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USA to foreign tourists: We want you here . . . but on our terms


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USA to foreign tourists: We want you here . . . but on our terms

WASHINGTON: -- Anyone wanting to enter the United States of America under the U.S. Visa Waiver program now needs to apply tor a U.S. Visa if they had visited Syria, Iran, Iraq or the Sudan in the past five years.

Such a bill passed by the U.S. House and was adopted by the U.S. Senate . It also requires information sharing for visa-free travel to be intensified for the 38 nations on the U.S. Visa Waiver program.

John Edman, executive director of Explore Minnesota, understands why terrorist attacks have prompted Congress to make it harder for foreigners to come to the United States. He is looking for a balance between national security and international tourism.

Tourism officials like Edman are clearly concerned that travel restrictions on foreigners could have an economic impact nationally.

For example Bloomington's Mall of America alone attracts 3 million to 4 million foreign visitors a year. Mall officials say at least 45 percent come from countries in the visa-waiver program.

Full story: http://www.eturbonews.com/66978/usa-foreign-tourists-we-want-you-here-our-terms

-- eTN 2015-12-21

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Lol. If foreigners want to enter America unchecked, all they need do is pass through the southern border with Mexico. Tens of thousands per month walk right on through and stay as long as they like, no problem.

Be certain to visit Juarez on your way through. Say hello to the friendly boys down there, and take lots of video and pictures. Lol.

Edited by Blackfish64
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Lol. If foreigners want to enter America unchecked, all they need do is pass through the southern border with Mexico. Tens of thousands per month walk right on through and stay as long as they like, no problem.

Be certain to visit Juarez on your way through. Say hello to the friendly boys down there, and take lots of video and pictures. Lol.

Shhhssss, it's a secrete, don't say out loud or the ' refugees' will now go to Mexico and enter the US from there....

not that Obama will do anything about it...

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Lol. If foreigners want to enter America unchecked, all they need do is pass through the southern border with Mexico. Tens of thousands per month walk right on through and stay as long as they like, no problem.

Be certain to visit Juarez on your way through. Say hello to the friendly boys down there, and take lots of video and pictures. Lol.

Shhhssss, it's a secrete, don't say out loud or the ' refugees' will now go to Mexico and enter the US from there....

not that Obama will do anything about it...

Say, the more the merrier!

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stage 1. Trump speaks. Stage 2. the world is outraged, choked up on PC, and vigorously denies Trump's words. Stage 3. Trumps words are again proven absolutely true.

If you follow Trump these days, you will feel like a fortune teller.

I think we all know between Trump and HRC who has caused the most death, destruction and rage in the Arab world, and it ain't Don.

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If it was that simple to stop IS supporter to enter the us as stop people that have visit these 4 countries in the Arab World it's worth it. I think the negative impact of Mr Trumps speech and idea is more then keeping a few people from not entering. These bad guys will always find a way to carry out their agenda regardless of harden visa control. The home grown terrorism are a big problem in the US and I think his rasist statements will have a negative impact on tourism.

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DHS never investigates immigrant applications for gaps in information. The San Bernardino couple never provided proof that they actually had met prior to the wife applying for her visa. The fiance visa application was a scam. DHS needs to profile all visa applicants, whether education, work, fiance, or family, and then strictly scrutinize anyone who has ever visited a Muslim country.

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DHS never investigates immigrant applications for gaps in information. The San Bernardino couple never provided proof that they actually had met prior to the wife applying for her visa. The fiance visa application was a scam. DHS needs to profile all visa applicants, whether education, work, fiance, or family, and then strictly scrutinize anyone who has ever visited a Muslim country.

So, Jack The Aussie, who did his border run to Malaysia last month and spent a whole 5 minutes in the country, but otherwise lives in Thailand needs to be scrutinised closer?

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People are frequently asked about previous travels when entering the US (as well as other countries). Usually the reason is because of contagious diseases.

If someone obtains a new passport prior to traveling to the US how are their claim/s verified. Is it not just a legal mechanism to aid prosecution / exclusion after the event based upon a false declaration?

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If it was that simple to stop IS supporter to enter the us as stop people that have visit these 4 countries in the Arab World it's worth it. I think the negative impact of Mr Trumps speech and idea is more then keeping a few people from not entering. These bad guys will always find a way to carry out their agenda regardless of harden visa control. The home grown terrorism are a big problem in the US and I think his rasist statements will have a negative impact on tourism.

As an American with many children and grand-children, I care far more about their future safety than if our tourism industry goes bust.

The Mall of America?

I have no desire to ever go.

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Funny how Iran is on the list, and Saudi Arabia isn't.

Number of terrorist attacks on American soil performed by Iranians: Zero

Number of terrorist attacks on American soil performed by Saudi Arabians: Remember 9/11?

Simple solution: Never visit the USA. Iran seems like a much friendlier option.

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Some of the information cannot be verified, but in signing you are making a sworn statement and if further information is discovered, you can be arrested. People could also have visited Ebola areas and not told the truth about it upon entering the US.

This will not necessarily stop terrorists, but it will make additional screening and tracking a little easier and legal.

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Funny how Iran is on the list, and Saudi Arabia isn't.

Number of terrorist attacks on American soil performed by Iranians: Zero

Number of terrorist attacks on American soil performed by Saudi Arabians: Remember 9/11?

Simple solution: Never visit the USA. Iran seems like a much friendlier option.

By all means, please go to Iran and do not come to the USA.

Iran the friendly option...how funny...their favorite past time is carrying banners and chanting "Death to America".

Apparently you were too young to remember the Iran Hostage Crisis.

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Funny how Iran is on the list, and Saudi Arabia isn't.

Number of terrorist attacks on American soil performed by Iranians: Zero

Number of terrorist attacks on American soil performed by Saudi Arabians: Remember 9/11?

Simple solution: Never visit the USA. Iran seems like a much friendlier option.

Please note that the program is for those under the Visa Waiver Program. Iranians are not covered under that program and must secure a visa before entering, which means they are subject to various types of screening before entering the country.

Saudi citizens require a visa before entering the US.

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As an ex-Merchant Seaman from '61 'till '03 I was fortunate to have the opportunity to visit most of the major ports of the U.S. including the Lakes area, Cleveland, Detroit !, (in '65 an eye opener for a young lad from dull U.K.) Chicago and even Duluth, N.York, Norfolk V. SavannaG,(fabulous) and N. Orleans which had a European type atmosphere and partytime,Long Beach C, Seattle, and a few others memory fails, in all of these places I met and drank with many good American people, kind and welcoming, and all ways interested in conversation. ( I was in L. beach san Pedro the day JFK was murdered) although I was only 17yrs at the time I can vividly remember being in a dockside bar watching events unfold, and many were weeping including me. But that was then. since that fateful, historic day the once great U.S. has been in decline, especially morally, those of you familiar with Bernays, Lippman, and L. Strauss will know why, will say no more on this subject because of censure. My last visit to Houston Bay area '02 Texas City, Galveston the locals were not as easy going,the huge weight problem, and the doomsday type tattoo work, were all signs to me, as these traits were yet not that obvious in Europe and Worlwide. So if the U.S. Immigration Dept, were to offer me a free ticket and a visa waiver I would say " no thankyou". Today I like all farang in LOS only know what is occurring in the U.S. through the censored screen of a TV, for me thats PressTV, I realize they have an agenda like all news channels, but what I see through their programs the U.S. is in trouble, as is Europe, It don't look good.

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As an ex-Merchant Seaman from '61 'till '03 I was fortunate to have the opportunity to visit most of the major ports of the U.S. including the Lakes area, Cleveland, Detroit !, (in '65 an eye opener for a young lad from dull U.K.) Chicago and even Duluth, N.York, Norfolk V. SavannaG,(fabulous) and N. Orleans which had a European type atmosphere and partytime,Long Beach C, Seattle, and a few others memory fails, in all of these places I met and drank with many good American people, kind and welcoming, and all ways interested in conversation. ( I was in L. beach san Pedro the day JFK was murdered) although I was only 17yrs at the time I can vividly remember being in a dockside bar watching events unfold, and many were weeping including me. But that was then. since that fateful, historic day the once great U.S. has been in decline, especially morally, those of you familiar with Bernays, Lippman, and L. Strauss will know why, will say no more on this subject because of censure. My last visit to Houston Bay area '02 Texas City, Galveston the locals were not as easy going,the huge weight problem, and the doomsday type tattoo work, were all signs to me, as these traits were yet not that obvious in Europe and Worlwide. So if the U.S. Immigration Dept, were to offer me a free ticket and a visa waiver I would say " no thankyou". Today I like all farang in LOS only know what is occurring in the U.S. through the censored screen of a TV, for me thats PressTV, I realize they have an agenda like all news channels, but what I see through their programs the U.S. is in trouble, as is Europe, It don't look good.

Agreed. I was born in December 1964; the very height and peak of American politcal and economic power. Since then it has been all decline.

America is now bankrupt in every way imaginable. I can't believe it still functions.

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As an ex-Merchant Seaman from '61 'till '03 I was fortunate to have the opportunity to visit most of the major ports of the U.S. including the Lakes area, Cleveland, Detroit !, (in '65 an eye opener for a young lad from dull U.K.) Chicago and even Duluth, N.York, Norfolk V. SavannaG,(fabulous) and N. Orleans which had a European type atmosphere and partytime,Long Beach C, Seattle, and a few others memory fails, in all of these places I met and drank with many good American people, kind and welcoming, and all ways interested in conversation. ( I was in L. beach san Pedro the day JFK was murdered) although I was only 17yrs at the time I can vividly remember being in a dockside bar watching events unfold, and many were weeping including me. But that was then. since that fateful, historic day the once great U.S. has been in decline, especially morally, those of you familiar with Bernays, Lippman, and L. Strauss will know why, will say no more on this subject because of censure. My last visit to Houston Bay area '02 Texas City, Galveston the locals were not as easy going,the huge weight problem, and the doomsday type tattoo work, were all signs to me, as these traits were yet not that obvious in Europe and Worlwide. So if the U.S. Immigration Dept, were to offer me a free ticket and a visa waiver I would say " no thankyou". Today I like all farang in LOS only know what is occurring in the U.S. through the censored screen of a TV, for me thats PressTV, I realize they have an agenda like all news channels, but what I see through their programs the U.S. is in trouble, as is Europe, It don't look good.

You do know that the drinking age was 21, yet you were only 17.

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Getting a visa to the US has never been a particularly easy process. The same is true of a lot of countries.

For many years, inbound flights from overseas are required to submit the passenger manifest before the plane leaves the ground, so make no mistake, they are already aware of who is arriving long before you queue for immigration. If you have nothing to hide and aren't on any type of a watch list, you should have no problem.

As far as going through certain Muslim countries, yes it can be a problem. I left Iraq bound for a meeting in Washington, D.C., I flew out of Diyabakir, E. Turkey to Istanbul. I transited through Heathrow in London, but was pulled over for special screening and missed my flight. I had to catch a later one. Even though I was only transiting Heathrow, I was temporarily detained. My computer was searched as were my bags and I was questioned in relative depth about where I had been, what I was doing there etc..

If security people have any reason to suspect anything, you can expect to have a few inconveniences.

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stage 1. Trump speaks. Stage 2. the world is outraged, choked up on PC, and vigorously denies Trump's words. Stage 3. Trumps words are again proven absolutely true.

If you follow Trump these days, you will feel like a fortune teller.

I think we all know between Trump and HRC who has caused the most death, destruction and rage in the Arab world, and it ain't Don.

. Wait Wait, Wait for it, Faux News Brigade is Now on Board...
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Getting a visa to the US has never been a particularly easy process. The same is true of a lot of countries.

For many years, inbound flights from overseas are required to submit the passenger manifest before the plane leaves the ground, so make no mistake, they are already aware of who is arriving long before you queue for immigration. If you have nothing to hide and aren't on any type of a watch list, you should have no problem.

As far as going through certain Muslim countries, yes it can be a problem. I left Iraq bound for a meeting in Washington, D.C., I flew out of Diyabakir, E. Turkey to Istanbul. I transited through Heathrow in London, but was pulled over for special screening and missed my flight. I had to catch a later one. Even though I was only transiting Heathrow, I was temporarily detained. My computer was searched as were my bags and I was questioned in relative depth about where I had been, what I was doing there etc..

If security people have any reason to suspect anything, you can expect to have a few inconveniences.

That's startling! I would have thought that in transit you have not actually entered the country, and thus are still a nonentity as far as Immigration officials are concerned.

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Funny how Iran is on the list, and Saudi Arabia isn't.

Number of terrorist attacks on American soil performed by Iranians: Zero

Number of terrorist attacks on American soil performed by Saudi Arabians: Remember 9/11?

Simple solution: Never visit the USA. Iran seems like a much friendlier option.

By all means, please go to Iran and do not come to the USA.

Iran the friendly option...how funny...their favorite past time is carrying banners and chanting "Death to America".

Apparently you were too young to remember the Iran Hostage Crisis.

... and you are too young to remember why they hated Americans? Remember 1953? They had a very popular, democratically elected prime minister until then.

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Getting a visa to the US has never been a particularly easy process. The same is true of a lot of countries.

For many years, inbound flights from overseas are required to submit the passenger manifest before the plane leaves the ground, so make no mistake, they are already aware of who is arriving long before you queue for immigration. If you have nothing to hide and aren't on any type of a watch list, you should have no problem.

As far as going through certain Muslim countries, yes it can be a problem. I left Iraq bound for a meeting in Washington, D.C., I flew out of Diyabakir, E. Turkey to Istanbul. I transited through Heathrow in London, but was pulled over for special screening and missed my flight. I had to catch a later one. Even though I was only transiting Heathrow, I was temporarily detained. My computer was searched as were my bags and I was questioned in relative depth about where I had been, what I was doing there etc..

If security people have any reason to suspect anything, you can expect to have a few inconveniences.

That's startling! I would have thought that in transit you have not actually entered the country, and thus are still a nonentity as far as Immigration officials are concerned.

I sort of thought I was a nonentity as well, but that apparently wasn't (isn't) the case. It also happened before 9/11.

Other than missing a flight and being put on another one, it was not a problem. Everyone was very polite and I had nothing to hide.

My pay was issued from Geneva, Switzerland, but it listed my place of employment as Iraq and the money had been refused by the bank as Iraq was under an embargo and there were financial restrictions. I must have made it on to some sort of list, though.

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well i think its a good idea, you cant just ban every muslim thats not political its a race red card, doing it this way has a little more finess, although its true what they say about land borders. basically if the mexicans can get through so can the arabs... so no point in banning muslims anyway, if they want in they can get in...

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People are frequently asked about previous travels when entering the US (as well as other countries). Usually the reason is because of contagious diseases.

I specially like the question about "Are you a member of a terrorist organisation?"

I often imagine how difficult that question must be for an Al Khaida operative to answer. Must be a lot of soul-searching for them.....

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