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Trump uses crude language to mock Clinton


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Imagine were this woman somehow to become president and find herself in direct, person to person, tough, edgy talks with Putin or some other aggressor about to light the fuse. And what happens? She craps her pants suit.

You mean sort of like when Bush Sr. vomited all over at the formal dinner in Japan?

Yes, precisely. But that was AFTER he was president.

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It takes time to get off and on that polyester double-knit pantsuit.

Don't forget the pampers too.

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We see which side continues to be losing the election.

More desperation. Before it was right whinge made photos of HRClinton in jail and a list of laws--any laws.

Now the losing side is making up more shit.

The shit from the rightwhinge nutosphere continues.

No matter.

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Imagine were this woman somehow to become president and find herself in direct, person to person, tough, edgy talks with Putin or some other aggressor about to light the fuse. And what happens? She craps her pants suit.

You mean sort of like when Bush Sr. vomited all over at the formal dinner in Japan?

Yes, precisely. But that was AFTER he was president.

So Einstein, tell us who was President of the United States on 9 January, 1992?

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US hasn't had an American brand of "extreme left" since the Weathermen, the original Black Panthers of the 1960s (not the BPP since), Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and a few other assorted like minded groups.

The present far out right thinks Sen Bernie Sanders and his political-economic platform actually constitute socialism. laugh.png And that Barack Obama is a socialist. cheesy.gif

HRClinton doesn't get much of that because there is just no getting around over under or through that HRC is and always has been a capitalist. So Trump has to talk instead about schlongings. giggle.gif

Given that as somebody named Einstein noted, everything is relative, everyone could discuss relativity forever instead of discussing issues substantively or procedurally.

Sophistry does have its welcome place as such. Used as a smokescreen to cloak one's actual point of view, it however becomes transparent. Specifically, people who question everything about the left but question nothing about the right fool no one when they claim the questioning necessarily makes them "independent." An interrogatory is after all a statement. Whether the interrogatory is genuine or bogus.

OK, so most of those groups named have been responsible for criminal acts.

By the same token, wouldn't the same criteria be required to categorize Far Right?

What Far Right groups exist in the US today?

And beofre you immediately accuse me of being far right because I don't agree with you, let me say I am no more far right than I am far left.

I am that rare American one seldom finds in this polarized nation--I am just a guy who thinks some liberal policies are good and some conservative policies are good. That appears to be a difficult concept for you and thus your need to accuse one of using a "smokescreen".

OK, so most of those groups named have been responsible for criminal acts.

True to only a certain limited extent, varying among the named groups and others. The groups' purpose and 90% civil means opposed a criminal and profiteering war in Vietnam and a government criminal apparatus, such as Counterintelpro, to spy on Americans, blacklist Americans, to stop our opposition to the war in Vietnam.

By the same token, wouldn't the same criteria be required to categorize Far Right?

Ahh, another innocent sounding interrogatory statement. For one thing, the statement conflates two different periods of time in American history, i.e., the 1960s-70s vs the post 2008 election of Barack Obama.

The more direct response to the presumptuous questions is, not necessarily so. Gun laden anti Planned Parenthood jihadist-equivalent madmen are criminals similar to Daesh mass murderers. The groups I mentioned didn't fit any such category. People who shoot and kill doctors at abortion clinics are extremists, yes, but they are criminal extremists. Misogynists besides, just less extreme in their misogyny than are their circuitous apologists Trump, or Huckabee, Santorum, Cruz, Rubio et al.

What Far Right groups exist in the US today?



The links are not inclusive but they do come close to being definitive. So it is indeed pleasing to meet the occasion to provide some answers to an individually unresolved obvious. Once someone becomes better informed, perhaps he can start interrogatories of the right whingers that proliferate. Failure to do so could place one's self claimed innocent and genuine sophistry at a serious risk of exposing a certain political bias.

I am that rare American one seldom finds in this polarized nation--I am just a guy who thinks some liberal policies are good and some conservative policies are good.

Most women and men in the USA think in those terms. Nothing rare about it so do come down to the normal air pressure of ground level. It's just that the decisive majority of the population things more liberal policies are good than conservative policies are viable or desirable. Those Americans who disagree can state and argue otherwise. They could do that in either direct declaratory statements or in pretentious interrogatory statements.

P.S. One "Far Right" group in the US that might need to be included on the list is the 2016 Republican party. Moreover, those who ask questions of liberals and progressives, but do not make it an equal and balanced practice of questioning conservatives or the far right, reveal a definite political bias.

That was my immediate reaction as well. One "Far Right" group has become the 2016 Republican party. They are SO far out there. That why most of these posts by Republicans are SO ludicrous.

And the Republicans are SO dug in, SO entrenched in their ridiculous hateful, fearful positions.

All in lock step, over the cliff, into the abyss. thumbsup.gif

The thought of Republicans getting into the White House and being able to chose the next four Supreme Court Justices should scare everyone. The end of the world as we know it.

Not going to happen. There are enough normal people left to see the Republicans go down in flames next year.

Donald Trump, ye gods.

There are enough normal people left to see the Republicans go down in flames next year.

You mean enough people that live off benefits that are afraid the GOP will make them get a job that will vote Dem.

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I am all Trumpt out, nothing to say other than,

He is an embarrassment

There was a time I couldn't stand the guy but nowadays I look forward to what he is going to say next.

He just does NOT care.

I find it refreshing...he points out that the whole dang bunch of them are clowns.

Was he saying that Hillary was backstage cheating for the debate?

As an interested bystander, I am English, it seems that DT does not 'care what he says' because he is not the lickspittle puppet of some rich benefactors that financialy support his campaign. In that he is demonstrably not PC, he is the only one of a sorry lot of professional politicians, (except for Carson), who is not 'beholden' to a group of donors. He can say what he feels is appropriate , he is only interested in what the 'people' want to hear, or what he feels he wants to say, not what a group of 'money for favours' people want him to say. He is a highly successful business man who wants the ultimate job in the US. He would do a much better job than most of his fellow contenders, he certainly would be strong enough to hire 'professional' help, not those to whom he owed favours, perhaps then the US would then have a more pragmatic approach to national and world politics, above all he is not STUPID and will not be led by the nose by 'interest groups'. I do hope he is elected. There are , I believe, methods of removing a president, (Nixon), if he proves to be a complete mentally unstable liability , so all would not be lost. So go for it citizens of the US, kick the parasytical polical class up the arse, time to clean the stables of the stack of politically correct liberal horse shit that seems to pervade the streets of Washington, vote for the Trump. Think of all the unemployed lobbyists, as POTUS cannot be bought, he does not need their financial support any more.

As an addition, he would not need to curry favour with the political establishment for his second term, he does not need the money, so the US could have an 8 year span of sensible leadership, uncorrupted by the need to curry favour from focus (f*ckass) groups.

In theory, this seems like a great idea. In practice, unfortunately, all the usual human frailties associated with wielding great power come into play. Remember we were told how Khun Thaksin could never be corrupted because (just like Trump) he was so rich, he didn't "need" any more money; just 1 baht per year was sufficient salary for such an altruistic leader -- and how did that experiment work out?

That said, I still get a chuckle whenever The Donald sounds off.

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Interesting reading.

Will there be a mass suicide if the Trump gets elected President ?

You'd think so from some people's rhetoric. I hope the Donald gets elected just so I can rub people's noses in it.

you would cut your nose to spite your face? do you think you would be insulated from the results?

Only his praises of a despot like Putin should be of concern to you.never mind the rest.

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Interesting reading.

Will there be a mass suicide if the Trump gets elected President ?

You'd think so from some people's rhetoric. I hope the Donald gets elected just so I can rub people's noses in it.

you would cut your nose to spite your face? do you think you would be insulated from the results?

Only his praises of a despot like Putin should be of concern to you.never mind the rest.

I think he'd be far, far better for the world than HRC who will be Obama version 2. We need someone to stand up to China before they realise that Obama/ HRC isn't going to stop them doing whatever they like in SEA.

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