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Report: Israeli windsurfers denied visas to go to Malaysia


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Some more info about the obsessive racist Jew hating in Malaysia. I say racist Jew hating because they explicitly admire Hitler ... and Hitler's brand of Jew hating was definitely racist.


Thailand is mentioned as well as being a "victim" of the Jews. Think about that during your next visa run. Yes, Malaysia is great place to visit (but you can't if you're Israeli) but there is a sickness there.

What a shame wt you visarunssad.png Atleast its a great opportunity to e a victim,againsmile.png

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Malaysia is a great place to visit. Just don't talk politics or be an obvious Jew. Yes a lady did spit on my face there for being American but stuff happens.

I doubt they care about Jews per se. It's Israel they have a problem with, like most of us, and most of the world. Just don't have an Israeli flag on the backpack and you'll be fine.

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Malaysia is a great place to visit. Just don't talk politics or be an obvious Jew. Yes a lady did spit on my face there for being American but stuff happens.

I doubt they care about Jews per se. It's Israel they have a problem with, like most of us, and most of the world. Just don't have an Israeli flag on the backpack and you'll be fine.
Bury your head in the sand if you want. Not sure who you think you're fooling. Yes Malaysians from the highest level do have a problem with Jews. They take Nazi propaganda seriously. I have thoroughly documented that here.

Better just to condemn that kind of racism rather than deny what is not deniable.

No it's not really a problem for identifiable Jews there because there are almost none there for it to be a problem.

Edited by Jingthing
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Good news.

There will be consequences.

The Israelis who were denied visas AND ALSO subject to racist discrimination are indeed very high level competitors. In other words, gold potential. You know, where national anthems are always played.

So the government of Malaysia, due to their odious racism, has not only been exposed internationally for being totally unworthy of hosting international athletic events, but also this current one they are hosting, they have basically ruined, as two of the quite probable top placers won't be there.


Malaysians investigated after Israel unable to send youth to sailing championships World Sailing President insists that the organization will not accept a situation in which one nation is unable to compete.

"World Sailing expects the organizing authority of its events to allow sailors from all nations to compete on an equal basis. This expectation is made clear in the bid process and is set out in the contractual documentation governing our events.
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Good news.

There will be consequences.

The Israelis who were denied visas AND ALSO subject to racist discrimination are indeed very high level competitors. In other words, gold potential. You know, where national anthems are always played.

So the government of Malaysia, due to their odious racism, has not only been exposed internationally for being totally unworthy of hosting international athletic events, but also this current one they are hosting, they have basically ruined, as two of the quite probable top placers won't be there.


Malaysians investigated after Israel unable to send youth to sailing championships World Sailing President insists that the organization will not accept a situation in which one nation is unable to compete.


"World Sailing expects the organizing authority of its events to allow sailors from all nations to compete on an equal basis. This expectation is made clear in the bid process and is set out in the contractual documentation governing our events.

You keep saying racism, when Jews aren't all of a particular race. It's putting over the top falsehoods like that about that turn people off your argument.

Malaysians may have a problem with Israel, but given the multi ethnicity of Malay society I doubt if any non high level Malay has a problem with Jews, as long as they don't parade around KL condemning Muslims. They are not alone with that either, as most ( not many ) peoples in most countries have a problem with Israel.

To be quiet frank, if Israel is banned from a sporting event in any country most people would be having a silent chuckle and thinking that that was justice. The days when most people supported Israel have long gone, and caused entirely by Israeli policy in the illegally occupied territories and against Gaza. While the world sailing president obviously feels obliged to comment, I doubt many give a monkey's, and I'd be very surprised to see any real repercussions. However, who knows- the US could be pulling strings somewhere, and something might happen.

Having been to Malaya recently, I can categorically state they have no Nazi style rallies calling for all Jews to be exterminated

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We've been over this too many times. Most in Malaysia have never met a Jew. Yet they are instructed by their political leaders, and Islamic leaders to explicitly HATE JEWS. In official communications. Now whether they listen or not, what difference does it make as there are almost NO Jews in Malaysia.

Is it safe for Jews to travel in Malaysia? Sure very much so, as long as it's not easy to tell they're Jews. Would it be advisable to walk around random neighborhoods in KL wearing a kippa and Star of David pendant? Duh. It's not safe to do that in much of the world these days.

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We've been over this too many times. Most in Malaysia have never met a Jew. Yet they are instructed by their political leaders, and Islamic leaders to explicitly HATE JEWS. In official communications. Now whether they listen or not, what difference does it make as there are almost NO Jews in Malaysia.

Agree that we've been over this too many times, so I'm out of here.

Till the next time on a different thread.

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In case anyone missed it, in Malaysia it's not merely about opposing Israeli government policy and opposing even the existence of the state of Israel (which is bad enough) it's about an OBSESSION with Jews. A very bizarre one in a country with almost no Jews. In other words ... POLITICAL SCAPEGOATS.

So please stop with this silly lie that in Malaysia it's just that they hate Israel. Sure, they hate Israel. Israel is thick with Jews. The official SCAPEGOAT of the nation of Malaysia.

In a way you have you to have to see the political brilliance of having a SCAPEGOAT for everything and that SCAPEGOAT isn't even there. That's a clean way to do it. They can get all the benefits of scapegoating, and the it's no big deal for the Jews in Malaysia either way. Because there aren't any!

Get it now?


Few Malaysians have laid eyes on a Jew; the tiny Jewish community emigrated decades ago. Nevertheless, Malaysia has become an example of a phenomenon called “Anti-Semitism without Jews.” Last March, for instance, the Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Department sent out an official sermon to be read in all mosques, stating that “Muslims must understand Jews are the main enemy to Muslims as proven by their egotistical behaviour and murders performed by them.” About 60% of Malaysians are Muslim.

In Kuala Lumpur, it’s routine to blame the Jews for everything from economic failures to the bad press Malaysia gets in foreign (“Jewish-owned”) newspapers.

Edited by Jingthing
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In case anyone missed it, in Malaysia it's not merely about opposing Israeli government policy and opposing even the existence of the state of Israel (which is bad enough) it's about an OBSESSION with Jews. A very bizarre one in a country with almost no Jews. In other words ... POLITICAL SCAPEGOATS.

So please stop with this silly lie that in Malaysia it's just that they hate Israel. Sure, they hate Israel. Israel is thick with Jews. The official SCAPEGOAT of the nation of Malaysia.

In a way you have you to have to see the political brilliance of having a SCAPEGOAT for everything and that SCAPEGOAT isn't even there. That's a clean way to do it. They can get all the benefits of scapegoating, and the it's no big deal for the Jews in Malaysia either way. Because there aren't any!

Get it now?


Few Malaysians have laid eyes on a Jew; the tiny Jewish community emigrated decades ago. Nevertheless, Malaysia has become an example of a phenomenon called “Anti-Semitism without Jews.” Last March, for instance, the Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Department sent out an official sermon to be read in all mosques, stating that “Muslims must understand Jews are the main enemy to Muslims as proven by their egotistical behaviour and murders performed by them.” About 60% of Malaysians are Muslim.

In Kuala Lumpur, it’s routine to blame the Jews for everything from economic failures to the bad press Malaysia gets in foreign (“Jewish-owned”) newspapers.

I suggest to you the internal systemic discrimination against non-Malays is of far more importance than government rhetoric aimed at Jews.

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They would be competing for Israel regardless the country with the star of David flag. Read the thread. The Malaysian obsession with Jews is well proven and Israel is indeed proudly a state with a majority Jewish demographic.

Which way do you want to have it?

On the one hand, you say Arab Israelis would be discriminated against because they are Israeli (probably true), yet on the other hand Israelis who are Jewish are discriminated against because they are Jewish rather than Israeli, just so you can play the antisemite card.

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We've been over this too many times. Most in Malaysia have never met a Jew. Yet they are instructed by their political leaders, and Islamic leaders to explicitly HATE JEWS. In official communications. Now whether they listen or not, what difference does it make as there are almost NO Jews in Malaysia.

Is it safe for Jews to travel in Malaysia? Sure very much so, as long as it's not easy to tell they're Jews. Would it be advisable to walk around random neighborhoods in KL wearing a kippa and Star of David pendant? Duh. It's not safe to do that in much of the world these days.

So why insist the athletes wear the Star of David?


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We've been over this too many times. Most in Malaysia have never met a Jew. Yet they are instructed by their political leaders, and Islamic leaders to explicitly HATE JEWS. In official communications. Now whether they listen or not, what difference does it make as there are almost NO Jews in Malaysia.

Is it safe for Jews to travel in Malaysia? Sure very much so, as long as it's not easy to tell they're Jews. Would it be advisable to walk around random neighborhoods in KL wearing a kippa and Star of David pendant? Duh. It's not safe to do that in much of the world these days.

So why insist the athletes wear the Star of David?


Why do so many Muslims wear a hijab.


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We've been over this too many times. Most in Malaysia have never met a Jew. Yet they are instructed by their political leaders, and Islamic leaders to explicitly HATE JEWS. In official communications. Now whether they listen or not, what difference does it make as there are almost NO Jews in Malaysia.

Is it safe for Jews to travel in Malaysia? Sure very much so, as long as it's not easy to tell they're Jews. Would it be advisable to walk around random neighborhoods in KL wearing a kippa and Star of David pendant? Duh. It's not safe to do that in much of the world these days.

So why insist the athletes wear the Star of David?


Why do so many Muslims wear a hijab.


They don't wear the hijab because they are Muslim. The hijab is cultural dress. Like Chinese women wear cheong sam and Vietnamese women wear ao dai.

It just happens to be that many of the countries in which women wear a variation of hijab are Muslim.

Muslims are only supposed to dress modestly, and in some countries don't wear any sort of dress denoting culure- don't even cover their hair, and that's not compulsory anyway. Even Christians used to cover their hair in ages gone by.

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We've been over this too many times. Most in Malaysia have never met a Jew. Yet they are instructed by their political leaders, and Islamic leaders to explicitly HATE JEWS. In official communications. Now whether they listen or not, what difference does it make as there are almost NO Jews in Malaysia.

Is it safe for Jews to travel in Malaysia? Sure very much so, as long as it's not easy to tell they're Jews. Would it be advisable to walk around random neighborhoods in KL wearing a kippa and Star of David pendant? Duh. It's not safe to do that in much of the world these days.

So why insist the athletes wear the Star of David?


Why do so many Muslims wear a hijab.


Irrational response.

Perhaps you have missed the points being made.

On the one hand, we have members saying that the Israelis should be allowed to wear their flag in Malaysia, while on the other hand, these same members are saying Israelis should not wear their flag in Malaysia.

So, it's not OK for Malaysia to say don't wear the Israeli flag, but it's OK to advise it yourself.

And all the while complaining, falsely, that Malaysia did not allow the athletes in to the country....which is spin. The visas would have been issued if the Israelis would have complied with their conditions. Conditions, mind you, that our esteemed member says are wise when it is he issuing the advice!

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We've been over this too many times. Most in Malaysia have never met a Jew. Yet they are instructed by their political leaders, and Islamic leaders to explicitly HATE JEWS. In official communications. Now whether they listen or not, what difference does it make as there are almost NO Jews in Malaysia.

Is it safe for Jews to travel in Malaysia? Sure very much so, as long as it's not easy to tell they're Jews. Would it be advisable to walk around random neighborhoods in KL wearing a kippa and Star of David pendant? Duh. It's not safe to do that in much of the world these days.

So why insist the athletes wear the Star of David?


Why do so many Muslims wear a hijab.


They don't wear the hijab because they are Muslim. The hijab is cultural dress. Like Chinese women wear cheong sam and Vietnamese women wear ao dai.

It just happens to be that many of the countries in which women wear a variation of hijab are Muslim.

Muslims are only supposed to dress modestly, and in some countries don't wear any sort of dress denoting culure- don't even cover their hair, and that's not compulsory anyway. Even Christians used to cover their hair in ages gone by.

A nice deflection, but asking a country to not fly their flag is the same as dictate what dress they wear, whether it is cultural or not.

Malaysia is very anti Israel and very anti Jewish. I've spent time there, plenty of time there.

They should not be allowed to have an international sporting event.

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Consider if you will that perhaps the Malaysian authorities were being careful regarding who they admit to their country.

I seem to recall an incident a couple of year or so back where Israeli military types entered another sovereign state on forged passport, many of those passports were cloned from citizens around the world without their permission. Once in the country the military types murdered another person.To be fair the Israeli's do seem have a certain notoriety in the passport forging and cloning field

Can't blame the Malaysian authorities for being cautious in who may or may allow not enter their country whatever the excuse may...




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Don't be daft. They are YOUTH athletes.

This case has absolutely nothing to do with what you're talking about. You know that too and clearly only posted it to inflame. Malaysia knows it too. Duh.

Yeah Israeli flags do freak out a lot of people in Malaysia. Why? Because their political and religious leaders have been preaching hatred against both Israel AND Jews in general for a very long time. It's bizarre because Israel and Malaysia are not in any direct conflict. OK, there are some issues, like I heard some Hamas terrorists trained in Malaysia. Fly a Malaysia flag in Israel and people will think you're opening a Laksa stall! See the difference?

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Consider if you will that perhaps the Malaysian authorities were being careful regarding who they admit to their country.

I seem to recall an incident a couple of year or so back where Israeli military types entered another sovereign state on forged passport, many of those passports were cloned from citizens around the world without their permission. Once in the country the military types murdered another person.To be fair the Israeli's do seem have a certain notoriety in the passport forging and cloning field

Can't blame the Malaysian authorities for being cautious in who may or may allow not enter their country whatever the excuse may...




You point out some truths, I well remember the disgusting NZ case. however in this OP I doubt it is the case.

Malaysia would have issued visas, but the Israeli athletes declined to comply with the conditions that were set. Reading members posts here, you may be forgiven for thinking that Malaysia banned Jews from entry....victim card spin and deceit and not the situation at all.

Oddly, Israel supporters on the one hand condemn Malaysia for setting those conditions, yet warn other Jewish visitors to actually follow those conditions! Bizarre.

The story is all about "We are victims of bigotry", yet they created the situation themselves by refusing to comply.

As sportsmen, they could have gone. Malaysia would have let them in, but no, they had to have a tantrum for the media.

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In case anyone missed it, in Malaysia it's not merely about opposing Israeli government policy and opposing even the existence of the state of Israel (which is bad enough) it's about an OBSESSION with Jews. A very bizarre one in a country with almost no Jews. In other words ... POLITICAL SCAPEGOATS.

So please stop with this silly lie that in Malaysia it's just that they hate Israel. Sure, they hate Israel. Israel is thick with Jews. The official SCAPEGOAT of the nation of Malaysia.

In a way you have you to have to see the political brilliance of having a SCAPEGOAT for everything and that SCAPEGOAT isn't even there. That's a clean way to do it. They can get all the benefits of scapegoating, and the it's no big deal for the Jews in Malaysia either way. Because there aren't any!

Get it now?


Few Malaysians have laid eyes on a Jew; the tiny Jewish community emigrated decades ago. Nevertheless, Malaysia has become an example of a phenomenon called “Anti-Semitism without Jews.” Last March, for instance, the Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Department sent out an official sermon to be read in all mosques, stating that “Muslims must understand Jews are the main enemy to Muslims as proven by their egotistical behaviour and murders performed by them.” About 60% of Malaysians are Muslim.

In Kuala Lumpur, it’s routine to blame the Jews for everything from economic failures to the bad press Malaysia gets in foreign (“Jewish-owned”) newspapers.

I suggest to you the internal systemic discrimination against non-Malays is of far more importance than government rhetoric aimed at Jews.

We can do with less of the 'suggestions' to help contributors fit inconvenient events into their pet narrative. The internal discrimination and anti-semitism espoused by UMNO is part of the same Islamist ideology and not an either/or which some wish to peddle.

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Jingthing. post # 113

There is religious freedom in Israel. Good that you noticed.

Strange though your memory seems to lapse concerning free movement of other races though.
Surely not being selective are you when commenting?..
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Jingthing. post # 113

There is religious freedom in Israel. Good that you noticed.

Strange though your memory seems to lapse concerning free movement of other races though.

Surely not being selective are you when commenting?..

20 % of Israelis are Arab. Projected Jewish population of Palestine? 0 %. 'Nuff said.
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Good news.

There will be consequences.

The Israelis who were denied visas AND ALSO subject to racist discrimination are indeed very high level competitors. In other words, gold potential. You know, where national anthems are always played.

So the government of Malaysia, due to their odious racism, has not only been exposed internationally for being totally unworthy of hosting international athletic events, but also this current one they are hosting, they have basically ruined, as two of the quite probable top placers won't be there.


Malaysians investigated after Israel unable to send youth to sailing championships World Sailing President insists that the organization will not accept a situation in which one nation is unable to compete.


"World Sailing expects the organizing authority of its events to allow sailors from all nations to compete on an equal basis. This expectation is made clear in the bid process and is set out in the contractual documentation governing our events.

You keep saying racism, when Jews aren't all of a particular race. It's putting over the top falsehoods like that about that turn people off your argument.

Malaysians may have a problem with Israel, but given the multi ethnicity of Malay society I doubt if any non high level Malay has a problem with Jews, as long as they don't parade around KL condemning Muslims. They are not alone with that either, as most ( not many ) peoples in most countries have a problem with Israel.

To be quiet frank, if Israel is banned from a sporting event in any country most people would be having a silent chuckle and thinking that that was justice. The days when most people supported Israel have long gone, and caused entirely by Israeli policy in the illegally occupied territories and against Gaza. While the world sailing president obviously feels obliged to comment, I doubt many give a monkey's, and I'd be very surprised to see any real repercussions. However, who knows- the US could be pulling strings somewhere, and something might happen.

Having been to Malaya recently, I can categorically state they have no Nazi style rallies calling for all Jews to be exterminated

Zionist are always trying to muddy the waters...helps to hide the racism at the core of their ideology.

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In case anyone missed it, in Malaysia it's not merely about opposing Israeli government policy and opposing even the existence of the state of Israel (which is bad enough) it's about an OBSESSION with Jews. A very bizarre one in a country with almost no Jews. In other words ... POLITICAL SCAPEGOATS.

So please stop with this silly lie that in Malaysia it's just that they hate Israel. Sure, they hate Israel. Israel is thick with Jews. The official SCAPEGOAT of the nation of Malaysia.

In a way you have you to have to see the political brilliance of having a SCAPEGOAT for everything and that SCAPEGOAT isn't even there. That's a clean way to do it. They can get all the benefits of scapegoating, and the it's no big deal for the Jews in Malaysia either way. Because there aren't any!

Get it now?


Few Malaysians have laid eyes on a Jew; the tiny Jewish community emigrated decades ago. Nevertheless, Malaysia has become an example of a phenomenon called “Anti-Semitism without Jews.” Last March, for instance, the Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Department sent out an official sermon to be read in all mosques, stating that “Muslims must understand Jews are the main enemy to Muslims as proven by their egotistical behaviour and murders performed by them.” About 60% of Malaysians are Muslim.

In Kuala Lumpur, it’s routine to blame the Jews for everything from economic failures to the bad press Malaysia gets in foreign (“Jewish-owned”) newspapers.

I suggest to you the internal systemic discrimination against non-Malays is of far more importance than government rhetoric aimed at Jews.

We can do with less of the 'suggestions' to help contributors fit inconvenient events into their pet narrative. The internal discrimination and anti-semitism espoused by UMNO is part of the same Islamist ideology and not an either/or which some wish to peddle.

True, though the furor over the Israeli sports team is a storm in a tea cup in comparison to the suppression of non indigenous Malays' rights.

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I suggest to you the internal systemic discrimination against non-Malays is of far more importance than government rhetoric aimed at Jews.

We can do with less of the 'suggestions' to help contributors fit inconvenient events into their pet narrative. The internal discrimination and anti-semitism espoused by UMNO is part of the same Islamist ideology and not an either/or which some wish to peddle.

True, though the furor over the Israeli sports team is a storm in a tea cup in comparison to the suppression of non indigenous Malays' rights.

Furor????? The only place I've heard about it is on TV. Probably a non event to most of the world.

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I suggest to you the internal systemic discrimination against non-Malays is of far more importance than government rhetoric aimed at Jews.

We can do with less of the 'suggestions' to help contributors fit inconvenient events into their pet narrative. The internal discrimination and anti-semitism espoused by UMNO is part of the same Islamist ideology and not an either/or which some wish to peddle.

True, though the furor over the Israeli sports team is a storm in a tea cup in comparison to the suppression of non indigenous Malays' rights.

Furor????? The only place I've heard about it is on TV. Probably a non event to most of the world.

Every brush-back of the Zionist State sends its T-V supporters to the fainting couch clutching their pearls.

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