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Donald Trump: Relying on, trying to control free coverage


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Donald Trump: Relying on, trying to control free coverage

JILL COLVIN, Associated Press

NEWARK, New Jersey (AP) — Nobody understands the power of the media on public perception quite like Donald Trump. The former reality television star and tabloid king, who has relied on free news coverage and social media to power his presidential campaign, is uniquely obsessed with how the news media portray his events.

Trump routinely orders news camera operators to pan the crowds at his rallies to show how large the gatherings are — and then chastises them, with disgust, when they fail to obey. His team has experimented with event setups, often placing groups of supporters on risers behind the candidate so that cameras can't miss the carefully curated faces.

He's fumed over television reporters doing live shots from empty auditoriums once his supporters have left. And on Twitter, Trump is one of the most prolific media critics, offering his live commentary on cable news reporters and analysts, lashing out at news outlets he feels have treated him unfairly.

The approach is yet another aspect of Trump's unorthodox campaign. As other candidates and their affiliated super Political Action Committees have spent millions of dollars on expensive television ads, Trump's campaign has reported spending just $300,000 on a sprinkling of radio ads. Instead, Trump has logged a whopping 22 hours and 46 minutes of free airtime from May 1 to December 15 on Fox News alone, according to a tally by Media Matters for America, a liberal nonprofit group. That's more than twice as much as any other candidate and more than some of his closest rivals, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, combined.

While other candidates spend their time at small-scale retail events interacting one-on-one with voters, Trump's campaign centerpiece is the large-scale rally, where he is greeted like a rock star by thousands of adoring — and increasingly boisterous — fans. The events are often held in arenas and convention centers, with crowd sizes that dwarf his rivals' rallies — a fact he is never shy to point out.

"Nobody gets audiences like I get," Trump said at a rally in Michigan on Monday. "We broke the record. And I don't have a guitar, no guitar. Elton John said, 'You get the biggest crowds in the world for a guy without a guitar.'"

Despite Trump's off-the-cuff, tangent-filled speeches, the events are meticulously staged. Reporters receive laminated press credentials that include the date and city. At one rally earlier this month, held in a private airplane hangar, Trump staged a dramatic entrance, pulling up to the open venue in his custom Boeing 757 airplane as the theme music from the movie "Air Force One" blared on loudspeakers. Entertainment has included live bands and DJs. Children are sometimes offered free helicopter rides.

The spectacle has created a legion of Trump fans who attend one event after the next to hear the candidate speak.

"This is better than a concert in the '70s," said Trump supporter Bill Kullander, ahead of a recent rally in Des Moines, Iowa — the fourth the 62-year-old had attended so far this year.

In Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Monday, staunch supporters mixed with curious onlookers eager to see the Trump show in action.

"I just want to hear what he has to say," said Jim Rhodes of Belmont, Michigan. "Am I going to vote for him? Probably not. I like to refer to this as the second comedy show I've been to in my lifetime. The first one was Tim Allen. "

Trump loathes the suggestion that his crowd sizes have anything to do with his celebrity status.

"Look, everywhere I go, I have crowds like this. Everywhere. Everywhere. We have the biggest crowds by far. Because there's a movement going on, folks," he said at a post-debate rally in Mesa, Arizona, earlier this month. "This isn't just like let's go and have a good time."

"We have a message, we have a message and the message is we don't want to let other people take advantage of us," Trump said.

Trump's events have also become popular venues for protesters, who have grown increasingly adept at causing maximum disruption. Their strategies have vexed Trump, who frequently complains about the attention they receive in news reports.

"Do you ever notice how few it is?" he complained last week. "We've got 9,000 or 10,000 people in here. They'll talk about one guy or two guys. Headline: Trump had pickets. They had like three people, there was nobody outside."

The charged atmosphere has also led to frequent violent clashes, with Trump supporters physically assaulting protesters at multiple events. At a recent rally just outside Las Vegas, Ender Austin III said he was assaulted. Trump supporters, he said, called for him to be set on fire. Another shouted, "Heil Trump."

"I've never felt so much rage," he said of the crowd.

Trump has grappled with how to handle the disruption.

"I'm trying to be really neutral. To one guy, I said, 'Get him out of here now! .... And they said the next day: It was horrible, horrible the way Trump talked to him."

At another event, he said, he'd tried to be nice, urging his fans not to hurt the protesters. "So the next day," he claimed the news media had reported, "Trump was off his game, he was very, very weak."

"So you can't win with these people," he complained.

This week, Trump tried a different approach, trying to shame his protesters with insults.

"Look at these people. Boy, what a bunch of losers," he said. "You are a loser, you really are a loser ... Get 'em out."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-27

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Such a lovely, warm human being.

I don't think he has it in him to go the distance to the actual election. As it gets closer to the election and the nation gets tired of his shtick, after losing a couple of primaries, he'll declare victory and bail. I give him another couple of months.

It doesn't matter who the Republicans prop up there. They're toast.

What a fun election. Fun like funhouse fun.

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CNN keeps sensationalizing Trump's national poll leads, but national polls are not how you become the party nominee. You get delegates state by state, and that's an entirely different matter.

If the Donald won the popular vote and a delegate overrode the popular vote to give their support to someone else they'd better have a helicopter on standby, move to another state and never come back.

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Such a lovely, warm human being.

I don't think he has it in him to go the distance to the actual election. As it gets closer to the election and the nation gets tired of his shtick, after losing a couple of primaries, he'll declare victory and bail. I give him another couple of months.

It doesn't matter who the Republicans prop up there. They're toast.

What a fun election. Fun like funhouse fun.

If your wish comes true and you get HRC in you will no doubt regret it. Obama is bad, but I hate to think of her really stuffing it up. If it was just the US I wouldn't care, but the US affects the whole world, ergo, she'll be stuffing up my life as well.

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Given anyone of a dozen or more countries around the world, Trump would have ended up as a harsh and uncompromising dictator.

Indeed. He can't help himself. He's just an undiplomatic, crass, uncouth, bully.

Sounds like that other clown, Bush the second. He got elected twice.

To be fair to the other clown, he was not crass or uncouth, just incredibly stupid.

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Pundits criticize Trump and the Democrats are trying to demonize him . The fact remains he is drawing huge crowds and the democtrats are worried if he goes toe to toe with Hillary come the election in 2016.

The truth of the matter is he is ruffling a lot of feathers and it needs to be done. I am tired of political correctness. We can do a lot worse if we elect Trump

Look what happened we elected Obama and ended up with a rotten Tomato

So lets give the other guy a chance. There are enough checks and balances in Washington that will keep Trump in order. So far the the other candidates and the Dems are offering up the same

crap we see every election year. Trump albeit a little abrasive is offering something new

Give him a chance

I will. Come election I have made up my mind as an independent I will vote TRUMP

Edited by realenglish1
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This week, Trump tried a different approach, trying to shame his protesters with insults.

"Look at these people. Boy, what a bunch of losers," he said. "You are a loser, you really are a loser ... Get 'em out."

"Loser, loser, loser!" now that's a creative insult if I ever heard one. To be on the receiving end of a nine-year-old's unimaginative slurs must be traumatic indeed. I prefer a president who can really insult someone!

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With Trump you know what you are getting. Crass, obnoxious, and uncontrollable. That

scares the GOP establishment. You don't get who you deserve you get who you vote for.

Trump is, who you think he is. I have no trouble with Trump. If that is who the voters want,

and elect nobody will complain about how he changed after her was elected. whistling.gif

BTW as a Canadian I don't get to vote obviously, but I find the US presidential election

the most and only interesting reality TV worth watching. I am fascinated by it. From the

candidates selection to the presidential election. Really interesting. thumbsup.gif

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If the man does get elected president I predict 3 things will happen for sure...amongst other events and developments.

He will not get nearly as much accomplished as he boastfully says / insists he will....

He will piss off and or disappoint the nation just as much or probably more than all the other presidents.

He will fall right into the hands of the manipulative Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve agenda while the Wall Street bandits will relive their former glory all over again with Trump at the helm.


Edited by gemguy
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Old white men who are scared to death that THEIR country that they have controlled for 200 years is being taken over by people who are NOT old white men constitute most of Trump's fans. Trump knows that and plays on all their fears that their time in the drivers seat is rapidly coming to an end. Even his motto, "Make America Great Again" plays into the old white guy concept that they and they alone are the masters of the universe.

How dare america elect a BLACK guy over John (i don't understand the economy) McCain and his trusty unvetted side kick Scary Sarah (look at my pretty red shoes) Palin...and then damn if America didn't reelect him again over Mittsy the Money man and Paul (shut it all down) Ryan.

Trump will make more millions sucking money out of pockets of old scared low IQ people just as Palin has done....and then both will go down as mere oddity footnotes in history.

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What's really wonderful is how much the media seems to detest him, but they give him so much coverage. Trump is going with the Kanye West theory of there's no such thing as bad publicity. Obviously the old leftist trick of calling someone a racist and getting them to back down doesn't work on a billionaire. Fwiw, I don't think Trump is any more a racist than your typical person, why? I just don't think he has time for racism. I don't think he gives it much thought. He's too busy making money.

Trump brings a lot to the table that the other lightweights don't. One thing that I like about him is that he unapologetic-ally demands excellence. The current narrative from the left is that if you aren't keeping up, it's not your fault. Rich people are out to get you, and you're being victimized. Hillary and Barack try to send the message that government is nice and will take care of you.. A nurturing mother, as Camille Paglia. Trump knows reality. He knows how ruthless the world is, as well as other world leaders. Whether or not he wins, his campaign won't be in vain. His message of speaking his mind is a breath of fresh air.

I watched the interview with Stefanopolous, and he seemed incredibly sharp. It's fascinating to me that people will be so focused on the 'he's a racist' , when, if you showed them that Hillary has some SERIOUS transgressions, mainly the Swiss Bank controversy with the IRS, and them donating money to her charity, and paying Bill 1 million to go speak, people still wouldn't care. Some how being a corrupt theif pales in comparison to 'he might not like mexicans that much'.


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CNN keeps sensationalizing Trump's national poll leads, but national polls are not how you become the party nominee. You get delegates state by state, and that's an entirely different matter.

If the Donald won the popular vote and a delegate overrode the popular vote to give their support to someone else they'd better have a helicopter on standby, move to another state and never come back.

I see it exactly the same. If Trump gets the popular vote and the delegates go against him he will run as an independent and the GOP will be toast any way. I hope he wins - enough with the Bushes and Clinton's also I do liked Bill a bit.

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Old white men who are scared to death that THEIR country that they have controlled for 200 years is being taken over by people who are NOT old white men constitute most of Trump's fans. Trump knows that and plays on all their fears that their time in the drivers seat is rapidly coming to an end. Even his motto, "Make America Great Again" plays into the old white guy concept that they and they alone are the masters of the universe.

How dare america elect a BLACK guy over John (i don't understand the economy) McCain and his trusty unvetted side kick Scary Sarah (look at my pretty red shoes) Palin...and then damn if America didn't reelect him again over Mittsy the Money man and Paul (shut it all down) Ryan.

Trump will make more millions sucking money out of pockets of old scared low IQ people just as Palin has done....and then both will go down as mere oddity footnotes in history.

Assuming you live in Thailand, I would really hope you appreciate what western civilization has accomplished. Curious, why is it ok to insult white men? If you replaced 'young black females' in the same derogatory sense, would it be ok? Interested in where the line is drawn.

It's funny how your post basically makes the statement that all americans are bigots, while also pointing out that Barack was elected twice.. Guess what?? A lot of white people voted for him, and they're not happy with the job he is doing.

Those middle class whitefolk are just too uneducated to know what is good for them! And fwiw, Trump does quite well with the most intelligent party : the Libertarians. Oh SNAP!!!

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Such a lovely, warm human being.

I don't think he has it in him to go the distance to the actual election. As it gets closer to the election and the nation gets tired of his shtick, after losing a couple of primaries, he'll declare victory and bail. I give him another couple of months.

It doesn't matter who the Republicans prop up there. They're toast.

What a fun election. Fun like funhouse fun.

Compared to Hillary, Trump is a" lovely warm hearted human being." Besides being inept, Hillary is less than truthful, foul mouthed, and down right dangerous. Actually, that is some of her more endearing qualities. Whoever the next president is going to be, it won't be Hillary.

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Old white men who are scared to death that THEIR country that they have controlled for 200 years is being taken over by people who are NOT old white men constitute most of Trump's fans. Trump knows that and plays on all their fears that their time in the drivers seat is rapidly coming to an end. Even his motto, "Make America Great Again" plays into the old white guy concept that they and they alone are the masters of the universe.

How dare america elect a BLACK guy over John (i don't understand the economy) McCain and his trusty unvetted side kick Scary Sarah (look at my pretty red shoes) Palin...and then damn if America didn't reelect him again over Mittsy the Money man and Paul (shut it all down) Ryan.

Trump will make more millions sucking money out of pockets of old scared low IQ people just as Palin has done....and then both will go down as mere oddity footnotes in history.

Assuming you live in Thailand, I would really hope you appreciate what western civilization has accomplished. Curious, why is it ok to insult white men? If you replaced 'young black females' in the same derogatory sense, would it be ok? Interested in where the line is drawn.

It's funny how your post basically makes the statement that all americans are bigots, while also pointing out that Barack was elected twice.. Guess what?? A lot of white people voted for him, and they're not happy with the job he is doing.

Those middle class whitefolk are just too uneducated to know what is good for them! And fwiw, Trump does quite well with the most intelligent party : the Libertarians. Oh SNAP!!!

I am an OLD WHITE MAN and understand all to well what Trump is playing to....never said anything close to "all americans are bigots".. Obama was elected TWO TIMES and has put up with crap well beyond what any POTUS should have to deal with.

Trump to this day refuses to even admit that Obama was born in the USA in spite of OVERWHELMING evidence that was even verified by Linda Lingle the republican governor of Hawaii who introduced Sarah Palin at the Repub convention. Funny how he never mentions Cruz birth story...now why would that be?

Like it or not America and the world has and is changing rapidly. As a country we can either embrace the new demographics or bury our head in the sand and long for the "good ole days". Western civilization has indeed accomplished much but western civilization is a melting pot of all races and many think our biggest strength is our diversity.

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Given anyone of a dozen or more countries around the world, Trump would have ended up as a harsh and uncompromising dictator.

Indeed. He can't help himself. He's just an undiplomatic, crass, uncouth, bully.

Whilst everyone else in the field is a diplomatic double talking douchebag.

Trumps main appeal us that he is not more of the same.

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I'm willing to bet that Trump is a delayed action dog whistle.

He's saying things no serious candidate could say and expect to get chosen, but it appeals viscerally to many. It's feasible he might just take the country by storm. But I think once he starts losing the primaries and bails, the media footage will morph to him congratulating and shaking the hands of the winning Republican candidate.

The message will be clear for US voters. It's how the Rep Rinos are trying to rope in the T-Party.

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Such a lovely, warm human being.

I don't think he has it in him to go the distance to the actual election. As it gets closer to the election and the nation gets tired of his shtick, after losing a couple of primaries, he'll declare victory and bail. I give him another couple of months.

It doesn't matter who the Republicans prop up there. They're toast.

What a fun election. Fun like funhouse fun.

Regrettably, none of this is "fun." For those like me we see no gaming here, only inexorable sliding into distress, the hijacking of America's democratic levers is horrific. (You should be equally horrified. Example: If Trump did win he would present as much distress to you as Obama does to those like me; for certain this would be a horror for those opposite me. This is not a formula for fun, or governing. Something very important is forever lost, and it is the middle. It seems fun because you are confident in a win.Ok, but does the fun remain should Trump prevail? No. Its all too very deadly serious now). However, I fear I agree with you about Trump (a bit). I do not like Trump but like most Americans, I think we are constantly offered the lesser of two evils. America totally has controlled opposition. It is now no different than Roman Games- "give'em bread and wine."

I dislike Trump least. He has certainly murdered less humans than those current and aspiring executives in the lead. Still, as you have noted, I find it hard to see him at the end of this journey. I hardly think Americans will get sick of his shtick as increasingly Americans rally less to him then he molds to the core issues sickening America. This difference is what continues to blind pundits.

"Such a lovely. warm human being." Of the main players either in power or running ahead for their party's nomination Trump stands near alone (Bernie too) among those who have not already murdered others, murdered Americans, or otherwise been applauded or manipulated death. "Warm?" Comparatively, yes! I will not go on because the OP is about Trump, but this "warm human being" point is laughable.

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A little reading about the wannabe fascist dictator. BTW he trails Bernie Sanders even more than Hillary (neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters) in polls of nationwide voters. I do find it a bit hard to believe that bat-shit crazy fundamentalist Cruz leads both Hillary and Sanders in the general election at this point. Long way to go and I hope Sanders pulls it out as he is the only decent human being in the contest.

http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/12/23/poll-shows-sanders-would-trounce-trump-general-election http://www.quinnipiac.edu/images/polling/us/us12222015_Uhkm63g.pdf

http://www.juancole.com/2015/12/ghouls-glossary-a-donald-trump-translation-dictionary.html http://action.mediamatters.org/r?u=http://mm4a.org/1PklDpx&e=6ae105ca0b382190a8a67970be516b0028e63558&utm_source=mediamatters&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=1224weekly1&n=9

I'm having problems at present re-opening some of the following so my apologies if they don't open.





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Such a lovely, warm human being.

I don't think he has it in him to go the distance to the actual election. As it gets closer to the election and the nation gets tired of his shtick, after losing a couple of primaries, he'll declare victory and bail. I give him another couple of months.

It doesn't matter who the Republicans prop up there. They're toast.

What a fun election. Fun like funhouse fun.

If your wish comes true and you get HRC in you will no doubt regret it. Obama is bad, but I hate to think of her really stuffing it up. If it was just the US I wouldn't care, but the US affects the whole world, ergo, she'll be stuffing up my life as well.

She'll be stuffing up your life? Try Metamucil, get some fiber in your diet

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Such a lovely, warm human being.

I don't think he has it in him to go the distance to the actual election. As it gets closer to the election and the nation gets tired of his shtick, after losing a couple of primaries, he'll declare victory and bail. I give him another couple of months.

It doesn't matter who the Republicans prop up there. They're toast.

What a fun election. Fun like funhouse fun.

Regrettably, none of this is "fun." For those like me we see no gaming here, only inexorable sliding into distress, the hijacking of America's democratic levers is horrific. (You should be equally horrified. Example: If Trump did win he would present as much distress to you as Obama does to those like me; for certain this would be a horror for those opposite me. This is not a formula for fun, or governing. Something very important is forever lost, and it is the middle. It seems fun because you are confident in a win.Ok, but does the fun remain should Trump prevail? No. Its all too very deadly serious now). However, I fear I agree with you about Trump (a bit). I do not like Trump but like most Americans, I think we are constantly offered the lesser of two evils. America totally has controlled opposition. It is now no different than Roman Games- "give'em bread and wine."

I dislike Trump least. He has certainly murdered less humans than those current and aspiring executives in the lead. Still, as you have noted, I find it hard to see him at the end of this journey. I hardly think Americans will get sick of his shtick as increasingly Americans rally less to him then he molds to the core issues sickening America. This difference is what continues to blind pundits.

"Such a lovely. warm human being." Of the main players either in power or running ahead for their party's nomination Trump stands near alone (Bernie too) among those who have not already murdered others, murdered Americans, or otherwise been applauded or manipulated death. "Warm?" Comparatively, yes! I will not go on because the OP is about Trump, but this "warm human being" point is laughable.

"I hardly think Americans will get sick of his shtick as increasingly Americans rally less to him then he molds to the core issues sickening America."

Always insightful, arj, Thanks.

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Old white men who are scared to death that THEIR country that they have controlled for 200 years is being taken over by people who are NOT old white men constitute most of Trump's fans. Trump knows that and plays on all their fears that their time in the drivers seat is rapidly coming to an end. Even his motto, "Make America Great Again" plays into the old white guy concept that they and they alone are the masters of the universe.

How dare america elect a BLACK guy over John (i don't understand the economy) McCain and his trusty unvetted side kick Scary Sarah (look at my pretty red shoes) Palin...and then damn if America didn't reelect him again over Mittsy the Money man and Paul (shut it all down) Ryan.

Trump will make more millions sucking money out of pockets of old scared low IQ people just as Palin has done....and then both will go down as mere oddity footnotes in history.

When you frame an argument in such a way, insinuating that right-leaning white men are all old, angry and over privileged, you validate a lot of people's perspective that left wing political correctness has run amok: Disagree with me and I'll slander you into submission.

I'm a white man--as is your wont to categorize me, despite the dozens of other qualities that define me as a human--and in 2008 I stood on a line a block long to vote for Obama. I thought, and still do, that McCain (and especially Palin) was completely out of touch with reality.

Since then, however, I've learned that neither party truly serves my interests. For example, not only did Clinton sign NAFTA, not long ago Obama himself signed another "Free Trade" deal. And if Trump can help reverse some of that economic damage, then I'll consider voting for him, however crass he might be at times.

Edited by aTomsLife
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