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Foreign media ‘slave labour report unfair’


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Vote with your wallets!

It's what we all have in common.

The message will get through if we are socially responsible in the purchase choices we make.

Yes ! Yes! The righteous posters of TV can influence the farkin world by not buying a fish !facepalm.gif

Not only the TV posters but the many who are informed and see there is choice to be made can avoid the purchase of Thai seafood. Every day more and more are provided with the information required to choose not to support slavery.

What is your choice?

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And so many welcomely " believe" the accuracy and varacity of the media reporting...ignoring so much about media.

Do you have information verifying that "nothing" is being done about slavery conditions in Thailand? As diligent social observer commenters about all negatives involving Thailand you must surely have proof of your own veracity?

Prostitutes fron neighbouring countries.....Who sold them into Thailand? Expat Thais?

Farang do indeed not " understand" Thailand. It is unique amongst its neighbours. It has in the majority been a "free country" . Not dominated by a communist infliction or a fascist military regime. And that freedom in the face of international influences has been woefully abused. By Thai and non Thai alike!

In the "olde worlde" the culture was much more restricted socially....fuedal .

Trying to compare what Thailand is today with the assumed " finesse" of the west is puerile!

The numerous coups of the past are labelled as negatives rightly or wrongly.

This one has stated intent of social reform which if achieved WILL possibly satisfy the expectations of the human rightists but primarily shift Thais into a culture of self realization (democratic).

So many of those who deride events and the lack of conformity to law etc also routinely have enjoyed and abused the same. Despite claiming that such conformity is in excess in places of origin thus confirming the real reason for being here.

The extent of such a dramatic shift cannot be achieved just by stating the objective. And those who have no knowledge of what actions subtle or dramatic are being undertaken should remain quiet.

And in answer to those who take a holier in thou view.......the "democratic" protector of all that is....


Or is this a "media" mis representation?

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What's unfair is this disclosure just prior to the Junta's presentation on its accomplishments for 2015.

And no doubt highlighting the elimination of human trafficking and slavery in Thailand.

How very insenstive of foreign news media. wai2.gif

Domestic news media knows better.

Domestic media behaves the same way they did in the US, right after the invasion of Iraq. They were told in no uncertain terms, the cost of publishing an article that was critical of the government and the pentagon, was going to be very, very high. And they all shut up. Nobody would touch a critical story about the war, about the civilian casualties, about the military casualties, etc. Nobody. Same here. The media has been cowed into submission by the little general.

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Unfair, my ass .They know it's the truth but being Thais they think that they can do anything and that they are better than the rest of the world When they are Wrong in their eyes they are still right .

The point is, that most of the Thais suffering from a very wide spread common disease in Thailand, which is described here.


As they do not know or understand the "dunning-krueger-effect, there is no help, let alone a solution in sight.

If somebody finds an approach to tackle this problem within a short term, well I will be grateful to hear about it.

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Evan though this story may not be true it is clear that military Governments do not know how to manage the day to day smaller issues that come up in unlimited quantities for civilian authorities. Military Governments should only be used to root out corrupt public servents and help establish honoust politicians. Yes and a flock of polar bears just flew by?

Oh the story? "never let the truth get in the way of a good story"

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Evan though this story may not be true it is clear that

Oh the story? "never let the truth get in the way of a good story

It is a indeed tough story to deflect David, especially as it has been going on for 4 months now. However it is great to see you giving it your all.

Let Go Team biggrin.png

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I would have thought that slavery should be considered as being unfair. Maybe even in today's Thailand, not by all.

Those that perpetrate slavery are evil, and an administration that condones it, well what are they thinking ? Do they long for the days where all poor and middle class knew their station, and whose only existence was to serve the elite. The good ol'days. Keep them poor and illiterate, less problems then.

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The government says its not fair we are dealing with it... Until the world sees Fishing boat Captains & owners, factory bosses & owners actually being put on trial & yes, shock, horror, Jailed... No one anywhere will believe you.....

Guess what? It wont happen... so here come the sanctions...

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UNFAIR? Then what is fair? If the media did not help to expose this, all the slave workers would be perpetually suffered in silence and the concerned government officials together with their cronies are reaping in big money.

The whole quote of unfair is entirely meant for public consumption. How can a regime that supports the trafficking of slaves, or at the very least does nothing to stop it talk about fairness? Fairness to whom?

The degree to which this guy is out of touch with reality is alarming. He appears to be becoming desperate. Perhaps the real powers have whispered in his ear that they are getting tired of him, that they will not tolerate his daily bungling of his tasks, and the PR side of things, and that his days are numbered?

If you are a real man, and you are serious about this, stop talking, and start acting. I know it will feel strange at first to act on something you have promised. But, I can assure you in the end progress will be made.

Edited by spidermike007
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Handy phrases for everyday use:

It is a hub

It takes time

It is not not fair

I was misquoted

They are mistaken

Please understand

Please sympathize

We are concerned

We will crack down

It is being looked into

They do not understand

The report is inconclusive

That's not what was meant

They are being transferred

We will be making a sweep

It is not the way we do things

They will be punished severely

We are proceeding with actions

The situation is being looked into

Rarely used phrases:

I am sorry

They are right

We don't know

I am responsible

There is truth to that

We made a mistake

We used bad judgement

What we did was not thought out

The person in question has been fired

Here is what we are doing to correct this

The person in question has been charged

The ring leaders have been arrested and are pending trial

The person has been found guilty and will be serving will serving (x=number of) years in prison

Here's another:

Falang know nothing.

Thais know everything.

Thailand is safe for falang.

We go out of our way to help falang, falang are our guests.

Duel pricing system is fair.

Basic wage can very across the country, on a sliding scale according to the prosperity of the province.

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Unfair, sympathise and understand it's plight ? Another set of boring stock phrases.

What plight is that, knowing the problem but can't or won't take proper action because of who is involved ?

Truer words never spoken. Kudos

You are right, lip service at its best. It's a government run by a junta. They can and do whatever they want. If they can arrest/detain someone for making a comment on the king's dog or making comments about the military park fiasco, they can do something about the fishing industry. Company caught with "slave" labor, bring charges and have a trial. Penalty if guilty close the plant for a year/impound the boat, etc. Easy as that! Surely other fishing companies would think twice about using this kind of labor. When you have a government run by one man you can do anything.

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Unfair, my ass .They know it's the truth but being Thais they think that they can do anything and that they are better than the rest of the world When they are Wrong in their eyes they are still right .

The point is, that most of the Thais suffering from a very wide spread common disease in Thailand, which is described here.


As they do not know or understand the "dunning-krueger-effect, there is no help, let alone a solution in sight.

If somebody finds an approach to tackle this problem within a short term, well I will be grateful to hear about it.

Correct, but remember Dunning Kruger is also very common amongst TV members.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Unfair, my ass .They know it's the truth but being Thais they think that they can do anything and that they are better than the rest of the world When they are Wrong in their eyes they are still right .

The point is, that most of the Thais suffering from a very wide spread common disease in Thailand, which is described here.


As they do not know or understand the "dunning-krueger-effect, there is no help, let alone a solution in sight.

If somebody finds an approach to tackle this problem within a short term, well I will be grateful to hear about it.

Correct, but remember Dunning Kruger is also very common amongst TV members.

...which channels particularly?

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Handy phrases for everyday use:

It is a hub

It takes time

It is not not fair

I was misquoted

They are mistaken

Please understand

Please sympathize

We are concerned

We will crack down

It is being looked into

They do not understand

The report is inconclusive

That's not what was meant

They are being transferred

We will be making a sweep

It is not the way we do things

They will be punished severely

We are proceeding with actions

The situation is being looked into

Rarely used phrases:

I am sorry

They are right

We don't know

I am responsible

There is truth to that

We made a mistake

We used bad judgement

What we did was not thought out

The person in question has been fired

Here is what we are doing to correct this

The person in question has been charged

The ring leaders have been arrested and are pending trial

The person has been found guilty and will be serving will serving (x=number of) years in prison

Sorry mate but you forgot those sentences with the word "Clarifying" in it.

My list was an example and certainly not all inclusive. Thanks for adding the "clarifying " bit. I'm sure it has and will be used.

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Vote with your wallets!

It's what we all have in common.

The message will get through if we are socially responsible in the purchase choices we make.

Yes ! Yes! The righteous posters of TV can influence the farkin world by not buying a fish !facepalm.gif

"Farkin" is a fictitious word, much like the believe that social media cannot affect human rights abuses.

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Just curious.... what are posters doing to combat slavery?

Have you stopped eating shrimp when you go to your favorite buffet?

What about your wives and girlfriends? Did you educate them?

A more important question is why isn't AP going after American importers, but are instead crapping on Thailand?

Even worse, are you all telling me Americans and Europeans didn't know about this problem in the past and it all suddenly came to light thanks to this report?

Is this the usual Western hypocrisy at play here?

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Vote with your wallets!

It's what we all have in common.

The message will get through if we are socially responsible in the purchase choices we make.

Yes ! Yes! The righteous posters of TV can influence the farkin world by not buying a fish !facepalm.gif

"Farkin" is a fictitious word, much like the believe that social media cannot affect human rights abuses.

As fictitious as many media reports. smile.png And being so DO affect human rights abuses.

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what, pray tell are the supporters of slave labour doing, the governments that do nothing, the consumers who buy the products. Nothing would help Thailand rid themselves of this more effectively than a helping hand in the form of not using the goods by those that currently do.

That is a very uninformed post - it ignores mny issues and the fact that the EU and other governments ARE doing quite a lot.......it's not just an open and shut case.

It is an opinion based on observation and to say it is uninformed may well be regarded as uninformed given you do not support your criticism with data and or facts. This has not just happened overnight yet I see no trade restrictions that have been put in place. As you are informed on these matters please help me by providing references. Similarly what actions have consumers taken to only purchase from honorable traders? please pass on references so I can inform my opinion. Many thanks

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Handy phrases for everyday use:

It is a hub

It takes time

It is not not fair

I was misquoted

They are mistaken

Please understand

Please sympathize

We are concerned

We will crack down

It is being looked into

They do not understand

The report is inconclusive

That's not what was meant

They are being transferred

We will be making a sweep

It is not the way we do things

They will be punished severely

We are proceeding with actions

The situation is being looked into

Rarely used phrases:

I am sorry

They are right

We don't know

I am responsible

There is truth to that

We made a mistake

We used bad judgement

What we did was not thought out

The person in question has been fired

Here is what we are doing to correct this

The person in question has been charged

The ring leaders have been arrested and are pending trial

The person has been found guilty and will be serving will serving (x=number of) years in prison

Beautifully composed. Well thought out. Very concise and very true.

They say alot of this behavior is about face. I say face is nothing more than the act of a coward. The inability to take responsibility. I hear all the jibberish about it being an Asian thing, a deep-seated cultural thing, etc. That is no excuse for being a coward. Own up. Man up. Look within. Grow. Develop as an individual. Teach your children to own up. Set an example for them instead of running from responsibility. It is ugly. It is unmanly. It is not how a real man or woman behaves.

My guess is that Thailand and perhaps other Asian nations of equal cowardice will eventually outgrown this ugliness of face. It could take a long time. But, growth is painful. What are we without personal growth, and the ability to look within for the source of a problem?

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mind you, not only the fishing industry.

Upcountry & City karaoke brothels serving 99,9% to Thai customers, are full of girls and women from Burma, Laos and Cambodia. Has anyone ever dared to ask them if they are in these establishments on their own will ?

The "BIG FOUR G's" is where the money is being made in Thailand, and that's where the brown envelopes learn to fly, not the pigs.

Girls, Ganja, Gambling, Guns

You are there to see it?

It hasn't been Ganja for a looong time..... Try Y for YABBA, otherwise known as Crystal Meth in some form or other.....

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Vote with your wallets!

It's what we all have in common.

The message will get through if we are socially responsible in the purchase choices we make.

Yes ! Yes! The righteous posters of TV can influence the farkin world by not buying a fish !facepalm.gif

I think your ID says it all

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Unfair, sympathise and understand it's plight ? Another set of boring stock phrases.

What plight is that, knowing the problem but can't or won't take proper action because of who is involved ?

Truer words never spoken. Kudos

You are right, lip service at its best. It's a government run by a junta. They can and do whatever they want. If they can arrest/detain someone for making a comment on the king's dog or making comments about the military park fiasco, they can do something about the fishing industry. Company caught with "slave" labor, bring charges and have a trial. Penalty if guilty close the plant for a year/impound the boat, etc. Easy as that! Surely other fishing companies would think twice about using this kind of labor. When you have a government run by one man you can do anything.

I think this is a very common misperception. This country is not being run by one man. He was installed. There are powers that go way beyond his power. He represents those powers and does their bidding. This is not at all the image he likes to convey. But, I suspect this is the reality. Do the powers that he represents want anything to change? Do they want the elite and the wealthy brought down? Who do you think those powers are?

Enforce the status quo. Protect the elite and the super wealthy. That is the mandate.

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