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Koh Tao: Suspects found guilty of murdering British backpackers

Jonathan Fairfield

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The case didn't particulary interest me to be honest.

It was just a case of wrong place wrong time, shame it happened but it did.

Nothing about the case will stop any tourists visiting Thailand. Its yesterdays news.

Wrong, I've crossed Thailand off my holiday list, and have convinced several others to do the same.

Yes, a drop in the ocean, but from small things, big things grow.

Shame about your attitude. Thousand of people will not go to Thailand because of Koh Toe and the bad reputation Thailand has for it's policing and justice system, you underestimating the situation, the adverse publicity over the net must have had a profound effect. Not everyone is as shallow as you are.

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Why no discussion of the FaceBook Anonymous video? It will likely be banned soon so watch it now.

Some 160 likes and 180 shares. Wow really going viral - NOT!

& over 800 views on youtube, not bad for a vid uploaded just a few hours ago, check the stats in one month and see if you come to the same conclusions

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The case didn't particulary interest me to be honest.

It was just a case of wrong place wrong time, shame it happened but it did.

Nothing about the case will stop any tourists visiting Thailand. Its yesterdays news.

Everyone I know here in Thailand is boycotting KT.

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Of course they want it swept under the carpet asap, so they can carry on 'living the dream' on that hellhole island.

God forbid it might affect their long running competition of who can sleep with the most fresh meat dive students.

although this particular crime turned out to be a murder there was a very interesting post on TVF some time ago making reference to Koh Tao and its less than savory past criminal activities especially those involving rape accusations made by young western girls holidaying on the Island, there have also been suspected murders, I can't find the post but it was made by someone that lived there for a decent length of time

This particular crime against Hannah could well have started as an intended rape that went bad because of the interference of David and culminated in a double murder.

Possibly Lots of young innocent western girls being prayed upon by local thugs who seem have the run of the place and an ego and attitude that they can get away with anything when the opportunity presents.

Most murder investigations have an almost identical approach by police investigators

1. Establish a motive (very important) - in this case it was claimed to be sexual in nature (UK coroner stated no evidence of rape)

2. Investigations almost always start from the location the victims were last known to be alive and from there look for a motive - the initial investigation more or less seemed to have started in this way but then suddenly stopped and went dark. A possible motive was the strongly rumoured altercation with one of the staff were Hannah was last seen alive

3. Establish the movements of the victims from item 2 above by interviewing witnesses and review cctv footage if available - not done - hidden or prevented, were they together ? did they leave together ? times ? who did they talk to ? who were they with ?

4. The rest is down to (SOCO) gathering evidence from the crime scene (we all know how that went) bringing it together to establish possible suspects based on the motive and linking them to the crime using the gathered evidence, in this particular crime it was primarily the DNA evidence they claimed to have but have yet never produced, also the injuries to David especially the small puncture wounds never properly explained.

5. Make a case for prosecution using all of the above and present to court

for me there are serious issues with every item listed above which is why I remain unconvinced

Yes, there are serious issues with every item, namely that you assume facts not in evidence, if not directly contested by the known facts.

1. The UK coroner (according to Andy Hall) said that she found no rape related injuries, which does not mean rape didn't occur.

2. You assume the police changed the direction of the investigation for... reasons, the rumor you are clinging to has never been substantiated by any credible source.

3. The prosecution spent one day (12 hours) going through CCTV footage tracing the movements of the victims.

4. The DNA evidence was presented in court, you are in absolute denial regarding that. As for the injuries, again, you assume they were not explained... did you even bother to read the preliminary verdict report?

5. That's what the prosecution did.

I suggest that you remain unconvinced because your assumptions don't match with the known facts. If you would inform yourself and stop rejecting facts that you don't like things would probably become less confusing.

you inserted the word injuries which is a deflection, no such word was mentioned, the dna has not been presented only a declaration that it matches B2, the rest of your post is your opinion exactly the same as mine


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They knew what they were doing (Brits). The petition forced the governments hand who sent someone out to calm folk down. It was nothing but a dog and pony show. Bilateral relations over justice every day of the week. Kirsty Jones' mother was told by the UK Govt. that documents would not be released as it would 'harm diplomatic relations'. She's still searching for justice and her own government are more interested in diplomacy - sickening huh?!

Perhaps the Witheridge family is seeking the unvarnished truth - like Kirsty's mother has been. In contrast, the Miller family seem to have accepted the story the Thai cop fed to the Brit experts (who were on the island about 4 hrs and were expressly told not to do any investigation) - who in turn told the Brit social workers - who told the victims' families - what Thai authorities wanted the world to think. The same Thai authorities who had their bank accounts miraculously bloated by hundreds of millions of baht just after Mon and NS were permanently excused, which was the same time the three scapegoats were hauled off to a secluded house with no recording devices - forced to sign a paper they couldn't read, while being harangued by a 'translator' who couldn't speak Thai or the dialect of the accused. If a professional writer wrote this as a script for a movie, it would be rejected forthwith as being too ridiculous and unbelievable. Yet it's what passes for 'business as usual' in Thailand.

The funny thing about the shills is, the only argument they have is, a judge declared the accused guilty.

That’s it. Case closed. No questions. About anything.

When indeed, professionals around the world have plenty.

Well, to be fair, the shills have some tepid points they try to make, all of which are perfectly aligned with the 'perfect investigation' RTP. BTW, a big thanks to iReason for bringing up earlier articles about the case. They're reminders of what an ugly farce it's been for the past 15 months. Just because something was news months ago, doesn't mean it ceases to be valid months later.

The case didn't particulary interest me to be honest. It was just a case of wrong place wrong time, shame it happened but it did. Nothing about the case will stop any tourists visiting Thailand. Its yesterdays news.

I meet with dozens of backpacker farang each week. They come up to Chiang Rai, and most go on to Chiang Kong and in to Laos. They like Laos better: it's safer and more like Thailand used to be 30 yrs ago: friendlier people, less hi-so who think they're superior to everyone with darker skin, less SUV's, less malls, and less likely to be loud noise blasting from wats. ....and the kids are less likely to be raped and murdered. KT isn't the only dangerous place for backpackers (particularly pretty blond ladies), but also Phi Phi, Krabi, Phuket, Plus Laos doesn't have extortionists working the beaches, like Pattaya and Phuket.

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If the public outcry and worldwide attention keeps as it is or indeed increase’s as seems likely, I fear the execution of the Burmese will be "brought forward"

But substitute suicide for execution in the official statement.

Some very serious reputations and egos are on the line here, including the most important, Thailand's favourite Uncle, if you think he and all the other people in authority are going to lose "face" and let the truth come out, think again.

And that is the simple truth, as This is Thailand.

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Maybe if you look at the CCTV which was released by the students lawyer of him entering his University residence the morning after the murders, you will see a very significant different hairstyle to the one when he appeared a few days later to protest his innocence.

Maybe he is a follower of fashion and wanted to look good on TV or maybe.......

I watched the entire Anonymous video. A few interesting items which haven't been mentioned in the numerous threads on T.Visa: In the CCTV video of Nomsod crossing the lobby at the students' apt (his only alibi for supposedly not being on the island that night), shows him wearing dirty white shorts - which look like the white shorts worn by Running Man.

After following every twist and turn of this case for over 15 months, here are some stand-outs (it's hard to pick just a few, because there are so many indications of screw-ups by Thai authorities):

>>> losing Hannah's clothes. And not even checking her clothing before the conveniently lost it.

>>> losing the hair, and of course, not diagnosing it before losing it

>>> blatantly lying about the Nomsod's DNA test and it not matching DNA from the crime

>>> dismissing Panya with a promotion (and probably a big clandestine payment) to a BKK desk job and a promise from him to never utter a public word about the case.

>>> Nomsod getting let off permanently with the soggiest of alibis

>>> Mon let off permanently. If he would take a truth serum and tell what he really knows, it would change everything we've heard from RTP.

>>> Head policeman Somyot and wife plopping down a cool $12 million to buy stocks, a few weeks after NS and his uncle were permanently whitewashed as suspects.

>>> No questions for the KT fast boat driver who slept in a cave at Samui, day after crime. Police said he was too drugged to talk to, so cops permanently ignored him.

>>> No checking of NOK flights, no checking of mobile phone activity, no checking of probable suspects: all who are buddies of Mon

>>> Letting Sean go. Not bothering to find or talk to other possible witnesses: MM3, two french girls, MM-DJ

>>> Mysterious deaths of two other farang backpackers, shortly after the initial crime. One was at Mon's g.h.

>>> Police hiding/destroying CCTV along with Mon. Police saying they didn't look at CCTV of a boat leaving island soon after crime because "we didn't think it was important."

......and that's just a partial list. I'm sure other posters here could add dozens of other items proving how the RTP screwed up and/or intentionally skewed evidence and/or purposefully didn't pursue leads. Disgusting. RTP deserves all the bad press it gets from this case.

Any of you guilty followers please give your views on any of boomers points in this post.

All the key points are right here.

It's pretty much all nonsense.

Clothes lost because Andy Hall said that he didn't know where they were, hair was forensically testd, the rest is the usual Boomerangutang "true story" AKA he pretends to know stuff that he doesn't ( DNA not tested, supposed bribes, the supposed silencinv of Panya,supposedly missing CCTV footage etc, etc...)

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Whatever came of the Junta's public statement that they were going to "clean up" the Islands of Thailand including Koh Tao.

They stated the days of the Island mafia's and land encroachment were over.

Perhaps a journalist could ask the General at his next "press" conference.

But there again better not, he does not like to be asked questions!

Edited by MorristheRunt
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Nomsod was playing with is hair when crossing the lobby and in the lift because he just had it cut, that's the most likely reason, lot's people put their fingers through their hair in an attempt to rearrange it after having it cut, it's a natural reaction for lots of people.

Right, not only did he made a mad dash to go from Koh Tao to Bangkok in an impossible four hours, he also stopped along the way to have his hair trimme. :rolleyes:

And of course people only check their hair when going out and getting on an elevator after having a haircut...

Do you people even think before throwing around "ideas"?

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you inserted the word injuries which is a deflection, no such word was mentioned, the dna has not been presented only a declaration that it matches B2, the rest of your post is your opinion exactly the same as mine

That one point alone would be enough to have the entire case tossed out of court (a court in a farang country). Even AleG can agree that hearsay is not solid evidence. Yet the entire DNA case put forth by RTP and prosecutors IS HEARSAY. They haven't been able to provide any actual samples. NOT A MODICUM, NOT A SWAB, NOTHING.

Which indicates that the court chose to ignore the flaws in the DNA evidence, probably because they don't understand the process. IMO, the defence appeal MUST provide a dummy down guide to why it shouldn't be accepted. That's crucial in convincing the appeals court to overturn the verdict.

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Nomsod was playing with is hair when crossing the lobby and in the lift because he just had it cut, that's the most likely reason, lot's people put their fingers through their hair in an attempt to rearrange it after having it cut, it's a natural reaction for lots of people.

Right, not only did he made a mad dash to go from Koh Tao to Bangkok in an impossible four hours, he also stopped along the way to have his hair trimme. rolleyes.gif

And of course people only check their hair when going out and getting on an elevator after having a haircut...

Do you people even think before throwing around "ideas"?

You seem to get very upset when the name Nomsod is mentioned.....why?

He, his father, the ex-Chief of Police, his University have all said he was in Bangkok at the time of the murders.

So why do all the supporters of the RTP investigation get so, so upset when this name is mentioned. Dam even the Ex Chief of Police went on national television and warned the public not to talk of Nomsod, or prosecutions would take place....

So again, why get so upset when the milk was not even on the Island?

Edited by MorristheRunt
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Right, not only did he (Nomsod) made a mad dash to go from Koh Tao to Bangkok in an impossible four hours,....

It's not impossible. I could make the trip in close to 3 hours if desperate, had wads of cash, and had my adrenaline pumping. It would be even easier if my dear uncle, who knows every boat driver on the island, was desperately assisting me. Even easier if I already had a return ticket on Nok Air from a mainland airport - to Bangkok that same morning.

Why would a student have a return flight ticket already? Here's the scenario: young man from KT attends a U in Bangkok. He decides to visit his parents on the weekend - not an unusual thing to do. Plus, his uncle owns a happening bar which is crowded every night with beautiful young farang chicks who drink hard and play loose with morals. Many of those gals also love the attentions they get from cute skinny amber-skinned local boys.

If the student goes to visit his parents and the party bars, he'll likely have a r-t plane ticket. His daddy is mega-rich, so the cost of a ticket is less than pocket change. Sabes senior?

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The influential family calling the shots on the island are going to get away with it and there is nothing anyone can do about it. McAnna don't be such a lady and open your pie hole. You saved your butt now make yourself useful for your mate if you know something

Edited by rudy h
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The influential family calling the shots on the island are going to get away with it and there is nothing anyone can do about. McAnna don't be such a lady and open your pie hole. Make yourself useful for your mate if you know something

It's time for the whole of Thailand to wake up. and Koh Tao particularly.

The people of influence are a tiny minority, if the vast majority came out and spoke the truth, they can't and won't be silenced.

One day this will happen, and when it does Koh Tao and Thailand in general can and will have a bright and exciting future.

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Isn't it strange: hardly so much as a peep at the thread from The Team since Friday, then Team Leader pops up and suddenly they're all here, even the really daft 'headless chicken' one biggrin.png .

Which leads me to ask once more, are "they" in fact one person? "They" hardly ever post individually but as a tag team. If they are different people I suspect they are posting from the same location after meeting to discuss strategy on how to save their businesses.

Or something very similar.... all humming the same tube and complimenting each others every utterance....

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Right, not only did he (Nomsod) made a mad dash to go from Koh Tao to Bangkok in an impossible four hours,....

It's not impossible. I could make the trip in close to 3 hours if desperate, had wads of cash, and had my adrenaline pumping. It would be even easier if my dear uncle, who knows every boat driver on the island, was desperately assisting me. Even easier if I already had a return ticket on Nok Air from a mainland airport - to Bangkok that same morning.

Why would a student have a return flight ticket already? Here's the scenario: young man from KT attends a U in Bangkok. He decides to visit his parents on the weekend - not an unusual thing to do. Plus, his uncle owns a happening bar which is crowded every night with beautiful young farang chicks who drink hard and play loose with morals. Many of those gals also love the attentions they get from cute skinny amber-skinned local boys.

If the student goes to visit his parents and the party bars, he'll likely have a r-t plane ticket. His daddy is mega-rich, so the cost of a ticket is less than pocket change. Sabes senior?

Did anyone see him getting on/off the plane or at the airports (Bangkok / Chumpae) going and coming to Koh Tao? His pictures were plastered all over the media and the net. Or are you saying the Mafia paid off all the airport staff, all the passengers etc. etc. ?

What's next? He took a private jet? Not impossible if you have a wild imagination....

Edited by asiamaster
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Right, not only did he (Nomsod) made a mad dash to go from Koh Tao to Bangkok in an impossible four hours,....

It's not impossible. I could make the trip in close to 3 hours if desperate, had wads of cash, and had my adrenaline pumping. It would be even easier if my dear uncle, who knows every boat driver on the island, was desperately assisting me. Even easier if I already had a return ticket on Nok Air from a mainland airport - to Bangkok that same morning.

Why would a student have a return flight ticket already? Here's the scenario: young man from KT attends a U in Bangkok. He decides to visit his parents on the weekend - not an unusual thing to do. Plus, his uncle owns a happening bar which is crowded every night with beautiful young farang chicks who drink hard and play loose with morals. Many of those gals also love the attentions they get from cute skinny amber-skinned local boys.

If the student goes to visit his parents and the party bars, he'll likely have a r-t plane ticket. His daddy is mega-rich, so the cost of a ticket is less than pocket change. Sabes senior?

Did anyone see him getting on/off the plane or at the airports (Bangkok / Chumpae) going and coming to Koh Tao? His pictures were plastered all over the media and the net. Or are you saying the Mafia paid off all the airport staff, all the passengers etc. etc. ?

What's next? He took a private jet? Not impossible if you have a wild imagination....

Believe what you want, uncle Mon and family did it

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Whatever came of the Junta's public statement that they were going to "clean up" the Islands of Thailand including Koh Tao.[/size]


They stated the days of the Island mafia's and land encroachment were over.[/size]


Perhaps a journalist could ask the General at his next "press" conference.[/size]


But there again better not, he does not like to be asked questions![/size]

You remember the name Jimmy Swaggart? Probably not. He was a TV preacher who had a popular show in the US. He would get hundreds of cash donations every time his show aired. Mostly from little old ladies watching from their suburban homes in Alabama, Mississippie, Arkansas, etc. Swaggart would preach vigorously about the evils of prostitution (among other evils). Months later, a video surfaced which showed Swaggart going repeatedly to a whore house (this was years before Youtube!). Sound like the junta? Check out from 1:17 in the following video...

I would love to see a few of Thailand elite doing just whay Jimmy Swaggart did there, my word that would be compeling viewing.

Or perhaps the reverse of The Thammasat University Massacre in 1974.

Students hanging dead from the gates of the university for having the audacity to criticize the government....sound familiar?

They don't cry in Thailand, they sue for defamation.

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Right, not only did he (Nomsod) made a mad dash to go from Koh Tao to Bangkok in an impossible four hours,....

It's not impossible. I could make the trip in close to 3 hours if desperate, had wads of cash, and had my adrenaline pumping. It would be even easier if my dear uncle, who knows every boat driver on the island, was desperately assisting me. Even easier if I already had a return ticket on Nok Air from a mainland airport - to Bangkok that same morning.

Why would a student have a return flight ticket already? Here's the scenario: young man from KT attends a U in Bangkok. He decides to visit his parents on the weekend - not an unusual thing to do. Plus, his uncle owns a happening bar which is crowded every night with beautiful young farang chicks who drink hard and play loose with morals. Many of those gals also love the attentions they get from cute skinny amber-skinned local boys.

If the student goes to visit his parents and the party bars, he'll likely have a r-t plane ticket. His daddy is mega-rich, so the cost of a ticket is less than pocket change. Sabes senior?

Did anyone see him getting on/off the plane or at the airports (Bangkok / Chumpae) going and coming to Koh Tao? His pictures were plastered all over the media and the net. Or are you saying the Mafia paid off all the airport staff, all the passengers etc. etc. ?

What's next? He took a private jet? Not impossible if you have a wild imagination....

Thanks for asking those questions. Who are are Nok Air staff going to comply with? Are they going to comply with the Thai government which is run by military men? Are they going to toe the line with very rich KT family members who don't have stellar reputations? Or are they going to hand over incriminating evidence (flight manifests and video footage) to a middle aged farang who walks in their office and asks to see info? You tell me.

Plus, you're using the word 'mafia' to describe the KT headman and his family. We're not supposed to do that. Already a Thai newspaper has been successfully sued for mentioning that word in relation to the Toovichien family.

And what's this silliness about "all the passengers" and "private jet"? You're getting shrill. Drink a glass of water and do some knee bends.

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Right, not only did he (Nomsod) made a mad dash to go from Koh Tao to Bangkok in an impossible four hours,....

It's not impossible. I could make the trip in close to 3 hours if desperate, had wads of cash, and had my adrenaline pumping. It would be even easier if my dear uncle, who knows every boat driver on the island, was desperately assisting me. Even easier if I already had a return ticket on Nok Air from a mainland airport - to Bangkok that same morning.

Why would a student have a return flight ticket already? Here's the scenario: young man from KT attends a U in Bangkok. He decides to visit his parents on the weekend - not an unusual thing to do. Plus, his uncle owns a happening bar which is crowded every night with beautiful young farang chicks who drink hard and play loose with morals. Many of those gals also love the attentions they get from cute skinny amber-skinned local boys.

If the student goes to visit his parents and the party bars, he'll likely have a r-t plane ticket. His daddy is mega-rich, so the cost of a ticket is less than pocket change. Sabes senior?

Did anyone see him getting on/off the plane or at the airports (Bangkok / Chumpae) going and coming to Koh Tao? His pictures were plastered all over the media and the net. Or are you saying the Mafia paid off all the airport staff, all the passengers etc. etc. ?

What's next? He took a private jet? Not impossible if you have a wild imagination....

Journalists from ThaiPBS reviewed the original footage from CCTV cameras, from a time before the murders took place until he is seen leaving his room, he didn't go in or out during that period.

So obviously he must have taken a helicopter, rappelled down on a rope and swung into his room through the window, SWAT team style.

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Right, not only did he (Nomsod) made a mad dash to go from Koh Tao to Bangkok in an impossible four hours,....

It's not impossible. I could make the trip in close to 3 hours if desperate, had wads of cash, and had my adrenaline pumping. It would be even easier if my dear uncle, who knows every boat driver on the island, was desperately assisting me. Even easier if I already had a return ticket on Nok Air from a mainland airport - to Bangkok that same morning.

Why would a student have a return flight ticket already? Here's the scenario: young man from KT attends a U in Bangkok. He decides to visit his parents on the weekend - not an unusual thing to do. Plus, his uncle owns a happening bar which is crowded every night with beautiful young farang chicks who drink hard and play loose with morals. Many of those gals also love the attentions they get from cute skinny amber-skinned local boys.

If the student goes to visit his parents and the party bars, he'll likely have a r-t plane ticket. His daddy is mega-rich, so the cost of a ticket is less than pocket change. Sabes senior?

Did anyone see him getting on/off the plane or at the airports (Bangkok / Chumpae) going and coming to Koh Tao? His pictures were plastered all over the media and the net. Or are you saying the Mafia paid off all the airport staff, all the passengers etc. etc. ?

What's next? He took a private jet? Not impossible if you have a wild imagination....

Journalists from ThaiPBS reviewed the original footage from CCTV cameras, from a time before the murders took place until he is seen leaving his room, he didn't go in or out during that period.

So obviously he must have taken a helicopter, rappelled down on a rope and swung into his room through the window, SWAT team style.

Sometimes we forget in Thailand men can be turned into ladies and fool us all
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Whatever came of the Junta's public statement that they were going to "clean up" the Islands of Thailand including Koh Tao.[/size]


They stated the days of the Island mafia's and land encroachment were over.[/size]


Perhaps a journalist could ask the General at his next "press" conference.[/size]


But there again better not, he does not like to be asked questions![/size]

You remember the name Jimmy Swaggart? Probably not. He was a TV preacher who had a popular show in the US. He would get hundreds of cash donations every time his show aired. Mostly from little old ladies watching from their suburban homes in Alabama, Mississippie, Arkansas, etc. Swaggart would preach vigorously about the evils of prostitution (among other evils). Months later, a video surfaced which showed Swaggart going repeatedly to a whore house (this was years before Youtube!). Sound like the junta? Check out from 1:17 in the following video...

I would love to see a few of Thailand elite doing just whay Jimmy Swaggart did there, my word that would be compeling viewing.

Or perhaps the reverse of The Thammasat University Massacre in 1974.

Students hanging dead from the gates of the university for having the audacity to criticize the government....sound familiar?

They don't cry in Thailand, they sue for defamation.

They also offer rewards to people daring them to implicate their family members in crimes.

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Whatever came of the Junta's public statement that they were going to "clean up" the Islands of Thailand including Koh Tao.[/size]


They stated the days of the Island mafia's and land encroachment were over.[/size]


Perhaps a journalist could ask the General at his next "press" conference.[/size]


But there again better not, he does not like to be asked questions![/size]

You remember the name Jimmy Swaggart? Probably not. He was a TV preacher who had a popular show in the US. He would get hundreds of cash donations every time his show aired. Mostly from little old ladies watching from their suburban homes in Alabama, Mississippie, Arkansas, etc. Swaggart would preach vigorously about the evils of prostitution (among other evils). Months later, a video surfaced which showed Swaggart going repeatedly to a whore house (this was years before Youtube!). Sound like the junta? Check out from 1:17 in the following video...

I would love to see a few of Thailand elite doing just whay Jimmy Swaggart did there, my word that would be compeling viewing.

Or perhaps the reverse of The Thammasat University Massacre in 1974.

Students hanging dead from the gates of the university for having the audacity to criticize the government....sound familiar?

They don't cry in Thailand, they sue for defamation.

They also offer rewards to people daring them to implicate their family members in crimes.

Kind of arrogant if I say so myself, mm collect a reward and die????

Edited by rudy h
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So can anyone answer a simple question? What was the motive of B2? I've only read they got so hot and horny they decided to whack David and mutilate Hannah over their horniness. Any other motive ?

That is basically the motive they are trying to peddle here.

The injuries to Hannah's face suggest this was a crime of anger, jealously, spite and 'revenge'. One of lost face and rejection if you ask me.

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