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Lost in Issan

"Plenty of females, but also male students lose their virginity through some freaking Thai teachers who're abusing their position, there's absolutely no need for foreigners to do the same <deleted>. ....."

You have proof to back up that ? Or, like most of your posts, is it pure fabrication?

Sorry for not getting back earlier. I can back it up with two ex-students who're "used" by the director of a well-known high school, somewhere in the lower northeast.

P-OO's gay, no harm to any girls.

And another sad story of a female student in grade 12 who was being "used" to get better grades.

Can't post a link to it, sorry. Why would I make something horrible like that up? It's so sick and I also believe that the OP's a sicko.

A teacher-student relationship should never be used for a sexual relationship. And please don't tell me that the girls don't know what the OP's doing for a living.

If you don't believe me, please Google it. Here's a disgusting post, you might want to read about the abuse of eight-year-olds?

Published on Aug 16, 2006

School backs accused teachers

Emotional scenes at Bangkok primary where five 8-year-olds were abused

A Bangkok school yesterday held a rite to show support for two teachers accused of raping five primary students. About 1,000 people gathered outside the gates of Prachanukul School in Sai Mai district to show support for Lorn Sorakanit and Pimol Chunsri, who were arrested last Thursday for the alleged serial rape of 8-year-old pupils.

At 3pm, the school allowed reporters to enter and brought the two teachers to worship before a monk's statue and swear their innocence. When the school director led a ritual to comfort the accused pair, they burst into tears.

Sixth-grade student Yonlada Korkijcharoenkul, who represented the pupils, made a speech on stage in which she said she had no idea whether the teachers were guilty, but to her they were good and kind. After she finished her speech, the accused teachers went upstairs without giving an interview.



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Sadly the way the OP thinks many Farang or other foreign teachers are thinking about the trophies they can pick up in this country.

Farang or any foreign teacher that even doesn't have children on his own should never be allowed to teach in this country.

What you find in Thai schools of teachers are the leftovers that Korea, China and other countries don't want.

Went yesterday to a city in Sakon Nakhon at an evening festival fair. One foreign teachers who spoke with a British accent and was colored took photos from three students in the age of around 12-13 and the teacher told them sexy boy. I was discussed to see when the teacher took his arm over the arm of the student and I think rules surely have been broken and this teacher seems to be attracting to children's and is a pedophile.

If the OP think it is appropriate I can only say on one issue at AIT in Bangkok that the foreign lecturer was fired when it became clear that he banged both local and foreign students and he was reported to the MoE.

Their is so much wrong with this country and the way the OP ticks many <snips> are thinking in the same way. Met so many foreign teachers already in Thailand and most of them I wouldn't even let near my kid.

Maybe the Thai government should reconsider getting rid of the males and change them to females. I am seeing this trend already in Sakon Nakhon that foreign male teachers do not get renewed their contracts and female farangs are hired. Hopefully the trend goes on.

I accidentally pressed the “like” button and hope that Mods can remove it, please.

What you find in Thai schools of teachers are the leftovers that Korea, China and other countries don't want.

How dare you to call all male foreign teachers in Thailand pedophiles? How can you call foreigners who’re working here for 10 to 20 years and having a family here leftovers?

I settled down here 15 years ago, married my lovely wife and started teaching 11 years ago. I was never in China, nor in Korea and your arrogant and ignorant post only shows how insecure you are.

How can you judge a lot of people you’ve never met, where you know nothing about their education, their past and what they’re actually doing?

How can you write such ignorant sentences, without feeling stupid?

Went yesterday to a city in Sakon Nakhon at an evening festival fair. One foreign teachers who spoke with a British accent and was colored took photos from three students in the age of around 12-13 and the teacher told them sexy boy.

Wow, you found two huge mistakes at the same time and at the same person. He spoke with a British accent and he was black? You hate Brits and you hate black people, what a small minded person you are. Or was the guy much better looking and you had no chance to score?

You’re in no way different to anybody from Ku Klux Klan. I don’t believe your story that the “colored” guy said sexy boys to them, please give me a break.

I’m glad that you mostly post in the Internet forum and hope that one of these pedophiles with own kids, who do all for their students, will hit you on your nose one day.

There’s no more to add. Sorry for the “like” thingy. I hope it can be removed.

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Are you asking for opinions or affirmation of your conduct? It appears that you are looking for support and I note a little boasting in your tone as well. In my opinion having sex with your students is not too different from paying for sex from the challenge of pursuing a partner standpoint. (i.e. Scoring) I get the impression that English is not your native language due to grammatical errors in your writing (even after editing). You don't seem highly educated. On the basis of those assumptions I put you down as a sex tourist who uses teaching as a means to support yourself financially (i.e. Can't get a real job back home) and to obtain sex. As you have already gathered most people don't think much of teachers, priests etc who are in positions of trust and use it for personal gain no matter the circumstances. If you did that to someone I cared about l would cut your nuts off. Lol

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....you cannot expect to appear impartial should you enter in a relationship with a student...

...but even before that...you compromise yourself,,,open yourself to criticism and resentment.....

...and you show a weak character....you do not respect yourself....and surely nobody else will.....

....if you are 'a teacher'......I cannot see anything of value that you could possibly teach.....

....age is the excuse.....I am sure you can come up with scores of excuses for any situation then....

...not good....

....furthermore you are getting paid....very unprofessional.....

... you 'have to ask'....... hoping that someone will help validate or justify your lust...or is it love, pray tell.....

...I hope that nobody in this forum will be your accomplice....


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Just think! Who likes you, falls in love with you because you're 'eldragon' as is? Not because of your position, work or status.

Excuse me, we're in Thailand,

No love here, they just want money and an Iphone.

Not all that sure about any love in the west either,

They're just a bit more subtle about getting the money.

So you drop your high and mighty standards to get a leg over and then you pay a student for sex.Shallow as a petrie dish.

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Let's face it...many, if not most...young Thai women are exploited for sex from an early age...do not view sex as Christians and Muslims do...are freer to explore their own sexuality...and generally speaking...are not unwilling participants...

That being said...as far as I know...there is no gage for measuring the emotional toll it takes on a young women being used and discarded by her suitors...not to mention the number who get pregnant and spend most of their adult lives trying to provide for their children...by themselves...

Students should be off base for teachers IMHO...teachers are an authoritarian figure...students are impressionable and vulnerable...pressing a student for sex is definitely taking advantage of your position...

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It's absolutely unethical... student teacher... police prisoner. .. psychiatrist patient... military officer and young enlisted soldiers. ... all wrong. It's also wrong to assume it's all male teacher female student... it can go the other way... or male-male female- female. I understand that some subordinates may try to goo down that road but it part of the job to say no.... I can't imagine banging students fits into best practices

But what if you really liked the girl? And she liked you? And your ages were close? Wouldn't you want to know if it could work?

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Let's face it...many, if not most...young Thai women are exploited for sex from an early age...do not view sex as Christians and Muslims do...are freer to explore their own sexuality...and generally speaking...are not unwilling participants...

That being said...as far as I know...there is no gage for measuring the emotional toll it takes on a young women being used and discarded by her suitors...not to mention the number who get pregnant and spend most of their adult lives trying to provide for their children...by themselves...

Students should be off base for teachers IMHO...teachers are an authoritarian figure...students are impressionable and vulnerable...pressing a student for sex is definitely taking advantage of your position...

There are guys I've taught here who turned out to be some of my best friends in Thailand. We are close in age. We chat online, get together, get drunk together, etc. Is that wrong? Im pretty sure none of em see me as an authority figure. They know I live here to experience life abroad and only teach to make extra money or when Im between jobs.

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And to add... ethics aren't there just to protect the student and the teacher... They are there to protect to organization and the profession. To use the most ethically ambiguous example... a university student not in your department... If the community at large to include parents know professors are sleeping with students it damages the university's reputation and enrollment... something you are expected to protect... as is often in your contract or in a code of conduct (though they shouldn't have to give you a book).

This is a really good point.

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Are you asking for opinions or affirmation of your conduct? It appears that you are looking for support and I note a little boasting in your tone as well. In my opinion having sex with your students is not too different from paying for sex from the challenge of pursuing a partner standpoint. (i.e. Scoring) I get the impression that English is not your native language due to grammatical errors in your writing (even after editing). You don't seem highly educated. On the basis of those assumptions I put you down as a sex tourist who uses teaching as a means to support yourself financially (i.e. Can't get a real job back home) and to obtain sex. As you have already gathered most people don't think much of teachers, priests etc who are in positions of trust and use it for personal gain no matter the circumstances. If you did that to someone I cared about l would cut your nuts off. Lol

I shouldve posted this in the pub. Those guys are way cooler.

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I think there's absolutely something wrong with teachers dating adult students.

As a good teacher, please read yourself in how relations and love start.

What's wrong with it? These aren't very serious situations. There's no grades or approval hanging over anyone's head. If your company made you take a training course and an instructor you felt attracted to was keen to hook up or date, you wouldn't do it?

Let me tell you why your post is disgusting. First you admit that dating a student is wrong then try to seek approval from the forum.

There is nothing worse than being a hypocrite. This is what I judge you on. Not if you're dating a barely legal or not. I could care less.

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I had a college professor who would start every semester handing out cards for the students to put their names and contact numbers on. He then said loud and clear "Any girls who want a guaranteed A for the semester just put an X on the back of your card" And then he would wink very overtly. The class had a good laugh while the professor stood stoic. When the class stopped laughing, the professor, in the straightest of faces, restated his offer. Then the class just stared at him in awe. I don't know how many A's he gave out but he sure as hell didn't give a F.

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It's absolutely unethical... student teacher... police prisoner. .. psychiatrist patient... military officer and young enlisted soldiers. ... all wrong. It's also wrong to assume it's all male teacher female student... it can go the other way... or male-male female- female. I understand that some subordinates may try to goo down that road but it part of the job to say no.... I can't imagine banging students fits into best practices

But what if you really liked the girl? And she liked you? And your ages were close? Wouldn't you want to know if it could work?

The answer to that is simple... quit your job. If you quit your job there is no ethical issue, and can pursue it as you wish. If you aren't willing to quit your job... then you don't "really like her." Age and your feelings are irrelevant. It doesn't matter how much I want something.. It doesn't make it right.

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It's absolutely unethical... student teacher... police prisoner. .. psychiatrist patient... military officer and young enlisted soldiers. ... all wrong. It's also wrong to assume it's all male teacher female student... it can go the other way... or male-male female- female. I understand that some subordinates may try to goo down that road but it part of the job to say no.... I can't imagine banging students fits into best practices

But what if you really liked the girl? And she liked you? And your ages were close? Wouldn't you want to know if it could work?

The answer to that is simple... quit your job. If you quit your job there is no ethical issue, and can pursue it as you wish. If you aren't willing to quit your job... then you don't "really like her." Age and your feelings are irrelevant. It doesn't matter how much I want something.. It doesn't make it right.

Great answer, mate. Thanks.

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Sadly the way the OP thinks many Farang or other foreign teachers are thinking about the trophies they can pick up in this country.

Farang or any foreign teacher that even doesn't have children on his own should never be allowed to teach in this country.

What you find in Thai schools of teachers are the leftovers that Korea, China and other countries don't want.

Went yesterday to a city in Sakon Nakhon at an evening festival fair. One foreign teachers who spoke with a British accent and was colored took photos from three students in the age of around 12-13 and the teacher told them sexy boy. I was discussed to see when the teacher took his arm over the arm of the student and I think rules surely have been broken and this teacher seems to be attracting to children's and is a pedophile.

If the OP think it is appropriate I can only say on one issue at AIT in Bangkok that the foreign lecturer was fired when it became clear that he banged both local and foreign students and he was reported to the MoE.

Their is so much wrong with this country and the way the OP ticks many <snips> are thinking in the same way. Met so many foreign teachers already in Thailand and most of them I wouldn't even let near my kid.

Maybe the Thai government should reconsider getting rid of the males and change them to females. I am seeing this trend already in Sakon Nakhon that foreign male teachers do not get renewed their contracts and female farangs are hired. Hopefully the trend goes on.

Point 1. Ridiculous to expect a teacher to have to have children to be able to teach.

Point 2. I teach in Sakon Nakhon, and I don't see this trend that you talk about, do you actually have any facts to back it up ?.

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Let's face it...many, if not most...young Thai women are exploited for sex from an early age...do not view sex as Christians and Muslims do...are freer to explore their own sexuality...and generally speaking...are not unwilling participants...

That being said...as far as I know...there is no gage for measuring the emotional toll it takes on a young women being used and discarded by her suitors...not to mention the number who get pregnant and spend most of their adult lives trying to provide for their children...by themselves...

Students should be off base for teachers IMHO...teachers are an authoritarian figure...students are impressionable and vulnerable...pressing a student for sex is definitely taking advantage of your position...

There are guys I've taught here who turned out to be some of my best friends in Thailand. We are close in age. We chat online, get together, get drunk together, etc. Is that wrong? Im pretty sure none of em see me as an authority figure. They know I live here to experience life abroad and only teach to make extra money or when Im between jobs.

Have taught or are teaching? If graduated... not an issue... if they are students... then it depends... The military is a good parelel... often they drink together... but it is within the context of the group... Lieutenants/Captains aren't meeting single privates to go out and hit the town even if they are the same age.... but drinking within a group for team building.. perhaps... Senior NCOs/Officers are not the same as a private regardless of whether or not they are the same age.... regardless of how much they like you... You don't like it... you quit the job... nothing wrong with getting a different job... I've met up with my old soldiers and became good friends... AFTER they left the army(or became NCOs/Officers)... in the same way... once they graduate... fair play... maybe you meet them again when they become teachers

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I had a college professor who would start every semester handing out cards for the students to put their names and contact numbers on. He then said loud and clear "Any girls who want a guaranteed A for the semester just put an X on the back of your card" And then he would wink very overtly. The class had a good laugh while the professor stood stoic. When the class stopped laughing, the professor, in the straightest of faces, restated his offer. Then the class just stared at him in awe. I don't know how many A's he gave out but he sure as hell didn't give a F.

In which country did this potential orgy occur?

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This is how my wife and I met. however, neither of us are spring chickens, so it was clear to my boss that we were not messing around. Also, we did actually wait for the course to end before having our first date.

Years later, we both still meet up with my now ex-boss for meals etc.

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Isn't there a saying "Don't **** in your own backyard?"

Playing with the emotions of a young woman (or guy) who is your student is really not a good idea, apart from being totally unprofessional.

I'm surprised that you think that it could be anything other than that.

I guess the OP skipped the ethics portion when he got the teaching degree. Tell us your name.

I also think the public should know the names of the doctors who work with CIA and keep torture victims alive during questioning. Did they also skip the ethics classes?? Imagine your wife or daughter is unknowingly going to a doctor who works for the CIA in this capacity.


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Let's face it...many, if not most...young Thai women are exploited for sex from an early age...do not view sex as Christians and Muslims do...are freer to explore their own sexuality...and generally speaking...are not unwilling participants...

That being said...as far as I know...there is no gage for measuring the emotional toll it takes on a young women being used and discarded by her suitors...not to mention the number who get pregnant and spend most of their adult lives trying to provide for their children...by themselves...

Students should be off base for teachers IMHO...teachers are an authoritarian figure...students are impressionable and vulnerable...pressing a student for sex is definitely taking advantage of your position...

There are guys I've taught here who turned out to be some of my best friends in Thailand. We are close in age. We chat online, get together, get drunk together, etc. Is that wrong? Im pretty sure none of em see me as an authority figure. They know I live here to experience life abroad and only teach to make extra money or when Im between jobs.

Have taught or are teaching? If graduated... not an issue... if they are students... then it depends... The military is a good parelel... often they drink together... but it is within the context of the group... Lieutenants/Captains aren't meeting single privates to go out and hit the town even if they are the same age.... but drinking within a group for team building.. perhaps... Senior NCOs/Officers are not the same as a private regardless of whether or not they are the same age.... regardless of how much they like you... You don't like it... you quit the job... nothing wrong with getting a different job... I've met up with my old soldiers and became good friends... AFTER they left the army(or became NCOs/Officers)... in the same way... once they graduate... fair play... maybe you meet them again when they become teachers


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Let's face it...many, if not most...young Thai women are exploited for sex from an early age...do not view sex as Christians and Muslims do...are freer to explore their own sexuality...and generally speaking...are not unwilling participants...

That being said...as far as I know...there is no gage for measuring the emotional toll it takes on a young women being used and discarded by her suitors...not to mention the number who get pregnant and spend most of their adult lives trying to provide for their children...by themselves...

Students should be off base for teachers IMHO...teachers are an authoritarian figure...students are impressionable and vulnerable...pressing a student for sex is definitely taking advantage of your position...

There are guys I've taught here who turned out to be some of my best friends in Thailand. We are close in age. We chat online, get together, get drunk together, etc. Is that wrong? Im pretty sure none of em see me as an authority figure. They know I live here to experience life abroad and only teach to make extra money or when Im between jobs.

Have taught or are teaching? If graduated... not an issue... if they are students... then it depends... The military is a good parelel... often they drink together... but it is within the context of the group... Lieutenants/Captains aren't meeting single privates to go out and hit the town even if they are the same age.... but drinking within a group for team building.. perhaps... Senior NCOs/Officers are not the same as a private regardless of whether or not they are the same age.... regardless of how much they like you... You don't like it... you quit the job... nothing wrong with getting a different job... I've met up with my old soldiers and became good friends... AFTER they left the army(or became NCOs/Officers)... in the same way... once they graduate... fair play... maybe you meet them again when they become teachers
Have taught. If I didnt make it clear earlier in the thread, I think it's immoral, unethical, or whatever to have relationships with students you are currently teaching. And I wouldnt enter into a relationship with former students very easily either.

The point I was trying to make is one can be friends with former students. Sincere friends. It happens. And after that, a relationship can blossom.

I think a lot of people have it in their head that any time a teacher dates a former student there are predatory motives and manipulative tactics involved. Or that the teacher took the job to have access to relationships with young, impressionable individuals. But the reality for many of us is it's just a job. It's a fairly relaxed occupation that affords us a comfortable lifestyle. Hopefully most of us maintain professionalism in the classroom. But over time any authority a teacher has over their students fades and they just become people to each other.

Ask anyone who has had a healthy relationship with a former student and they will tell you many of the people on this thread are uptight <deleted>. (Although I will still respect their opinions on the matter.)

I appreciate your thoughts, btw. Thx.

Edited by eldragon
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In spite of the OP having been here a while, and 1100+ posts, I think he's trolling.

i thought the same. He's an idiot!!!!

Just so it's clear, I dont teach adults anymore and Im too old for university students. I was lead to create this thread bc it's come to my attention that some of my former colleagues are engaged in sexual relationships with several of their students, and have been for years. Most of our mutual acquaintances seem to think it's harmless. Ive heard the "theyre all adults" argument a few times. Ive also over the years heard several unsubstantiated stories about university teachers having sex with their students.

I have no personal motivations here. And Im not trying to justify anything to anyone. I can see an argument for dating former students or adult (non-credit, language school) learners. And Im simply trying to have a discussion on the topic. I thought you nerds would have something valuable to add, but apparently youre consumed with judging a person you know very little about, and never will. If I seem hypocritical to some of you, its bc Im a fairly open minded person and Im trying to hear/see all sides of the argument.

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Isn't there a saying "Don't **** in your own backyard?"

Playing with the emotions of a young woman (or guy) who is your student is really not a good idea, apart from being totally unprofessional.

I'm surprised that you think that it could be anything other than that.

I guess the OP skipped the ethics portion when he got the teaching degree. Tell us your name.

I also think the public should know the names of the doctors who work with CIA and keep torture victims alive during questioning. Did they also skip the ethics classes?? Imagine your wife or daughter is unknowingly going to a doctor who works for the CIA in this capacity.

You do know that keeping people alive is what doctors do ? Below is the Declaration of Geneva, the oath taken by most modern doctors.

At the time of being admitted as a member of the medical profession:

  • I solemnly pledge to consecrate my life to the service of humanity;
  • I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude that is their due;
  • I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity;
  • The health of my patient will be my first consideration;
  • I will respect the secrets that are confided in me, even after the patient has died;
  • I will maintain by all the means in my power, the honour and the noble traditions of the medical profession;
  • My colleagues will be my sisters and brothers;
  • I will not permit considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient;
  • I will maintain the utmost respect for human life;
  • I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat;
  • I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour.
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