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Trump calls Clinton a 'liar' over video claim


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Trump calls Clinton a 'liar' over video claim
TOM COYNE, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump on Monday accused Hillary Clinton of lying when she said the Islamic State group used videos of his comments about Muslims to recruit militants.

The Republican presidential front-runner also took to Twitter to demand an apology from his leading Democratic opponent.

"She's a liar!" Trump told more than 6,000 people at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He also said Clinton was "crooked" and "not a president."

During Saturday's Democratic debate, Clinton said Trump had become the Islamic State's "best recruiter" and said, "They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

There was no evidence to back the claim, and a spokeswoman later said, "She didn't have a particular video in mind."

Still, Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon, asked Monday by MSNBC if Clinton would apologize to Trump, insisted, "Hell no."

After the mass shootings in San Bernardino, California, Trump called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S., even drawing criticism from some of his Republican rivals during last week's debate.

During his rally Monday at Grand Rapids' DeltaPlex Arena, Trump used crude language to portray Clinton as someone who constantly loses, citing her race against Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination in 2008.

"She was favored to win and she got schlonged, she lost," he said.

He also mocked Clinton for returning to the debate late following a commercial break. "I thought she quit, I thought she gave up," Trump joked.

He later seemed to acknowledge reports that she got delayed waiting to use a restroom: "I know where she went. It's disgusting, I don't want to talk about it."

Trump argued that he is the last person Clinton wants to run against in a general election.

"Ask Jeb Bush if he enjoys running against me," he said of the former Florida governor who has been struggling to gain traction despite a massive early fundraising advantage.

"Ask Lindsey Graham, did he enjoy running against Trump?" he said of the South Carolina senator who on Monday announced his departure from the race for the Republican nomination.

Trump also defended the kind words he's been exchanging with Russian President Vladimir Putin, brushing off criticism that he has been too kind to the Russian president.

"That's like a good thing, not a bad thing," he insisted. "Wouldn't it be nice if we could get along like with people?"

And he made clear that he is opposed to the killing of journalists, after appearing to brush off concerns about Putin's record on a Sunday morning news show.

"I don't like that, I'm totally against that," said Trump. "By the way, I hate some of these people ... and some of them are such lying, disgusting people, it's true. But I would never kill. And anybody that does I think would be despicable."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-22

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The king of liars is calling the queen of liars a liar? Does not compute!

They should get a room and lie behind Bill's back.

On a more serious note this is why Trump is a liar:

We need an official list of this stuff. Like I said: not exaggerations or spin or cherry picking. Things that are just plain wrong. Here's a start:

  1. On 9/11, he personally saw thousands of Muslims in Jersey City cheering.
  2. He never said Marco Rubio was Mark Zuckerberg's "personal senator."
  3. There are actually 93 million people not working and the real unemployment rate is about 40 percent.
  4. The Obama administration is sending Syrian refugees to red states.
  5. Climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese.
  6. He opposed the Iraq War and has dozens of news clippings to prove it.
  7. Thirteen Syrian refugees were "caught trying to get into the U.S." (Actually, they just walked up and requested asylum.)
  8. He never said the stuff Megyn Kelly accused him of saying in the first debate.
  9. He will allow guns at Trump golf resorts.
  10. blog_politifact_donald_trump_0.jpgPeople on the terrorism watch are already prohibited from buying guns.
  11. Among white homicide victims, 81 percent are killed by blacks.
  12. America has thehighest tax rate in the world.
  13. CNN lied when it reported that aspeech he gave in South Carolina was one-third empty.
  14. His criticism of Ford prompted the company to move a factory from Mexico to Ohio.
  15. Vaccines cause autism.
  16. The Obama administration wants to admit 250,000 Syrian refugees.
  17. ISIS built a luxury hotel in the Middle East.
  18. He was on 60 Minutes with Vladimir Putin and "got to know him very well."
  19. He was never interested in opening a casino in Florida.
  20. November 17: The United States only started bombing ISIS oil fields "two days ago."
  21. His campaign is 100 percent self-funded.
  22. Mexico doesn't have birthright citizenship.
  23. The Iran deal forces us to "fight with Iran against Israel" if Israel attacks Iran.
  24. We still "really don't know" if Barack Obama was born in the United States.
  25. More than 300,000 veterans have died waiting for VA care.
  26. The Bush White House begged him to tone down his "vocal" opposition to the Iraq War.
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The king of liars is calling the queen of liars a liar? Does not compute!

They should get a room and lie behind Bill's back.

On a more serious note this is why Trump is a liar:

We need an official list of this stuff. Like I said: not exaggerations or spin or cherry picking. Things that are just plain wrong. Here's a start:

  1. On 9/11, he personally saw thousands of Muslims in Jersey City cheering.
  2. He never said Marco Rubio was Mark Zuckerberg's "personal senator."
  3. There are actually 93 million people not working and the real unemployment rate is about 40 percent.
  4. The Obama administration is sending Syrian refugees to red states.
  5. Climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese.
  6. He opposed the Iraq War and has dozens of news clippings to prove it.
  7. Thirteen Syrian refugees were "caught trying to get into the U.S." (Actually, they just walked up and requested asylum.)
  8. He never said the stuff Megyn Kelly accused him of saying in the first debate.
  9. He will allow guns at Trump golf resorts.
  10. blog_politifact_donald_trump_0.jpgPeople on the terrorism watch are already prohibited from buying guns.
  11. Among white homicide victims, 81 percent are killed by blacks.
  12. America has thehighest tax rate in the world.
  13. CNN lied when it reported that aspeech he gave in South Carolina was one-third empty.
  14. His criticism of Ford prompted the company to move a factory from Mexico to Ohio.
  15. Vaccines cause autism.
  16. The Obama administration wants to admit 250,000 Syrian refugees.
  17. ISIS built a luxury hotel in the Middle East.
  18. He was on 60 Minutes with Vladimir Putin and "got to know him very well."
  19. He was never interested in opening a casino in Florida.
  20. November 17: The United States only started bombing ISIS oil fields "two days ago."
  21. His campaign is 100 percent self-funded.
  22. Mexico doesn't have birthright citizenship.
  23. The Iran deal forces us to "fight with Iran against Israel" if Israel attacks Iran.
  24. We still "really don't know" if Barack Obama was born in the United States.
  25. More than 300,000 veterans have died waiting for VA care.
  26. The Bush White House begged him to tone down his "vocal" opposition to the Iraq War.

That may be very well true, the different being that Trump BS didn't cost people's lives... hers did....

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This vile human being has the mental age of an 11 year old.

Which doesn't really say much for the people fawning over him.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s speech on Monday attacking former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took an uglier-than-usual turn, Think Progress reported.
Footage from Trump’s appearance in Grand Rapids, Michigan, shows him discussing her 2008 Democratic primary loss to then-Sen. Barack Obama and saying, “She was going to beat Obama. I don’t know who’d be worse. I don’t know. How does it get worse? She was favored to win and she got schlonged. She lost. She lost.”
As Think Progress noted, the word “schlong” is a slang term for penis.
Trump also repeatedly called it “disgusting” that Clinton used the bathroom at one point during Saturday’s Democratic debate, causing her to miss the event’s return from a commercial break.
“They had to start the debate without her. Phase two. Why? I know where she went,” the Republican front-runner said. “It’s disgusting. I don’t want to talk about it. It’s too disgusting. Don’t say it, it’s disgusting. We want to be very, very straight up.”

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The king of liars is calling the queen of liars a liar? Does not compute!

They should get a room and lie behind Bill's back.

On a more serious note this is why Trump is a liar:

We need an official list of this stuff. Like I said: not exaggerations or spin or cherry picking. Things that are just plain wrong. Here's a start:

  1. On 9/11, he personally saw thousands of Muslims in Jersey City cheering.
  2. He never said Marco Rubio was Mark Zuckerberg's "personal senator."
  3. There are actually 93 million people not working and the real unemployment rate is about 40 percent.
  4. The Obama administration is sending Syrian refugees to red states.
  5. Climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese.
  6. He opposed the Iraq War and has dozens of news clippings to prove it.
  7. Thirteen Syrian refugees were "caught trying to get into the U.S." (Actually, they just walked up and requested asylum.)
  8. He never said the stuff Megyn Kelly accused him of saying in the first debate.
  9. He will allow guns at Trump golf resorts.
  10. blog_politifact_donald_trump_0.jpgPeople on the terrorism watch are already prohibited from buying guns.
  11. Among white homicide victims, 81 percent are killed by blacks.
  12. America has thehighest tax rate in the world.
  13. CNN lied when it reported that aspeech he gave in South Carolina was one-third empty.
  14. His criticism of Ford prompted the company to move a factory from Mexico to Ohio.
  15. Vaccines cause autism.
  16. The Obama administration wants to admit 250,000 Syrian refugees.
  17. ISIS built a luxury hotel in the Middle East.
  18. He was on 60 Minutes with Vladimir Putin and "got to know him very well."
  19. He was never interested in opening a casino in Florida.
  20. November 17: The United States only started bombing ISIS oil fields "two days ago."
  21. His campaign is 100 percent self-funded.
  22. Mexico doesn't have birthright citizenship.
  23. The Iran deal forces us to "fight with Iran against Israel" if Israel attacks Iran.
  24. We still "really don't know" if Barack Obama was born in the United States.
  25. More than 300,000 veterans have died waiting for VA care.
  26. The Bush White House begged him to tone down his "vocal" opposition to the Iraq War.

Hey let's not facts get in the way of some good ol' fear mongering.

But seriously, thank you for the research here, well done.

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This vile human being has the mental age of an 11 year old.

Which doesn't really say much for the people fawning over him.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s speech on Monday attacking former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took an uglier-than-usual turn, Think Progress reported.

Footage from Trump’s appearance in Grand Rapids, Michigan, shows him discussing her 2008 Democratic primary loss to then-Sen. Barack Obama and saying, “She was going to beat Obama. I don’t know who’d be worse. I don’t know. How does it get worse? She was favored to win and she got schlonged. She lost. She lost.”

As Think Progress noted, the word “schlong” is a slang term for penis.

Trump also repeatedly called it “disgusting” that Clinton used the bathroom at one point during Saturday’s Democratic debate, causing her to miss the event’s return from a commercial break.

“They had to start the debate without her. Phase two. Why? I know where she went,” the Republican front-runner said. “It’s disgusting. I don’t want to talk about it. It’s too disgusting. Don’t say it, it’s disgusting. We want to be very, very straight up.”

but he's more successful that you....

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She is a liar ~ from the days back as 1st lady claiming she forgave Bill for humping that fat, disgusting troll ~ through her days as SoS by being too ignorant to properly interpret warning of Americans in danger overseas and nearly attacking that poor college student that asked about Bill on 1 of her visits ~ lied during her democratic campaign against Obama by claiming to have landed under fire ~ and now, basically claiming to be pro-Islam by claiming the terrorists use Trump as a recruitment video basically backing Obama's choice to let them in. She was even stupid enough to use a unsecured personal server for secret documents and emails.

When WWIII starts really winding up in the next year or 2, who'd you rather have in charge? An egotistical, self-centered, "I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar" that has no clue about what's going on OR The Donald?

@chicog ~ I'm pretty sure any interview or speaking engagement for Donald Trump was MUCH longer than what you (with the help of a questionable media outlet) have paraphrased. As for "Schlong", you've misquoted your own evidence; "she got schlonged" means she got F-Bombed up the backside so he was being gentile. smile.png

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This vile human being has the mental age of an 11 year old.

Which doesn't really say much for the people fawning over him.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s speech on Monday attacking former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took an uglier-than-usual turn, Think Progress reported.

Footage from Trump’s appearance in Grand Rapids, Michigan, shows him discussing her 2008 Democratic primary loss to then-Sen. Barack Obama and saying, “She was going to beat Obama. I don’t know who’d be worse. I don’t know. How does it get worse? She was favored to win and she got schlonged. She lost. She lost.”

As Think Progress noted, the word “schlong” is a slang term for penis.

Trump also repeatedly called it “disgusting” that Clinton used the bathroom at one point during Saturday’s Democratic debate, causing her to miss the event’s return from a commercial break.

“They had to start the debate without her. Phase two. Why? I know where she went,” the Republican front-runner said. “It’s disgusting. I don’t want to talk about it. It’s too disgusting. Don’t say it, it’s disgusting. We want to be very, very straight up.”

but he's more successful that you....

Depends what you call successful.

I wasn't a spoiled brat who got a nice job off Daddy along with a million dollar loan to do his first deal (not to mention a whopping inheritance).

And what exactly does that have to do with his vile personality? Does it somehow justify it?

Of course Faux News decided to air last night's pathetic nonsense minus the toilet talk.

(By the way, he's not that smart:

Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.)

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When WWIII starts really winding up in the next year or 2, who'd you rather have in charge? An egotistical, self-centered, "I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar" that has no clue about what's going on OR The Donald?

Not even a competition.


God help the entire world if that mental case Trump gets anywhere near The Football.

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@chicog ~ I'm pretty sure any interview or speaking engagement for Donald Trump was MUCH longer than what you (with the help of a questionable media outlet) have paraphrased. As for "Schlong", you've misquoted your own evidence; "she got schlonged" means she got F-Bombed up the backside so he was being gentile. smile.png

I'm pretty sure it was a darned sight longer than the Fox version.

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I like this American election so far. Mr. Trump has provided us all with lots of

entertainment, and he has made some of the other folks trying to get elected, say

some things that they would not have said in any of the past elections.

I actually hope that Donald gets in as president, because he does not have all the

baggage that most of the others have. Donald does not think like most of the other

politicians, and maybe he would be like Ronald Regan, who by the way turned out

to be much more than an old actor turned President.


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The king of liars is calling the queen of liars a liar? Does not compute!

They should get a room and lie behind Bill's back.

On a more serious note this is why Trump is a liar:

We need an official list of this stuff. Like I said: not exaggerations or spin or cherry picking. Things that are just plain wrong. Here's a start:

  1. On 9/11, he personally saw thousands of Muslims in Jersey City cheering.
  2. He never said Marco Rubio was Mark Zuckerberg's "personal senator."
  3. There are actually 93 million people not working and the real unemployment rate is about 40 percent.
  4. The Obama administration is sending Syrian refugees to red states.
  5. Climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese.
  6. He opposed the Iraq War and has dozens of news clippings to prove it.
  7. Thirteen Syrian refugees were "caught trying to get into the U.S." (Actually, they just walked up and requested asylum.)
  8. He never said the stuff Megyn Kelly accused him of saying in the first debate.
  9. He will allow guns at Trump golf resorts.
  10. blog_politifact_donald_trump_0.jpgPeople on the terrorism watch are already prohibited from buying guns.
  11. Among white homicide victims, 81 percent are killed by blacks.
  12. America has thehighest tax rate in the world.
  13. CNN lied when it reported that aspeech he gave in South Carolina was one-third empty.
  14. His criticism of Ford prompted the company to move a factory from Mexico to Ohio.
  15. Vaccines cause autism.
  16. The Obama administration wants to admit 250,000 Syrian refugees.
  17. ISIS built a luxury hotel in the Middle East.
  18. He was on 60 Minutes with Vladimir Putin and "got to know him very well."
  19. He was never interested in opening a casino in Florida.
  20. November 17: The United States only started bombing ISIS oil fields "two days ago."
  21. His campaign is 100 percent self-funded.
  22. Mexico doesn't have birthright citizenship.
  23. The Iran deal forces us to "fight with Iran against Israel" if Israel attacks Iran.
  24. We still "really don't know" if Barack Obama was born in the United States.
  25. More than 300,000 veterans have died waiting for VA care.
  26. The Bush White House begged him to tone down his "vocal" opposition to the Iraq War.

That may be very well true, the different being that Trump BS didn't cost people's lives... hers did....

Not yet.....but

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I seriously doubt Trump will win the Rupblician nominee.But Clinton she is A real piece of work.She didn't try to save A US embassator

At Libya.She didn't tell the truth about Whitewater.She's being investigated by the FBI because of getting top secret messages on

Her home computer.And now Trump catches her in A lie and she needs to apologize to Americans.

She is worse than Obama and that's saying something.

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The king of liars is calling the queen of liars a liar? Does not compute!

They should get a room and lie behind Bill's back.

On a more serious note this is why Trump is a liar:

We need an official list of this stuff. Like I said: not exaggerations or spin or cherry picking. Things that are just plain wrong. Here's a start:

And that barely begins to cover the extent of his lies. My guess is that he started lying to his parents and grandparents at the age of 3. It just came naturally. He is a gangster. A crime lord. A hater. And a hooligan. A man child, with raccoon hair. He is in no position to either call someone a liar or despicable. He is both.

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I seriously doubt Trump will win the Rupblician nominee.But Clinton she is A real piece of work.She didn't try to save A US embassator

At Libya.She didn't tell the truth about Whitewater.She's being investigated by the FBI because of getting top secret messages on

Her home computer.And now Trump catches her in A lie and she needs to apologize to Americans.

She is worse than Obama and that's saying something.

Yes Yes she issued a stand down order.

Oh hang on, she didn't.


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I watched a recent 4-min long ISIS recruitment video and it showed Obama, Bush & Bill Clinton but no Trump. Hillary should be careful because Trump is just the guy to make a big deal about Bill being in that video. BTW - that was a pretty slick video. The guys who create those should be near the top of the hit list.

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