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Trump uses crude language to mock Clinton


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According to Wikipedia & Oxford dictionary, "Schlong" is vulgar word (yiddish) for Penis.

All his blustering to deny any wrong intent, is total rubbish.

His Leadership qualities are almost zero, so if US citizens want Thumper Trump as President.....good luck b/c he will not only adversely affect US but world as well!!

Exactly! He is disingenuous, a form of dishonesty, and he wants us to believe the "mainstream media" is dishonest. I put "mainstream media" in quotes because it's conservative code for any media outlet which doesn't spin every topic the way they want it spun. The moment you hear someone whining about the "mainstream media" you know that person is narrow-minded and has no credibility.

" The moment you hear someone whining about the "mainstream media" you know that person is narrow-minded and has no credibility."

The same can be applied to those posters that continually whine about Fox (Faux) News.

But you don't watch it, so how can you comment?

You're not American yet here you are on another Trump thread.

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According to Wikipedia & Oxford dictionary, "Schlong" is vulgar word (yiddish) for Penis.
All his blustering to deny any wrong intent, is total rubbish.
His Leadership qualities are almost zero, so if US citizens want Thumper Trump as President.....good luck b/c he will not only adversely affect US but world as well!!

Exactly! He is disingenuous, a form of dishonesty, and he wants us to believe the "mainstream media" is dishonest. I put "mainstream media" in quotes because it's conservative code for any media outlet which doesn't spin every topic the way they want it spun. The moment you hear someone whining about the "mainstream media" you know that person is narrow-minded and has no credibility.

" The moment you hear someone whining about the "mainstream media" you know that person is narrow-minded and has no credibility."

The same can be applied to those posters that continually whine about Fox (Faux) News.

But you don't watch it, so how can you comment?

You're not American yet here you are on another Trump thread.

Some card games, as with life in general, have jokers as well as Trumps.
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It's the Republican party establishment that are frantic and increasingly desperate.

The Democratic party is not Trump's problem or challenge. Not this year to date and not unless and until Trump might manage to get nominated next summer at the convention. Neither is Trump the problem of the Democratic party.

If Trump grabs the nomination, some cultural losers in the Democratic party would likely vote for him. However, such Democrats are in predominantly Blue states where the D for POTUS wins by 10 points and more. So that would not impact a D victory in the general next November.

Trump is running for the Republican party nomination to lead the Republican party and all of its candidates in all of their offices throughout the country in to the general massacre election. Trump's biggest headaches en route all have an 'R' after their name. To include the desperate R party establishment.

Yes, you are correct about the GOP being terrified of Trump. The men in back rooms must be wetting themselves in fear that he might get the nomination.

However, I don't think they would sic the media onto his family, as even they would not be as low as the Dems.

Reagan must be turning in his grave right now to see how the center right has disappeared, and crossover voters have all but disappeared. In this unfortunate environment of polarization, where both Repub and Dem parties are becoming more extreme right and left respectively, Trump is an interesting case study in disruption of the Republican Party. At the same time, expect to see Clinton pander to extreme left views to garner support.

The center right is dead in America as well as the moderating sense of decency it seems.

A good post although I would add that the center left is also Dead.

Its a land of extremes in the US today just like on this board.

There is an "US vs THEM" mentality everywhere.

I can't say something without being accused of being a FOX news watching GOP sheep simply because I criticized a Democrat.

The ferocious party loyalty today is really amazing, particularly when it comes from otherwise intelligent people.

Democratic party is center left at most. There really is no extreme left in the US.
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Reagan must be turning in his grave right now to see how the center right has disappeared, and crossover voters have all but disappeared. In this unfortunate environment of polarization, where both Repub and Dem parties are becoming more extreme right and left respectively, Trump is an interesting case study in disruption of the Republican Party. At the same time, expect to see Clinton pander to extreme left views to garner support.

The center right is dead in America as well as the moderating sense of decency it seems.

A good post although I would add that the center left is also Dead.

Its a land of extremes in the US today just like on this board.

There is an "US vs THEM" mentality everywhere.

I can't say something without being accused of being a FOX news watching GOP sheep simply because I criticized a Democrat.

The ferocious party loyalty today is really amazing, particularly when it comes from otherwise intelligent people.

Democratic party is center left at most. There really is no extreme left in the US.

Well I suppose that would depend on where you start out standing.

Many would say the ACA is an extreme left policy.

Many would say Bernie Sanders is extreme left...including himself.

What defines extreme left to you?

Edited by ClutchClark
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US hasn't had an American brand of "extreme left" since the Weathermen, the original Black Panthers of the 1960s (not the BPP since), Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and a few other assorted like minded groups.

The present far out right thinks Sen Bernie Sanders and his political-economic platform actually constitute socialism. laugh.png And that Barack Obama is a socialist. cheesy.gif That they and others in the USA are "extreme left."

HRClinton doesn't get much of that because there is just no getting around over under or through that HRC is and always has been a capitalist. A red white and blue one. So Trump has to talk instead about schlongings. giggle.gif

Given that as somebody named Einstein noted, everything is relative, everyone could discuss relativity forever instead of discussing issues substantively or procedurally.

Sophistry does have its welcome place as such. Used as a smokescreen to cloak one's actual point of view, it however becomes transparent. Specifically, people who question everything about the left but question nothing about the right fool no one when they claim the questioning necessarily makes them "independent."

An interrogatory is after all a statement. Whether the interrogatory is genuine or bogus. When the interrogatory is in virtually every instance directed at one side only of the political spectrum, it becomes untenable as consistently biased.

Edited by Publicus
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US hasn't had an American brand of "extreme left" since the Weathermen, the original Black Panthers of the 1960s (not the BPP since), Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and a few other assorted like minded groups.

The present far out right thinks Sen Bernie Sanders and his political-economic platform actually constitute socialism. laugh.png And that Barack Obama is a socialist. cheesy.gif

HRClinton doesn't get much of that because there is just no getting around over under or through that HRC is and always has been a capitalist. So Trump has to talk instead about schlongings. giggle.gif

Given that as somebody named Einstein noted, everything is relative, everyone could discuss relativity forever instead of discussing issues substantively or procedurally.

Sophistry does have its welcome place as such. Used as a smokescreen to cloak one's actual point of view, it however becomes transparent. Specifically, people who question everything about the left but question nothing about the right fool no one when they claim the questioning necessarily makes them "independent." An interrogatory is after all a statement. Whether the interrogatory is genuine or bogus.

OK, so most of those groups named have been responsible for criminal acts.

By the same token, wouldn't the same criteria be required to categorize Far Right?

What Far Right groups exist in the US today?

And beofre you immediately accuse me of being far right because I don't agree with you, let me say I am no more far right than I am far left.

I am that rare American one seldom finds in this polarized nation--I am just a guy who thinks some liberal policies are good and some conservative policies are good. That appears to be a difficult concept for you and thus your need to accuse one of using a "smokescreen".

Edited by ClutchClark
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US hasn't had an American brand of "extreme left" since the Weathermen, the original Black Panthers of the 1960s (not the BPP since), Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and a few other assorted like minded groups.

The present far out right thinks Sen Bernie Sanders and his political-economic platform actually constitute socialism. laugh.png And that Barack Obama is a socialist. cheesy.gif

HRClinton doesn't get much of that because there is just no getting around over under or through that HRC is and always has been a capitalist. So Trump has to talk instead about schlongings. giggle.gif

Given that as somebody named Einstein noted, everything is relative, everyone could discuss relativity forever instead of discussing issues substantively or procedurally.

Sophistry does have its welcome place as such. Used as a smokescreen to cloak one's actual point of view, it however becomes transparent. Specifically, people who question everything about the left but question nothing about the right fool no one when they claim the questioning necessarily makes them "independent." An interrogatory is after all a statement. Whether the interrogatory is genuine or bogus.

OK, so most of those groups named have been responsible for criminal acts.

By the same token, wouldn't the same criteria be required to categorize Far Right?

What Far Right groups exist in the US today?

And beofre you immediately accuse me of being far right because I don't agree with you, let me say I am no more far right than I am far left.

I am that rare American one seldom finds in this polarized nation--I am just a guy who thinks some liberal policies are good and some conservative policies are good. That appears to be a difficult concept for you and thus your need to accuse one of using a "smokescreen".

OK, so most of those groups named have been responsible for criminal acts.

True to only a certain limited extent, varying among the named groups and others. The groups' purpose and 90% civil means opposed a criminal and profiteering war in Vietnam and a government criminal apparatus, such as Counterintelpro, to spy on Americans, blacklist Americans, to stop our opposition to the war in Vietnam.

By the same token, wouldn't the same criteria be required to categorize Far Right?

Ahh, another innocent sounding interrogatory statement. For one thing, the statement conflates two different periods of time in American history, i.e., the 1960s-70s vs the post 2008 election of Barack Obama.

The more direct response to the presumptuous questions is, not necessarily so. Gun laden anti Planned Parenthood jihadist-equivalent madmen are criminals similar to Daesh mass murderers. The groups I mentioned didn't fit any such category. People who shoot and kill doctors at abortion clinics are extremists, yes, but they are criminal extremists. Misogynists besides, just less extreme in their misogyny than are their circuitous apologists Trump, or Huckabee, Santorum, Cruz, Rubio et al.

What Far Right groups exist in the US today?



The links are not inclusive but they do come close to being definitive. So it is indeed pleasing to meet the occasion to provide some answers to an individually unresolved obvious. Once someone becomes better informed, perhaps he can start interrogatories of the right whingers that proliferate. Failure to do so could place one's self claimed innocent and genuine sophistry at a serious risk of exposing a certain political bias.

I am that rare American one seldom finds in this polarized nation--I am just a guy who thinks some liberal policies are good and some conservative policies are good.

Most women and men in the USA think in those terms. Nothing rare about it so do come down to the normal air pressure of ground level. It's just that the decisive majority of the population things more liberal policies are good than conservative policies are viable or desirable. Those Americans who disagree can state and argue otherwise. They could do that in either direct declaratory statements or in pretentious interrogatory statements.

P.S. One "Far Right" group in the US that might need to be included on the list is the 2016 Republican party. Moreover, those who ask questions of liberals and progressives, but do not make it an equal and balanced practice of questioning conservatives or the far right, reveal a definite political bias.

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not being an educated man, or well read in political philosophy, I have often wondered where does the far left meet the far right, What was the difference for the ordinary family in Stalin's U.S.S.R. and Hitler's Germany....There was no difference. This dichotomy between Left and Right is false. In the U.K. when I was growing up in the'50s, we had cheap public housing, state owned Public utilities meant affordable power, gas , elect etc, it was called Socialism.Io the American ear this probably sounds Marxist as this Social Welfare Programme was put together so called Far Left Pols. such as Bevan, Atlee and the young Harold Wilson. But when I read 'The Secret of the Federal Reserve' by Eustace Mullins Things started to fall into place regarding the false Dialectic that Politics is. The Trump and Hilary "show" is just that. The Foreign Policy will still be "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace" and NATO will continue its expansionist Policy, which could end in disaster. I don't know who are "pulling the strings" in this Great Game of geo-politics, but suspect the money creators are behind both sides. As one un-named(censure) Banker said at the London Stock Exchange "..always buy when there's blood in the streets"/ Regarding the latest bunch of candidate puppets will have a shock when they are elected and the door of the Oval Office closes and they see their new handler's.....@cluchclark.. I like your avatar. 555.

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Hey, this is about Trump's Schlong-gate!

Schlongs in pop culture.

Oh no. Not vulgar!



Exactly, Schlong is a NYC colloquialism as are seversl other Yddish phrases you mentioned earlier, no doubt the result of the rather large Jewish population.

Although certsinly meant as an insult, and quite accurate at that, it lacks the vulgarity some here have applied to it.

Swan Schlong.

Maybe you have to have spent time there to appreciate the humor of that headline instead of finding it offensive.

Edited by ClutchClark
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After reading countless silly posts about how great Hillary is actually makes me feel sorry for the Democratic party. No one in their right mind likes Hillary. This woman hates people and they hate her. i almost felt sorry for Hillary when she had to take a dump during the Democratic debate. She looked ridicules as she waddled back to her podium after her bathroom break.

Bill humiliated Hillary when he took advantage of Monica Lewinsky in the White House. Hillary's claim to fame was standing by Bill, while he was impeached in the sex scandal with Monica. Hillary didn't have any choice but to stick with Bill. Who else would want to be with this woman.

While as Secretary of State, Hillary was involved in one foreign policy disaster after another. Hillary's e-mail scandal was further proof of her stupidity. Hillary supporters on this site can make fun of Trump and the other GOP candidates all they want but one of the these GOP candidates will be the next president of the United States.

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If you keep on confusing me with all them there big words its goin' to take me forever and a day to respond to your post.

Certsinly alot of personal attack in there for a feller who just yesterday was crying like a baby that I was not sticking to the topic when I showed concern for you.

As for me pickin on liberals more than conservatives...well now sir you sure ain't read many of my posts.

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If you keep on confusing me with all them there big words its goin' to take me forever and a day to respond to your post.

Certsinly alot of personal attack in there for a feller who just yesterday was crying like a baby that I was not sticking to the topic when I showed concern for you.

As for me pickin on liberals more than conservatives...well now sir you sure ain't read many of my posts.

My post addressed your post and its approach to relating to other posts and postings. Point by point.

The above post in reply avoids responding to everything I'd stated and put in to my post. It reflects being overwhelmed. If not being exposed, indefensibly so. It is flippant.

One can evade the reply but one cannot escape what is revealed in the aw-shucks avoidance of a credible reply.

Reply or don't reply, that is a poster's respected choice. Posters are not required or obligated to reply to any post. Or concerning how to reply if a reply is made.

That being said, inserting 'crying like a baby' in a slapped together weak post reply sounds like Donald Trump attacking people who critique or evaluate him. That is, there is no genuine or intellectually respectable reply that a Trump can muster.

Edited by Publicus
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If you keep on confusing me with all them there big words its goin' to take me forever and a day to respond to your post.

Certsinly alot of personal attack in there for a feller who just yesterday was crying like a baby that I was not sticking to the topic when I showed concern for you.

As for me pickin on liberals more than conservatives...well now sir you sure ain't read many of my posts.

My post addressed your post and its approach to relating to other posts and postings. Point by point.

The above post in reply avoids responding to everything I'd stated and put in to my post. It reflects being overwhelmed. If not being exposed, indefensibly so. It is flippant.

One can evade the reply but one cannot escape what is revealed in the aw-shucks avoidance of a credible reply.

Reply or don't reply, that is a poster's respected choice. Posters are not required or obligated to reply to any post. Or concerning how to reply if a reply is made.

That being said, inserting 'crying like a baby' in a slapped together weak post reply sounds like Donald Trump attacking people who critique or evaluate him. That is, there is no genuine or intellectually respectable reply that a Trump can muster.

Does this mean we won't be exchanging Christmas Cards?

Where did you ever find a soap box so big in Thailand?

Did you stack several on top of each other?


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If you keep on confusing me with all them there big words its goin' to take me forever and a day to respond to your post.

Certsinly alot of personal attack in there for a feller who just yesterday was crying like a baby that I was not sticking to the topic when I showed concern for you.

As for me pickin on liberals more than conservatives...well now sir you sure ain't read many of my posts.

My post addressed your post and its approach to relating to other posts and postings. Point by point.

The above post in reply avoids responding to everything I'd stated and put in to my post. It reflects being overwhelmed. If not being exposed, indefensibly so. It is flippant.

One can evade the reply but one cannot escape what is revealed in the aw-shucks avoidance of a credible reply.

Reply or don't reply, that is a poster's respected choice. Posters are not required or obligated to reply to any post. Or concerning how to reply if a reply is made.

That being said, inserting 'crying like a baby' in a slapped together weak post reply sounds like Donald Trump attacking people who critique or evaluate him. That is, there is no genuine or intellectually respectable reply that a Trump can muster.

Does this mean we won't be exchanging Christmas Cards?

Where did you ever find a soap box so big in Thailand?

Did you stack several on top of each other?


Does this mean we won't be exchanging Christmas Cards?

Another interrogatory statement. biggrin.png

Never send 'em out so no one needs to feel individually concerned or possibly slighted to not get one. If it might be reassuring, I'd anyway extend Season's Greetings regardless, and further advise to be careful around these parts not to get schlonged. There are Trumps anywhere y'know.

Where did you ever find a soap box so big in Thailand? Did you stack several on top of each other?


One sees the challenge here in trying to relate to posts constantly and persistently permeated by interrogatory statements to liberals and progressives. whistling.gif (Only and exclusively)

Got 'em all from clean living.


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In Yiddish the word how he used it means beaten.

The word has several meaning

Actually he created a new word.

Schlong is Yiddish.

ed ending is English.

Nice try but his meaning was obvious.

Beaten yes only in the CONTEXT of an election (erection?). With a penis.

Schlong does not mean beaten in Yiddish.

But the CONTEXT of how he used his made up word was about Hillary being ... well, you all know what, not gonna say it.

No, it's not a big deal in casual conversation, but Americans have to decide if they want a vulgar bombastic clown like Trump as their president.

I doubt it.

Next ...

Edited by Jingthing
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In Yiddish the word how he used it means beaten.

The word has several meaning

Actually he created a new word.

Schlong is Yiddish.

ed ending is English.

Nice try but his meaning was obvious.

Beaten yes only in the CONTEXT of an election (erection?). With a penis.

Schlong does not mean beaten in Yiddish.

But the CONTEXT of how he used his made up word was about Hillary being ... well, you all know what, not gonna say it.

No, it's not a big deal in casual conversation, but Americans have to decide if they want a vulgar bombastic clown like Trump as their president.

I doubt it.

Next ...

Well they elected a bumbling idiot twice, the last four times. At least a bombastic clown would be more entertaining than a war monger or a liar ( if you like your Dr you can keep your Dr etc ).

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Imagine were this woman somehow to become president and find herself in direct, person to person, tough, edgy talks with Putin or some other aggressor about to light the fuse. And what happens? She craps her pants suit.

You mean sort of like when Bush Sr. vomited all over at the formal dinner in Japan?

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US hasn't had an American brand of "extreme left" since the Weathermen, the original Black Panthers of the 1960s (not the BPP since), Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and a few other assorted like minded groups.

The present far out right thinks Sen Bernie Sanders and his political-economic platform actually constitute socialism. laugh.png And that Barack Obama is a socialist. cheesy.gif

HRClinton doesn't get much of that because there is just no getting around over under or through that HRC is and always has been a capitalist. So Trump has to talk instead about schlongings. giggle.gif

Given that as somebody named Einstein noted, everything is relative, everyone could discuss relativity forever instead of discussing issues substantively or procedurally.

Sophistry does have its welcome place as such. Used as a smokescreen to cloak one's actual point of view, it however becomes transparent. Specifically, people who question everything about the left but question nothing about the right fool no one when they claim the questioning necessarily makes them "independent." An interrogatory is after all a statement. Whether the interrogatory is genuine or bogus.

OK, so most of those groups named have been responsible for criminal acts.

By the same token, wouldn't the same criteria be required to categorize Far Right?

What Far Right groups exist in the US today?

And beofre you immediately accuse me of being far right because I don't agree with you, let me say I am no more far right than I am far left.

I am that rare American one seldom finds in this polarized nation--I am just a guy who thinks some liberal policies are good and some conservative policies are good. That appears to be a difficult concept for you and thus your need to accuse one of using a "smokescreen".

OK, so most of those groups named have been responsible for criminal acts.

True to only a certain limited extent, varying among the named groups and others. The groups' purpose and 90% civil means opposed a criminal and profiteering war in Vietnam and a government criminal apparatus, such as Counterintelpro, to spy on Americans, blacklist Americans, to stop our opposition to the war in Vietnam.

By the same token, wouldn't the same criteria be required to categorize Far Right?

Ahh, another innocent sounding interrogatory statement. For one thing, the statement conflates two different periods of time in American history, i.e., the 1960s-70s vs the post 2008 election of Barack Obama.

The more direct response to the presumptuous questions is, not necessarily so. Gun laden anti Planned Parenthood jihadist-equivalent madmen are criminals similar to Daesh mass murderers. The groups I mentioned didn't fit any such category. People who shoot and kill doctors at abortion clinics are extremists, yes, but they are criminal extremists. Misogynists besides, just less extreme in their misogyny than are their circuitous apologists Trump, or Huckabee, Santorum, Cruz, Rubio et al.

What Far Right groups exist in the US today?



The links are not inclusive but they do come close to being definitive. So it is indeed pleasing to meet the occasion to provide some answers to an individually unresolved obvious. Once someone becomes better informed, perhaps he can start interrogatories of the right whingers that proliferate. Failure to do so could place one's self claimed innocent and genuine sophistry at a serious risk of exposing a certain political bias.

I am that rare American one seldom finds in this polarized nation--I am just a guy who thinks some liberal policies are good and some conservative policies are good.

Most women and men in the USA think in those terms. Nothing rare about it so do come down to the normal air pressure of ground level. It's just that the decisive majority of the population things more liberal policies are good than conservative policies are viable or desirable. Those Americans who disagree can state and argue otherwise. They could do that in either direct declaratory statements or in pretentious interrogatory statements.

P.S. One "Far Right" group in the US that might need to be included on the list is the 2016 Republican party. Moreover, those who ask questions of liberals and progressives, but do not make it an equal and balanced practice of questioning conservatives or the far right, reveal a definite political bias.

That was my immediate reaction as well. One "Far Right" group has become the 2016 Republican party. They are SO far out there. That why most of these posts by Republicans are SO ludicrous.

And the Republicans are SO dug in, SO entrenched in their ridiculous hateful, fearful positions.

All in lock step, over the cliff, into the abyss. thumbsup.gif

The thought of Republicans getting into the White House and being able to chose the next four Supreme Court Justices should scare everyone. The end of the world as we know it.

Not going to happen. There are enough normal people left to see the Republicans go down in flames next year.

Donald Trump, ye gods.

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