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New years resolution time


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I have already made up my mind. I am going to be more open minded to the Muslims. I will still be aware of the danger they pose in many parts of the world. That how ever is only a small part of them. Going to be harder looking at the social damage they carry with them. A lot to work on.

Also the traditional one I am going to lose weight.

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I hadn't actually thought about it until now....

Firstly, I plan on being much more chilled this year - I tend to be too "Western" in my work ethics, punctuality, etc. If I continue like this, I'll probably give myself a heart attack. This year, I'm going to try to take it all much more "sabai sabai".

Secondly, I want to work less and take up doing a little sport on a more regular basis.

Good luck to all of us in the New Year!

Less bickering, more tolerance!

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Get healthy. I want to see my kid grow up.

Be a better Dad.

Learn to cook Thai food.

Most importantly, save, dont spend.

Im keeping a positive mental attitude towards doing this, not just a half hearted attempt like previous years.

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Same as every year, lose weight, drink less, exercise more, work hard, smoke less- normally they last varying degrees of time between 1 day and 1 month

I dont expect any difference this year.

Liftestyle changes are hard, that much is sure. I made a few and its is an ongoing effort. Especially if you compare yourself with others who have not made those changes. You always have to ask if it is worth or not, I love icec ream and other junk food but cut it out and the changes for my health and looks were super. Lost 25 kg exercised more am in better shape as most 20 y/o's but on the other hand I can't mindlessly go on eating binges or eat whatever I want.

Once you make a change you have to stick with it for life or you get back to where you started. But its not impossible.. just have to ask yourself is it worth it or not. That is something that is different for all of us.

Of course there are always setbacks.. but as long as you go on it will be ok.

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Im gonna stop being so upbeat and start coming down hard on Thais and Thailand

It would make you fit in more with the people here on this site. But I guess they try to get upbeat by coming down hard on Thais to feel better themselves. cheesy.gif

I dont have to feel better "I am better"tongue.png

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Im gonna stop being so upbeat and start coming down hard on Thais and Thailand

It would make you fit in more with the people here on this site. But I guess they try to get upbeat by coming down hard on Thais to feel better themselves. cheesy.gif

I dont have to feel better "I am better"tongue.png

That is the spirit you made the switch fast biggrin.png If you cant beat them join them clap2.gif

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Im gonna stop being so upbeat and start coming down hard on Thais and Thailand

It would make you fit in more with the people here on this site. But I guess they try to get upbeat by coming down hard on Thais to feel better themselves. cheesy.gif

I dont have to feel better "I am better"tongue.png

That is the spirit you made the switch fast biggrin.png If you cant beat them join them clap2.gif

no!! I can beat them tootongue.png

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You shouldn't ask questions that you really don't want the answer too, but you did.

After Thai immigration decided they wouldn't use my retirement visa paper work to convert my non-O to the extension based on retirement, I realized I had four days to leave the country. This was partly my fault, but an act of kindness was not afforded me.

This meant I had to drop everything I was doing, cancel a Thanksgiving dinner party and travel on my birthday. (I was still at immigration when I came to this conclusion)

On my way home, I honked at a government van that was pulling out of an expensive gated residential neighborhood. (To afford to live there on a government salary would seem to be impossible.) The WOMAN driving the van decided to give me a 'shave' as she passed me on my motorcycle, just because I honked at her. If I had not swerved, I would have been another blood stain on the road.

It was the last straw.

As I traveled to get another tourist visa, I compiled my experiences and the experiences of those I have read about over the years. I realized I was following the path of many who come here and try to rein in their thoughts and feelings about how they are treated here, in an all out effort to make it work.

I realized reining in thoughts and feelings was a disservice to myself. Why should I be treated by a dog by a people who encourage their children to be prostitutes, so they can be lazy? Why should I be looked down upon by that are 'so sophisticated' that they wipe their arse with their hands? Why should I surround myself with people who are fake and only want my money?

When I made a conscious choice to leave, it was like a weight lifted off of me, providence moved, and a new door opened, simultaneously.

I have to go through the visa games to make the time to structure something in another country, and to have enough time to sell the assets I have here. That's okay.

When I leave, I won't be encumbered by defamation laws or the computer crimes act...

I expect there will be several Thai's and apologists that will chime in; good riddance. That's okay too. Say what you want to say. Your words won't hurt me.

I will have my own words to say after I leave. I will be echoing the words of many before me; 'Do not go to Thailand'. That message in the world keeps getting stronger and stronger.

My resolution and my Christmas gift to myself, is to leave this backwater <deleted> hole. I'm sure I am not alone in my thoughts or feelings. coffee1.gif

Edited by onetime
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Cheat on my gf more often. I'm handsome, great shape, fairly young, fairly wealthy, witty, tall etc., yet I only cheat on her maybe once every 6-8 weeks. Seems wasteful not to.

"If it comes easy, and you don't take it.....you're cheating on yourself"

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Win every lottery on Earth......should be billions USD, maybe tens of Billions. Then buy out a company, sell it for 100x more...

do that a few times...

buy island, find oil, get 100 warships built...

then have pyramids and temples made in my honor!!!

create own language.....books will be written about me!!!!


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1. Back to the gym for two hours every day.

2. Eat more vegetables (not just potatoes, onions, and tomatoes)

3. Monitor my heart beat as my Pacemaker battery is near the end of its life. Range now is 1 month to 13 months. That's the best they can do?

4. Find other places to have my post gym libation - too many friends at the present one resulting in too much intake.

5. Consider more short-time house guests as opposed to all-nighters. Maybe acquire a blow-up doll to avoid sleeping alone.

6. Live to see 2017

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