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Putin praises Donald Trump as 'bright and talented'


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Putin praises Donald Trump as 'bright and talented'

MOSCOW (AP) — In Vladimir Putin's view, Donald Trump is "bright and talented." But as much as those words sound overtly like praise, there are some murky nuances.

The most unequivocally favorable part of the comments the Russian leader made Thursday to a scrum of reporters after his annual year-end news conference was about the Republican presidential aspirant's claims that he wants to improve relations with Russia.

"He says that he wants to move to another, closer level of relations. Can we really not welcome that? Of course we welcome that," Putin said.

Trump hasn't given details about he would go about achieving that, relying instead on his fireproof self-regard.

"I think that I would probably get along with him very well," Trump said in an October interview with CBS.

Putin "does not like Obama at all. He doesn't respect Obama at all. And I'm sure that Obama doesn't like him very much," Trump had said.

Russia-U.S. relations have hit a particularly low point during the Obama administration, with the Kremlin persistently alleging that Washington's pressure on Moscow over human rights and the sanctions imposed over Crimea and the conflict in eastern Ukraine are a cover for fomenting unrest aimed at driving Putin out of office.

"I suppose (Putin) sympathizes with Trump without knowing him well in person, but he is following him closely, what he does and says, just because he is not a kind of usual Western politician," said Alexander Baunov, an analyst at the Moscow Carnegie Center.

While the Obama administration regarded Russia's airstrikes in Syria gingerly, Trump was a full-throated supporter — even if Moscow has appeared to be more interested in helping prop up Syrian President Bashar Assad than fighting militants from the Islamic State group in the country.

"If Putin wants to go and knock the hell out of ISIS, I am all for it, 100 percent, and I can't understand how anybody would be against it," he said during a Republican presidential debate.

Putin assessed Trump as "the absolute leader in the American presidential race," suggesting his comments could be an early attempt to curry favor with a man he may have to deal with.

Does Putin think Trump is intelligent?

On that count, the Russian word he used not only means "bright" in terms of intelligence, but also "vivid" and even "gaudy."

"It's not our affair to determine his worthiness, that's a matter for the American voters," Putin said.

He also hedged on Trump's penchant for blunt language that provokes both devotion and revulsion.

"His turn of phrase, which he uses to raise his popularity," is a domestic U.S. political matter, Putin said.

Trump said in a statement that he was honored by the comments.

"It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond," he said. "I have always felt that Russia and the United States should be able to work well with each other towards defeating terrorism and restoring world peace, not to mention trade and all of the other benefits derived from mutual respect."

Putin himself is not opposed to being blunt or vulgar to make a point, at one point vowing to wipe out Chechen rebels even if they had to be shot "in the outhouse," and another time suggesting a reporter who questioned his Chechen policy should get circumcised.

Putin and Trump also share a love of the limelight, although Putin's public appearances generally have an element of control and calculation at odds with Trump's apparent hair-trigger outbursts.

The Russian president is famed for public stunts, including swimming in a frigid river and riding a horse bare-chested, that emphasize his athleticism — a more-convincing strategy than a superlatives-dripping letter from a physician that Trump issued this month.

Trump has repeatedly cited the fact that two appeared — in separate segments — on the same episode of "60 Minutes" as evidence of their bond.

"I got to know him very well because we were both on '60 Minutes,' we were stable mates, and we did very well that night," he said in the fourth GOP debate, touting the show's ratings.

Associated Press Writer Jill Colvin in Newark, New Jersey, contributed to this story.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-18

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The only person in the United States who is more of a numbskull than Putin himself in Russia is Donald Trump as POTUS. It also shows Putin knows absolutely nothing about the USA or its electoral politics to think Trump would have any even remote possibility to be elected.
Putin wants to deal with the guy who for instance during the Las Vegas debate revealed he has no idea of what the nuclear Triad defense strategy of the USA is and has been since the 1950s. Donald Trump. (Nuclear armed bombers; nuclear armed multiple warhead ICBM missiles; stealth boomer submarines with multiple warhead nuclear armed missiles fired from underseas.)
Trump has many times indicated his admiration of Putin. A President Donald Trump is in fact the only American who could make Putin the fool look like the master genius strategist he is not. Putin would have an ally in the way the dominant Hitler had the subordinate buffoon Mussolini.

Putin hopes Donald Trump will move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with his own crew of idiots at the Pentagon, DepState, a new US ambassador to Nato and much else that would be a gift to the little Chekist dictator in the Kremlin.

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The only person in the United States who is more of a numbskull than Putin himself in Russia is Donald Trump as POTUS. It also shows Putin knows absolutely nothing about the USA or its electoral politics to think Trump would have any even remote possibility to be elected.
Putin wants to deal with the guy who for instance during the Las Vegas debate revealed he has no idea of what the nuclear Triad defense strategy of the USA is and has been since the 1950s. Donald Trump. (Nuclear armed bombers; nuclear armed multiple warhead ICBM missiles; stealth boomer submarines with multiple warhead nuclear armed missiles fired from underseas.)
Trump has many times indicated his admiration of Putin. A President Donald Trump is in fact the only American who could make Putin the fool look like the master genius strategist he is not. Putin would have an ally in the way the dominant Hitler had the subordinate buffoon Mussolini.

Putin hopes Donald Trump will move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with his own crew of idiots at the Pentagon, DepState, a new US ambassador to Nato and much else that would be a gift to the little Chekist dictator in the Kremlin.

Trump and his supporters are the only ones dumb enough to think that this is actually a compliment.

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And there you have it. The candidate least likely to get the US into World War III and a thermonuclear exchange is Donald Trump. The rest of the Republicans just want to carpet bomb the world, while the Democrats are too busy trying on Chamberlain's appeasement suit to do anything at all. We need a tough negotiator who tries to make a deal. Not flaccid wimps or maniac bombers.

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Trump is the only one with balls to speak the truth whithout being worried if he was politically correct.

Putin is the same .

As for Obama lovers, there is a good reason why his popularity at 40% and Trump keeps on rising .

About time US had a president who put American people first and everything else second

Edited by konying
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The only person in the United States who is more of a numbskull than Putin himself in Russia is Donald Trump as POTUS. It also shows Putin knows absolutely nothing about the USA or its electoral politics to think Trump would have any even remote possibility to be elected.

Putin wants to deal with the guy who for instance during the Las Vegas debate revealed he has no idea of what the nuclear Triad defense strategy of the USA is and has been since the 1950s. Donald Trump. (Nuclear armed bombers; nuclear armed multiple warhead ICBM missiles; stealth boomer submarines with multiple warhead nuclear armed missiles fired from underseas.)

Trump has many times indicated his admiration of Putin. A President Donald Trump is in fact the only American who could make Putin the fool look like the master genius strategist he is not. Putin would have an ally in the way the dominant Hitler had the subordinate buffoon Mussolini.

Putin hopes Donald Trump will move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with his own crew of idiots at the Pentagon, DepState, a new US ambassador to Nato and much else that would be a gift to the little Chekist dictator in the Kremlin.

Both Trump and Putin are dangerous men, with unlimited ambition. Putin of course, if far more wealthy. Trump would be more dangerous as president. He might cause WWIII. Either through ignorance, aggression of just by offending the wrong guy with his circus clown behavior. He has all of the dignity of a 15th century court eunich.

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Putin respects Trump because he realizes that Trump is the only hardfisted negotiator in the bunch that is a true statesman. The rest of the Republicans want to bomb, bomb, bomb and then invite the tens of millions that they've bombed into the US as a sign of their magnanimity.

Edited by Usernames
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Well seems no other Rep candidate is getting any traction, as such if not him then crooked Hillary is a shoe in.

That aside no one stays an alive president for long if not towing the big money line, regardless who wins there will be more war and mayhem with false flags and regime change.

Same as it ever was...

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I think this Putin guy is hedging his bets by being nice to Trump just in case he get elected to

be the next president knowing that Trump is no Obama, and that if get elected, there will be

no more Mr nice guy here....

Trump actually spoke nice about Putin.....Recall the others spoke about shooting down Russian Airplanes.

Trump told he'll speak with Putin and he sure they'll get along very well. Putin is just doing the same. And always Putin could do very well with real man, like Schroeder. Only with these slippery politicians he has a problem.

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The only person in the United States who is more of a numbskull than Putin himself in Russia is Donald Trump as POTUS. It also shows Putin knows absolutely nothing about the USA or its electoral politics to think Trump would have any even remote possibility to be elected.
Putin wants to deal with the guy who for instance during the Las Vegas debate revealed he has no idea of what the nuclear Triad defense strategy of the USA is and has been since the 1950s. Donald Trump. (Nuclear armed bombers; nuclear armed multiple warhead ICBM missiles; stealth boomer submarines with multiple warhead nuclear armed missiles fired from underseas.)
Trump has many times indicated his admiration of Putin. A President Donald Trump is in fact the only American who could make Putin the fool look like the master genius strategist he is not. Putin would have an ally in the way the dominant Hitler had the subordinate buffoon Mussolini.

Putin hopes Donald Trump will move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with his own crew of idiots at the Pentagon, DepState, a new US ambassador to Nato and much else that would be a gift to the little Chekist dictator in the Kremlin.

This bromance doesn't have a future.

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I think this Putin guy is hedging his bets by being nice to Trump just in case he get elected to

be the next president knowing that Trump is no Obama, and that if get elected, there will be

no more Mr nice guy here....

Putin might have behaved himself if we had a Republican in the White House, instead of Obama. However, he could not resist a sure thing and he knew there would be no serious repercussions from the chosen one.

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I think this Putin guy is hedging his bets by being nice to Trump just in case he get elected to

be the next president knowing that Trump is no Obama, and that if get elected, there will be

no more Mr nice guy here....

Putin might have behaved himself if we had a Republican in the White House, instead of Obama. However, he could not resist a sure thing and he knew there would be no serious repercussions from the chosen one.

Perhaps you forgot this:

That's when Bush was President and McCain had a lead in the polls due to the Sarah bump before she scuttled his campaign. Not that I expect you to stop living in the twilight zone after looking at the facts but Obama is doing exactly what he was elected to do, not get us into expensive, unpaid for, heavily indebting to our grand children unneeded wars.

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Trump: A dangerous unstable CLOWN.

Why? Because he wants America to be for Americans ? Or because he wants Americans to have jobs instead of illegal immigrants? Or because he does not want people who are happy to see dead Americans?

A clown who can make billions is by far better than a politician under someone's thumb

Kick-ass Americans as Trump, Texan Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc are not particularly liked and hated by the world except for a few minor nations.

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Putin "does not like Obama at all. He doesn't respect Obama at all.

Putin is not alone...latest polling says that about 65% of Americans do not like or respect Obama at all...Amen...

I would say that's pretty good after 7 years of looking after a f...ed up country and putting up with the Republican rabble.

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Trump: A dangerous unstable CLOWN.

Why? Because he wants America to be for Americans ? Or because he wants Americans to have jobs instead of illegal immigrants? Or because he does not want people who are happy to see dead Americans?

A clown who can make billions is by far better than a politician under someone's thumb

Who is going to do all your shit jobs and agriculture at $4/HR.The mighty US of A would grind to a halt without your working poor and illegals.How much does the clown really have,it's all just paper bought with other fools money.All piss and wind,you deserve what you get.Remember that other clown that sent the country broke.He was a Reb too wasn't he.America for Americans,yeah,as long as you all stay behind that fence and don't come out and annoy the rest of us.America.the gated country.

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The only person in the United States who is more of a numbskull than Putin himself in Russia is Donald Trump as POTUS. It also shows Putin knows absolutely nothing about the USA or its electoral politics to think Trump would have any even remote possibility to be elected.
Putin wants to deal with the guy who for instance during the Las Vegas debate revealed he has no idea of what the nuclear Triad defense strategy of the USA is and has been since the 1950s. Donald Trump. (Nuclear armed bombers; nuclear armed multiple warhead ICBM missiles; stealth boomer submarines with multiple warhead nuclear armed missiles fired from underseas.)
Trump has many times indicated his admiration of Putin. A President Donald Trump is in fact the only American who could make Putin the fool look like the master genius strategist he is not. Putin would have an ally in the way the dominant Hitler had the subordinate buffoon Mussolini.

Putin hopes Donald Trump will move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with his own crew of idiots at the Pentagon, DepState, a new US ambassador to Nato and much else that would be a gift to the little Chekist dictator in the Kremlin.

This bromance doesn't have a future.

This one seems to have endured, albeit the flexibility was one sided.

"Please tell Vladimer that after the election I can be much more flexible."

.....Barack Hussein Obama, 2012

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Trump: A dangerous unstable CLOWN.

Why? Because he wants America to be for Americans ? Or because he wants Americans to have jobs instead of illegal immigrants? Or because he does not want people who are happy to see dead Americans?

A clown who can make billions is by far better than a politician under someone's thumb

Who is going to do all your shit jobs and agriculture at $4/HR.The mighty US of A would grind to a halt without your working poor and illegals.How much does the clown really have,it's all just paper bought with other fools money.All piss and wind,you deserve what you get.Remember that other clown that sent the country broke.He was a Reb too wasn't he.America for Americans,yeah,as long as you all stay behind that fence and don't come out and annoy the rest of us.America.the gated country.

Do you have this paper ?i did not think so

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