds biggest Muslim population in one country. This will be the end game for sure, I can see ISIS taking over this country in a heart beat, its probably already in the planning knowing how one step ahead they seem to be

ISIS is rich, they could turn the military there and have there own haven with 80%+ supporting them

Mock if you want, I see this....................

We are hearing nothing from Indonesia, with regard to anything. Joko Widodo has been a dismal failure as a leader. Horrendously bad. He has had no control over the slashing and burning, which is fouling the air, over all of SE Asia. Nothing. There are at least ten solutions I could think of, first and foremost a complete ban on more palm plantations, which they need like a hole in the head, and will ruin the economy, due to a lack of diversity. He is doing nothing about the ships dumping off the coasts, he is doing little about anything, including human trafficking. He is ineffective, in over his head, incompetent, and lacking cunning or cleverness. His lack of competency is topped only by our own current clown.

Widodo has not lived up to these high expectations. In particular, he has failed to defend Indonesia's Anti-Corruption Commission (KPK), which is now under concerted attack from powerful figures it has investigated. Does any of this sound very close to home?



All the posters here still use the term IS. IS means Islamic State,so by continuing to use IS your giving validity to the term. They are not a State just a bunch of murderers. Call them Daesh ,it's the term people in the know use and the fact that these murderers do no like to be called. No idea what Daesh means,if someone could enlighten me please do!

Depending on how it is conjugated in Arabic, it can mean anything from to trample down and crush to a bigot who imposes his view on others"


Thanks simple1,obviously your not a simple one. Trample down or crush is more appropriate than calling them a state. Hope people notice!


I'm not certain about Trump's true intentions, but those who criticize him are liable to have it backfire seeing as his stated policy is already enacted by several Muslim nations. It is also clear that Obamas deny all policy and the breakneck speed of Muslim immigration into the west is unsustainable and will only end in disaster. All one needs to do is look at Sweden to see what will happen with no change in policy.

Trump has made this an issue, by facing the inevitable flak he has got everybody watching.


All the posters here still use the term IS. IS means Islamic State,so by continuing to use IS your giving validity to the term. They are not a State just a bunch of murderers. Call them Daesh ,it's the term people in the know use and the fact that these murderers do no like to be called. No idea what Daesh means,if someone could enlighten me please do!

Depending on how it is conjugated in Arabic, it can mean anything from to trample down and crush to a bigot who imposes his view on others"


Thanks simple1,obviously your not a simple one. Trample down or crush is more appropriate than calling them a state. Hope people notice!

I prefer GRUAV (gang rapists united against virtue).

Or SMTPRM (serial murdering thugs pretending to be real men), or RDF (really dumb +++).

Or WESAA (we are serious about anarchy).

Or WBIN (we believe in nothing).

Or WEDDI (we are disenfranchised, disaffected and insane).

Or WRYG (we rape young girls).

Or MMIA (my mother is ashamed).

Or IKN ( I know nothing).

Or SFB (sh++ for brains).

Or IANMPN (I am not a man of peace or nobility).

Or finally MRMI (murder, rape, mayhem inc.).

All of those titles would be appropriate. You are right, they do not deserve the title Islamic State, as they represent nothing, much less Islam. Allah does not even know their first names. They are nothing. They are less than zero. They are not men. They are insects. They are vermin. They do not even deserve the oxygen they breath. They have revoked that privilege with their behavior. There are certain lines we cross in this life, and the very act of crossing that lines revokes our right to breathe oxygen. They have done so. They must be eliminated one by one. And the ignorant foreign policy that allows these kinds of insects to breed must stop.


FREE BEER!!! Yes I'm paying and would like to invite all those who see the problem of Daesh. Please no Islamic sympathizer's. This not a debate,only an opportunity for like minded people in Chiang Mai,unless you want to make the drive. No idea of a venue or how many people will come. Let's meet and enjoy! PM me if you are interested.


FREE BEER!!! Yes I'm paying and would like to invite all those who see the problem of Daesh. Please no Islamic sympathizer's. This not a debate,only an opportunity for like minded people in Chiang Mai,unless you want to make the drive. No idea of a venue or how many people will come. Let's meet and enjoy! PM me if you are interested.

And ladyboys!

Charles Barkley to Trump supporters: "Your life sucks."



No idea what Daesh means,if someone could enlighten me please do!

It also means the same…islamic state of iraq and the levant….the goons just don't like it thats all.


You do realize that 70-80 years ago was a much different time in America. Civil Rights laws didn't exist. Women didn't have full rights. Minorities were largely second class citizens. Gays? Forget about it. Why don't you go back even further to the days of slavery to make your point?

Trump's statements were about 'immigrants' and refugees from Muslim countries ... The U.S. Constitution was and is for U.S. Citizens and people allowed official residence. People not allowed in as official residence are not American citizens ... The rest of the world who are not American citizens or officially allowed residence in the USA are NOT covered under the U.S. Constitution ... But you knew that and only want to make an emotionally distorted liberal / Leftist propaganda statement... If you didn't know that - then you should get educated.

And don't rely on the American Leftist news sources to give you what they say Trump said ... go look up the original unaltered words said by Mr. Trump... You will see that there is quite a difference ...


I as a Muslim support Trump, call me crazy. Islam needs to adjust to the 21st century. However this ban is not enforceable, there are millions of muslims carrying EU passports, and as far as I know in Europe you dont need to declare your faith. Government doesnt keep a record of their citizens religions, everythings is a guess. Im tired of all the people giving Islam a bad name. THe muslims in USA are good, they are nice people, but the ones in Europe are terrible and uncivilized.

Therein lies the irony. Most of the Muslims in the US are pretty well integrated, more so than their European counterparts. But rhetoric like the one espoused by Trump and his followers do not help the situation. It can only radicalize more moderate Muslims who are already in America.

If a Muslim in America has a mindset so malleable that they can be radicalized by statements by Trump or anyone else - then that Muslim does not possess any sense of loyalty to the U.S.A.


Not exactly true, once you are on US soil, you have all the rights and protections afforded by the constitution. If you are illegal, then you are subject to the relevant laws, but people do have full access to the court systems.


Research is always good but at least, if you would have researched a little more objective and less selective, you would have found that in the US alone, there has been at least eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, and 186 arsons targeted at abortion clinics and providers across the United States by Christian Catholic Jihadis.

Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Horst Mahler, and Ulrike Meinhof were not Muslims. Although Gudrun Ensslin's father was a vicar, I would not blame Christianity or Christian indoctrination for their crimes in the same way as you do by pointing out, that those bombers you mention where Muslims. Half of those attacks were committed out of political reasons, not religious reasons.

You must have completely forgotten or ignored Hitler atrocities in the name of religion. (In his book, he claimed to be Luciferian and wanted to destroy God's people). In the beginning of Hitler's road to power, he behaved in just the same way as Mickey Mouse Trump does. Funny enough, half a century later, half of his supporters claim innocence as they "didn't know" or had 'no choice".

What's about genocide in Rwanda where One priest burned down his own church to kill hundreds of Tutsi's who had taken sanctuary there. Not 100 of years ago but in 2001. Where Nuns even supplied the gasoline to burn their victims.

What's about the American Baptist, Paul Lewis, who sterilized more than 20,000 Akha Hill Tribe women in Burma’s Eastern Shan State alone. This was done secretly, and blood was stolen from these women for resale, taken during the sterilization procedure. More than 3,000 of the women died.

The list could go on and on and on ...

At least if you research stuff, try to inform yourself rather than just filtering out what is to your benefit.

BTW, the Olympic team attack was done by Palestinians, Christian and Muslim Palestinians. So are many of the atrocities you mention rather policicaly then religeously motivated.

If Disgusting Don became president, there is no way to know what he would be capable of doing, in terms of wreaking destruction upon the world. One thing is always certain with Trump. His motives are heinous. His intentions are selfish. His plans are grandiose. His thirst for power and recognition knows no bounds. His judgment is terrible. His intellect is suspect. His loyalty is only to himself. His greed rules everything he does, and will ever do. He will never do anything because it is the right thing to do, as it is not in his nature. He is foul. He is corrupt. He is hateful, racist, misogynistic, intolerant, and simple minded. His hunger for power makes one wonder to what extent he would go to amass more of it. Fascism? Dictatorship? Martial law? Dropping nukes on difficult countries? This fool is capable of making problems of the sort we have not even contemplated yet. To call him potentially dangerous would be under stating the facts to a great degree.

And this goon should get his facts straight, something that has never gotten in his way.

Fact checkers squawked at his claims about Mexican immigration. They pointed out that net immigration from Mexico is now zero, if not negative (that is, the number of people returning to Mexico from the U.S. is at least as great as the number of new arrivals), and that there are now more arrivals from Asia than from Latin America.

But, does that bother this creep, when a mere lie can gain him so much mileage? Of course not. Lies come very naturally to him. It is in his nature to avoid truth.

Wow. .....you must know Donald very well to put that kind of hatred in your description of him. Were you on the losing side of one of his business transactions? Or are you just normally this full of rage at Celebrities in general?


Here are a couple of legal opinions. For those that somehow believe the 14th Amendment is pertinent, Professor Ting makes this statement...

“No kind of immigration restriction is unconstitutional,” Ting told TheDC. “The U.S. government can exclude a foreign national on any basis.”


Law Professors: Trump’s Muslim Moratorium Is Constitutional
Associate Editor
6:10 PM 12/12/2015
One of the main criticisms of Donald Trump’s proposed moratorium on Muslim immigration is that it’s unconstitutional. For example, Republican presidential candidate and law graduate Marco Rubio said that the plan “violates the Constitution” earlier this week.
However, two notable law professors — Jan C. Ting of Temple University and Eric Posner of the University of Chicago — say those critics are wrong and possibly don’t know much about legal history.
Ting, a professor at Temple University’s School of Law and a former Immigration and Naturalization Services commissioner for the Department of Justice, explained to The Daily Caller that Trump’s plan is in keeping with over a hundred years of legal precedent.

He is right and whether he becomes President or not, at some point in the future the world will wake up to the fact we our in a world war with a radical, spiteful and jealous religion.

Can you name one atrocity in the recent times not committed by Muslims?

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim

The Beltway Snipers were Muslims

The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim

The underwear Bomber was a Muslim

The U.S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims

The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims

The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims

The London Subway Bombers were Muslims

The Moscow Theater Attackers were Muslims

The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims

The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims

The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims

The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims

The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims

The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims

The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims

The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims

The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims

The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims

The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims

The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims

The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims

The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims

The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims

The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims

Research is always good but at least, if you would have researched a little more objective and less selective, you would have found that in the US alone, there has been at least eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, and 186 arsons targeted at abortion clinics and providers across the United States by Christian Catholic Jihadis.

Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Horst Mahler, and Ulrike Meinhof were not Muslims. Although Gudrun Ensslin's father was a vicar, I would not blame Christianity or Christian indoctrination for their crimes in the same way as you do by pointing out, that those bombers you mention where Muslims. Half of those attacks were committed out of political reasons, not religious reasons.

You must have completely forgotten or ignored Hitler atrocities in the name of religion. (In his book, he claimed to be Luciferian and wanted to destroy God's people). In the beginning of Hitler's road to power, he behaved in just the same way as Mickey Mouse Trump does. Funny enough, half a century later, half of his supporters claim innocence as they "didn't know" or had 'no choice".

What's about genocide in Rwanda where One priest burned down his own church to kill hundreds of Tutsi's who had taken sanctuary there. Not 100 of years ago but in 2001. Where Nuns even supplied the gasoline to burn their victims.

What's about the American Baptist, Paul Lewis, who sterilized more than 20,000 Akha Hill Tribe women in Burma’s Eastern Shan State alone. This was done secretly, and blood was stolen from these women for resale, taken during the sterilization procedure. More than 3,000 of the women died.

The list could go on and on and on ...

At least if you research stuff, try to inform yourself rather than just filtering out what is to your benefit.

BTW, the Olympic team attack was done by Palestinians, Christian and Muslim Palestinians. So are many of the atrocities you mention rather policicaly then religeously motivated.

If Disgusting Don became president, there is no way to know what he would be capable of doing, in terms of wreaking destruction upon the world. One thing is always certain with Trump. His motives are heinous. His intentions are selfish. His plans are grandiose. His thirst for power and recognition knows no bounds. His judgment is terrible. His intellect is suspect. His loyalty is only to himself. His greed rules everything he does, and will ever do. He will never do anything because it is the right thing to do, as it is not in his nature. He is foul. He is corrupt. He is hateful, racist, misogynistic, intolerant, and simple minded. His hunger for power makes one wonder to what extent he would go to amass more of it. Fascism? Dictatorship? Martial law? Dropping nukes on difficult countries? This fool is capable of making problems of the sort we have not even contemplated yet. To call him potentially dangerous would be under stating the facts to a great degree.

And this goon should get his facts straight, something that has never gotten in his way.

Fact checkers squawked at his claims about Mexican immigration. They pointed out that net immigration from Mexico is now zero, if not negative (that is, the number of people returning to Mexico from the U.S. is at least as great as the number of new arrivals), and that there are now more arrivals from Asia than from Latin America.

But, does that bother this creep, when a mere lie can gain him so much mileage? Of course not. Lies come very naturally to him. It is in his nature to avoid truth.

Wow. .....you must know Donald very well to put that kind of hatred in your description of him. Were you on the losing side of one of his business transactions? Or are you just normally this full of rage at Celebrities in general?

I have no problem with celebrities in general. There are quite a few I am very fond of. Men and women like Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Keanu Reeves, Merryl Streep, Mathew McConaughey, Angelina Jolie, Michael J. Fox, Oprah, Ted Turner, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and now Mark Zuckerberg and Jamie Gertz are making a huge difference in peoples lives, by giving away a lot of money to foundations and individuals in need. I admire them greatly. How much money does Trump give away? Is he involved in charity work? I seriously doubt that he is involved in anything beyond what his accountants have suggested to benefit his tax liabilities. He does not have enough heart to give his money away. That is not a part of his character.

I worked in commercial real estate in New York during the 80's. I befriended several men who had done deals with Trump, and sat across the table from him. All of their stories were the same. Extremely difficult, enormously uncooperative, uncompromising on even the smallest details., and cheap to a ridiculous degree. Unpleasant, obnoxious, arrogate beyond imagination, and just plain foul. All said the same thing about him. He refused to leave even one dollar on the table. Each and every guy walked away with the same impression of the man. Each said they felt as if they had just spent five years in prison, and been the recipient of several gangs. Not a nice feeling to take away from a deal. When he says the art of the deal, what he means is the art of the screw. He was the bigger guy in the room, the other guys needed the deal more than he did, and he abused that power, with a tremendous lack of grace, dignity, fairness, equity, or any sense of good sportsmanship. That is the Donald I have always known. All the research I have done on the man, every since, points toward the same thing. Now, like George Soros, and many other before him, he decides to revamp his image, buy good PR from powerful firms, that put out messages of how nice he is, and the extent of his kindness. Well, I don't buy any of it. And anyone who takes the time to research this pig, will not buy it either. He is not a good man. He is not decent, nor a kind, nor a fair minded man. He is a monster. He is a thief. He has swindled hundreds if not thousands of people through his countless schemes. He is a snake oil salesman. Don't believe the hype. In this case, the hype about him is not true. He is not a good businessman. He was in the right place, at the right time. Anyone with cash in the 1970's in New York, who was buying real estate made a fortune. Anyone. Any simpleton with cash.

I consider myself fortunate I have never had any dealings with him. If he were the last buyer on the planet, I would not sell to him.

Does that answer your question?


Research is always good but at least, if you would have researched a little more objective and less selective, you would have found that in the US alone, there has been at least eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, and 186 arsons targeted at abortion clinics and providers across the United States by Christian Catholic Jihadis.

Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Horst Mahler, and Ulrike Meinhof were not Muslims. Although Gudrun Ensslin's father was a vicar, I would not blame Christianity or Christian indoctrination for their crimes in the same way as you do by pointing out, that those bombers you mention where Muslims. Half of those attacks were committed out of political reasons, not religious reasons.

You must have completely forgotten or ignored Hitler atrocities in the name of religion. (In his book, he claimed to be Luciferian and wanted to destroy God's people). In the beginning of Hitler's road to power, he behaved in just the same way as Mickey Mouse Trump does. Funny enough, half a century later, half of his supporters claim innocence as they "didn't know" or had 'no choice".

What's about genocide in Rwanda where One priest burned down his own church to kill hundreds of Tutsi's who had taken sanctuary there. Not 100 of years ago but in 2001. Where Nuns even supplied the gasoline to burn their victims.

What's about the American Baptist, Paul Lewis, who sterilized more than 20,000 Akha Hill Tribe women in Burma’s Eastern Shan State alone. This was done secretly, and blood was stolen from these women for resale, taken during the sterilization procedure. More than 3,000 of the women died.

The list could go on and on and on ...

At least if you research stuff, try to inform yourself rather than just filtering out what is to your benefit.

BTW, the Olympic team attack was done by Palestinians, Christian and Muslim Palestinians. So are many of the atrocities you mention rather policicaly then religeously motivated.

If Disgusting Don became president, there is no way to know what he would be capable of doing, in terms of wreaking destruction upon the world. One thing is always certain with Trump. His motives are heinous. His intentions are selfish. His plans are grandiose. His thirst for power and recognition knows no bounds. His judgment is terrible. His intellect is suspect. His loyalty is only to himself. His greed rules everything he does, and will ever do. He will never do anything because it is the right thing to do, as it is not in his nature. He is foul. He is corrupt. He is hateful, racist, misogynistic, intolerant, and simple minded. His hunger for power makes one wonder to what extent he would go to amass more of it. Fascism? Dictatorship? Martial law? Dropping nukes on difficult countries? This fool is capable of making problems of the sort we have not even contemplated yet. To call him potentially dangerous would be under stating the facts to a great degree.

And this goon should get his facts straight, something that has never gotten in his way.

Fact checkers squawked at his claims about Mexican immigration. They pointed out that net immigration from Mexico is now zero, if not negative (that is, the number of people returning to Mexico from the U.S. is at least as great as the number of new arrivals), and that there are now more arrivals from Asia than from Latin America.

But, does that bother this creep, when a mere lie can gain him so much mileage? Of course not. Lies come very naturally to him. It is in his nature to avoid truth.

Wow. .....you must know Donald very well to put that kind of hatred in your description of him. Were you on the losing side of one of his business transactions? Or are you just normally this full of rage at Celebrities in general?

I have no problem with celebrities in general. There are quite a few I am very fond of. Men and women like Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Keanu Reeves, Merryl Streep, Mathew McConaughey, Angelina Jolie, Michael J. Fox, Oprah, Ted Turner, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and now Mark Zuckerberg and Jamie Gertz are making a huge difference in peoples lives, by giving away a lot of money to foundations and individuals in need. I admire them greatly. How much money does Trump give away? Is he involved in charity work? I seriously doubt that he is involved in anything beyond what his accountants have suggested to benefit his tax liabilities. He does not have enough heart to give his money away. That is not a part of his character.

I worked in commercial real estate in New York during the 80's. I befriended several men who had done deals with Trump, and sat across the table from him. All of their stories were the same. Extremely difficult, enormously uncooperative, uncompromising on even the smallest details., and cheap to a ridiculous degree. Unpleasant, obnoxious, arrogate beyond imagination, and just plain foul. All said the same thing about him. He refused to leave even one dollar on the table. Each and every guy walked away with the same impression of the man. Each said they felt as if they had just spent five years in prison, and been the recipient of several gangs. Not a nice feeling to take away from a deal. When he says the art of the deal, what he means is the art of the screw. He was the bigger guy in the room, the other guys needed the deal more than he did, and he abused that power, with a tremendous lack of grace, dignity, fairness, equity, or any sense of good sportsmanship. That is the Donald I have always known. All the research I have done on the man, every since, points toward the same thing. Now, like George Soros, and many other before him, he decides to revamp his image, buy good PR from powerful firms, that put out messages of how nice he is, and the extent of his kindness. Well, I don't buy any of it. And anyone who takes the time to research this pig, will not buy it either. He is not a good man. He is not decent, nor a kind, nor a fair minded man. He is a monster. He is a thief. He has swindled hundreds if not thousands of people through his countless schemes. He is a snake oil salesman. Don't believe the hype. In this case, the hype about him is not true. He is not a good businessman. He was in the right place, at the right time. Anyone with cash in the 1970's in New York, who was buying real estate made a fortune. Anyone. Any simpleton with cash.

I consider myself fortunate I have never had any dealings with him. If he were the last buyer on the planet, I would not sell to him.

Does that answer your question?

You portray Trump as one tough SOB, just the type of person who should be president.


You portray Trump as one tough SOB, just the type of person who should be president.

I'm not a real Trump fan, but there is much truth in what you say.

Perhaps a hard nosed negotiator is what has been needed for the past seven years.

Sitting around the campfire toasting marshmallows and singing "Kumbaya" doesn't seem to be cutting it.


To be fair...he is hated for this by most of the Right too. coffee1.gif

That ain't the only reason many of us on the right have no use for Carter as President.


I guess all the mass shootings that have happened in the US , perpetrated by WHITE CHRISTIANS, are not Atrocities?

Latest one by Muslims

At least the US white Christian shooters are not exporting their insane activities worldwide.

Right on and let's not forget this eye opening stat just posted recently...Thailand gun death rate TWICE that of USA shock1.gif (which btw many here attribute to the Muslims in South Thailand)



Latest one by Muslims

At least the US white Christian shooters are not exporting their insane activities worldwide.

Right on and let's not forget this eye opening stat just posted recently...Thailand gun death rate TWICE that of USA shock1.gif (which btw many here attribute to the Muslims in South Thailand)


Whoever is making that claim is plainly wrong - the average murder rate in the deep South p.a. for the past 10 years is about 600, which includes IEDs etc



I consider myself fortunate I have never had any dealings with him. If he were the last buyer on the planet, I would not sell to him.

Did he build a golf course on your property?


I consider myself fortunate I have never had any dealings with him. If he were the last buyer on the planet, I would not sell to him.

Did he build a golf course on your property?

I will repeat, if he were the last man alive, I would not sell anything to him, at nearly any price. I despise him. And he has earned my enmity. He is a hateful, dishonest, wannabe fascist pig. I do not like men that are pigs.


I consider myself fortunate I have never had any dealings with him. If he were the last buyer on the planet, I would not sell to him.

Did he build a golf course on your property?

I will repeat, if he were the last man alive, I would not sell anything to him, at nearly any price. I despise him. And he has earned my enmity. He is a hateful, dishonest, wannabe fascist pig. I do not like men that are pigs.

He was just on CNN saying how crushed he was to hear that.

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