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Immigration Promenada One Stop Service 2016-2017

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3 hours ago, CMsojourner said:

Maybe you are. If not mean-spirited, then at times you have come across with a cavalier disregard for the helpful advice that others have taken time to send you. See your post #1951 where you quoted my preceding advice and began your response with “LOL”. You further dismissed it with your disparaging remark “All of this confusion and mumbo-jumbo nonsense of Promenada…”. Perhaps somewhere in the almost 200 messages you have posted to this forum over the last month you have shown a bit more appreciation when others have tried to help you. But that isn’t what I have experienced. Maybe you could start by showing the same courtesy that you seem to expect from others.

I just want to add this and then I'll shut up.


I just wanted you (CMsojourner) to know that I really do appreciate the advice you provided to me regarding the Visa Change process at Promenada.  Regarding Post 1951, I wasn't showing you disrespect and I'm sorry if in was interpreted as such. 


My somewhat cavalier response, "LOL as if things weren't already crazy with IMM at Promenada, this would really push things over the top! was simply referring to how the logistics of moving back to the airport would probably cause even more delays in getting things done at Immigration.  That's all.


When I referred to "All of this confusion and mumbo-jumbo nonsense of Promenada" I was referring to what many believe to be a deliberate action by the Visa Agents and Immigration officials to make procedures difficult and overly time-consuming compared with other regional Imm Offices, and therefore force people into using agents rather than DIY.  Whether or not that is true, I don't know, but it sure seems like it is to me, and so I have voiced that opinion.


Fact is, your replies along with most others were of immense value to me, as was everybody's patience with me when I questioned some of them.  I only did that becuase there were so many conflicting views from so many many people who genuinely sounded like they knew what they were talking about, that it became quite confusing, and I was looking for clarification.


If I didn't make my appreciation clear to EVERYBODY who took the time t address my questions, I want to now!


Anyway, thanks!

4 minutes ago, Kohsamida said:

I just want to add this and then I'll shut up.


I just wanted you (CMsojourner) to know that I really do appreciate the advice you provided to me regarding the Visa Change process at Promenada.  Regarding Post 1951, I wasn't showing you disrespect and I'm sorry if in was interpreted as such. 


My somewhat cavalier response, "LOL as if things weren't already crazy with IMM at Promenada, this would really push things over the top! was simply referring to how the logistics of moving back to the airport would probably cause even more delays in getting things done at Immigration.  That's all.


When I referred to "All of this confusion and mumbo-jumbo nonsense of Promenada" I was referring to what many believe to be a deliberate action by the Visa Agents and Immigration officials to force people into using agents rather than DIY.  Whether or not that is true, I don't know, but it sure seems like it is, and so I have voiced that opinion.


Fact is, your replies along with most others were of immense value to me, as was everybody's patience with me when I questioned some of them.  I only did that becuase there were so many conflicting views from so many many people who genuinely sounded like they knew what they were talking about, that it became quite confusing, and I was looking for clarification.


If I didn't make my appreciation clear to EVERYBODY who took the time t address my questions, I want to now!


Anyway, thanks!

You really are quite a good writer.  I'm sure EVERYBODY is very happy to have you on our esteemed forum. Please do not be so sensitive as we are genuinely trying to help you.  Bill's suggestion was just one of many offered as a possible solution to your post.  I am sure he meant no ill will by it and I don't understand why you would take it as such.  I would also like to suggest that when trying to sort through all the confusing and conflicting views that you try to be objective and not just attach yourself to another poster who you have a warm and fuzzy feeling for.  I also hope that you take this reply in the most positive way.  We are all here for you.   And once again please continue to keep us updated with your clarifications.  Good stuff !

30 minutes ago, rumak said:

You really are quite a good writer.  I'm sure EVERYBODY is very happy to have you on our esteemed forum. Please do not be so sensitive as we are genuinely trying to help you.  Bill's suggestion was just one of many offered as a possible solution to your post.  I am sure he meant no ill will by it and I don't understand why you would take it as such.  I would also like to suggest that when trying to sort through all the confusing and conflicting views that you try to be objective and not just attach yourself to another poster who you have a warm and fuzzy feeling for.  I also hope that you take this reply in the most positive way.  We are all here for you.   And once again please continue to keep us updated with your clarifications.  Good stuff !

I agree Rumak, and I apologize to you too.  I overreacted to your reply before.  I tend to do that sometimes I guess.  It's hard to judge someone's intentions from the written word sometimes and I guess I have to tendency to assume the worst when I should not.  Take, for example Bill's reply.  I read it as "Why don't you just go back where you came from" in its' worst connotation.  You're probably right, he didn't mean it that way (I hope so anyway) ?


As for trying to remain objective, I'm usually pretty good at that but in the case of Promenada, there were so many conflicting views by people who ALL seemed to know what they were talking about, so that became pretty difficult to do.  Nonetheless, point well taken.


I hope everybody here that might think I was being rude, arrogant or nasty in my own replies will understand I also meant no ill-will to anyone.  Truth is, I think most everybody on TVF is wonderful, taking the time to share their own experiences and offer advise that will help others.  TVF seems to be a community in the truest sense of the word. I want to contribute to that.

23 hours ago, NancyL said:

You should apply to use the "Priority Lane" for your very frail friend.  Perhaps you can go out to Imm. in advance during the day and inquire as to how to access it.  The rules seem to change from time-to-time.  You may need a letter from a doctor, but in general, if someone looks very frail, in a wheelchair, very elderly, Imm. has been pretty understanding about letting a friend request the "Priority Lane" for them.  At least they have in the past.  Things seem to have changed since Songkran.  New sheriff in town at the office.

Thanks, a decent answer. Guess it's not possible to predict the current wait time. Should have known better than to wade into <deleted> territory.  

13 hours ago, Kohsamida said:

I just wanted you (CMsojourner) to know that I really do appreciate the advice you provided to me regarding the Visa Change process at Promenada.  Regarding Post 1951, I wasn't showing you disrespect and I'm sorry if in was interpreted as such....


....Fact is, your replies along with most others were of immense value to me, as was everybody's patience with me when I questioned some of them.  I only did that becuase there were so many conflicting views from so many many people who genuinely sounded like they knew what they were talking about, that it became quite confusing, and I was looking for clarification.


If I didn't make my appreciation clear to EVERYBODY who took the time t address my questions, I want to now!


Anyway, thanks!

Thank you for your gracious reply and for your clarification in helping me to better understand where you were coming from in your post #1951. I also apologize for misinterpreting  your intent.


I trust that we all can find ways to best help one another on this forum such that it would be a benefit to all and helps to make living in CM (and dealing with Immigration) just a little easier.

  • Like 1
16 hours ago, JimGant said:


Please ignore the above.  It was from a day or two ago when I started to reply to a post of Jim Gant's and then thought better of it.  Others have done a better job.


Now to what I'd really like to say -- I, for one, am waiting with bated breath for Kohsamida's report of his actual visa conversion appointment at Promenada.  As mentioned by others, he's a good writer and also a keen observer so it will be a hum-dinger, I'm sure.  


Just an update for those who are curious about applying for a change of Visa (Tourist to Non-O) with intention to get 1 year extension for retirement at Promenada Mall.  This is my experience (yours may vary).  


Went in today (May 30) to get the "appointment to apply for a change in Visa" .  Showed up at 8:15am on 2nd Floor of Promenada Imm Office.  There were 4 other people also waiting for them to open doors .  By the time they opened the door there were about 20 people.  I was 5th in line to get a TM30 queue number (which I didn't really need it since I already had a stamped TM30 receipt).  If you do need it though, that would be your first step and all you need in order to get that, is a copy of of the receipt showing that your landlord/housemaster filed one on your behalf, and he/she should have given you one) so be sure you have that before you go to Promenada.  That, and your passport is all you really need in order to make the appointment. I also had a copy of the lease agreement which they glanced at, but I don't think you actually need it until the date of your appointment (but it doesn't hurt to have it just in case).


Anyway, the process was remarkably easy (as others on TVF had told me it would be).  Almost immediately an Imm officer asked me to sit at her desk, looked at my passport, noted the Tourist Visa expiration date, checked her calendar for an open date within 21 days of the visa expiration and offered me June 11, then allowed me to pick a convenient time; I picked 2pm.  


That was it.  Arrived at Promenada @ 8:15 and was out by 8:45.  


For those that want to know...All you need to do BEFORE applying for the appointment is have your passport with your current visa and departure stamp, and the receipt showing that your landlord/housemaster filed a TM30.  Arrive at Promenada by 8:15 which will get you a TM30 queue number low enough to quickly get your stamped, TM30 receipt (probably about 5-10 minutes).  Then, go to back of the office (last desk on left) where they set up the appointments. 


At least on the day I did this (Tuesday), there was only one other person there waiting to do a "change of Visa".  Not sure if that is typical or not.  You will be given an appointment, instructions on how to prepare for the appointment, and a blank TM86 application form (or TM87 if you have no current visa).


On the date of your appointment, you provide 2 copies of of the following:

* your completed TM86

* 4x6 photos (get them at TIAN, around the corner for 200 baht),

* lease / rental agreement for your domicile with signatures of landlord and a copy of his ID (usually included on most rental agreements in Thailand, but if not, make sure you have a copy of his/her ID)

* stampedTM30 receipt

* A Guarantor letter from your bank to verify you have at least 800,000 baht in bank.  The letter must be dated no older than 7 days previous to your appointment date)

* Copy of you bank book (all pages).  Must be updated the very day of your appointment.  Lucky me, my bank has a branch right at Promenada, right across from the Imm office on 2nd floor ?

* Copies of all pages of your passport, including departure card.

Remember, two (2) copies of everything!


BTW, there is a requirement that the source of your bank funds must be from outside of Thailand.  If you are using a bank book, each deposit has a 3 letter code.  Foreign deposits are designated "FTT" so if your bank book shows this code, that's all you need in order to prove funds came from outside the Kingdom.


Also note, there is the option of proving a monthly income in lieu of a lump sum in the bank but I chose the latter.


That's it!  Just wanted to share for anyone else that's confused about the process.  Also note, I think this information is only good for the next few weeks since Imm office will be moving back to the airport in July I believe.


And finally, my sincere thanks to everyone on TVF that helped me understand this process.  As most said, the process was a "walk in the park" compared with what you guys that are applying for long stay extensions most go through!  The Grab driver that drove me to Promenada this morning said she had been driving Farangs over to Immigration since 3am this morning!  Oh boy!, something to look forward to I guess.


  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Kohsamida said:

Just an update for those who are curious about applying for a change of Visa (Tourist to Non-O) with intention to get 1 year extension for retirement at Promenada Mall.  This is my experience (yours may vary).  


Went in today (May 30) to get the "appointment to apply for a change in Visa" .  Showed up at 8:15am on 2nd Floor of Promenada Imm Office.  There were 4 other people also waiting for them to open doors .  By the time they opened the door there were about 20 people.  I was 5th in line to get a TM30 queue number (which I didn't really need it since I already had a stamped TM30 receipt).  If you do need it though, that would be your first step and all you need in order to get that, is a copy of of the receipt showing that your landlord/housemaster filed one on your behalf, and he/she should have given you one) so be sure you have that before you go to Promenada.  That, and your passport is all you really need in order to make the appointment. I also had a copy of the lease agreement which they glanced at, but I don't think you actually need it until the date of your appointment (but it doesn't hurt to have it just in case).


Anyway, the process was remarkably easy (as others on TVF had told me it would be).  Almost immediately an Imm officer asked me to sit at her desk, looked at my passport, noted the Tourist Visa expiration date, checked her calendar for an open date within 21 days of the visa expiration and offered me June 11, then allowed me to pick a convenient time; I picked 2pm.  


That was it.  Arrived at Promenada @ 8:15 and was out by 8:45.  


For those that want to know...All you need to do BEFORE applying for the appointment is have your passport with your current visa and departure stamp, and the receipt showing that your landlord/housemaster filed a TM30.  Arrive at Promenada by 8:15 which will get you a TM30 queue number low enough to quickly get your stamped, TM30 receipt (probably about 5-10 minutes).  Then, go to back of the office (last desk on left) where they set up the appointments. 


At least on the day I did this (Tuesday), there was only one other person there waiting to do a "change of Visa".  Not sure if that is typical or not.  You will be given an appointment, instructions on how to prepare for the appointment, and a blank TM86 application form (or TM87 if you have no current visa).


On the date of your appointment, you provide 2 copies of of the following:

* your completed TM86

* 4x6 photos (get them at TIAN, around the corner for 200 baht),

* lease / rental agreement for your domicile with signatures of landlord and a copy of his ID (usually included on most rental agreements in Thailand, but if not, make sure you have a copy of his/her ID)

* stampedTM30 receipt

* A Guarantor letter from your bank to verify you have at least 800,000 baht in bank.  The letter must be dated no older than 7 days previous to your appointment date)

* Copy of you bank book (all pages).  Must be updated the very day of your appointment.  Lucky me, my bank has a branch right at Promenada, right across from the Imm office on 2nd floor ?

* Copies of all pages of your passport, including departure card.

Remember, two (2) copies of everything!


BTW, there is a requirement that the source of your bank funds must be from outside of Thailand.  If you are using a bank book, each deposit has a 3 letter code.  Foreign deposits are designated "FTT" so if your bank book shows this code, that's all you need in order to prove funds came from outside the Kingdom.


Also note, there is the option of proving a monthly income in lieu of a lump sum in the bank but I chose the latter.


That's it!  Just wanted to share for anyone else that's confused about the process.  Also note, I think this information is only good for the next few weeks since Imm office will be moving back to the airport in July I believe.


And finally, my sincere thanks to everyone on TVF that helped me understand this process.  As most said, the process was a "walk in the park" compared with what you guys that are applying for long stay extensions most go through!  The Grab driver that drove me to Promenada this morning said she had been driving Farangs over to Immigration since 3am this morning!  Oh boy!, something to look forward to I guess.


So basically what we told you to do then? ?

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Thailand said:

So basically what we told you to do then? ?

Well, yes ? you are indeed correct.  It was my own ignorance about the distinction between "change of visa" and "visa extension" that got me all confused. (i.e.: standing in line at 2am).  For an immigration noob like me, this stuff is incredibly confusing.  With everybody's help on TVF though, I'm getting better; really I am ?  So again, my apologies for sounding like a jerk. 

  • Like 1

Also, what we said about the TM30 receipt from your landlord/manager showing that they'd input the TM30 report online was sufficient, wasn't it?  No need to wait in the queue for the TM30 desk, right?  


I've never gotten the TM30 receipt supplied by my condo office "stamped" by Immigration, yet it's accepted when they look at it for my annual extension.  It does have a nifty red stamp from the condo office, so I guess it meets the Thai requirement that any official document must have a stamp, any stamp.  

3 hours ago, Thailand said:

So basically what we told you to do then? ?

Dear khun Thailand,

       We of the small screens would appreciate it if you wouldn't copy about sixty lines for your one-line comment.



6 minutes ago, amexpat said:

Dear khun Thailand,

       We of the small screens would appreciate it if you wouldn't copy about sixty lines for your one-line comment.

































  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, Kohsamida said:

Well, yes ? you are indeed correct.  It was my own ignorance about the distinction between "change of visa" and "visa extension" that got me all confused. (i.e.: standing in line at 2am).  For an immigration noob like me, this stuff is incredibly confusing.  With everybody's help on TVF though, I'm getting better; really I am ?  So again, my apologies for sounding like a jerk. 

555.  You haven't got your conversion yet.  They may be lulling you into a false sense of security.  They may discover some irregularity in your documents during your June 11 appointment, by which time there won't be enough days remaining on your permission to stay to correct the problem and reapply.  It's happened to people I know.


Don't worry, the visa agents can somehow work around the "21 day" rule.

1 hour ago, Thailand said:




Maybe just a snippet like this if you think you need it.  Just highlight it and click "quote this".

If you want to be a nice guy, that is. 

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, amexpat said:

Maybe just a snippet like this if you think you need it.  Just highlight it and click "quote this".

If you want to be a nice guy, that is. 

Isn't altering a post in that way frowned upon by the ptb (mods) as it may be taken out of context?


SO HOW should it be done?

Just askin.

5 minutes ago, Thailand said:

Isn't altering a post in that way frowned upon by the ptb (mods) as it may be taken out of context?


SO HOW should it be done?

Just askin.

I use little .... marks before and after the part I've snipped to indicate I've snipped and sometimes even note that I've done a snip if I think it's going to upset the writer.

  • Thanks 1

An off topic ramble has been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

3 hours ago, NancyL said:

Also, what we said about the TM30 receipt from your landlord/manager showing that they'd input the TM30 report online was sufficient, wasn't it?  No need to wait in the queue for the TM30 desk, right?  


I've never gotten the TM30 receipt supplied by my condo office "stamped" by Immigration, yet it's accepted when they look at it for my annual extension.  It does have a nifty red stamp from the condo office, so I guess it meets the Thai requirement that any official document must have a stamp, any stamp.  

I'm not sure about that.  I showed the receipt of filing that was given to me by the condo office to the Imm officer the first time I was there and he had me queue to get a stamped receipt.  It only took 15 minutes of waiting though.  So, at the appointment I showed them the stamped receipt not the regular receipt.   All in all though, the 2nd floor office was a pretty easy experience.

3 hours ago, NancyL said:

555.  You haven't got your conversion yet.  They may be lulling you into a false sense of security.  They may discover some irregularity in your documents during your June 11 appointment, by which time there won't be enough days remaining on your permission to stay to correct the problem and reapply.  It's happened to people I know.


Don't worry, the visa agents can somehow work around the "21 day" rule.

Oh no ?!   Just kidding. I think all of you guys have prepped me so well, that isn't likely.  But, then again...we'll see. 


Worst case scenario, if that did happen, couldn't I apply for a 30 day extension to my current visa to give me time to get a new appointment?  I've heard that those type of extensions can be done in one day.

On 5/29/2018 at 1:48 PM, Kohsamida said:

LOL, yeah, as in, "Why don't you go back where you came from?"  Why do so many people feel compelled to say things in forums that don't advance the thread at all, and seem only mean-spirited in nature.  I don't get it.  Have they nothing better to do with their time?  And a comment like that, from a platinum member.  I REALLY don't get it.  Am I missing something here?

That is really funny.  You make a post complaining about people who say things that do not advance the thread while you yourself add nothing to advance the thread.  Now boy, that is not mean spirited, that is just truth.


Yes you are missing something.  

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
9 minutes ago, Dante99 said:

That is really funny.  You make a post complaining about people who say things that do not advance the thread while you yourself add nothing to advance the thread.  Now boy, that is not mean spirited, that is just truth.


Yes you are missing something.  

I'm not really sure what your point is but I'm happy that my comment amuses you.

  • Like 1
7 hours ago, Kohsamida said:

I'm not sure about that.  I showed the receipt of filing that was given to me by the condo office to the Imm officer the first time I was there and he had me queue to get a stamped receipt.  It only took 15 minutes of waiting though.  So, at the appointment I showed them the stamped receipt not the regular receipt.   All in all though, the 2nd floor office was a pretty easy experience.

Frankly, what the officer had you do (go get one of the smaller Receipt of Notification forms) was entirely unnecessary as you were properly on file via the landlord's filing; regardless, now that you have the Receipt of Notification stapled in the back of your passport, Immigration will use that form to update if/when you re-enter the country to the same address (i.e., you shouldn't have any future need for your landlord's filing copy). 


Out of curiosity, what date did they place on your new Receipt of Notification form?  [I realize they typically put an Arabic numeral date and then the two letter abbreviation in Thai for the month....and I'm hoping you or somebody that can read Thai can advise of the date.  I ask because logically it ought to be the same date as your landlord's filing. If it was dated the same day you just got this new form, I wonder if a future officer might be confused about that given that your entry date was much, much, earlier.]

  • Like 1
21 hours ago, Kohsamida said:

Just an update for those who are curious about applying for a change of Visa (Tourist to Non-O) with intention to get 1 year extension for retirement at Promenada Mall.  This is my experience (yours may vary).  

Exactly what I was asking for, a recent report and a good one. Thanks a lot.  

5 hours ago, CMBob said:

Frankly, what the officer had you do (go get one of the smaller Receipt of Notification forms) was entirely unnecessary as you were properly on file via the landlord's filing; regardless, now that you have the Receipt of Notification stapled in the back of your passport, Immigration will use that form to update if/when you re-enter the country to the same address (i.e., you shouldn't have any future need for your landlord's filing copy). 


Out of curiosity, what date did they place on your new Receipt of Notification form?  [I realize they typically put an Arabic numeral date and then the two letter abbreviation in Thai for the month....and I'm hoping you or somebody that can read Thai can advise of the date.  I ask because logically it ought to be the same date as your landlord's filing. If it was dated the same day you just got this new form, I wonder if a future officer might be confused about that given that your entry date was much, much, earlier.]

Date on stamped form was the date that landlord filed his TM30.  

  • Like 1
37 minutes ago, cusanus said:

Exactly what I was asking for, a recent report and a good one. Thanks a lot.  

You’re welcomed.  That’s why I posted it.  I had a feeling I wasn’t the only one a little confused by the actual process.  Glad you found it helpful.


i do see two people on this forum over the past years 

have given me a ear bashing while  waiting at immigration  

one on god/ and one on care and clubs /trying to tell me i would be interested ?

so will they  keep the visa forum clean of self promoting 

  • Confused 1

Kosimodo....the more one slings his sword the more he bounces back.

And he has a princess to defend him as well.

I believe TV has the Last Samurai amongst us.


Sorry if this is off topic.    What was the topic again ??

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1

Went in to get my retirement extension and for the first time since I turned 50 the officer would not accept my US Consulate income affidavit without supporting documentation. Fortunately I live fairly close by so I drove home and printed the latest statements and circled the monthly income amounts. When I gave the 20 or so pages of printout to the officer he barely looked at it. He just kind of leafed through it and asked me to sign at the bottom of every page and stapled my income affidavit to the front of it. Seemed like a waste of a half hour, gas, ink and paper.


So what to do in the future? Maybe only report one piece of income that meets the extension income requirements and only put that amount on my affidavit. Then only print that single statement in case they ask for supporting evidence. It seems that simpler may be better and a low income may be more believable.

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