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VOTE NOW: Poster of the Year GRAND FINALE 2015



297 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for your ONE top choice for Thaivisa POSTER OF THE YEAR 2015

    • Crazy Chef 1
    • NancyL
    • SoiBiker
    • Transam
    • villagefarang

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Super E-Z voting solution.crazy.gif

Mandatory voting. Like in Australia. That'll get the numbers up for sure.

How do they enforce that there? Wouldn't the Null Vote win for sure?

So you really think Milwaukee will ever allow "Null Vote" to be crowned POTY? cool.png "Null Vote" was never nominated and never went through the weeding process.

I think if null vote wins, we should accept that this year's contest was a failure and award the crown to nobody.

Anyone agree?

What a surprise you would say that!!!

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Super E-Z voting solution.crazy.gif

Mandatory voting. Like in Australia. That'll get the numbers up for sure.

How do they enforce that there? Wouldn't the Null Vote win for sure?

So you really think Milwaukee will ever allow "Null Vote" to be crowned POTY? cool.png "Null Vote" was never nominated and never went through the weeding process.

I think if null vote wins, we should accept that this year's contest was a failure and award the crown to nobody.

Anyone agree?

Doesn't mean those voting Null are in agreement

Just that they are in agreement they don't like the final 5 choices

47 Null votes could be 47 votes for 47 alternative candidates

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Super E-Z voting solution.crazy.gif

Mandatory voting. Like in Australia. That'll get the numbers up for sure.

How do they enforce that there? Wouldn't the Null Vote win for sure?

So you really think Milwaukee will ever allow "Null Vote" to be crowned POTY? cool.png "Null Vote" was never nominated and never went through the weeding process.

I think if null vote wins, we should accept that this year's contest was a failure and award the crown to nobody.

Anyone agree?

Doesn't mean those voting Null are in agreement

Just that they are in agreement they don't like the final 5 choices

47 Null votes could be 47 votes for 47 alternative candidates

Ok then. How about this?

If null vote wins, we start the process again, but the five current finalists are excluded.

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So going in the last few days, this is about the time when "normally" / "traditionally" those who are clearly not going emerge the victor consider ENDORSING other candidates of the few ones with a any chance to still win.

Those who can still win:



Those who may be able to change the outcome of the race with their persuasive abilities to their supporters:

Crazy Chef 1

Soi Biker


Null votes -- the secret mystery sauce. Is that possibly an organized block of voters waiting in the wings to make a move near the end?

That's over 90 (NINETY!!!!) potentially persuadable votes. w00t.gif

While clearly we've arrived at a more static phase in the contest voting-wise, that doesn't necessarily preclude yet another super exciting photo finish at the end. Or maybe not. Who knows?

This year we've already have exciting photo finishes needing TIE BREAKERS for the Poty Runoff and Semifinals phases.

Edited by Jingthing
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Super E-Z voting solution.crazy.gif

Mandatory voting. Like in Australia. That'll get the numbers up for sure.

How do they enforce that there? Wouldn't the Null Vote win for sure?

So you really think Milwaukee will ever allow "Null Vote" to be crowned POTY? cool.png "Null Vote" was never nominated and never went through the weeding process.

I think if null vote wins, we should accept that this year's contest was a failure and award the crown to nobody.

Anyone agree?

Doesn't mean those voting Null are in agreement

Just that they are in agreement they don't like the final 5 choices

47 Null votes could be 47 votes for 47 alternative candidates

Ok then. How about this?

If null vote wins, we start the process again, but the five current finalists are excluded.

Start the process again? That's off the deep end, mate.

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Super E-Z voting solution.crazy.gif

Mandatory voting. Like in Australia. That'll get the numbers up for sure.

How do they enforce that there? Wouldn't the Null Vote win for sure?

So you really think Milwaukee will ever allow "Null Vote" to be crowned POTY? cool.png "Null Vote" was never nominated and never went through the weeding process.

I think if null vote wins, we should accept that this year's contest was a failure and award the crown to nobody.

Anyone agree?

Doesn't mean those voting Null are in agreement

Just that they are in agreement they don't like the final 5 choices

47 Null votes could be 47 votes for 47 alternative candidates

Ok then. How about this?

If null vote wins, we start the process again, but the five current finalists are excluded.

Start the process again? That's off the deep end, mate.

Don't worry. Someone else can run it.

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Yeah. You don't sound worried.

It's a block of potential voters for ACTUAL candidates.

Null votes are in all polls.

Always have been

Just never been COUNTED before and shown in the results list.

You could look at ANY POLL here ever and go back to figure the null vote count if you wanted to.

Counting them here has been for entertainment purposes.

Null votes are just a glitch that is created when a user chooses to view the results without voting. To assume they are all "no confidence" or "none of the above" votes explicitly is total idiocy.

Even if there had been an explicit NONE OF THE ABOVE choice on the poll, it would also be total idiocy to declare a contest invalid just because NONE OF THE ABOVE might get the most votes.

Edited by Jingthing
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I think the best thing would be to start a poll on the matter.

I'll get right on it.

You're free to start any foolish type of poll you want to start, dear. I would be the last person to suggest otherwise! wub.png

As a matter of fact, I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to start this poll of yours. ASAP! I'm really a big fan of all kinds of polls, the sillier the better!

So will you start it RIGHT NOW? If not, what's the problem. You know how to start a poll, right?

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One of my hobbies here in Thailand is mountain biking. My approach to riding is very similar to the way I live in Thailand. I ride a high end bike cobbled together over the years of riding from aftermarket parts chosen for the way I ride.

I ride the most beautiful trails I can find and I ride them as is. I embrace the obstacles and imperfections. Sure I try to ride the smoothest most fluid path but I do not curse the challenges which I encounter. I stop to take pictures and enjoy the beauty around me. I have no thoughts about changing or modifying the trail. If I dont like a particular trail I find another one which I find more enjoyable.

In Thailand I try to surround myself with beauty and spend my time with intelligent, successful, worldly friends, mainly Thai, who speak softly and with a measured tone. Life is short and I dont want to spend it complaining about things I cannot change. The weather is what it is, so I dress and build my house accordingly. The easiest thing to modify is me and my attitude, not the people or society around me.

This surely must be an attempt at self-parody. If so, it's comedy genius. I don't think I've ever read anything more smugly self-satisfied.

You may find whining, complaining, criticism and putdowns to be admirable attributes but I do not. If being happy and satisfied with ones life is an inexcusable character flaw, then so be it. I am not going to apologize for my life. coffee1.gif

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One of my hobbies here in Thailand is mountain biking. My approach to riding is very similar to the way I live in Thailand. I ride a high end bike cobbled together over the years of riding from aftermarket parts chosen for the way I ride.

I ride the most beautiful trails I can find and I ride them as is. I embrace the obstacles and imperfections. Sure I try to ride the smoothest most fluid path but I do not curse the challenges which I encounter. I stop to take pictures and enjoy the beauty around me. I have no thoughts about changing or modifying the trail. If I dont like a particular trail I find another one which I find more enjoyable.

In Thailand I try to surround myself with beauty and spend my time with intelligent, successful, worldly friends, mainly Thai, who speak softly and with a measured tone. Life is short and I dont want to spend it complaining about things I cannot change. The weather is what it is, so I dress and build my house accordingly. The easiest thing to modify is me and my attitude, not the people or society around me.

This surely must be an attempt at self-parody. If so, it's comedy genius. I don't think I've ever read anything more smugly self-satisfied.

I spat my coffee out I laughed so hard when I read it.

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Transam maintains lead but NancyL inching back up.
Does the 'L' stand for Lanna's Comeback Lady?
Transam endorsed by Thai transgender activists.
villagefarang -- local livestock agitated.
Nullies being cagey.
Voting ends midnight Wednesday!
Transam 76 votes
NancyL 64 votes
Null Vote* 53 votes
villagefarang 23 votes
Crazy Chef 1 -- 10 votes
SoiBiker 7 votes
THE POTTIES Committee in Milwaukee thanks you for voting.
POTY WINNER is crowned at midnight 30 December.
* Null Vote may not be eligible for the POTY crown.
No rights reserved.
Edited by Jingthing
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One of my hobbies here in Thailand is mountain biking. My approach to riding is very similar to the way I live in Thailand. I ride a high end bike cobbled together over the years of riding from aftermarket parts chosen for the way I ride.

I ride the most beautiful trails I can find and I ride them as is. I embrace the obstacles and imperfections. Sure I try to ride the smoothest most fluid path but I do not curse the challenges which I encounter. I stop to take pictures and enjoy the beauty around me. I have no thoughts about changing or modifying the trail. If I dont like a particular trail I find another one which I find more enjoyable.

In Thailand I try to surround myself with beauty and spend my time with intelligent, successful, worldly friends, mainly Thai, who speak softly and with a measured tone. Life is short and I dont want to spend it complaining about things I cannot change. The weather is what it is, so I dress and build my house accordingly. The easiest thing to modify is me and my attitude, not the people or society around me.

This surely must be an attempt at self-parody. If so, it's comedy genius. I don't think I've ever read anything more smugly self-satisfied.

You may find whining, complaining, criticism and putdowns to be admirable attributes but I do not. If being happy and satisfied with ones life is an inexcusable character flaw, then so be it. I am not going to apologize for my life. coffee1.gif

It begs the question, why do you whine, complain, criticize and put down in your posts so much here if you find it an such an undesirable trait?

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One of my hobbies here in Thailand is mountain biking. My approach to riding is very similar to the way I live in Thailand. I ride a high end bike cobbled together over the years of riding from aftermarket parts chosen for the way I ride.

I ride the most beautiful trails I can find and I ride them as is. I embrace the obstacles and imperfections. Sure I try to ride the smoothest most fluid path but I do not curse the challenges which I encounter. I stop to take pictures and enjoy the beauty around me. I have no thoughts about changing or modifying the trail. If I dont like a particular trail I find another one which I find more enjoyable.

In Thailand I try to surround myself with beauty and spend my time with intelligent, successful, worldly friends, mainly Thai, who speak softly and with a measured tone. Life is short and I dont want to spend it complaining about things I cannot change. The weather is what it is, so I dress and build my house accordingly. The easiest thing to modify is me and my attitude, not the people or society around me.

This surely must be an attempt at self-parody. If so, it's comedy genius. I don't think I've ever read anything more smugly self-satisfied.

You may find whining, complaining, criticism and putdowns to be admirable attributes but I do not. If being happy and satisfied with ones life is an inexcusable character flaw, then so be it. I am not going to apologize for my life. coffee1.gif

If I may interject here...

SoiBiker may be a tad harsh (as is his wont), but I'd say it's an opportunity for self-examination.

It is wonderful that you are happy and satisfied wth your life. We should all be so lucky and accomplished.

However...your apparent need to harp on about it a tad (just a tad) too often might (just might) be a sign that the person you are most trying to convince could be yourself. If (and only "if") so, that would be sad. If not, do carry on; I've enjoyed your blog and the photography therein.

Please buy my book:

One Minute Psychoanalysis by eMail--Anyone Can Do It!



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One of my hobbies here in Thailand is mountain biking. My approach to riding is very similar to the way I live in Thailand. I ride a high end bike cobbled together over the years of riding from aftermarket parts chosen for the way I ride.

I ride the most beautiful trails I can find and I ride them as is. I embrace the obstacles and imperfections. Sure I try to ride the smoothest most fluid path but I do not curse the challenges which I encounter. I stop to take pictures and enjoy the beauty around me. I have no thoughts about changing or modifying the trail. If I dont like a particular trail I find another one which I find more enjoyable.

In Thailand I try to surround myself with beauty and spend my time with intelligent, successful, worldly friends, mainly Thai, who speak softly and with a measured tone. Life is short and I dont want to spend it complaining about things I cannot change. The weather is what it is, so I dress and build my house accordingly. The easiest thing to modify is me and my attitude, not the people or society around me.

This surely must be an attempt at self-parody. If so, it's comedy genius. I don't think I've ever read anything more smugly self-satisfied.

You may find whining, complaining, criticism and putdowns to be admirable attributes but I do not. If being happy and satisfied with ones life is an inexcusable character flaw, then so be it. I am not going to apologize for my life. coffee1.gif

If I may interject here...

SoiBiker may be a tad harsh (as is his wont), but I'd say it's an opportunity for self-examination.

It is wonderful that you are happy and satisfied wth your life. We should all be so lucky and accomplished.

However...your apparent need to harp on about it a tad (just a tad) too often might (just might) be a sign that the person you are most trying to convince could be yourself. If (and only "if") so, that would be sad. If not, do carry on; I've enjoyed your blog and the photography therein.

Please buy my book:

One Minute Psychoanalysis by eMail--Anyone Can Do It!



Thank you and I will indeed "carry on".wai.gif

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Vote for ONE choice only.

However, you can CHANGE your vote at any time.

Simply click

(or the button under the voting list)

and then re-vote.

If you chose a NULL vote to just view the results without voting, you can still vote later.

Just do as above, Delete My Vote, and then re-vote.

All voting ENDS for this Grand Finale on Wednesday 30 December at MIDNIGHT

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The thing that riles me about Nancy is that, she is loved and respected where she lives. Without a doubt, and does good for the expat community.

But what has she added to TVF? Has she ever been on the Ladies Forum, In the Pub, on the Pets part, or even down to Bedlam to see my sooper dooper cat thread? I don't think so. Or i don't remember.

Whereas the others bop about, and add to the whole Forum - whether with humour, or song or advice.

That's what makes a POTY. Not someone who is blinkered in one area.

By the way - it looks like i may win Bedlamite of the Year!!! (BOTTY)!! I am up against some tough adversaries!!

I agree. She's a big fish in a small pond, but POTY should be someone who's had an impact on the forum as a whole.

Unfortunately, due to the failure to attract much attention to this poll, her small but loyal following is enough to have a major impact on the whole thing - and she seems unable to grasp why this might not be a popular move on the wider forum.

For me it's a likeabilty factor.....To vote for someone that's probably 50% of it for me......

We have the wise - the witty - the intuitive - the genuinely funny - the subtle - the obtuse - the ones that want to piss you off & the the wons that mske you want to think - the professional types along with the friendlies & helpfuls along with many other attributes woven into the fabric of the poster....

Some you have to give grudging praise to - some no attention at all.....

But somewhere along the way you have to like them....

That's where the candidate list falls short.....

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One of my hobbies here in Thailand is mountain biking. My approach to riding is very similar to the way I live in Thailand. I ride a high end bike cobbled together over the years of riding from aftermarket parts chosen for the way I ride.

I ride the most beautiful trails I can find and I ride them as is. I embrace the obstacles and imperfections. Sure I try to ride the smoothest most fluid path but I do not curse the challenges which I encounter. I stop to take pictures and enjoy the beauty around me. I have no thoughts about changing or modifying the trail. If I dont like a particular trail I find another one which I find more enjoyable.

In Thailand I try to surround myself with beauty and spend my time with intelligent, successful, worldly friends, mainly Thai, who speak softly and with a measured tone. Life is short and I dont want to spend it complaining about things I cannot change. The weather is what it is, so I dress and build my house accordingly. The easiest thing to modify is me and my attitude, not the people or society around me.

Fancy having this RAMMED down your throat. for years

Thats the Chiangrai Thaivisa forum

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One of my hobbies here in Thailand is mountain biking. My approach to riding is very similar to the way I live in Thailand. I ride a high end bike cobbled together over the years of riding from aftermarket parts chosen for the way I ride.

I ride the most beautiful trails I can find and I ride them as is. I embrace the obstacles and imperfections. Sure I try to ride the smoothest most fluid path but I do not curse the challenges which I encounter. I stop to take pictures and enjoy the beauty around me. I have no thoughts about changing or modifying the trail. If I dont like a particular trail I find another one which I find more enjoyable.

In Thailand I try to surround myself with beauty and spend my time with intelligent, successful, worldly friends, mainly Thai, who speak softly and with a measured tone. Life is short and I dont want to spend it complaining about things I cannot change. The weather is what it is, so I dress and build my house accordingly. The easiest thing to modify is me and my attitude, not the people or society around me.

Fancy having this RAMMED down your throat. for years

Thats the Chiangrai Thaivisa forum

Keep up the good work. The more you post the higher my numbers go.wai.gif

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One of my hobbies here in Thailand is mountain biking. My approach to riding is very similar to the way I live in Thailand. I ride a high end bike cobbled together over the years of riding from aftermarket parts chosen for the way I ride.

I ride the most beautiful trails I can find and I ride them as is. I embrace the obstacles and imperfections. Sure I try to ride the smoothest most fluid path but I do not curse the challenges which I encounter. I stop to take pictures and enjoy the beauty around me. I have no thoughts about changing or modifying the trail. If I dont like a particular trail I find another one which I find more enjoyable.

In Thailand I try to surround myself with beauty and spend my time with intelligent, successful, worldly friends, mainly Thai, who speak softly and with a measured tone. Life is short and I dont want to spend it complaining about things I cannot change. The weather is what it is, so I dress and build my house accordingly. The easiest thing to modify is me and my attitude, not the people or society around me.

Fancy having this RAMMED down your throat. for years

Thats the Chiangrai Thaivisa forum

Keep up the good work. The more you post the higher my numbers go.wai.gif

Don't worry

We will try harder next year

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For those who think Trans is a "mad rocker", you are right....laugh.png

But I do have another side....giggle.gif ....Think you all know what this day was and Trans doing his bit in Ubon....smile.png

attachicon.gifrememberance day.jpg

Alright....Transam once again on the high road!

Any news on your Victory song Trans?

Have you found a good one that will bring a smile to Jingthing's face?

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One of my hobbies here in Thailand is mountain biking. My approach to riding is very similar to the way I live in Thailand. I ride a high end bike cobbled together over the years of riding from aftermarket parts chosen for the way I ride.

I ride the most beautiful trails I can find and I ride them as is. I embrace the obstacles and imperfections. Sure I try to ride the smoothest most fluid path but I do not curse the challenges which I encounter. I stop to take pictures and enjoy the beauty around me. I have no thoughts about changing or modifying the trail. If I don’t like a particular trail I find another one which I find more enjoyable.
In Thailand I try to surround myself with beauty and spend my time with intelligent, successful, worldly friends, mainly Thai, who speak softly and with a measured tone. Life is short and I don’t want to spend it complaining about things I cannot change. The weather is what it is, so I dress and build my house accordingly. The easiest thing to modify is me and my attitude, not the people or society around me.

@ villagefarang, I don't doubt that you are a long time resident, or that you posses substantial knowledge of Thailand. But the above paragraphs don't read as those of a "wordsmith", but of a pompous snob........"spend my time with intelligent, successful,(natch) worldly friends, mainly Thai, who speak softly with a measured tone" <deleted>.....this is for POTY not The Pulitzer....if I were you I would stick with being a "Bon Vivant"..".with your house in a field with a view" etc.

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